-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.21/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 21
Laissez Faire City Times
May 24, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 21
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
On Horse Races, Absolutes, Red Pens, and Humility

by Robert L. Kocher

In a recent article I argued that real world truth was much like the red
pen I was holding in my hand, and that the existence of the red pen was
the strongest possible argument for its existence. I implicitly argued
that truth is based upon reality and absolutes. Some readers argued with
me by saying evaluations based upon such simple perceptions and physical
facts were not always possible.

Maybe so. Maybe not.

Occasionally one meets someone who restores a sense of humility in one's
life. I have met several such in my lifetime. I had a friend whose mind
functioned like something out of science fiction. He drove his wife to
distraction because he would throw out the phone books. He didn't need
them because he had already seen them. In so doing, he had memorized any
number he ever expected to use. He wore a watch because people expected
him to wear one. In fact, he knew the time of day within two or three
minutes without need of a watch or clock. It wasn't a matter of him
compulsively counting hours and seconds. It was as if there was a
subconscious clock inside his head that he could refer to at will, but
was not an intrusion, or even in his awareness, when he didn't need it.
He knew the daily weather conditions in diverse parts of the country
going back four years.

There are people capable of intimidating feats of memory. Many of them
seem to come from California and appear on TV as motivational speakers
selling some kind of self-development program or something similar.
Graduate schools and college faculties abound with people whose academic
achievements are based primarily on memory. What one often sees is
people who have phenomenal memories that they parade as showpieces, but
who don't seem to think accurately, productively, or creatively.
However, this man could think and reason with absolute uncontaminated

Through study, he become one of the nation's best thoroughbred race
horse handicappers. He knew the breeding of any thoroughbred back almost
to the time of Hammurabi. He knew what horses had beaten other horses
with the same blood lines in hundreds of races. He was able to bet what
are called maiden claiming races and win with regularity. Maiden
claimers are races between horses that have either not raced before or
have never won a race and who, hence, have no record to go on except
knowledge of their breeding. That makes the races difficult to predict
and brings the odds up. For the best handicappers in the business,
that's where the challenge and money is. Few people can do it.

A good handicapper seldom bets favorites or easy races. He looks for
difficult races and long odds that other people miss. He never bets
large sums of money. Anyone who bets more than 20 dollars on a race is
an amateur. This man would, quite consistently, betting only small sums
of money, quietly win from $200 to $15,000 per day at the race track
while experienced people around him floundered around in confusion
complaining the races must be fixed, that the horses aren't running
right, you can't bet horses and win, horses are unpredictable, and so
forth. Many of them have developed "systems" which don't work. Although
they do poorly, they still rationalize their systems work, but somehow
things just go wrong.

Things don't go that far wrong. The fact is, horses, like everything
else, are absolutes. There is an absolute lawfulness, an absolute cause
and effect, absolute consequences, to how they run. There is little
ambiguity involved in horse races. This man was intelligent enough to
have figured out those absolute principles of horse races. He'd spend
the night studying a racing form. The next day he'd go to the races and
win, often not bothering to see the final races finish or cash in
winning tickets. Occasionally something would intervene, such as a horse
breaking a leg or a jockey falling off. But, on the average, he'd hit it

To that man, the future outcome of a horse race was often as observable
to him as the red pen in my hand.

The argument then becomes: if he was that good why wasn't he a
millionaire. The answer is, he was.

Absolutes vs. Self-Deception

Ambiguity and difficulty are not qualities of events. They are
face-saving terms we assign to events as white lies to hide our
humiliating limitations from ourselves when the basic principles or the
complexities of events are beyond our abilities. To declare that there
are no absolutes is an arrogant exercise in denial of one's own
limitations. People attribute their own shortcomings or desires to
events rather than to themselves. People would rather attribute their
poor performance at the track to the horses than to the way they
analyzed and bet the race.

All reality is absolute. The entire universe is a horse race. Psychology
is a horse race. Anthropology is a horse race. Economics is a horse
race. The use and effects of recreational drugs is a horse race.
Personal values are a horse race. Morality is a horse race. There are
predictable consequences in each of these areas. They are all absolutes.
When you make choices in any of these areas, there are predictable
consequences that follow. To some people those relationships are as
observable as my red pen.

A person's belief in, and perception of, absolutes is dependent upon his
intellectual ability, and his inclination to accept existence of those
absolutes, interacting with the body of previously developed knowledge
that need not be recapitulated from scratch, or that can be utilized,
before making a decision. Thus, an intelligent and well-read mind need
not recapitulate the years of work of Newton, Maxwell, Mendeleev, or
Freud to attain knowledge at that level, but can begin with that level
of knowledge to further his own level of absolute comprehension.

Before we go overboard on this, human beings are not omnipotent and
there are reasonable limits of expectation. With some frequency
lightening will hit a racetrack because of the open space and electrical
attraction of the high overhead lighting system. This frightens the
horses and jockeys, and changes the outcome of the race. Theoretically,
it is possible to know exactly when that bolt is going to hit the track.
In the practical real world it's not reasonable to expect someone to
know that without having the nearly the power of god. In the
non-neurotic real world a person must recognize their own personal
limits, and recognize the practical boundaries of cognitive
possibilities. Life isn't like in the movies where an absolutely perfect
all-knowing Sherlock Holmes faces off against an absolutely perfect
all-knowing Moriarty.

Having said that, let us look at some general principles.

Relative Stupidity

The stupider a person is, the less he believes in absolutes and the
fewer consequences he is able to predict. That is why fools never know
what to do or what's going to happen, or often, what has happened.
Conversely, the brighter a person is, the more absolutes and
consequences he can see. That's why brighter people accomplish more and
stay out of trouble more. Disbelief in absolutes is the mark of the
unintelligent. It's almost the definition of a dummy. Dummies never know
what is happening or what is going to happen.


That last paragraph is completely contrary to everything we have been
told or have heard for much of this century, especially from liberals.
Certainly, for the last nearly 40 years the war cry among certified
intellectuals has been, "There are no absolutes," This is in strange
contradiction to what I would expect someone of intellect to say. I used
to believe the purpose of knowledge is to enable perception and
utilization of absolutes. In recent periods the purpose of education has
been to achieve the opposite condition. Over the years I have struggled
to find an explanation.

In the first place, who are intellectuals and how do they become
established as intellectuals? Has anyone ever questioned this? Maybe
it's time we did.

In the 60s and 70s Gore Vidal would write books and appear night after
night on late night TV talk shows as an intellectual. Although he had a
verbal fluency, my impression was that he was childish, and conceited
over his power to remain childish, to the point of nausea. It's as if
his mommy patted him on the head for being a cute child and he still
carried that image in his mind and took confidence in it long after he
should have passed into manhood. I wouldn't think any person of stature
and mature frame of reference would tolerate being in the same room with
him for any period. Eleanor Clift, and others like her, seem to glory in
the attention achieved by being irritatingly oppositional. One time
Kennedy advisor Arthur Schlesinger Jr., and others like him, impress me
as having developed mentalities that recite empty jargon irrelevant to
reality. That he was ever an advisor to anybody is frightening. Night
after night I see people on TV, or I read about books, or I hear
pronouncements from supposed university educators, who are complete
goofs. Why aren't these people dismissed as fools instead of being
hailed as intellectuals?

To be certain, there are a few magnificent minds such as Solzhenitsyn
 who should be classified as true intellectual giants. Solzhenitsyn was
more liked by American intellectuals from a distance where he could be
romanticized as paralleling their own view of themselves as
intellectuals suffering for truth, than he was after coming over here
where soft Americans were faced with the hard content of his mind. When
the intellectual establishment found he was a man instead of a fop, he
didn't fit in. Virtually none of the people I view as intelligent or
insightful are viewed enthusiastically by the intellectual

An "Intellectual" and His Mommy

On the average, I don't like what are proclaimed to be intellectuals and
I don't want them around me. They are typically immature, boring,
demanding, and an annoyance. In forty years I have not found any of them
apparently living in the same solar system I live in. Whatever it is
they are describing and the logic they are using to justify it sure as
hell doesn't exist on the planet I live on. They are absolutely wrong
about everything and believe it's cute to be so, but they demand to be
important and have their say in everything. Within the subculture, the
complex evasion in confusion has been mistakenly sought-after as an
indication of depth. They say something a little kid would say and look
at me as if to say, "Don't you think I'm clever?" But, I'm not their
mommy and I don't think they are clever. Most of the members of the
intellectual establishment have minds like babies. In the serious world
I live in they are silly. The problem is, that in this culture there are
enough silly people to make silliness acceptable. The problem also is
that American culture has enough cushy positions distant from serious
responsibility, and enough intervention between individuals and
irresponsibility, so that increasingly greater proportions of society
find it allowable to do little else but engage in silliness. There is
silliness from college faculties. There is silliness on TV. There is
silliness from church pulpits. There is silliness in socio-political

movements. There is silliness in the White House. There isn't enough
mature seriousness remaining in this country to reject it.

Over the years I have put together a series of profiles and
characteristics of intellectual life and intellectuals. I long ago came
to the conclusion that intellectuals and intellectual life are a cult of
self-infatuated narcissism combined with a measure of dishonesty,
laziness, shallowness, and immaturity. Intellectuals, particularly in
the academic world are often hiding from life and are often resentful of
those who aren't or don't. They have constructed a false world in which
they impress each other much like Lilliputians hopped over strings to
amuse the king in Gulliver's travels. It's a let's-pretend world where
being foppishly dingy is looked upon as a terribly clever affectation
and mark of identification.

I don't find most intellectuals and people in the academic world to be
terribly bright. Their definition of intellect is self-serving and

Within the intellectual subculture basic hard absolute reality is looked
upon as a vulgar intrusion into their soft world or their puffed up
fantasies about their selves. As a group, intellectuals seem to have a
hatred of simple hard reality. It's as if they look at reality as a
personal attack upon them. Many spoiled people who have been protected
from responsibility and demand to remain in that condition often look at
demands to face reality as vicious attacks upon them. This often
develops to a point of paranoia wherein they feel under constant attack
and siege by a persecutional world. In reality the rest of the world is
telling them they must leave a verbose pompous, self-absorbed, eternal
childhood, and they conveniently interpret this as anti-intellectuality.
The details of this must be reserved for a discussion of contemporary
personality development.

Crush Competence Now!

If intellectuals hate reality, they are even more resentful and hateful
of competence in other people and will try to obstruct it. Competence in
other people, and threatening the complacency of the herd mentality,
arouses rage and resentment that is unimaginable. The intellectual and
educational establishment are in a war in which competence is to be

Some years ago I attended a university staff meeting where there was
discussion as to whether there was oil pollution in a bay and whether a
research contract could be obtained to study it. The aimless discussion
went on for an hour. In impatience and exasperation I asked whether a
differential spectrophotometer and gas chromatograph were available.
After a yes answer I suggested a water sample be taken with a specially
designed sampler costing $100, a solvent extraction be done, followed by
a differential scan of the extracts. If contamination were present, the
preliminary results could be put in the proposal demonstrating need for
further research. Everyone in the room looked as if they had been
slapped in the face with a stocking full of manure at the insulting
intrusion of aggressive realistic competence. They had a temper tantrum
and refused to do it. I've run into this hundreds of times dealing with
academics and intellectuals. Both in academia and private industry I've
had people refuse $300,000 research contracts because their
anti-competence agenda was more important to them than the success of
their department or business.

Coordinate with this, I find intellectuals are often subconsciously
compulsively destructive. They define themselves by, and practice, a
perverse creativity characterized by an adversarial and contrarian view
of the sane world which is rewarded with attention and an apparent
feeling of superiority over that which they criticize. It's as if
intellectuals play a game in which the more cleverly they are able to
sabotage or destroy something against all reason, the more clearly the
superiority and dominance of their intelligence level is demonstrated by
subjecting the rational to petty humiliation.

Camel Lot

In a glorious victory for the forces of pretentious mediocrity, Jack
Kennedy brought something in the order of 16 intellectuals into the top
levels of his administration, and more at lower levels. In reality, it
was the greatest collection of childishly defiant destructive and
useless duds in memory. They rapidly destroyed all opposition to Castro
at the Bay of Pigs, solidified the security of the Castro regime and its
export of revolution through a confrontation with Khrushchev,
destabilized Southeast Asia by assassinating President Diem, and got us
into a war in Viet Nam conducted in such a way that it destroyed our
military and nearly created a revolution in the streets of this country.
It didn't happen by accident. It expressed a mental way of life in the p
eople brought into the administration.

Now, we have a new so-called brilliant intellectual Rhodes Scholar as
president. As a consequence, we have erroneously bombed or missiled
parts of Africa. We are bombing Iraq. We are bombing Serbia. We've
expended half the ordnance in our arsenal. Our relationship with Russia,
and Russian internal stability, is in worse condition since any period
before Reagan-Gorbachev. We've blown up a Chinese embassy. Through the
agency of James Carville we have succeeded in overturning the Israeli
government. North Korea is preparing to invade the South under the
umbrella of newly-developed missile blackmail. China feels confident in
testing missiles over Japan skys and pushing toward invasion of
Taiwan--with the aid of imported American technology. A large portion of
the world is beginning to wonder if we are nuts and whether they should
legitimately feel threatened by an American loose cannon. And that isn't
the half of it while Bill Clinton, the eternal rebellious child, sits in
the middle of it triumphant over the inexorable effect his superior
manipulative intellect and importance are having on the world. If the
entire world blows up it will be the ultimate victory because it both
satisfies his hostility and demonstrate his magnificent evasive
intellectual complexity was brilliant enough to entrap people into doing

The business of being an intellectual is once again really booming. How
else are we going to get twisted rationalizations for all this? An
ordinary intelligent mentality would be incapable of justifying it. At
this point, I'm of the view that much of "intellectuality" is not
intellectuality, but is instead of form of group-reinforced group
pathology inhabited by pampered self-infatuated weaklings seeking escape
from life and reality. More honest intelligent conversation can often be
had from a good electrician or construction foreman who was born highly
intelligent (but is only a high school graduate) than from

The degraded condition of modern intellectuality is either only a part
of, or interacts with other elements. The rejection of absolutes has
often been a matter of deliberate misunderstanding for purposes of
people seeing what they can get away with.

In the fight against absolutes there has been a steady erosion of
confidence and rationality as selective portions of other cultures have
been used to invalidate or reference American culture for purposes of
devising an irresponsible anthropologically-theorized hedonism. Both as
a society and as individuals, we've been hit over the head and crippled
with it for too many years.

The Social Anthropology of "Sexual Repression"

More specifically, for the last thirty years there is hardly a jackass
in the country who, as a ploy to get into bed with somebody else's
husband or wife, or some other nonsense, does not arm his or her self
with anthropology books, then begin a brilliant crusade denouncing
American sexual repression while demanding the adoption of a more
enlightened and permissive cultural arrangement as exists in Borneo or
some other hypothetical bright spot. In such cases the war on absolutes
is not a search for truth, but an indirect declaration that someone
really wants out of their marriage. It's important not to confuse
relativism with personal conflict and denial. Absolutes are denied by
people who purposely want to deny them. But wanting out of a marriage is
not a disproof of absolutes.

We have regressed to the point where there is a public relations war
against absolutes by people who are unable to see them, or who want to
avoid admitting they exist so that they don't have to admit they are
stupid or so that they can act irrationally. We've lied ourselves into
ignorance not only of absolutes, but of anything.

The public relations campaign against reality and acknowledgement of
absolutes has worked nicely. The only problem is that the public
relations campaign hasn't changed the existence of absolutes and the
consequences. We're up to our behinds in drug problems. Our children are
being born without parents. Although many people will argue with me
about it, what was once the strongest economy in the world is in a state
of disarray. Our social services are overwhelmed by the cumulative
consequences of irrational behavior. And so on for another three pages
which won't be repeated here for the tenth time in this series of
articles. These conditions have been brought upon this country by
oppositional-defiant personalities and/or by the type of thinking that
believes there are no absolutes and doesn't know, or claims not to know,
or says it's impossible to know, what's happening. But, all of it was
absolutely clear from the start.

Personally, I wouldn't be concerned about that mentality, or people with
that mentality, if those people with that mentality could be put on a
separate continent or another planet somewhere where they couldn't blame
others for the problems they create. Or there was nobody else to push
responsibility off upon, and they would be faced with the choice of
either growing up or destroying themselves or starving. However, they're
here, not there. And they're taking me with them in the destruction they
are creating.

There is a forcefulness and authority to those who see absolute reality
and apply or attempt to apply it. Such people are often hard to live
with and often exist on the stressful edge of their patience. They live
in frequent fear of the unpredictability and folly of their fellow human
beings. The reason for their fear and frustration is that people come up
with screwball ideas which scare the hell out of one when he sees the
consequences they can't or won't see. While many people may not want
leadership or authority, they need it to prevent them from destroying
themselves—and you and me along with them. Many times, clear-thinking
people are dominant and aggressive out of desperate self-preservation as
well as exasperation.

Those who live in the world of hard absolutes are easy to resent and
easy to hate. They have the necessary job of bringing up facts that
interfere with or impose limits upon other people's irrational
fantasies. They often remind other people of resented parental figures
and authority. They represent an adult world with consequences many
people don't want to accept.

The assumption is that those who see absolutes are trying to dominate
and humiliate other people. That may be the farthest thing from their
mind. They are desperately attempting to save themselves from lunacy.

Reality is reality. In my life I can't be swayed by what other people
can't, or don't want to, see. I call the horses as they are going to


Robert L. Kocher is the author of "The American Mind in Denial," as well
as many other articles. He is an engineer working in the area of
solid-state physics, and has done graduate study in clinical psychology.
His email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 21, May 24, 1999
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