-Caveat Lector-

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 13, 1999
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gary Wilson
No one is talking about the huge profits being made by the U.S.
military industrial-complex in the war against Yugoslavia. These things
aren't supposed to be talked about.

Only six months ago all welfare payments to the poorest people in the
country began to be phased out because supposedly there was no money.

Now that a war is on, suddenly they've found money. The politicians in
Washington are fighting over who will give the most money to the
military contractors. The White House and the Democrats in Congress
first proposed an immediate payoff of $6 billion. The Republicans
quickly doubled the offer.

This is one side of the U.S./NATO war that's too hot for the big media
to handle. What they won't say is that war means big profits for
business. And, as has been said, what's good for business is what
drives Washington.

People across the U.S. have noticed that gas prices at the pump have
suddenly gone up, especially on the West Coast where prices have nearly
doubled since January. Are they supposed to believe that this has nothing
do with the war, with the U.S. military consumption rising daily at
astounding rates?

The costs of the war will be borne by working people across the U.S.
The soldiers put on the front lines in any ground war will come from
the working class. The elite, mostly white male pilots see the war from
20,000 feet up while the three U.S. POWs were working-class kids, the
troops of the U.S. military.

The war will also raise taxes of all kinds. The Republicans have even
dropped their demagogy about cutting taxes, with top Republican Sen.

Trent Lott saying that the coming Pentagon budget increases mean no
more tax cuts.

And there will undoubtedly be more cuts in social services that will be
declared necessary to fund the war effort.

War is really big business.

Consider the costs. According to the May 2 New York Times a single B-52
bomber costs $8,300 an hour to operate. The B- 2 costs $5,719 an hour, and
because it is based in St. Louis, every B-2 run takes 31 hours.

Every warplane costs thousands of dollars per hour to run. And there
are hundreds of them over Yugoslavia every night.

The Times report quotes a U.S. F-16 pilot saying that there are so many
and NATO war planes over Serbia every night, "it's kind of like New York
City traffic up there."

They've dropped so many bombs that they've destroyed almost every
strictly military target in Yugoslavia. Now they are mostly hitting
civilian sites, which the Pentagon generals in charge at NATO then
declare to be military targets.

The cost of the bombs is so high it's no wonder that there are cheers
in the corporate boardrooms. According to the Air Force general who
commands U.S. combat planes, Gen. Richard E. Hawley, the Pentagon has
almost run out of the satellite- guided missiles fired from B-52

Production of these missiles has now been speeded up to triple the
level before the war. At $2 million each, you can practically hear the
military contractors singing the Star Spangled Banner at the top of
their lungs.

It took two missiles to knock out a passenger train, killing 64 or more
people. It took another two missiles to put down a passenger bus in Kosovo,
killing 60. One missile hit the bus and another took out an
ambulance that was rushing to the scene.

The next day another passenger bus was blown to pieces. The Air Force
was more frugal this time, only one missile.

Of course, the war on Yugoslavia is more than just a place to use up
multi-million dollar weapons systems. That's just a part of what drives the

It is a showcase for the U.S. weapons industry. According to the head
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Henry Shelton, 90 percent of the
bombs used in the war against Yugoslavia are all new designs not seen
in combat before. For example, a new ultra-secret redesigned graphite
bomb was used to knock out electrical power in all of Serbia. According to
John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists, this will now become a
hot-selling item in the arms trade.

What's also never talked about in the pro-war U.S. media is that the
Pentagon generals are running the show. There's hardly a civilian in
sight. The media give some attention to the pronouncements of President
Clinton and maybe Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, but not too much.

All of the media reports come directly from the military, either at
NATO headquarters in Brussels or from the Pentagon, where Kevin Bacon
tells the media what they should report. Civilian sources for official
news in the U.S. have almost completely disappeared.

The military has clearly moved into control of the war and control of
foreign policy generally. Clinton himself practically acknowledged this
after the bombing of the Serbian television station, which killed some 20
workers in the building.

Clinton said that it wasn't his decision but that he thought that it
was right that he had gone along with it after the decision was made.

As industry, science and technology in the United States has become
more and more fused with the military, the danger of war has
continually increased. The ascendancy of the military has become more
pronounced as capitalism in the U.S. has become dependent on the growth of
militarism for its survival. This growth has not really decreased since the
end of the Cold War, despite what is said by those in Congress who are now
pushing to give billions more to the Pentagon.

At the same time, military spending is like taking a drug. It
stimulates at first, but after a while the effects wear off. Soon
bigger and bigger amounts are needed to keep up the desired effect. The
military itself demands more and more resources for its very survival.

If there wasn't a Yugoslavia to attack, they would have invented an
enemy to attack, which is practically what they did in this case

The economic forces of monopoly capitalism drive them to it. It's why
the only way to stop this war and future wars like it is to shut down
the Pentagon.


(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changin it is not
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