-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:526788">Online cults</A>
Subject: Online cults
From: Underground Panther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, May 27, 1999 4:41 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello,This website:


 Outlines my experinces in the Church of Satan with a level head,It
explains why the Church of Satan is a cult from a person who was
involved.They are all very upset at my page and will seek to discredit
me,or say I have sour grapes ect.They are just disturbed at what I am
pointing out.They call speaking out against the cult,shit disturbing.

One thing apparent in the music put out by Satanists,or certain types
of wannabes, the real problem with it people always overlook,isn't the
violent lyrics.It's way more subtle,it's the unresoved angst that is
glorifed in such music.
Everything needs a beginning, middle and end  this it taught in
drama,theatre,life to be psychologically healthy. Bad feelings must
end,depressed people think thier bad feelings will never end.This is
not a easy concept to grasp for some people.

The musicians like Marylin Manson,or Nine Inch Nails (Satanic
priests)do not seek to resolve thier angst in thier music,They keep
angst perptually at high levels and deliberatly un reasoned out ,un
directed at why they feel angst .
It leaves the listener to fill in the blanks on why they are so much
in angst.Teens too often put themselves there.It never ends.

Teens assume they listen because they are feeling sympathy to thier
pain in life.
But instead they get stuck in a vauge neverending almost addictive
angst that never resolves itself.It manifests like depression.
I know some teens will get mad and defensive about what I have said
about thier fave tunes.Do get over my critizisms of your idols and try
to understand me ,ok.

Angst that is not directed at somthing in a clear way.This keeps
people listening though supposed sympathy,from resolving thier own
angst feelings for themselves.Instead they just get stuck and float in
this poisoned 'sympathy' without realizing it is sick because the
musician wants to confound,confuse and create delimma and have catchy
melodies to go along with it so you will listen and enjoy it..

Satanists get off on psychological abuse.And psychological abuse is
totally legal.They don't need money,they need fresh minds to play
That is why they recruit in chat rooms and alt.satanism.

They are crypto fascist but they aren't for white supremacy they are
for sociopathic supremacy.Smart sociopaths obey and know how to get
around the law and look so 'cultured' act so subtle  but really be a
cruel sadist inside..
Rambling on about thier 'Satanic genes' that make them superior to the
'herds'of everyone else.
They actually get off on mindgames and glorify those who enjoy it most
or perform it best.Machivelli,Darwin(social darwinism too) and Hitler
are often quoted by them as exaples of great 'satanic 'thinkers.

This is what,I,through my experinces with them and Anton LaVey's own
words are led to understand what the church's 'primary objective
'is.To create delimma,confound,confuse in other words screw woith
people,abuse them psychologically enjoy it and teach others to develop
'thick skins' so they can take it or learn to get off on it too..

Read Satan speaks then compare the additudes in that with the Satanic
Bible.Feel how he hates women and people.
This is a cult.And they don't have to be killing babies to hurt you.

That is what makes certain music and cults dangerous,It's not just the
lyrics or symbols they decorate themselves with .It is the intent and
astmosphere they seek to create and NEVER seek to resolve in itself
that can make music or any kind of symbols or beliefs sickening..

Feel free to ask questions but send me NO conversion messages please.
Respect my choice to stay out of all organized or belief based
religion until I heal from my past.

Thank you,
<A HREF="http://www.erols.com/pumacat/">The Bifid Barb -- Is the CoS a Cult?
Underground Panther, previous member of the Church of Satan, looks at
cultic tendencies in that organization, and explains recent posts on
alt.satanism.  "It is better to be useless to someone who would be a
user, than to feel it is ok to be used because you're afraid of being
useless" -- The Panthers
Is the Church of Satan a Cult?


2.Three Common
Traits of Cults

3.Levels of Influence
and Persuasion

4.Other Cult Issues

5.Personality Change and
Behavior Modification

6.Conclusion: Who is
Most at Risk?



There are many Satanic groups out there, nowadays.  At first, groups
like the SanFrancisco-based Church of Satan (founded by Anton LaVey)
were perceived as 'sanitized' versions ofSatanism that were sane enough,
or at least above-board.  Over the years, that particular grouphas
become more secretive, cynical, elitist, and cultic, continuing even
now, after LaVey's death,under the leadership of Blanche Barton (LaVey's
consort, and mother of his heir.)  I was amember of this group and left
in disgust, amazed at the subtlety of group pressures and
theinsidiousness of the seemingly purposeless manipulation.  Those who
consider themselvesSatanists, Satan-friendly, or Satanic, and who are
considering involvement in a group, as well asthose who are more
generally concerned about cults (Christian, Satanic, or whatever),
couldprofit by taking a look at the problems with what is now Blanche
Barton's Church of Satan.

To the outside observer, or even to those who were in Anton/Blanche's
Church of Satan recentlyor who still are, peripherally, certain
behaviors are seen as confusing, as in the censorship of achat-room or
various ass-kissing tendencies -- this contradicts the seeming
individualism espousedin the Satanic Bible. You may compare this to many
dysfunctional families which behave in a waythat is extremely
controlling and disturbing - too much pressure on doing things the
family wayand incredible criticism for taking too much of a non-family
attitude towards things. Compare it toother cults.  Does anyone expect a
multi-level marketing cult to tolerate people who aren'tenthused enough
about the product, or who are critical of all the meetings and time
expectedaway from non-cult activities? What about cultic Christians? Do
you expect those who are cultiststo treat a non-cultist as a human being
with a mind of their own, or dignity despite disagreements, unless that
is part of a larger manipulative environment created by the cult? Don't
you expectpressure from these people, sooner or later? Well Anton
LaVey's/Blanche Barton's Church is verymuch like these examples, they
just have very different beliefs and a different system than someother
cults you might be aware of.

Some cults and cult-like groups have aspects to them which are designed
to counteract certain'problems' that cults are perceived to have, at
least for PR purposes. Dysfunctional families can bebrutal to a member
who considers joining a cult, even if they are in a cult themselves.
ManyMulti-Level Marketing (MLM) cults or product-selling cults try not
to get into the problems ofpyramid schemes, which are illegal.  The
personality-cult mind-control aspects of suchhigh-pressure members can
be tailored so as to disguise, limit, contain or distort this so that
itlooks like a particularly product line thing instead of something that
sounds like a cult. ManyChristians, in or outside of cults, maintain
that a charismatic leader is NOT Jesus, and cannot bethe final spokesman
for the Bible itself, and that individual conscience in their individual
heartsshould determine what Jesus/The Bible means in their life, so long
as they are true to the Bible. Inthe LaVey/Barton church, a creed of
rampant individualism and atheistic tendencies areinstitutionalized, and
you can see how this might protect such a group from total
sheep-likefanaticism or belief and action based on "the revelation of
Satan to Blanche."

These protections: focusing on a 'great' product, putting authority in
heaven or in the heart,individualism or atheism -- put some constraints
on how new members are dealt with, and itseems that these things could
be used by sane groups to keep leadership from dominating in anunhealthy
way, and to avoid cultic tendencies.  Groups like the San
Francisco-based Church ofSatan, run by Blanche Barton, despite these
apparent protections, are not immune to having culticdevelopments, or
becoming cults, and in fact for every 'protection' they maintain, in
those groupsand factions which are more controlling, pressured, or
manipulative, there are tendencies thatreinforce cult-like behavior. If
I knew more about the Temple of Set, I could comment on what Ifeel they
do or what they have failed to do to prevent these scathing criticisms,
but for themoment I will just say certain practices involving the
hierarchy, mentors, and paranormalexperiments could blur the reality or
individual judgement of someone ready to become a cultist,and are
questionable, at the very least, from my outside view. I have experience
with Blanche'sgroup as a member, so I focus upon them.

The problem with cults is not in the belief system of the group in
question, but with damagingpsychological techniques and group pressures
designed to alienate and distort the individualityand personality of the
members.  Eventually this makes members easier to deploy by the
cultleaders.  This is done by subtly and gradually alienating the member
from his old behavior andattitudes, previous contacts, and outside world
interests.  Then members are brought to associatetheir life and success
more with the group or leader, as group pressures increase to reward
thesechanges and punish dissent, and as dependency upon group identity
and rewards increases. Manipulation like this exists upon a whole
spectrum of levels of influence and persuasion.  Withdestructive cults,
 the manipulation is very deceptive and the process of changing
people'sperceptions and attitudes is subtly controlled.  Someone,
somewhere, in a destructive cult isenjoying manipulating people's
identities and being a jerk about it -- they thrive on the control
andpower at other people's expense, even those whom they say they trust
and are allied with.

LaVey/Blanche's group is set up well to use thought reform techniques,
and in fact they do usethem. 'Cult' can mean a hierarchical group that
has a system of beliefs or worship.  There isanother connotation, that
of thought reform techniques or personal manipulation of followers in
aharmful way. If you don't like the buzzword, then get over the word and
look at the group. Research several sources (other than sources from the
group in question.)  If you disagree, andjoin, then you do so at your
own risk.  At least you were informed.  Learn more about groupdynamics
and thought reform tactics and the utilization of group pressure in very
manipulativeand damaging ways.  IF you see what I am saying, then you
know what to do.

On the continuum of influence and persuasion tactics, LaVey/Blanche's
Church is on the side ofthought reform -- which is the extreme, beyond
even propaganda tactics and out-and-outindoctrination.  If you don't
even like advertising and find propaganda to be beneath you, youhave
MUCH more manipulation in store with associations with Anton
LaVey/Blanche Barton'sChurch of Satan. If you want you can call it a
group that has way too many (if not all) of thenecessary conditions in
place, and uses techniques of, thought reform, instead of calling it a
cult,that is fine by me.  I think all of the conditions are in place,
and the level of persuasion andinfluence is beyond propaganda or
indoctrination, as it is way more deceptive than mereindoctrination.
 You are told the group has no interest in changing your personality to
suit itsneeds, that your individuality is not being manipulated as part
of learning what they have to offer,you may be told you are dealing with
individual manipulators you are encouraged to manipulateback or to
develop a thick skin -- that the organization has no interest in
manipulating YOU, per se.

The truth is they know they may decide to have your personality molded
as they see fit byalienating you from the outside world and past
interests, and focusing you on their manufacturedconflicts, and new
ideas and behaviors, purposely to gain control over your mind, identity,
andpersonality.  They will make you defensive about who and what you
are, eventually, if you get indeep enough, and then they will try to
convince you that you already were what they wanted youto become.  I.e.
that you were a born Satanist, or may have a Satanic gene.

Back to the Top

Like other groups that use thought reform tactics, LaVey's/Blanche's
group is:

1.Authoritarian in structure. The seriousness to which the group lives
up to its self-describeddictatorial structure isn't always apparent at
the beginning of involvement -- reading the SatanicBible, for instance,
or introductory literature and interaction in other public forums likeal
t.satanism may give you the impression that the authoritarianism is
mainly a pose or elitistattitude, instead of a very real component of
the organization; over time the authoritarian attitudesprove to be more
important than your personal, individual interests.
2.Appears to be innovative and exclusive (elite). This semblance is
clung to fanatically bysome members or title holders at first glance,
while other title holders seem silent on the elitenessand bashing that
goes on -- until you step out of line or otherwise get closer to Central
or more inon activities and official communications. (Private e-lists,
later private correspondences, etc..  Asyou get more involved the
eliteness of the hierarchy is more and more of a pressuring and'bashing'
influence and your striving to route out non-eliteness in yourself beco
mes more and moreself-censorious.)
3.Tends to have a double set of ethics (in this case, the double
standard is most obvious forproven members/higher ups vs. lower downs)
-- i.e. the hierarchy can never be accused of beingtoo much of a psychic
vampire of its members, it is ok to manipulate one way, once inside, but
therules may change, or it is arbitrary and only the higher ups can
claim to truly understand LaVey'swill of the matter, LaVey's (or
Blanche's) MEANING -- although few people join the SanFrancisco Church
of Satan to be told the totality of LaVey's meaning on how to behave or
thinkwhen there is a difference of opinion that matters to the
hierarchy!  The double standard hitsoutsiders, as they are expected to
think for themselves, and are attacked for not being elite orcreative or
intelligent enough to question.  But insiders are expected to believe
the 'elite' ideas ofthe hierarchy, or are treated like dirt.
 Intelligence, creativity, and productivity must be subvertedto the
needs of the organization, in which case any means are justified, in the

Back to the Top

Levels of Influence and Persuasion

If you want to look particularly at what is thought reform, compare it
to influence and persuasion through propaganda, indoctrination, or
advertising, as it relates to LaVey/Barton's group:

I.The focus of the body of knowledge of thought reform centers on
changing people without their knowledge. In other words, for this group,
Lesser Black Magic is used againstmembers.  Any manipulations against
the masses of people on the outside (propaganda) is really avery limited
focus, comparatively, and most people would not join to be indoctrinated
into thisgroup's values, as most who want to join do so because of the
individualism espoused in theSatanic Bible. Advertising, in comparison,
is regulated by consumer law and involves a product,instead of
personality and behavior control for its own sake.  So Blanche's group
is in league withthought reform groups, here, compared to the other
types of persuasion and influence.  All thegroup has to offer is
information on Lesser Black Magic, and that information is learned
bybecoming a guinea pig.  There are more things involved in thought
reform, however.
II.The direction and degree of exchange is nil.  One-sided. This occurs
when you questionhow your membership (or other information you provide)
is used or molded by the hierarchy, as itIS a dictatorial and secretive
organization.  You will be told how hierarchical it is if you dare
tosuggest someone is "just a priest, so what, I am an individual, screw
him, I like other priestsbetter."  You may be told simply to ignore the
priest, or associate with others, but this amounts tobeing told to shut
up or be labeled more and more inferior.  On a simple level, no one is
voted bythe membership to lead them, but more importantly, any input is
squelched to the point of it notbeing worth saying, unless it is an
offer for you to cooperate and put in more effort and trust. Instead of
earning trust, they request you trust them, as if you were inferior if
you expected themto trust you by showing you they are productive and
worth listening to.  The degree ofone-sidedness is greater than the
one-sidedness of advertising, propaganda, or indoctrination, atthe point
of hierarchical issues, at the priest level and higher.  You are
suggested how to play bythe rules, and MUST.  Even if they contradict or
are not upheld by your priest, etc.. or aremodified later on as you get
further within.
III.Ability for the organization to change is artificially restrained.
 Blanche (and LaVeybefore her) claim Satanism is the same as it always
was, and always will be, having no need tochange.  They change as to
whether grottoes are shut down, in use, or not the thrust
oforganizational activity.  They change when Blanche asks for money for
the Black house or isselling the LaVey archives that the Black house
money was supposed to go into.  This is relatedto getting money for the
moment, or improving thought reform effectiveness by reducing
criticismof out-of-control grottoes, or by increasing group pressure, or
by appealing to loyalty andcommitment by members when the organization
needs money or control. Alt.satanism and chatrooms can be used instead
of grottoes to form group pressure, for instance, as technology evolveda
new tool. Change occurs rarely, however, and the organization remains
fairly rigid.  The groupis not merely indoctrinating or propagandizing,
and the style is different.  Indoctrination tacticscan allow for change
through very formal channels via written suggestions to higher-ups.
Blanche's group is too dictatorial to need such accountability to
members, however.  They usepropaganda and advertising, but are more
interested in influencing members, so changes based onproducts, consumer
law, consumer complaints and requests, demands, or changing political
tides,are not the major focus of change.  The real change is in the
identity and personality of themember.
IV.The group takes an authoritarian and hierarchical stance. There is no
full awareness onthe part of the 'learner' (member) of lesser black
magic in the group as to what kind ofmanipulations he should expect to
be subjected to, from the leaders.  Often, in mereindoctrination, the
individual is aware of the degree of hierarchical and authoritarian
stance takenby the group, and the nature of what he is supposed to do,
and where it is designed to lead him. Similarly with propaganda,
directed towards the masses.  Advertising instructs to persuade
theconsumer or buyer, through comparison.  Again this group is clearly
set up more along the linesof a group using thought reform.  Members
aren't stock holders or employees (they receive nodividends or pay), and
they aren't joining to be cannon fodder for an army, and most don't want
tobe told who to be or how to act.  Instead, the member is a subject for
covert, authoritarian,psychological and group tactics.  Being overtly
told to change ideas, attitudes, or personalitywould be resisted, but
the hierarchical attitudes are either accepted, or not.  If they are
accepted,then covert persuasions to change are utilized by the
V.Often a group using thought reform attempts to retain people forever.
 All religions dothis, it would seem, and this is why this quality of
thought reform groups is interdependent uponthe other qualities. Hence
the 'Satanic lifestyle' and the 'born Satanist.'  Retaining people
foreveraids thought reform, and so on the spectrum of manipulation and
pressure tactics of persuasionand influence, retaining people forever is
on the extreme side.  Christianity wants to retainconverts forever, but
a particular protestant Church may not care if someone joins a
similarprotestant Church with a different founder, if 'salvation' is not
jeopardized.  All cults, even theones that REALLY want to keep people
forever, and kidnap runaways, will kick out orexcommunicate some members
at points, and in many cults people leave after a shortinvolvement, with
hard-core members staying for longer periods.  Some types of member are
lessuseful or difficult to deal with, so a cult may decide to cut its
losses.  But the intent of theLaVey/Barton Church of Satan is to BREED a
sense of fatalistic determinism, genetic eliteness,elitism, and
supremacy to such a pressuring degree that leaving would be consigning
yourself tofailure in the outside word that is weak, 'herd' and
inferior.  Satanists are said to be born, andthough it is said 'you can
always leave' (many cults say this, actually) it is also said in the
samebreath, that if you do nothing along the lines of getting kicked out
or sending a letter ofresignation, you will be on their lists forever.
 I would say that keeping people forever appliesmore to the higher
levels of the group.  The lower levels (Grotto Masters, and common
members)are a kind of weeding-out level where you are tested to see if
you are not suitable formanipulations, in which case you may be ignored
or kicked out.  I believe they wants to havepeople's MINDS forever, or
at least long after they leave, if they do leave.  Compare this
toindoctrination in the Marines, where instruction is contractual and
consensual, in other words, youare paid and retirement is expected at
some point and you sign up for training in techniques, etc. In Barton's
group you are manipulated without there ever needing to be a course or
trainingsession with a higher up -- they are not instructional in that
way, and you do not get paid for yourdevotion.  Propaganda expects that
the learner will be supportive and engrossed, while thoughtreform
intends to keep the mind of the member forever -- a subtle difference.
 Of course, you canturn off the tv if you don't want an advertisement,
accept or ignore the influence.  In a thoughtreform environment, the
ideas are intended to be with you, and the learning techniques
andinfluences, pressures, and persuasion is designed to effect you even
with non-group interactions,or with 'casual' interactions with
associates of the group, and also if you work, have friends, etc. This
Satanic cult varies between propaganda level of relationship with the
member, to thoughtcontrol, to education, depending upon the specific
interaction between a supporter and theorganization, and how deeply
involved the person is.
VI.A group using thought reform (it comes as no surprise) is deceptive.
 Even indoctrination isnot as deceptive as thought reform in the sense
that you are told you will become X and you signup, etc., or you are in
a setting of learning and you are persuaded.  In thought reform, you
canthink you are doing something that is NOT an attempt at persuasion,
and it IS, and you didn'tknow you signed up, and have no clue you are
being punished, prodded, or pushed.  Granted, weall can be deceptive,
and so can a Sunday School teacher or a Satanist.  But as a point to
notice,when advertising is deceptive, it is usually to only select
positive views of the product, and it is apotential, not a main interest
of advertising, which CAN be deceptive, but wants you to get theproduct
name right, and what it does, usually.  And it's manipulation isn't
 about personalitymodification!!  Propaganda exaggerates, to be sure,
but out and out deception as a major tool ofpropaganda is a thought
reform level of persuasion used on the masses.  Regular education isNOT
deceptive by nature.  Thought reform is deceptive about the fact you are
changing yourpersonality to fit the needs of the organization at the
whims of the hierarchy whom you trust andusually do not think want that
kind of control over you.  Blanche's group is deceptive, but put it
incontext. Deception alone is just one quality of a thought reform
environment that is very useful tothe controller.  These things work
together dynamically.  The point of the deception: manipulationand
control -- this is the issue.
VII.The extent of learning in thought reform is the ability to influence
an individualized target, and there is a hidden agenda. This is
EXTREMELY relevant to LaVey/Barton's group. You will be changed one step
at a time to become deployable to serve leaders.  You may becomemore and
more like Tani, Balaack, or some quiet behind the scenes observer or
apologist for thehierarchy.  You have to use your judgment on this.  Who
knows what is in store for you, from thehierarchy's point of view.  I
have seen this happen to an extent that is too great to be simpleloyalty
or cohesiveness or obedience.  People involved with the group over time
repeatedlyrationalize and excuse things about the hierarchy or their
actions, or the things they do, whichthey would not have liked before
involvement.  Even people who join and already like or acceptthe
environment of the group I describe, learn to expand their horizons as
to how they manipulate,and they often loose some of their previous
interests or are encouraged to slowly erode them. Look to see it, and
you may see it.  If you don't, then at least consider the other
qualities ofthought reform versus other levels of persuasion.
VIII.Intolerance -- no respect for differences. This helps a group using
thought reform, and thisgroup definitely uses disrespect for differences
as a tool, particularly on matters they choose tosee as important to
their designs.  Communistic types, Fascist types, and apolitical types
seem tobe tolerated.  However, there is increasing intolerance of an
individual member's flaws,weaknesses, misgivings, doubts about
leadership, standards of conduct, expectations from people,herd pursuits
like TV, criticisms or reality checks about LaVey (some mere Book Club
!!), etc. This creates quite a bit of pressure, particularly in form of
elitist ego-bashing.  The elitist mayego-bash a member, but the member
may easily ego-bash himself, thus helping the process along.Members
forget why they joined and how manipulative guilt is in Christian groups
that they hate. The intolerance isn't limited or focused upon lessening
opposition, as with propaganda, or toputting down competition, as in
advertising.  Intolerance toward internal psychological doubtsabout
loyalty increases as you get involved, and intolerance towards dissent
on key issues iscrucial to the group, to a degree NOT based solely in
dealing with 'enemies' like the ToS orChristians or opponents, but this
comes up even when the issue is solely between MEMBERS. Of course,
propagandic hatred of construed or very real enemies is whipped up to a
frenzy atpoints, and putting down competition can become an obsession in
the group, and this adds to thepressures specifically related to thought
reform usage of intolerance.  Apparently, diversity ofpolitics is
allowed to the extent that such a diversity is not a threat to
hierarchical control -- thepolitics that matters to the cult.
IX.Methods of thought reform include improper and unethical techniques
 -- as in pantypissing to show devotion to the leader, non-consenting
personality molding from the hierarchy orleader (Blanche Barton has been
reading EVERY one of the Active Membership Forms, for quitesome time,
according to Priest Balaack, Reverend Ventrue of Satannet, and web
master used byCentral Grotto of Church of Satan, who had the honor of
meeting Anton LaVey in person. Baalack's form was 14 pages long, when
asked by us about the form, and other members report30 or 40 page Active
Membership Forms.)  Anything from manufacturing a crisis to flattery
tototalitarian pressures pointed towards willing and supportive,
reasonable volunteers (by scoldingvolunteers who aren't even being
unreasonable, etc.) used in an unethical or improper way maymean
 When we say unethical, we aren't talking about consensual sodomy orjust
being a jackass, we are talking about attempts to brainwash.  By
disorienting the personality,and then introducing changes to the
personality, and solidifying loyalty and devotion for thepurposes of
control over the member's mind, thought reform is very damaging to an
individual.  Itstunts people, at best, and ruins them, at worse.  Your
own personality and identity (howeverchaotic or shaky) is way too
precious to subject it to being stunted, toyed with, or destroyed by
afriend or lover, much less an impersonal organization using techniques
specifically designed to dothis for the sake of their power trip, and
using every bit of information you give them tomanipulate you, as they
see fit.  This is NOT just a game of 'learn how con games work' this
isyour life.

The San Fransisco-based Church of Satan, as run by LaVey and now by
Blanche Barton, has stepped over the line and joined the list of groups
that have dangerous cultic tendencies. Like many dysfunctional families
which function as if they were small cults, protecting family members
from being revealed as abusers or criminals, sometimes exerting thought
reform pressures, notjust typical cultural programming and dogmatic
upbringing, this is not a joking matter. The groupis indeed a cult in
the pejorative sense of that word. Not just any group becomes a cult,
and not allradical, fringe, or weird and hierarchical groups have such
negative cultic tendencies. Not all dysfunctional families are small
cults, and not all MLM, anti-Christian, Satanic, or conservativeChris
tian groups need be cultic in the sense I am using the word, either.
 The potential for danger is great.

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Other Cult Issues

Some other things associated with cults:


"Well to understand Satanism just read the Satanic Bible."  How many
times has that been said inchat rooms or alt.satanism?  Why isn't _Satan
Speaks_ recommended as first reading?  Or TaniJantsang?  Maybe because
it's not reasonable or convincing enough or pleasing or flatteringenough
or making as much common sense like the _Satanic Bible_ to a new
recruit?  Recruitment becomes an issue when a group wants more people to
manipulate, get kicks out of controlling, or get money.  Manipulation
and psychological dependance are the issue with cultic relationships,
regardless of how involved with recruitment a group or person is.  The
Satanic Bible does NOT give you an accurate picture of the type of group
LaVey and Blanche Barton created.

Inprisonment/Extreme Loyalty:

"Either you are with us or you are not." What a victim stance!! Oh the
detractors ..so manyenemies these elitists have, more than a
sprinkle....WHY! Pressure pressure pressure. "Leave atanytime."Hmm they
have never sent us, whom all the  LaVeyans on alt.satanism call
shitdisturbers, a letter kicking us out, is it because they have given
up on manipulating us?  Weobviously question the Church's validity and
purpose and openly dislike and disagree with thechurch yet they haven't
excommunicated us.  They DID excommunicate Rick Rinker (KarlaLaVey
supporter) -- we helped bust him for spreading info.  He still believes
LaVey is valid, I think.  It would make them look like a cult if we were
more quiet and then were excommunicatedfor questioning group tactics.
 Encouraging the idea that being in the specific group is the onlyreal
worthwhile way to live is the dangerous manipulation, especially when
coupled with othertactics.  Physical aspects of enforced loyalty and
membership are not required to bepsychologically manipulative and
coercive.  Attempts to psychologically  imprison people can bejust as
dangerous as physical coersion.

Requests to do things for the org as a way to increase the manipulative
hold of the group:

I was asked to do an article for Not Like Most magazine.  I was asked to
do a book review forthe Black Flame. Not right off but when I got
involved and had already put up a not asked forweb site, and showed
support (for free) I was asked to join the S-word e-list.  Which led to
mydisgust of the group.  As I questioned the trustworthiness of various
members of the hierarchy,Magistra Nadramia indicated that if I was more
productive and shared my successes with thehierarchy, I would see that
the group was indeed productive and worthwhile.  It seemed thesolution
to my criticisms was for me to contribute more of my life to the

Divine leadership:

Sure LaVey never claimed "divinity" but his AMAZING insight and grasp of
the importance of his"satanism" and it's impact in the Satanic new world
order outlined in pentagonal revisionism, therules of the earth, etc.,
and the way LaVeyans tout this sure sets the dead old codger up to
begodlike -- look at his fan books look at how propagandic it is set up
to be, notice theheadquarters' address is always there, for those ready
to subject themselves to group membership. 'Special status' of the
founder or leader is suitable, in the place of divinity.  Remember
Stalin and Hitler?


How many girls adopt "Satanic witch" attire to get ahead, at work to get
a date, thinking dressingwith an old geezer's beauty tips that reflect
HIS tastes would do anything better for them thanwhat they do for
themselves! How many women have explored their submissive side when
beforeinvolvement they didn't know they HAD one? What about the
convenient interview of laveypraising co-dependency.  What about the
article on sycophants?  Yet the SB touts itsindividuality.  What about
all the manipulation tactics glorified in various other group
materials,including the panty pissing article in _Satan Speaks_?


We're IT, True Satanists the alien elite blah blah blah.  Sounds like
cult talk to me.  OOOh the evilherd....they can't fathom our
insights.....uh huh

Authoritarian Structure:

Level 1,2,3,4,5

Member, Active Member, GM, Priest, Magister, Council of Nine, HP.

Need I say more?  Each lower level is made to feel BENEATH the higher
one, without anyrequirement for the higher ups to prove their worth as
leaders, to prove they deserve loyalty fromlower-downs.  In fact, it is
the other way around, lower-downs must prove their worth to be'trusted'
or shown how positive the group can be.

Appearance of Innovation, Eliteness:

Oh yessss LaVey had so much insight and was such a great MAN!! an
elitist who couldn't affordto keep his house on WELFARE!!  An elitist
who's own kids HATE him!!  I was told "YOU have NO idea what THE MAN'S
plans are!" shouted by a sheepy little priest!  Oh and then
onalt.satanism they say to some recruit, that the Satanic Bible is all
you need to understand thewonders of LaVeyan Satanism....well which is

Double Ethics/Agendas:

So, how does someone get to be a priest, magistra or title-bearer? I was
told NEPOTISM and usefulness.... hmmm, take that with all the rest and
it sounds like a cult, a butt-kiss sycophantcontest to see who's the
best devoted slave to the "cause" and mouthpiece for LaVey or

Loaded language:

LBM (lesser black magic)=manipulation.  So as you seek attention or
favoritism, things you use everyday becomewhat LaVey calls LBM.  Since
he called your attention to it you don't call it shmoozing you call it
LBM.  Your success, your activities, LBM, LaVey, Blanche and their
organization are all wrapped into a ball.  The more you use the term for
your activities, the more time you put in withtheir ideas and control.

UR song=a nice soothing melody now called UR song by various LaVey
cultists. It is just asoothing melody pleasing to the ear given a name
and trumped up as a "brilliant Lavey insight intothe workings of the
human animal."

Stratification=being an asshole or stomping someone who is weak.
 Similar to LBM.

Look in the back of Secret life of a Satanist and Devil's notebook,
there is a dictionary of ordinary things that everyone experiences
couched in the loaded language of LaVey who deems it"Satanic" and since
LaVey deems it Satanic YOU MUST TOO!!! (by implication if you are
elite,you KNEW it all along, right!!!)  You simply focus upon the loaded
terms that interest you, at first, and use them more and more.

How many people knew  shmoozing and flattery , feminine charms or
seduction was LBM beforeLavey defined it like that?  You saw it the same
way without his terms, perhaps, but now it's HISterms defining YOUR
success wrapped together -- you didn't seduce so-and-so, you used
LesserBlack Magic on him....yeah....How many people call a soft sweet
melody an UR song out in thestreet who don't give a rat's ass about
LaVey yet produce Ur songs for a living??  How manypeople get ahead with
Stratification on the job, or when they deal with an asshole enemy?  Was
itStratification, LBM, etc., before group involvement?  Was it called
Satanism before you read theSatanic Bible?  Is Blanche's group now an
inspiration for things you did before you met them, orhave you changed?

Back to the Top

Personality Change and Behavior Modification

"Unfreezing" of the member's previous personality:

Anton's/Blanche's group relies upon members and supporters not knowing
what's going on -- notfully understanding the changes taking place. They
do this by controlling time and environment,on alt.satanism, in chat
rooms, through contacts, mystique and aloof pretentions, and by
loadinglanguage.  They control the atmosphere often through good cop/bad
cop games (good priest/badpriest) on phone, email, elist, writing, chat
rooms, web sites, etc..  Also, in these environmentsyou are shunned for
bringing up Zeena (Anton's daughter) and what she says about all this,
youget excommunicated like Rick Rincker if you tell Karla's side of the
story (She's Anton's otherdaughter), gee, information gets limited if
you don't want to be lambasted as herd, inferior, orshit-disturbing!!
 As for time, the more you experiment with lesser black magic to get
ahead, themore you use their terms Stratification, LBM, etc., the more
surrounded you are by theirexpectations and assumptions, the more
devoted, the more benefit you see in the group andculture of the cult,
without knowing anything else about them.  They create a demand for
purity,confession, powerlessness, covert fear, and dependency: after an
experience with a shitty higherup, you confide to a nicer or less
mouthy, more respectful and listening type of higher up,eliteness is
used to induce pressure, conformity, and purity.  IF you send in the
Activemembership form, you confess a lot about yourself they do not need
to know, except tomanipulate you (it goes beyond finding out if you are
 nuts or incompatible, it asks who yourfavorite parent is, etc.)
 Outsiders, opponents to the group, critics, non-members are mere
'herd,'not elite, inferior, expendable, etc.  Common human attributes,
interests, hobbies, and attitudes,are vehemently spoken of as
weaknesses, inferiority, stupid, etc., in a shaming atmosphere. This
isgreatly encouraged, and it increases the pressure for you to shy away
from much of your previous identity.

Suppression of the member's old behavior and attitudes:

"That's NOT satanic, move on to something better" in a chat room, etc.,
e-list, private phoneconversation.  Sometimes this comment is warranted,
but often the pressure amounts to theattitude that whatever interests
you personally is shunned or criticized.  Things like Not LikeMost's
articles on why Matt Paradise isn't a Goth, the shunning of the Marylin
Manson style whilekeeping him a priest, are designed by higher ups to
confuse identities of new members (many areteens or young adults) with
contradictory group expectations.  One priest harped on his
girlfriendfor wearing sandals, just to be controlling.  The hierarchy
benefits from this type of priest.  The hierarchy implies or directly
states that watching Jerry Springer, Wrestling, TV in general,wearing
typical clothes, driving a regular car, doing ANYTHING that connects you
to millionsand millions of fellow human beings is a sign of their
pernicious influence against your Satanicelite self!!  The pressures,
etc., get worse and more manipulative the more time you spendsupporting
the group on alt.satanism, in chat rooms, e-lists, etc., or
practicing/exploring lesserblack magic (whether inspired from the SB or
any other book by Anton.)  The more you assumethat the elite of the
world are sharing Anton LaVey's philosophy, the more you assume the
groupis connected to powerful, amazing people.  If you send in your
active membership form or contactother members, you may be drawn in
closer to various other people and tensions in the group, andused quite
effectively, as is Baalack (LeStat Ventrue of Satanic Network, and the
group's HTMLguru), who is called 'troll' behind his back at Central.  As
they want you to believe: "It's better to be used than useless" --
LaVey, often quoted by Blanche Barton.

Replacing the personality void with new behaviors and loyalty to the

If you have noticed any changes in your personality since involvement
with Satanism or any newlifestyle, philosophy, religion, or politics,
especially when it is attached to new contacts or groupinvolvement, and
if you are becoming more identified with particular Satanists, or others
tied tothe new influence in your life, you may wish to take a deeper
look at the changes.  If you do notlike the changes taking place, or if
you feel they are not contributing to your self-sufficiency, confidence,
and independence, you may consider that the people you are involved with
could behindering your growth and individuality.  If you feel that you
are being used, stay clear of suchpeople completely.  If someone can
isolate you from your old life and replace it with theirstandards and
attitudes, and commit you to dependence upon them, or intense group
pressures ofapproval, they can gain a perverse level of control over
you.  Isolation, followed by increasedidentification and growing
dependance, is a formula for mind control.  Even if you are in controlof
changes to yourself, if you become too dependant on a group or others
who are more like yourchanged self, you are narrowing your feeling of
choice in the matter, and your flexibility.  If yoususpect that someone
is manipulating you in this way, you need some distance from them to
sortthings out.  You may wish to look at the changes some Satanists may
experience frommanipulative interactions with other Satanists.  It is
important for you to have personal standards,and to maintain those
standards, independently of any group norms, before and after
associatingwith groups and charming people.

Back to the Top

Conclusion: Who is Most at Risk?

The more you communicate with members, especially those who are dealing
a bit with grottoes, priests, or higher, the more you may be sucked into
artificial, contrived pressures to manipulateyou.  The risk to low-level
members is only as great as their involvement or exposure
tomanipulations.  THAT IS WHY the _Satanic Bible_ is so touted as the
best primer to LaVeyanSatanism and the cult.  Supporters of the cult who
are not members are used on alt.satanism andelsewhere, to feed the
atmosphere of elitist bashing of non-LaVeyans, arbitrary definitions
of'inferior' -- and group pressures in general.  Why else do people who
are new to Satanism on theWeb bash people they do not know, when they
are new to the org?  How many people givecredence to the idea that the
Black House kind of DID have roots going "all the way down toHell?"
 More involved people are used on a more personal level.

The degree of two-way exchange with the hierarchy may as well be nil.
 You ask why in the hell amagistra talks like a street bum schizophrenic
Theist and why a priest who claims knowledge ofSatanism and to be Laveys
mouthpiece an official Rep, breaks Satanic SINS left and right, whythey
are titled and there is no comment except to trust the judgment of the
hierarchy -- the samejudgment you complained about in the first place?
 The organization is rigid, as it is designed touse members, not to
reflect any value of an individual member. How many time have you
heard"we'll take care of it" or "don't concern yourself" or "don't
subject yourself to it, or stopcomplaining" from central and see no
evidence of your legitimate concerns being heard or beingtaken seriously
 when these questions are expressing valid comments about group dynamics
theypretend don't exist.  And do you feel 'maybe if I showed my merit
more....'  How about thosegrottoes disbanded awhile back when the church
was stable they never directly say WHY theywere disbanded the REASONS
behind it openly, but they open them up just when they areweakened by
the  approaching death of their great leader and founder who left them
homeless andselling off the archives they solicited money for on
alt.satanism and pretty pink letters sent tomembers that they are
selling off to the highest bidder on ebay..coincidence? I think not.

The combined effect of all of this is Russian-roulette upon the psyche
of members. Healthygroups aren't as dangerous to their own members as
this.  Some Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)groups are either a border-line
situation or considered by some to be a cult, for example. Yet theymay
be legal, and others consider them harmless. It depends upon the
personality of the particularmember or founder, or upon other chance
factors, like who in particular a member meets, andwhat they do, which
particular seminars they go to, and how they are treated there, how
theyreact, personally. Many leave rather than be harmed, and some stay
but have built-in safeguardson some level, or have not been exposed to
the wrong people. Others hook up with someone whois high-pressure and
persuasive, and meet others like that in seminars, and loose perspective
oftheir own life.

Certain Born-Again Christian study groups and the Church of Satan are
more deeply cultic, by some standards, by some people, than the MLM
types, but prosperity cults do exist and thrive onthe basis of
multi-level marketing scams combined with controlling social settings
and pressuretactics. No one expects all of these groups (at least, not
reasonable people who I have met whohave any real knowledge of them) to
kill defectors, unless you try to make these larger, moreidentifiable
movements responsible for some off-shoot in the woods (you know, some
KentuckyNatural Foods cult with a dictatorial sales-representative or
some other similar analogy.)

No one who is in-the-know expects every member of these cults to loose
all their money or windup psychologically regressed/damaged to one of
those damaged cultists that get to Geraldospecials, or out-and-out
sadistically verbally abused, humiliated, beaten or raped. The
factremains, however, that joining ANY of these movements could result
in psychological regressionor retardation of psychological development,
lack of autonomy, and artificial stresses you wouldnot expect to find
manufactured in healthy groups.  There is a possibility that you could
meet upwith some truly controlling and sadistic people ready to
manipulate you without you being awareuntil some damage is done (and who
knows how deep it could get) and the leadership of thegroup would
ignore, poopoo, sidetrack, or blame YOU for seeing this potential or
feelingdamaged in some way. This is incredibly sick, psychologically,
and in each of these groups, youcan be so sucked into arguments,
reforms, defending the hierarchy, or being manipulated thatleaving will
be far more difficult, emotionally and otherwise, than it should be.

The typical member or person who is associated for only a short time may
not say much aboutthis, and people who leave quickly might not ever
notice a hint of the problem.  They might noteven be aware that an
intuition of this controlling potential lead them to leave. It is the
cases ofthe people who leave and explain this, that explain exactly what
the problem is. Again, it is amatter of chance who you meet in the org
(any of the above) or group, and if you meet them inperson or at a
seminar (the more prolonged and devoted and the more effort, time, or
money youspend, the more the tendrils are likely to come out.) Who knows
what each level of involvementbrings? Both me and Jill decided it wasn't
worth the risk, as both of us felt certain explanations,expectations,
and behaviors were designed to increase the potential for manipulation,
and theorganization was deaf to this, or actively enjoyed awareness of
this fact.

If you look at Anton LaVey's writings, you will notice that over time
his tune gradually changed._The Devil's Notebook_ is interesting mainly
for the Lycanthropy ritual, and the things ontrapezoids and construction
of humanoids. Otherwise, the book is all about power-games andbullshit.
_Satan Speaks_ article on panty-pissing control games blatantly admits
the whole sickdynamic of the Church of Satan. Mind-games are enjoyed and
expected by far too many who arehigher up, and they don't care if
members are hurt by them. As games, who knows what the oddsare, it is
freeform up to a point, and contacts with the Church and members are
kept to aminimum often through a phone call or a letter or through the
Internet. But there are problems even with this LIMITED involvement, and
now the grottoes are back up, so the potentialincreases again. See
Expected responses from CoS members, #5, where I copied some exchanges I
had with CoS hierarchy.

I can imagine that Anton LaVey's Church all started off as an informal
talk on occult subjects, butthe grottoes were unpredictable -- it just
depended on who was in control of a particular grotto. Alot of 'loose
cannons' and 'internecine strife' from what some higher ups have
said."Shit-disturbing." Wonder what that means. Once you suspect that
mind-games are tolerated,practiced, or endorsed, in any group, remember
the full meaning of the term 'mind-games' and'psychological damage' and
you will leave if it gets too sick.

I can imagine Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, being one of those
loose cannons with battycontrol fetishes and hallucinations, but there
were other grottos just as bad or worse, probably.Very recently, Anton
was engaging in panty-pissing control games, 'voluntarily' with people
whowanted to be controlled and manipulated (like Blanche?) -- and we are
to take these people asgood leaders with sound judgement in matters
concerning our own involvement with theirorganization? I think not. See
various essays in _Satan Speaks_ particulary "A Secret (Well, Sortof)."
Controlling people to the pont where they urinate in their pants is a
mind-control tactic thathas been used in cults. Consider also Zeena's
picture of Anton. Zeena Schreck, one of Anton'sdaughters, paints him as
a common pimp and con man who beat his dog, his women, andprostituted
his female 'students' -- and stood by idly as his grandson was molested
by one ofAnton's old buddies.  I think it probably is not entirely
accurate, as there are weird issues going onbetween Zeena and Anton, and
between the ToS and LaVey, but it probably isn't too far off themark,
and isn't a complete exaggeration, as the cult heirarchy maintains.

In any event, the behavior of Magistra Tani Jantsang, Rev. Brent
(Satannet's Baalack, LestatVentrue), and their favorite defenders, is
incredibly manipulative, ego-bashing, and controlling.Magisters like
Peggy Nadramia and Peter Gilmore have an attitude that after paying $100
to beinsulted by the likes of those mind-fucking creeps, you should
'know your place' and give theorganization more of your energy, time,
and trust, to reap real rewards~! Tani Jantsang'sfollowers WANT to be
cultists, and Tani herself is 'reluctantly' shepherding them, while
fuelingtheir sick dynamics. This is 'no problem'!! Balaack expects
people to bow down and respect himjust because he met Anton (did he have
to piss his panties?) And has a controlling reputation ifyou ask certain
ex-girlfriends or people on his chat room. What bothers me, and what is
a trulydangerous tendency that is what helps make it a cult, is the lack
of humor and honesty exhibitedby others. But humor alone is not

The fact is that though atheism can protect you from manipulators with
mystic visions, andindividualism can protect you from large amounts of
sheep-herding behavior, and selfishmaterialism can protect you from
losing total sight on material goals and demands to sacrificewith no
benefit, all of these protections can be eroded by other cult dynamics,
and the result canbe anything from a Russian roulette with game-players,
to a deliberate and very effective systemof brainwashing, depending upon
who you come in contact with, and whether you see theproblem and get
away. The above 'protections' might have worked for a time against the
problemswith grottos with charismatic grotto masters who dabbled in
mind-control games or out-and-outplans to manipulate. It is more likely
that shutting down the grottos simply helped control scrutinyby
outsiders or new members.

Lacking a clear agenda to rally behind and demand sacrifice (which would
have eroded theselfishness and individualism controls), Anton/Blanche's
Church of Satan has still been able toattract enough psychologically
disturbed people ready to manipulate on their whims, and alsoenough
people ready to give some of their mind, emotions, will, or
behavior-decisions over to theright type of controller. I suspect many
groups could do this, but ultimately protect themselvesfrom possible
damages. To ACTUALLY be protected from such damage, however, a group or
anindividual considering joining such a group must REALLY and truly be
disgusted by the mostdamaging and sick manipulation tactics, and
disgusted also by the manipulators and game-playingassholes. AND that
cannot be eroded by any gain the group or individual perceives from
thosetactics or those assholes.

Many groups open up these possibilities, but Anton/Blanche's group seems
to enjoy theprospective danger in the future brought by all of this.
That is why they are a cult that has thepotential to do some serious
damage to individuals, over time, given enough exposure to Central,to
certain members or people in the hierarchy, to certain grottos. And this
doesn't bother them.They seem to WANT it. I have to ask myself, if they
can't handle being asked about Zeena'sclaims about Anton, what is there
problem? On our own e-list, we were verbally threatened inmore or less
pressure-tactic levels, for ASKING (not even judging!) about this.

For Anton & Blanche's Church of Satan, the hierarchical attitude and
structure also reinforces the attitudes which encourage such
manipulations of members. We found our standards towardsmanipulations
(our inner code of honor) erode and change within their group, and this
disturbedus, that is another reason why we left. I am curious as to what
other former members have to sayabout this, and what their perspective
is on this, whether it is a more recent tendency in the group,or whether
it was present from the beginning. Most groups suck people in through
groupmeetings in person, but damage can be done without that. The
Internet culture of the cult is damaging in itself, and so are contacts
with Central, if you ever consider yourself allied with them and a
member. It is a matter of time, chance, and depth of involvement. And it
isn't worth associating with a group like that, because groups don't
HAVE to be that way, especially to their own members. If you really like
the ideas of the groups you hang around you won't want this to happen to


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Questions to Ask About CoS Involvment
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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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