From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

TWA 800 conspiracy, the Bilderberger's, CIA and drugs, a Maxine Waters,
Volume II sellout? All of this in The Progressive Review from two days ago.

I have underlined the part about Volume II.

The Progressive Review!?

The publisher of the Progressive Review - Sam Smith was at my lecture at the
home of Catherine Austin Fitts, the former Assistant Secretary of Housing
for George Bush, in Washington D.C. on May 3.

The government is imploding. Throw away your maps of left and right in this

Catherine forwarded this to me with the following message.

Sam has picked up on the Volume II story and the Impeachment....reference
again today. Interesting coverage of TWA 800.
-----Original Message-----
From:   The Progressive Review [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, May 11, 1999 10:30 AM
Subject:        UNDERNEWS May 11

By Sam Smith
May 11, 1999

The Progressive Review
1739 Conn. Ave. NW Washington  DC 20009
202-232-5544 Fax: 202- 234-6222

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send your  postal address with zip code. To unsubscribe, reply with the word
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They were careless people-they smashed up things and creatures and then
retreated into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was
that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had
made.-F Scott Fitzgerald
Here's enough of fame and pillage,
Great commander Jane!
Now that we've been round the village,
Let's go home again.

* From a Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Lewis Stevenson, retrieved by
Anne Heutte
People invented money as a medium of exchange to simplify trade. Now private
banks issue notes, created from nothing, as money. Governments impose taxes
to pay the interest on the notes. This public debt-money is then subject to
unequal distribution, scarcity, exchange costs, devaluation, inflation,
deflation and speculation. Included as security for the debt is the value of
Gross National Product that exploits labor and destroys the natural
environment. These conditions to the utility of money complicate trade.
Moreover they mandate the usury, consumerism, ecocide and wars that destroy
the quality and diversity of life."-John Pozzi
George Bush has moved into comfortable territory in California,
Massachusetts, and Michigan polls and has a 3 to 1 lead in electoral votes
based on our survey data. While Dubya is riding heavily on his unknownness,
the surveys still show a striking weakness for Gore. In the Senate, the GOP
could have two new seats with two races too close to call. And contrary to
his media-based boomlet, Bradley continues to run far behind Gore. In New
Hampshire for example, a survey found almost twice as many Democrats having
a favorable impression of Gore as they did of Bradley. One bright spot for
the Dems in the Senate: a late poll puts Spencer Abraham only 2 points ahead
of Debbie Stabenow. This in a state where Bush outpolls Gore by 12 points.
The latest developments in the TWA 800 indicate that for some period of
time, the FBI, CIA and BATF had dramatically different views of what
happened in the crash. The FBI is now being blamed for not having quickly
accepted the view prescribed by the CIA, BATF, NTSB and much of the media,
namely that the crash was due to structural faults, pursuing instead the
still highly likely possibility that the plane was brought down by a
The current extraordinary public attack on the FBI for having considered the
missile theory is another sign of growing institutional anarchy in
Washington. As generals take swipes at the White House for its Kosovo
disaster and the military blames the CIA for bad targeting information, one
gets the sense of being in the middle of the most dangerous game of office
politics ever played.
There are new rules. Consider, for example, that one hour after the House of
Representatives voted to conduct the impeachment inquiry, the CIA released
the declassified version of Volume II of the investigation into agency
dealings with drug traffickers, a report that seriously implicated the
Republican predecessors of Clinton. There are few if any parallels for such
a direct, high-level CIA interference in domestic politics.
Regarding the TWA 800 mystery, are some key points to keep in mind:
The open controversy is a sign of highly unstable leadership not only in the
White House but elsewhere in the government.
Major media outlets such as The Washington Post and New York Times have long
attempted to squash any consideration of a missile attack. The Times early
went after such a possibility as the fantasy of conspiracy theorists, even
though it is now known that among those considering such a possibility were
the FBI and the plane's manufacturer. The Post and Times coverage has been
counter-journalistic, aimed at suppressing doubts about the investigation.
There is at least reasonable evidence to support the theory that the plane
was brought down by a hand-held missile known as a MANPADS. The main
proponent of this theory-which was also apparently held by the FBI until it
caved to the government consensus-is a retired Navy Commander, William S.
Donaldson, who has collected an impressive array of facts challenging the
official explanation.
Key to Donaldson's theory is the eyewitness accounts of over 100 persons who
saw a streak of light moving towards the plane before it crashed. These
witnesses have been discounted, ignored, and ridiculed by law enforcement
and the media. They have been given a modified version of the treatment
experienced by the president's former girlfriends. No final judgement of the
cause of the crash can be made until the testimony of these witnesses has
been given a fair hearing.
The highly anti-FBI story was broken by the CIA-cozy Washington Post, which
suggested that the FBI's failure to accept the view of the agency, the ATF,
and the NTSB had delayed needed repairs to the 747s' central fuel tank. The
article ended with this gratuitous scolding: "Under Director Louis J. Freeh,
the FBI has been trying to change its image as the playground bully of law
enforcement, but the TWA probe is unlikely to enhance its reputation for
getting along with other agencies."
Here is just some of what Commander Donaldson has charged:
The administration knew surrogates from rogue states had access to MANPADS
or shoulder-fired missiles in mid-eastern weapons bazaars. $5,000 would
acquire the least capable model, the Russian SA-7. $50,000 would buy the
most capable, the Chinese Vanguard, a deadly new missile upgraded from US
Stinger technology transferred to the Chinese in the early 90's.
The administration was aware that, worldwide, MANPADS missiles had already
claimed 26 civil transport aircraft and it was only a matter of time before
a U.S. flag carrier would be targeted and hit. They knew the Maryland State
Police had found a fully armed French Mistral MANPADS missile ready to fire
on its tripod directly under a busy northeastern air route.
"We can provide testimony that immediately after Flight 800 was shot down,
Mr. Clinton called an FBI command post supporting the Olympics and informed
them Flight 800 was downed with shoulder-fired missiles."
"The White House, the CIA and the FBI political leadership have waged an
unrelenting disinformation campaign from the onset. This has ranged from the
White House spokesman stating, 'Anyone in government that says this was a
missile only has half a brain,' and to the CIA cartoon that libeled hundreds
of eyewitnesses."
At the NTSB Public Hearing in December of 1997, the word "witnesses" was not
even mentioned.
"We have access to 107 witnesses on 4 aircraft, 19 boats, and 31 locations
ashore. They were located in a 360° circle around the missile engagement.
Their live testimony alone will prove the aircraft was shot down."
"In December 1996, FBI missile team members told military experts that two
separate commercial fishermen dredged up and threw back a MANPADS first
stage, the missile ejector-motor can. The ejector motor, about the size of a
Coke can, fires in the tube, ejecting the missile, then drops in the water
when the missile 2nd stage booster ignites."
"The $5 million trawling operation was funded by NTSB, contracted to
civilian scallop boats through the Navy Supervisor of Salvage from 4
November 1996 until it was suddenly terminated on 30 April 1997. The
trawlers were manned 24 hours a day by teams of FBI agents. Up until 30
April 1997 the scallop boat captains had been told the operation would
continue indefinitely for months or even years. FBI agents got the word via
cell phone to shut down the operations. On two of the boats, when the
captains refused to stop until the Navy contractor on board told them to,
the agents threatened force to make the captains shut down. The first agent
backed down when the captain told him he would go anywhere at gunpoint, but
the agent could expect to be charged with piracy on the high seas when they
got ashore. The second agent backed down when the captain informed him that
he was armed also and he was the captain and they weren't going anywhere."
Is Commander Donaldson's theory wrong? We don't know for the simple reason
that no one in the Clinton administration, law enforcement, intelligence, or
Capitol Hill-and few in the media-seems to want to find out. We do know that
the government has responded to attempts to get at the truth in a deceitful,
harassing, stonewalling and illogical fashion, one that sadly has become a
pattern over the past few decades. Once again, if the government is not
covering up, it is certainly acting as though it is.
It is unlikely that you will hear elsewhere about what possibly could be the
most important meeting of important people this year. It is the meeting of
the Bilderberg Group, gathering in early June in Sintra Portugal. In fact,
the location of the annual gathering of the barons and baronesses of the New
World Order was secret until broken by Portugal's English language paper,
The News. Even in that country, and after the national press agency decided
to distribute the News' report, the rest of the media kept it a secret from
readers. Writes the News:
"A quick search of the internet on the single keyword Bilderberg, will bring
up some of the most extraordinary claims regarding the objectives and
activities of this powerful group of industrialists, financiers and
ex-politicians. It will also reveal many reports of the lengths to which
this organization will go to maintain full secrecy over its meetings. Much
of the information could be seen as scurrilous, even far fetched, with
claims that these people are part of what is described as the New World
Order. An hour or so of research will be enough to find the names of most of
the members, details of their past meetings and claims of what has been
discussed. It is not for this newspaper to become part of this speculation,
yet it is extraordinary that even in a democracy such as Portugal, the very
presence of what can only be described as one of the most prestigious
meetings of powerful men and women from around the world, could remain
unreported anywhere."
In this country, for a journalist to even mention the Bilderbergers is
considered evidence of paranoia. So far this year, once again, none have
taken the risk.
Media types who were guests
at the Bilderberg conference
and failed to tell their readers
or viewers what happened there.
Compiled by Parascope

Henry Grunwald
Mortimer Zuckerman
Robert L. Bartley
Peter Robert Kann
Katharine Graham
Jim Hoagland
Osborn Eliot
Peter Jennings
Lesley R. Stahl
Sharon Percy Rockefeller;
William F. Buckley
Joseph Kraft
James Reston
Joseph Harsch
George Will
Flora Lewis
Donald C. Cook
Albert J. Wohlstetter
Thomas L. Friedman
Hedley Donovan
Bill Moyers
William Kristol


1739 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington DC 20009
202-234-6222 Fax
Editor: Sam Smith

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