-Caveat Lector-


<Picture: John Doggett><Picture: John N. Doggett>
<Picture: WND Exclusive Commentary>
The war is over


Two months ago, Bill Clinton and the leaders of Europe thought they
could launch a video game-like war in Yugoslavia that would be
painless, casualty free and quick. Ten thousand bombs later, the
political will to continue this senseless and tragic war is

Let me be the first to proclaim that the War in Yugoslavia is over.
NATO lost, Slobodan won. Oh, NATO will still drop more bombs, kill
more civilians and make more excuses. But anything that NATO does
from now on is only rigor mortis setting in.

Gerhard Schroder, Chancellor of Germany, says he will prevent the use of combat ground 
troops. Gerhard, who is also Chairman of the European Union, has uttered words that 
tell Milosevic that he has won.

Everyone knows that the air war has failed. Everyone knows that the Kosovo Albanians 
can't return to their homes. So if NATO can't use ground troops, NATO might as well 
stop the bombing and negotiate settlement with Slobo
dan Milosevic on his terms.

The Italian parliament has passed a resolution urging NATO to impose a 48-hour bombing 
pause after the U.N. Security Council passes a resolution outlining a peace 
settlement. A single " no" vote can kill any resolution of
 the U.N. Security Council. Russia and China are both members of the U.N. Security 
Council. Russia and China both want NATO to lose face.

This dirty little war has empowered Russia and China to reassert their power on the 
world stage. Russia and China will insist on a "peace settlement" that will be 
acceptable to Milosevic. The war is over my friends, and N
ATO lost.

Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema warned that public support for the NATO air 
campaign against Yugoslavia could falter if we attacked nonmilitary targets. Well, Mr. 
Prime Minister, you are too late.

We are tired of NATO bombing hospitals. We are tired of NATO bombing embassies. We are 
tired of NATO bombing homes, apartment buildings, busses and trains. We are tired of 
NATO killing innocent civilians.

We are tired of this war that we never wanted in the first place. We are tired of the 
big lie that if we just give NATO a few more days and a few more bombs, Slobodan will 
be broken.

The Butcher of the Balkans has won. He has kicked most of the Kosovar
Albanians out of Kosovo. Continued bombing of hospitals, homes,
bridges, electricity generating plants and factories seems nothing
less than mindless and wanton violence just for the heck of it.

Why can't Bill Clinton make the connection between the murders in
Littleton, Colo., and the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo? Decent law-
abiding kids and an adult died at Columbine High School because only
the killers and a security guard had guns. The same thing happened in
the 1991 Luby's massacre in Killeen, Texas. If law-abiding citizens
had the right to carry guns at Columbine and Luby's, few if any
people would have died because they would have had the means to
protect themselves.

We have seen the results of right-to-carry laws in Florida, Texas and
other parts of the nation. Nothing stops violent crime better than
allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves with guns.
However, Clinton, and now the Republican Congress, just don't get it.

The ultimate flaw in all gun control programs is that they assume
that criminals will obey the law. Duh. The definition of a criminal
is someone who consciously breaks laws. Criminals love gun control
laws. Gun control laws make it easier for criminals to abuse the law
abiding because the only people who will obey gun control laws are
those who don't commit crimes. When Bill Clinton promotes gun control
legislation, he is playing into the hands of violent criminals.

Kosovo is a perfect example of why Clinton's and Congress' dream for
America is a living nightmare. In Kosovo, only the police and the
Army had "legal" guns. When armed thugs told Kosovar Albanians that
they had only ten minutes to leave their homes, the residents were
powerless to resist. If the Albanians of Kosovo had our Second
Amendment right to bear arms, they would have done something other
than run when confronted with armed intruders. If the Albanians of
Kosovo had exercised their right-to-carry, most of them would still
be living in their homes.

Where does this all leave us? Ethnic cleansing is over. Milosevic has
cleansed the Kosovar Albanians. The KLA, a shadowy "terrorist"
organization that was supposed to rise and get rid of the Serbs once
the bombing started has been destroyed. Germany, the mother of two
world wars in this century, has forbidden the use of ground troops.
Without ground troops, NATO cannot prevail.

Let me say it again. The war is over. NATO lost. Milosevic and the
forces of ethnic cleansing have won. No one, not Milosevic, not
Clinton, will be held accountable by the courts for the slaughter of
innocents and the needless destruction of Yugoslavia.

However, they can't escape another court. Because God will judge each
of us when our time on this planet is up. Those "leaders" who
orchestrated this needless, tragic, and savage war will be held
accountable by the only power that counts. And God doesn't care what
the definition of the word "is" is.


John Doggett is a management consultant, lawyer, and business school
professor who lives in Austin, Texas. Talkers Magazine has selected
John as one of the 100 Most Influential Radio Talk Show Hosts in
America. Headway Magazine has selected John as one of the 20 Most
Influential Black Conservatives in America.

© 1999 Western Journalism Center

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