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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Monday, May 03, 1999 

The Littleton Massacre's Hidden Mind Control Connections
Part I

© 1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved


     So now we have it. On Saturday May 1, in outright contradiction of
dozens of eyewitness accounts, other evidence, news reports and in
contradiction of all common sense AND of their own statements regarding
the focus of their investigations for the preceding week and a half,
Jefferson County law enforcement officials announced that Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold "acted alone" in carrying out the murderous rampage at
Littleton's Columbine High School. Two "lone gunmen." No other
involvement, no conspiracy at all. Well isn't that just peachy. And
blatant, bold, bald-faced lying of the first magnitude.
     Strange indeed how a pronouncement of such significance on an issue
of such undeniable gravity was made at a date and time whereby it
received very little attention from the press: late in the day on
Saturday. In fact, the actual news item did not show up on our radar
screen until Sunday morning. Hmmm...

    In the aftermath of the murderous rampage at Columbine High School
in Littleton, Colorado, an avalanche of mind-boggling grief and
heart-wrenching tragedy will haunt the lives of many families for a long
time to come, as it will haunt the memory of a nation. Colorado's
Attorney General referred to the madness at Littleton as one of the most
tragic days in our entire national history, a sentiment many would
pretty much share. What's more, an avalanche of questions, fears and
doubts on nearly everyone's part about the madness at Littleton remain
fundamentally unaddressed.
     However one thing stands out very clearly in the days following
this horror. The news and information disseminated to the public by the
investigatory agencies involved in the case through the mass media is
now being manipulated extensively, and some of the most significant
information mentioned in the original news reports from the scene has
literally disappeared from all discussion of the events, along with
those individuals OTHER THAN Harris and Klebold who were described by
EYEWITNESSES as being directly involved in the murder and mayhem at
     I've been tracking the events at Littleton and subsequent numerous
indications of official coverup and disinformation regarding the
massacre at Columbine High School on April 20.
     Such a coverup can be easily demonstrated by analysis of certain
facts and information--in particular information in EARLY news reports
from the scene at Columbine that day.
     Proof now exists that significant information on the case is being
withheld from the public. As well, extremely pertinent information has
been pieced together regarding Eric Harris's past and that of his
father, along with numerous other unexplained facts and circumstances
regarding this  tragic, horrifying and ultimately deeply sinister
     Very strong indications have been uncovered showing this was a
covert operation utilizing a severely mind controlled subject, Eric
Harris, and other more senior operatives in carrying out an incident of
murder, mayhem, devastation and madness; engineered to have massive
sociological impact on the psyche of the American population and also
the world in general.
     On behalf of those whose lives were lost and indeed on behalf of us
all we must examine what really is and has been going on with the
Littleton massacre and subsequent coverup.

     As a coverup in the massacre at Littleton is undeniable, a good
place to look for hints to the truth is in the earlier news reports from
the scene of the event. All early news reports mentioned AT LEAST 3
gunmen entering the school, due to MANY, MANY eyewitness accounts of
such by students and faculty.
     A MAN, seemingly too old to be a student and NOT the person in a
white T-shirt identified by witnesses as throwing bombs or grenades onto
the roof of the school, was photographed being arrested and taken away.
All mention of this person has now vanished from the news and from
statements by any officials. This individual has NEVER been specifically
identified or referred to again by anyone or any agency investigating
this case.
     In addition, the person in the white T-shirt seen throwing
explosives is another individual whose actions and identity have never
been satisfactorily explained either and who has also now vanished from
all reports on the incident.
     The coverup now in place concerning the person in the white T-shirt
is that several days after the event it was put out that one of the two
"lone gunmen" (funny how they never said WHICH one!!!) took off their
black coats later in the day to reveal --amazingly enough--a white
T-shirt. Yet Mr. White T-shirt was seen OUTSIDE throwing bombs on the
school roof AT THE SAME TIME as Harris and Klebold were in their BLACK
TRENCHCOATS murdering people INSIDE the school!!! Thus another apparent
assailant/accomplice is explained away into nothingness.
     Furthermore, there are  yet other eyewitness descriptions of a
gunman murdering people inside who was NOT Harris, Klebold, Mr. white
T-shirt OR Mr. black-T-shirt, described as "not a student," very "ugly,"
with bushy eyebrows. So the UNDOCTORED news from Columbine High School
showed that there were at least THREE assailants OTHER than Harris and
Klebold involved in this "operation."
     And what about the 60+ bombs, the numerous guns, ammunition, etc.?
     All logic and reason would indicate that it would be virtually
impossible for these two alone to have brought all these materials into
the school undetected, so of course law enforcement officials said they
were "looking" for accomplices. My guess is that law enforcement, either
intentionally, or as a result of pressure, or as a result of being
completely clueless due to manipulation of events by other agencies,
will NEVER find any other accomplices--which evidence shows DO exist and
are not ONLY "Trenchcoat Mafia" members or even students at all, but
secret government MK agents.

     Noteworthy also is that regardless of how many were involved other
Harris and Klebold, the 67 explosive devices found in and around
Columbine High School went completely unnoticed as did the logistically
complicated task of positioning these devices. Unusually unobservant
personnel at the school it would seem, unless this represents further
indications of "inside" complicity and involvement on the part of
strategically placed operatives--one or more quite possibly staff
     Further, why did it take law enforcement personnel nearly THREE
days to
enter the school building? There is a distinct possibility that in this
period of time evidence could be tampered with, rearranged and tailored
to contradict and invalidate critical eyewitness testimony regarding the
particulars of the massacre.

     On Thursday, April 30, ABC News released the results of a poll
conducted the previous day. The poll had but one question: Do you think
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold acted alone at Columbine High? The results
were that over 83 percent of the respondents believe Harris and Klebold
did NOT act alone.
     One wonders why such a poll would even be conducted!
     What does it really matter what the public thinks? THE ONLY THING
and there is evidence which shows that, AS THERE IS, then get on the
case! If they DID act alone, then what difference does any poll make?
The fact that such a poll was even conducted clearly shows a intent on
the part of the covert government and their pawns in mass media to gauge
just how effective the manipulation, coverup and disinformation is
working in this case.
     On Saturday, May 1, the final lid was put on the coverup with the
following news item: "[LITTLETON, Colorado (CNN)] -- The two students
blamed for the Columbine High School massacre apparently acted alone and
it is not likely others will be charged in the attack, Jefferson County
District Attorney Dave Thomas said Saturday.
     'There is no positive, affirmative information at this point that
anyone other than Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were involved in this
event,' he said, referring to the April 20 shooting and bombing spree at
Columbine High School that left 15 dead."
     Interesting how this statement was made the DAY AFTER the ABC News
poll was released showing over 83 percent believed there were others
involved. I would refer Mr. Thomas to all the eyewitness accounts and
early news reports from Columbine High School to refresh his feeble

     There is blatant manipulation of information in the news currently
being doled out to the public about the Littleton horror.
     There are massive and glaring inconsistencies and oddities, loose
ends and unexplained discrepancies between the EARLY reports from the
scene and subsequent, "doctored" reports of the "official" story NOW
being promulgated here--and they demand an immediate response from any
and all official investigatory agencies involved in this case.
     Principal investigators at the Jefferson County Sheriff's
Department received a request for just such a response on Wednesday,
April 28. The Sheriff's Department has declined to respond.
     Perhaps one of the most blatant indications of official coverup is
the fact that neither the verbatim transcripts of documents retrieved
from Eric Harris's website, NOR the footage from Columbine High School's
security cameras have been released to the public. This fact is
literally screaming official coverup and disinformation: is anyone
listening? Why hasn't this material been made fully public? Very likely
because it would utterly disprove certain key elements of the "official"

     Further information indicates that Eric's father Wayne could well
have been more than a little involved in certain activities leading up
to the massacre AND involved in the material posted on what was
supposedly Eric's website. It also appears likely Wayne Harris was
involved in the numerous tests of explosives described on the website.
     Wayne Harris was stationed for many years at Plattsburgh Air Force
Base in NY, a location with a verified 18-level underground known to be
involved in mind control operations tied to MKULTRA, and other covert
operations. Eric Harris was born and raised at Plattsburgh, and the
family just moved to Littleton in 1996.

     I reprint here a portion of an email received from an employee of
an NBC affiliate TV station.
     "I was lucky to download the scanned drawings and "the book"
document from the AOL directory that allegedly belonged to Eric Harris.
MSNBC showed the drawings and also mentioned the document which was
"unreadable" due to the format in which it was saved. I saw that and
immediately went to the MSNBC chat room and asked the address and one of
the persons there gave it to me, so I downloaded it.
     "After a while, MSNBC said that the AOL account was going to be
deleted and that 'the FBI is analyzing the document which may implicate
the father of Eric Harris'...
     "I tried to view the document which had a .doc extension but it was
unreadable in Word 97.  didn't have time to check it out until Thursday,
and I finally got to it. Do you have that document? It is the one that
shows how to make the pipe bombs etc. The interesting fact about it is
that when you read the document it appears that it was no kid who wrote
     "I gave this information to the News department where I work. They
were 'amazed' about the true nature of the letter but when they finished
reading they 'threw' out the papers and didn't care a thing about it.
That was the reporter who was following the story! I don't know but that
is very suspicious. I sent the letter to the News Directory and I got
the same result. What is happening? Are they following a pre-defined
news agenda?"
      This investigator has in fact come into possession of the text of
the documents retrieved from Harris's website, cited above. The text
itself reveals some astonishing and heretofore unpublicized information.

     The drawings from the website which have been made public would
indeed seem to be the work of an adolescent: in fact they contrast
rather sharply with the generally proficient command of language evident
in the text on the website.
     The text, among it's rabid ravings and omnipresent, oppressive
litany of hate and devastation, also details ongoing, extensive,
thorough and methodical testing of various and sundry methods of mass
murder and mayhem, and additionally makes references to a group
cryptically referred to only as "DELTA"  as being involved with such
testing and research! There seems a distinct possibility this refers to
Delta Force-related operations. There are also references to problems in
carrying out certain tests due to some "war," and other references to
difficulties in procuring gasoline due to an IMPENDING war (apparently a
reference to something which hadn't yet happened and something thus
obviously unknown to most people--except someone with ties to the
[covert] government? In fact, perhaps a reference to impending military
action in Kosovo and the simultaneous manipulation of gas prices in the
     Overall I find a great number of indications in this material that
this is not Eric Harris's (or not only) writing, but that of someone
older. How could this guy have been carrying out the kinds of activities
here without someone, certainly a PARENT, knowing what the hell was
going on? And WHERE could all this testing have been done, no matter if
Eric or his father were conducting it? At a government-operated training
facility of some kind? There are references which could indeed indicate
a link to Delta Force training programs.
     Wayne Harris is also indicated in coded data at the end of the
document as the author of the documents, though that could be some kind
of default setting related to product registration or other files. Much
more significant is the extent of the research, preparation and testing
of various explosives cited in the website document.
     It seems rather unlikely that Wayne Harris's computer and software
could have been the only computer utilized in the creation of the
material for what was supposedly Eric Harris's website without the
father's knowledge; and if so, that Eric would have been so
extraordinarily careful as to leave absolutely no files, data or any
other clues to such apparently continual activity for his father to
     Of course it seems unbelievable as well that Mr. Harris could be
unaware of things like bomb-making materials and sawed-off shotgun
barrels lying around his son's room.
     As noted, Wayne Harris was a member of the Air Force for many
years  stationed at New York's Plattsburgh Air Force Base. Plattsburgh
has been known for some time as a site for covert operations, including
"psy-ops" and other mind control-related research. Son Eric was born and
raised at Plattsburgh--certainly a very likely and easy target for
covert mind control operations aimed at young people. Wayne Harris could
very likely have connections to other military and intelligence agencies
such as Delta Force.

     Wayne Harris now will not talk to investigators of the Columbine
High slaughter without a grant of immunity from prosecution.

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