Does anyone know the date of this?
Title: Have We Been Sold Down The River?
U.S. Flag 1777-1795




Clinton Policy Flag

Have We Been Sold Down The River?

- - UPDATE - -

<p>Resident Clinton has agreed to "postpone" the execution of E.O. 13083 for 90 days.   This is not a complete victory yet!  It can still be enacted unless he issues another executive order nullnifying it.  Keep the heat up!


There is a problem in our government.  This problem transcends our normal political parties.  We have representatives in our government that are allowing the Executive Branch to usurp the Constitution.  Since 1933 our representatives have allowed the President of the United States to enact laws without Legislative control.  Are we being sold down the river?

In 1996 our representatives passed a law that puts into place the National ID card.  We are slowly, but surely, mirroring laws in place in Russia and other countries that suppress individual liberties.

Recently <p>Resident Clinton signed Executive Order 13083 that all but removes the 10th Amendment from the Constitution.

Citizens of North Carolina, I urge you to immediately contact our representatives in Congress and the governor and demand that they protest and bring this insanity to an immediate halt. 

At the end of your message state "if you can't respond by e-mail, don't bother.  Quit wasting my tax dollars on postage."  If they come back with "the Congressman will only reply to constituents by regular mail" then cross them off  your list of people to vote for. 


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