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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sifting Through the Rubble

©1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
The interview with Columbine High School student and massacre
witness Chris Wisher, along with other facts uncovered regarding the
horrifying tragedy at Columbine, provides proof positive that a far
deeper and vastly more sinister, terrifying, and threatening reality
skulks beneath the surface of that horror; profoundly more disturbing
than the incomprehensibly vicious murder and mayhem itself, and how it
may have first appeared.

You, me and our entire nation MUST pursue the desecration of
justice, truth, innocence and what remains of our Constitution as proved
by facts about the monstrosity at Littleton and the outrageous coverup 
being conducted in it's wake.

We must DEMAND the truth be known for the sake of our very future
-- which is in fact the well-being of our children; and on behalf of the
lives lost and the families shattered. The reality which operated behind
the scenes of the nightmare in Littleton threatens the foundations of
our existence so fundamentally that the "authorities" are attempting a
coverup in the face of dozens -- perhaps HUNDREDS -- of eyewitnesses to
the fact that there were a NUMBER of other participants involved in the
deadly rampage at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.

Attempting a coverup in the face of numerous photos, TV footage,
and news items showing other assailants being ARRESTED at the scene of
the mayhem that day, NEVER TO BE HEARD OF AGAIN.

"Authorities" have attempted to pull off this coverup in full view
of literally tens of millions of people; in particular those who get
their information from the mass media -- like MOST of us! Providing
assistance in this primetime coverup special (on ALL the networks!) was
an extraordinary performance from Mr. Al Gore; having the grace and
presence of mind to make SURE to don his SUBLIMINALLY LOADED
ankle-length black trenchcoat before delivering his positively reptilian
laxative of a eulogy to the severely manipulated crowd and viewing
audience at the "memorial" service for the slain innocents on 4/25/99. 

That would be the memorial service at which the truth about
Littleton -- already so gravely wounded, was supposed to be buried. 

My interview with Columbine witness & student Chris Wisher proves
CONCLUSIVELY and for all time that a coverup at Littleton is without any
doubt whatsoever in effect.

This is what was told to me repeatedly by Columbine witness Chris
Wisher and what was clearly implied by his father. Other gunmen were
DEFINITELY involved; and law enforcement investigators are coercing
witnesses into making their stories conform to the two "lone" gunmen theory.

I had an intensive initial conversation with Chris for about 40
minutes. He was absolutely clear and direct in his comments nor did he
falter or say things differently at different times. Chris is quite
intelligent and expresses himself and recounts his experiences very well.

Due to the extreme intimidation being applied to the young people
from Columbine High not only by having investigators coerce them into
NOT saying there were more than 2 gunmen but ALSO through the even
greater intimidation of having some of the gunmen back at class, back in
circulation, right "on the scene" to enforce silence, it seems an act of
sure courage for Chris or anyone else to speak out about what's going on.

I have contacted him a second time to clarify some points and ask him to
give my email and phone number to friends and other students who
were witnesses to the terrible events and are NOT being listened to by

The most important point to consider now, which I discussed with
Chris Wisher, is this. Why in the name of heaven would law enforcement
and mass media attempt a coverup here? Chris said that the only thing he
could think of is authorities don't want people to "panic", but we both
agreed that could not POSSIBLY explain the coercion of witnesses "behind
the scenes."

SO, why a coverup? Exactly the question.

I've thought of an angle such as a shooter being related or
connected to someone in law enforcement, etc. The thing is, we are
talking about dozens, perhaps a couple of hundred of witnesses to more
than two gunmen. It seems inconceivable that even an ATTEMPT at a
coverup would be made under such circumstances unless the stakes were
incredibly high.

Let's keep in mind the FBI has been very involved with the
investigation. Consider also that though the FBI is investigating the

However for the FBI to back a cover-up or allow one to go down,
obviously the orders must come from the VERY TOP OF THE CHAIN OF COMMAND.

I can't imagine the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department. trying to pull a
coverup under the FBI's nose(s) and I'm pretty sure the FBI would NOT
support any coverup based  on a reason like that. Of course I could be 

If it was a foreign based terrorist attack, it definitely involved
SOME (and that is WAY more than two) students as active participants--
which seems pretty unlikely to me.

Blackmail (to enforce silence/coverup) could also be a possibility
but again I find it unlikely the FBI would be blackmailed in a case like

Basically I can't conceive the FBI would support (or be FORCED to
support) a coverup UNLESS orders were coming down from the top, due to a
really serious, heavy duty connection to some VERY upper-level and
covert stuff.

However, considering the extraordinary degree of deception and
gameplaying in the Orwellian hell inhabited by covert
intelligence/military operatives, the FBI, at least the PARTICULAR
agents assigned to this PARTICULAR case, may well be playing things
completely straight and may be completely unaware of either any secret
government involvement in the Columbine Massacre OR of any coverup.
However they are not the primary investigating agency in this case and
do NOT have jurisdiction. 

The Jefferson County sheriffs are likely the ones enlisted to enact
the hard core aspects of this coverup -- and if or when enough truth
slips through the cracks, the plan is undoubtedly to let the local cops
take the fall: chalk it up to gross incompetence and unpardonable,
though "innocent" mishandling of the case in general by the woefully
unprepared and generally ineffectual local cops (shades of JonBenet
Ramsey!). Andy of Mayberry. 

I'm SO sure. 

My considered view after studying covert projects for a number of
years is that The Columbine massacres and ensuing coverup stinks to high
heaven of involvement and conspiracy at the HIGHEST, and more
importantly the MOST POWERFUL levels of government -- far higher than any
local or county/state- level involvement, corruption or connection.

That being the case, what kind of involvement and what kind of
"project" could we possibly be talking about here? Massive social
manipulation through utterly shocking, incomprehensible mayhem carried
out by our young people. These mass murders by youngsters as a social
phenomenon are absolutely unprecedented in human history. Those who carry
enact scenarios  such as Columbine, as well as such "operations" as the
Oklahoma City bombing, numerous political assassinations and the like
have been shown in nearly every case to be mind controlled "sleeper"
operatives. The only type of agency which fits the bill in implementing
such operations is a covert military/intelligence agency.

When you know, as I do, that our government has been involved in
covert mind control research and projects for OVER 40 YEARS, then the
type of involvement becomes more clear.

There is a tremendous amount of hard evidence to support these
statements. The methods used to create a "Manchurian Candidate" have
been in existence for a VERY LONG TIME. DRUGS (inc. Luvox, Prozac and
the like) and EM/RF technologies are only some recent additions to the
methods used.

There is a literal mountain of evidence proving the existence of
such projects; showing how "mind controlled" agents are utilized in
carrying out these  "operations"; and showing these unfortunate souls
are USUALLY "recruited" (ha-ha; more like kidnapped) at a VERY young age
and subjected to various forms of severe, carefully designed and
devastatingly effective mind manipulation techniques -- often involving
elements of "ritualistic" psycho-sexual abuse, drugs, EM/RF
technologies, virtual reality programming, and the like. The result is
the creation of a completely, separate, disassociated alternate
personality within the targeted subject; a personality wholly and
completely artificial, totally a product of what it's "masters" have
made it -- a perfect, completely obedient agent, of whose existence the
"host" personality is usually completely unaware.

This "alternate" personality can be the most ruthless, unfeeling,
uncaring, and inhuman being one could ever conceive of. Literally a
monster, a living robot, an automaton of death.

Reports indicate as many as TEN MILLION such "sleeper" agents are

Lest some think this is to be wild nonsense, be assured that there
is proof positive  of this; for example as a result of US Senate
hearings  in 1978 into some of the more infamous of these "research"
projects like "MK-ULTRA". This particular massive Nazi-type violation of
all human rights was conducted under the direction of the OUR CIA by
Ewen Cameron  in Montreal, Canada and other locations throughout the
1960s and early 70s. 

There was MAJOR mind control experimenting going on; including
dissolution  of memory and TERMINAL sensory deprivation! This kind of
evil is really pure Nazism and in fact this DR. Cameron OPENLY expressed
his admiration for the methods and ruthless tactics of the Nazi butchers
MANY TIMES!! What's even more incredible is that this demon was the 
PRESIDENT of the American Psychiatric Association., the Canadian Psychiatric 
Association., and the World Psychiatric Association. AND he was TOTALLY 
connected to
 the CIA and the NSA.

Based upon my knowledge of government mind control projects, the
tactic utilized and the agendas these projects hope to implement, I can
say with near certainty that: at least SOME of the other gunmen at
Columbine were not students belonging to the "Trenchcoat Mafia."  At
least SOME of these murderers were senior mind control operatives on the
scene of this carefully conceived and executed scenario designed to have
a tremendous impact on the national psyche; there to ensure that
everything went according to plan. Including the execution of Harris and 

UPDATE: 5/14/99
I have conversed further with both Chris Wisher on 5/14/99 and his
father on 5/13/99.

It seems as though Chris is being a bit "his own man" as far as the
interview goes. His parents are coming across as very reluctant to
either  talk to anyone about anything  or to openly criticize or
question the  tactics of the Sheriff's Department.

Dad said that as far as he knows investigators haven't closed the
book on the case and may thus be reluctant to say publicly where they
are actually focusing, which may be true: however, such would hardly
explain  the coercion of witnesses in private, a point he readily agreed
to when I pointed it out to him.

Chris indicated to me that he has not made his parents aware of his
conversations with me and may not do so, as they are not in favor of
speaking with the press, etc. Such is not the case with Chris. I did
clarify a couple of points with him. The girl he knows who saw the large
group (7-8 people) upstairs in trenchcoats with weapons was sure that at
least some of the group WERE other students. There remains the
possibility that some were not. Chris is sure that the individual he
witnessed outside in black trenchcoat with a shotgun was NOT either
Harris or Klebold. He also DID see both of them inside and they were not
wearing masks.

I asked Chris to pass my phone number and email around to people he knows
who were witnesses, whose testimony is not in line with the "official"
version, which he readily agreed to do.

We ask WHY? Why would there be a coverup? Of course that is THE
question. The only reason which truly makes ANY sense at all is that to 
some extent, in some way, there was involvement (in planning and 
execution) of this murder, madness and mayhem on the part of some kind
of official, governmental agency at some level of government or other.
Considering the incredibly shocking nature of the incident and the
number of witnesses, etc. it seems inconceivable that it could be any
other than an involvement by an covert, intelligence/military agency of
the FEDERAL government. These groups so often used mind controlled
agents to carry out their covert operations; incidents which are
conceived, "designed" and "engineered" to have tremendous SUBLIMINAL
and conscious psychological impact on the public; designed to shift and
twist some of our most fundamental concepts of reality -- in a
horrifyingly brutal way. There is MUCH evidence to show that this is
fact IS a common tactic used by these subverters and despoilers of
DEMOCRACY, who have hijacked our national government down the road to
one world totalitarian government run by a New World Order.

As a parent I am so disturbed by not ONLY the utter monstrosity
which occurred at Columbine but the blatant, flagrant manipulation and
coverup going on in the aftermath.

It's absolutely UNTHINKABLE what an evil, wretched business is
going on there now as indicated by the statements Chris made to me! That
these students, who have had their lives shattered in an inconceivable
way, are NOW being coerced by law enforcement to discard the truth, what
they saw with their own eyes! I mean, is this really real? Yes -- the
unbearable truth is that there IS a coverup going on, in broad daylight,
in plain view upon the very blood and graves of our lost children.

Part of what makes a coverup  work in such situations is the
tremendous resistance and revulsion any normal human being must overcome
to even focus ones attention on the terrifying facts of the Columbine
mayhem, let alone the raging evil while lies behind it. It's human
nature to want to avoid unpleasantness, and to accept an easy
explanation when offered -- by the mind-tweaking covert government and
their pawns and lackeys in mass media, rather than put any effort into
seeking the truth for ourselves!

Consider well and fully the implications of what Chris Wisher has said.

I urge all in the strongest possible way to do all you can from
where YOU are to change this around. FORCE the local media to open it up
again. It's your children and mine whose lives and future are at stake.
We must not let a coverup be implemented.  With so many witnesses to the
truth the efforts of all of us can prevent this.

Please spread the truth about what Chris Wisher has said to every
single person you can and urge them, as I've urged you, to think about
their children and all that we as a country, as a HUMAN RACE, have to
lose if this kind of coverup and conspiracy is allowed to stand.

It's our children; it's our FUTURE.    

©1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

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