-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Mon, 24 May 1999 09:43:30 -05:0
Subject:                [BRIGADE] Hiring Americans First
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Brigade,

An important message follows on the H1-B  - Foreign Worker Import bill. I've
also included one of Pat's columns from last year on this issue. Norm
mentions that many companies now use H1-B's as their first choice in hiring -
- passing over American workers in pursuit of cheaper, imported labor. I know
this to be a fact, here in the Northern Virginia area.



Date sent:              22 May 99 16:23:24 -0700
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Mendlovitz)
Subject:                OUTRAGE!!!!

This article was forwarded to me with comments by Prof. Norm Matloff at UC
Davis, who leads the fight against the H-1B visa system and its abuse.
H-1B has greatly hurt American workers. The article follows his comments:
To: H-1B/age discrimination mailing list

In yesterday's Wall Street Journal there was an op-ed by Bob Mc Teer, head
of the Dalls branch of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.

I was shocked to see that he called for an increase of the H-1B quota to
200,000, outrageous for a federal official.  But I was even more shocked
when he called for eliminating what little protections American
programmers and engineers against employers who frauduently sponsor
foreign nationals for green cards.

Here is the relevant section (about half of the piece overall):

   The second step we should take is to change our current immigration
   policy, which hampers groth by making it diffcult for foreigners with
   valuable skills and training to work in this country.  Economic
   research shows that skilled immigrants have little negative impact on
   the employment or wages of Americans, and that they pay far more in
   taxes than they receive in government benefits.  These workers can also
   help develop and spread technologies that improve lving standards.

   Since 1990, immigration laws have set aside 110,000
   permanent-resident visas each year for professionals, academics,
   scientists, managers and other skilled workers.  But 70,000 of these
   visas are subject to cumbersome labor-certification rules that require
   employers to file extensive paperwork and complete an elaborate
   domestic recruitment process.  As a result, many of these visas go
   unused.  We should scrap these certification  rules, which do little to
   protect American workers, and allow employers to hire foreigners
   workers who meet specified skill, experience and education criteria.
   Also, our high-tech sector needs greater access to temporary foreign
   workers.  Last fall, Congress and the president temporarily incresed
   the number H-1B visas for skilled temporary workers---such as
   scientists and computer programmers---from 65,000 to 115,000 for this
   year and next year, and 107,500 for 2001.  But even with the higher
   limit, the quota is filled well before the end of the year.  We should
   raise the H-1B limit further to at least 200,000 and make the increase

Ironically, in the other part of Mc Teer's article, he calls on Congress
to make it more attractive for retired Social Security recipients to
re-enter the workforce.

By the way, I hear that the pitch the industry lobbyists have been
making to the press (and, presumably, to Congress) is that the impending
exhaustion of this year's H-1B quota is "proof" that there truly is a
labor shortage.  But as John Miano has pointed out, all it "proves" is
that employers have become addicted to H-1Bs.  It is the first resort, not
the last, for many employers, and the more H-1Bs they are allowed to hire,
the more they will want.


Norm Matloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



September 4, 1998

The GOP is frozen in the ice of its free-trade, open-borders ideology. When
this writer opposed doubling the annual quota of high-tech immigrants (H1-
Bs) to 115,000 a year, Sen. Spencer Abraham and Jack Kemp hit the
Washington Times with letters charging me with everything but mopery, not
excluding "paranoia"...

S ince the Great Depression destroyed the Republican coalition forged by
the Harding-Coolidge tax cuts and immigration reforms, only twice has the
GOP put together a great governing majority -- Richard Nixon's 49-state
sweep in 1972 and Ronald Reagan's 49-state sweep in 1984.

In the last two presidential elections, the GOP share of the vote was the
smallest sliver since Alf Landon's heyday in 1936 -- 37 percent and 41
percent. Who left the GOP? Reagan Democrats -- in the millions.

Oddly, it is the economic issue where Reagan was so strong that caused
Middle America to defect to Ross Perot and Bill Clinton. Reagan Democrats
still like the GOP on tax cuts. What they abhor are sweat-shop Republicans
who haul water for transnational companies whose profits depend on moving
U.S. jobs overseas and keeping wages down here with record levels of

The GOP is frozen in the ice of its free-trade, open-borders ideology. When
this writer opposed doubling the annual quota of high-tech immigrants (H1-
Bs) to 115,000 a year, Sen. Spencer Abraham and Jack Kemp hit the
Washington Times with letters charging me with everything but mopery, not
excluding "paranoia."

Now, one ought not be churlish and suggest a linkage between Spence's
enthusiasm for computer braceros and the upsurge in Silicon Valley soft
money sluicing into the GOP. But it is worth noting that where high-tech
companies gave $551,000 to the party in 1996, in this election cycle, that
has shot up to $823,000.

Years back, there was a scandal called ABSCAM, in which FBI agents in
wingtips posed as Arab sheiks and handed members of Congress thousands
of dollars for pledges to support special bills that would put the faux-Arabs on
a fast track to citizenship.

What is the difference between that and raking in $823,000 to bring in foreign
workers to displace native-born Americans?

Brother Kemp says there are "350,000 vacant jobs" in high-tech industries
and America needs those foreign workers pronto. Now, perhaps Jack heard
that at a board meeting of the Oracle computer company. But Norm Matloff,
a University of California at Davis professor of computer science, contends
that U.S. computer companies turn away 25 to 50 applicants for every one
they hire.

The Internet is ablaze with the enraged comments of laid-off American
workers who, on applying for new jobs with computer companies, are asked
if they "would feel comfortable working in an Asian environment." If there are
350,000 vacancies, why did Applied Materials just cut its work force by
2,000? Why are Motorola, Rockwell and small rivals like Novellus Systems
and Lam Research laying off? According to one San Jose research firm,
revenues in the semiconductor manufacturing industry will plummet 28
percent this year -- because of the recession in Asia, excess capacity and
the movement to sub-$1,000 PCs, which squeezes profits.

Do our high-tech firms need 60,000 new foreign workers, or do they just
prefer pliable Asian guest workers to middle-aged Americans?

Last year, college enrollment in computer studies exploded by 40 percent.
How does the Republican Party expect to win over these kids if we give away
their jobs to foreign workers before they get there? How does the party
expect to bring back Reagan Democrats losing jobs in defense plants, if,
when they try to transfer to civilian high-tech jobs, they're pushed aside for
workers imported from India and China?

Why should these folks support Republicans if the party keeps killing their
family dreams for soft dollars?

Are Republicans suicidal? Our manufacturing sector is already showing
signs of a slowdown. Exports are falling, and the Asian import tsunami has
not yet hit. If the economy turns turtle just as 115,000 guest workers start
replacing Americans in high-tech jobs and shouldering aside our college
graduates, the GOP will be risking in 2000 a repeat of '96 and '92. How many
times does the elephant have to get hit with a two-by-four? The Senate is a
lost cause on this issue, but the House can still kill the quota hike.

Besides tax cuts, the Republican Party must find an agenda to get the
wages of American workers and the median income of the American family
rising again, as they used to do in Reagan's day.

My thoughts on the eve of Labor Day.

---------  end  ------------------

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