-Caveat Lector-
escalatpolitical tensions in Britain
>Conservatives tell Blair to mount ground war or prepare for defeat
>By Chris Marsden
>13 May 1999
I would not put any store in anything the 'Conservative Party' says as
it is extinct as a party in British politics.
It has no credible opposition - and in fact Supremo Conservative
baroness Thatcher is actually briefing Tony Blair on his moves.
She still carries more weight from the House of Lords than all of
Hagues rag tag non-entities.
The entire weight of British capitalism, then, is totally behind any
fiasco now brewing - and I'm sure that evryone smells the Baltic Gold
or the Oil pipeline or whatever.
When Alex Salmond, Scottish National party leader suggested that NATO were
wrong to bomb - the entire weight of the BBC and all Rupert Murdochs media
turned the man into a Demon - [which he may be] - but make no mistake,
the media mass news will create unity - and as far as I can see,
there is no division in the UK - simply because people don't know the truth.
Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh Scotland
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