-Caveat Lector-

Polls Show Clinton Ratings Slipping

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Public approval of President Clinton's job performance has
slipped to its lowest level in almost three years in a new poll that shows
the public about evenly split regarding which party should control Congress.

Apprehension about the Kosovo conflict has risen in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup
poll released Wednesday.

The president's job approval declined from 60 percent earlier this month to
53 percent, the lowest rating he has had in that poll since August 1996.
During the months of the Monica Lewinsky scandal and impeachment trial, his
approval rating consistently stayed between 60 percent and 70 percent.

Asked whether the country would be better off if Republicans or Democrats
controlled Congress, the public was divided, with just over a third, 36
percent, choosing Republicans and about the same number, 37 percent, choosing
Democrats. Democrats had a 41-30 edge in December's CNN/USA Today/Gallup

A majority, 57 percent, said they were very confident or somewhat confident
in the president's ability to handle the Kosovo conflict.

But the number who said they were very confident in his ability to handle the
conflict dropped from 27 percent in late March to 17 percent in late May. And
the number not at all confident in his ability to handle Kosovo grew from 13
percent to 25 percent.

More than half said they oppose sending ground troops if NATO airstrikes are
not effective. In mid-April, a slim majority said they would favor sending
ground troops in that circumstance.

And support for U.S. involvement in the NATO action in Kosovo slipped to 49
percent, the first time that support has been below 50 percent since the
airstrikes began in late March.

Four out of five said they favored the United States and its NATO allies
temporarily suspending the airstrikes and trying to resolve the conflict
through negotiations. More than 70 percent opposed stopping all military
action and making no further effort to help refugees return to Kosovo.

The phone survey of 1,050 adults was taken Sunday and Monday and has an error
margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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