-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Hall, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Lloyd Miller' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: [prj] Welcome

[Hall, David]  Good day, Mr. Miller:

This is a fine introduction.  I am excited to read more of your thoughts in
the near future.  A question and a few comments if you don't mind!

...May I ask your opinion on what purpose you suppose there may be in our
dwelling on the self evident (and therefore non-conspiratorial) Movement of
political history?  I've been doing precisely that for the last several
years and the progress I've made in changing the world -- let alone the
minds of a few people -- adds up to nil.  Perhaps your own efforts have been
more successful?

In an interesting letter to Dr. Jung from Miguel Serrano:

"A faith, a strong belief, sustained and repeated, can give birth to its own
life or form in reality.  The Marxist ideas and laws of economic evolution
are not really true -  but if they are believed and repeated again and again
throughout a culture without the opposition of a stronger and fundamentally
different faith or compelling belief system, then they will come to be real
simply because of the Will of a group of members who support them.  It is
possible that there is no Law of any kind in the world, and that all that
exists is faith in the idea.  That is what makes laws possible.

In principle, Toynbee is correct when he states that history could be
changed if man finds an appropriate reply (technique) to the challenge
(manipulation) of the current time (reality), and when he affirms that it is
necessary to use propaganda as a means of modifying the mind."

I think you've had recent discussion on this issue in another post?  Anyhow,
the above underscores in my own mind how practical mere belief is in giving
a sort of physical birth to an academic or psychopathic phantasm -- when a
substantial number of individuals, united through sheer Will, slavishly
sacrifice to its delivery.  Of course, the phantasm once borne into the
world through men's minds remains physically formless as logically it must;
and thus we define its religious quality and the reason for its so dangerous
- because entirely unimpeachable and physically unapproachable --  nature.
Then there is that little totalitarian socio-religious inspiration (or
biological instinct) in all of us that moves us (as a united herd, as a mob)
to demand compliance by others not sheepish and like-minded, lest we feel
helpless against or, paradoxically, envious of, these subjectively
anarchistic "threats."

Contemporary political scientist and historian Quigley's effluence troubles
me for several reasons.  First - his stature and theories, like those of
Freud in psychology and Bohr in physics and Hegel in philosophy, are deified
in many schools of thought.  And second, while I find the sheer depth of his
knowledge impressive, I have discovered many academic fictions and obviously
misleading statements in his books.

The obfuscation's are angering because they were made, not out of
intellectual naivete, but merely for the sake of political correctness and
social economy.  It would have been better to exclude commentary on
sensitive subject matter where the balls to stay intellectually honest were
missing.  Aside from his propensity to atomize every detail as though it
leapt forth reactively from "The Spring of Accidents" or spontaneously
evolved of a necessity by the caring political elite to "finally help the
beggarly serfs, too, toward a better way of life", Quigley leads his
audience and that is an unfortunate path to take, historically, for such a
potent scholar.

However his fictions I can agree to disregard: the man who lives the whole
of life inside an institution - even one of higher learning -- is
ill-equipped to connect the obvious facts and details of the outside world
with a fundamental glue, the causes rooted in the human experience of living
"out there"; even the wisdom of the life-long, unschooled farmer reveals to
him the fallacy of the social conjurer in imagining a benefit in the
security, stability, and guarantees that only a Machine can enforce; his
empirical experience demonstrates that government and the will of the swarm
- the abstract society animal -- squash individual achievement and, as a
consequence, bind up the human soul; the result being a society where the
worthless wretches - the rabble class -- either wallow away life as sewer
rats and gutter trash or, in the case of aristocracy, discover the joyless
satisfaction of new or forbidden sexual and criminal perversions.   However
to Academia, the Machine of government acts much like a drug "fix" -
providing a place of security and guarantees for the potential theorists who
spout the right kind of propaganda; the great minds who specialize and
extrapolate on the fictions of old minds, left to the outside world, might
discover the faultiness of their collective fantasies - and how far outside
reason those fantasies fall; the other academics - the lifeless professors
seeking an escape from personal responsibility - left to the outside world,
would starve.

And besides which - I think it makes sense that the academic should produce
a "more perfect" model for the world of man that looks very much like the
institution in which he spends all his time - only with a perpetual quality
even beyond the fraudulent nature of his institution.

Unfortunately, world events are not a mirror image (the upside-down
reversal) of the horror, psychology, and mindless religious sacrifice of the
totalitarian regimes realized by Associates "Stalin, Hitler and Mao"; they
are rather a continuation of the Movement, in the proper direction, of that
ancient recipe (or plan or dream), at a still higher order of magnitude, in
lock-step march, and troubling to think with an arsenal of more
sophisticated technologies than the mere "winged words" and heart-wrenching
religious tomes used by older ruling classes.

The face of the phantasm today provides sufficient cause for the individual
to justify raising that White Flag of surrender and agreeing to voluntary
shackles with the rest of his mindless species.

...unless there is still hope.  Do you suppose there is?

David Hall

-----Original Message-----
From: Lloyd Miller [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 5:39 AM
To: New Paradigms Discussion Group
Subject: [prj] Welcome

The genesis of this web page goes back about eight years. That's
when I began to horde information that hardly ever reached the light of day.
Since then, I've continued to clip newspaper articles, listen to obscure
radio shows in the middle of the night, and ask all the "wrong" questions of
my professors. I've also read a few books, and let's not forget the
thousands of hours spent in front of various computer screens doing God only
know what... I guess what I'm saying is that I have strong opinions, backed
up by strong evidence, and it's taken me quite a while to find the proper
outlet for all of this material.

I would like to establish a bond of trust in our relationship as
seekers on the path. In order to do this, I decided to devote the first
issue of this newsletter to making you all aware of my worldview, and my
biases. Everyone has biases. And the people who lie to you the most, first
tell you they're an objective source of information. So, no, I'm not going
to say that I'm objective source of information at all. I see things through
a conceptual lens, just like everyone else. But knowing, up front, what that
lens transmits and excludes can help the observer judge the quality of the
information being communicated. I'm making a point of doing this because
NONE of the corporate information manufacturers, who are responsible for
creating the vast preponderance of what we see and hear, make an overt
statement on what clouds their conceptual lenses. "Agenda?" they retort
smugly when challenged, "What agenda?" Few people seem to realize that all
media has an agenda, including this web page. And I'll tell you, without
equivocation, that my agenda is to inflame an already smoldering
intellectual revolution in how we all think about issues and our societies.
So, without further delay, here are some of the cognitive, ideological and
belief factors that contribute to the information I present here:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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