-Caveat Lector-

      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Police arrest Mission's anti-yuppie crusader
They say they found books on bomb-making


Police investigating a Mission District man who has
been posting flyers around the neighborhood urging
upscale restaurants said they found bomb-making
manuals in his apartment.

But the man says he is innocent and his supporters
say he is being targeted because of his political

The suspect, whose last name is Keating, was
arrested last Friday while he was pasting up the
latest in a series of flyers by the Mission Yuppie
Eradication Project, which Keating describes as an
underground anarchist organization, Mission Station
police Capt. Greg Suhr said. Keating was charged
with making terrorist threats, but the charges have
been dropped pending further investigation, police

Neither police nor Keating, who goes by the
pseudonym Nestor Makhno, would disclose Keating's
full name.

Keating was released from jail on Saturday. He said
in a telephone interview that he is innocent.

"My attorneys know if we go to court we will
completely trounce them," he said.

Suhr said police are going through "boxes and boxes
and boxes" of evidence from Keating's apartment,
including the recipe for making an acid bomb, as well
as Keating's computer.

Anti-yuppie posters by the Yuppie Eradication Project
began appearing in the Mission late last year. The
latest posters, seen on various telephone polls,
mailboxes and utility boxes around the Mission over
the past two or three weeks, call for the destruction
of four Mission District bars and restaurants.

"During the next major urban riots, we must attack
and destroy the following yuppie bars and
caustic but intelligent prose. It lists the Beauty Bar -
described as "neighborhood enemy number one,"
Tokyo Go-Go, Blowfish Sushi and Circadia, a
Starbucks coffee shop.

"Be creative. Take action. Don't get caught," the
flyers advise.

"That really made me nervous, because people can
kind of take that to heart and really do s- -," said
Aaron Buhrz, co-owner of the Beauty Bar, a
seven-month-old bar at Mission and 19th streets
with a beauty salon theme that offers manicures and
professional make-overs along with drinks.

"In this neighborhood, they can and they will," he

Earlier posters urged people to vandalize "yuppie"
cars, such as sport utility vehicles, by keying them
and slashing their tires - letting their owners know
they aren't welcome in the Mission.

In the two or three weeks since the latest posters
appeared, none of the four targeted restaurants has
been harmed, although all experienced vandalism in
the months prior to that, their owners said. Buhrz,
28, said the Beauty Bar was tagged some time ago
with graffiti that read, "Leave the Mission or else."
Ken Lowe, owner of Tokyo Go-Go, said his
restaurant was plastered several months ago with
about two dozen signs that read, "Target the
yuppies," with a picture of a bull's eye.

None understood why their restaurants - which they
view as a plus for the neighborhood - would be seen
as a threat.

"All these merchants down here are normal people,
and for people to say negative things about us
without knowing who we are - I was bummed," Lowe,
35, said.

Blowfish Sushi is described in the anti-yuppie posters
as a place that "brings rich pigs to the Mission and
offers nothing to working and poor people here."

Its owner, Jason Teplitsky, said he viewed the flyers
as a prank by "a few loose cannons."

"It obviously makes you angry that people so
misunderstand what is happening in the world that
they would think that actions such as the ones
they're proposing would solve any of the problems or
would even be relevant to the cause that they're
perpetrating," said Teplitsky, a native of the Ukraine
- the same region the original Nestor Makhno, an
anarchist, lived earlier this century.

"Just because people have money does not
necessarily mean they are evil," said Teplitsky, 30,
who insists he had no intention of abandoning his

Keating's supporters said he would not make bombs,
would not harm people and is being targeted because
of his anarchist beliefs.

"(The police) took all his books," said James Tracy of
the Mission-based Eviction Defense Network, who
has known Keating for 10 years. "They basically
confiscated anything that was Marxist or anarchist."

The man he calls a friend is a "passionate, caring
individual" who has gone on record saying that he
does not advocate hurting people, Tracy said. "He's
going after the property, not the people."

But the real issue is not Keating, Tracy said.

"The Mission Yuppie Eradication Project's efforts are
a symbol of a lot of long-term residents' frustration
with the parasitic institutions, and the fear that
goes along with knowing that you and your loved
ones are being pushed from the neighborhood," said
Tracy, whose organization works to help tenants
displaced through mass evictions or hotel fires.

"The issue is the fact that people under a certain
income level are not going to be able to live in The
City after too long. Poor people and the working
class are just going to be out."

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