-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: VGammill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 8:00 PM
Subject: Is AIDS treatable?

     It seems like it could be an exercise in frustration trying to find a
cure for AIDS and so many of the newer autoimmune system disfunctions if in
fact we are taking on a crypto government population control policy.  This
is a copy of a letter I received this morning from Boyd "Ed" Graves who is
suing the US government for the creation of the AIDS virus.  The Special
Virus Cancer Program did indeed exist and the copies of the annual reports
are easily obtainable--I have seen them and they do look compellingly
incrimminating.  The only counter argument that I can conceive of is that I
find it hard to believe that scientists and policy makers in the US would
dream up and put such a plan into effect.  Implicit in it is that during
the late 50's, the 60's, the 70's and the early 80's they believed that
there was a population explosion of peoples who they considered inferior.
Could such a policy still be in effect?  I'd like to think that any such
policies have quietly reversed course.  Many of us with friends and
contacts in the research communities and the military have heard rumors of
these things going on -- and that you do not get too nosey if you don't
want to get "disappeared".   Am I going to get disappeared because I agree
with Ed that there should be an official investigation, one that would not
read like a Warren Commission coverup.  Maybe they'll issue me a heart
attack or an auto accident.
      For years I have searched for cancer treatments that I've known to be
suppressed.  It was through this research that I met Dr. Cantwell and then
Ed Graves.  I feel like Mel Gibson in that movie where he uncovers many
conspiracies -- some real, some looney -- until he stumbles upon the
motherload of dirty linen.  That was when he was marked for termination.
      This same sort of thing happened with regularity during the Nixon
years.  Len Horowitz believes that he is safe as long as he remains highly
visible in the public eye.  I do not think that Ed is safe.  It is too bad
because he is an Annapolis graduate and a very loyal American with a good
      At the end of Ed's letter he listed me as an expert.  I've deleted
this attachment in the forward to the list as it includes the personal
phone numbers of others.  I am not an expert in this matter.  I am just a
voice in the chorus of people who refuse to ignore these public documents
that Ed has uncovered.  I am just a guy who is amazed at the seeming
cleverness, the boldness and the ruthlessness of The Special Virus Cancer
Program.  I think that they did not have a worry in the world about being
found out as there were no Black scientists in this field of research and
they had the power of the US government to protect them.  They may get away
with it too.  Many of the scientists went on to die of old age.
    If a jury could not understand the evidence to convict O.J. Simpson,
there is no chance that they could understand the technical evidence in a
case like this.  If a jury did not buy a bogus exculpatory "cancer
research" defense then it might still acquit out of a confused sense of
loyalty, or to protect the taxpayer from a huge reparation bill, or simply
out of agreement with a racist policy.  I do not think that heads will
roll.  I just see a lot of denial and and a lot more disenfranchisement
with elected officials and their appointees.  It would be a matter of
who-do-you-want-to-believe?   I don't think anyone dare get too beligerent
about this as a government capable of this sort of thing is a government
capable of anything.
     Where to go from here?  A good starting place would be to force
Dr.Robert Gallo into a forum where he would have to do some explaining and
I don't want to hear, "Well, you've got to understand the times back
then..." and "We didn't know..."   Maybe he was just "following orders".
Whose orders?
     If this scientific and racial "elite" are shown to have committed this
crime, I think the living victims should be the ones to decide their fates.
There is no question that we are talking about a crime of Nuremburg


     May 14, 1999

Mark Gillespie, federal court reporter
The Cleveland Plain Dealer
1801 Superior Street
Cleveland, OH 44114

RE: Graves v. Cohen, 98 CV 2209
United States Federal Court

Complaint of Judicial Misconduct/Prejudice
No.: 99-6-372-11
United States Court of Appeals

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

Pursuant to our conversation I am providing you the names and phone numbers
of some of a growing number of experts who have knowledge of a "hidden
federal program" entitled "Special Virus " . The Plain Dealer has an
obligation to the public to confirm the existence of the "Special Virus"
program. John Mangels of your staff has received a copy of "PROGRESS REPORT
#10  of the  (special) Virus-Cancer program (1973). The evidence reveals
the "special" part of the title was unceremoniously dropped in 1973. The
evidence also reveals there were at least 15 progress reports (through

The evidence reveals that Dr. Robert C. Gallo is a "Project Officer" for
the  "Special Virus" program. The evidence reveals that Dr. Gallo's 1971
paper is identical to his announcement of  HIV in 1984.  Even a
spokesperson for the Center for Disease Control ( Dr. Tim Dondero)
confirmed that Dr. Gallo did not discover the HIV enzyme as announced in
April, 1984. The American people and the people of the world have been
purposefully misled. In a 1985 paper, Dr. Gallo admits the HIV enzyme
contains a splice of the genetic sequencing of the VISNA virus.  There is
simply no earthly way possible for an "Icelandic sheep disease"  (visna)
and an alleged Central African monkey disease  (simian immunodefeciency
syndrome ("SIV"))to combine and represent part of the genetic sequencing of
the HIV enzyme, but for the laboratories and scientists secretly working to
achieve such, within the "Special Virus" program of the United States of
America and the edicts of the World Health Organization and the
International Monetary Fund.. Just prior to mass vaccination in Manhattan
and Africa, the "Special Virus program produced 60,000 liters of the HIV
enzyme through "illegal" roller bottle techniques. This mass production of
a "synthetic retrovirus" is referenced by Richard Hatch, "Cancer Warfare",
Covert Action Quarterly, Winter, 1991-1992. It is also referenced by Dr.
Alan Cantwell, "QB: The Secret Aids Genocide Plot", page 45, Aries Rising
Press . There is additional verifiable evidence in each of the following
Progress Report #'s 13, 14 and 15 (1976, 1977 and 1978) of the "Special
Virus" program.

According to Dr. Len Horowitz and others, many top scientist from around
the world did not want to attend the April, 1969 conference hosted by Fort
Detrick and Dr. Robert C. Gallo. The conference was entitled "Entry and
Control of Foreign Nucleic Acid". Two months later, (on June 9, 1969), the
Pentagon informed Congress that the Pentagon had violated its own
constraints and conducted research on an offensive biological agent that
would lead to world wide scourge and black death type plague. That was the
testimony of Dr. Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon on June 9, 1969 before
the Subcommittee on Appropriations. Just several weeks later, on July 1,
1969, Dr. MacArthur again returned to the Subcommittee and sought and
received $10,000,000 for the development of a "synthetic biological agent",
one that attacks and destroys the body's immune system for which no natural
immunity could have been acquired. SEE page 129 of U. S. House Bill 15090.
The American people and the people of the world have a right to view
Progress Reports #'s 6 & 7 (1969 and 1970) of the "Special Virus" program.
The evidence shows (Progress Report #8) that the "Special Virus" received
$10,000,000 again for "Development" in 1971. By the way, and again
according to Dr. Horowitz and others, Dr. Robert C. Gallo briefed NATO in
Belgium in 1970 about the United States' progress in its development of
synthetic retroviruses.

It is the Pentagon's testimony of June 9, 1969 and July 1, 1969 that Judge
Lesley Brooks Wells "set aside" in which to reach a finding of frivolity.
Judge Well's October 28, 1998 decision to "set aside" direct evidence, is
at the heart of the complaint pending before the full (19 judge) judicial
council of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. According tot the Circuit
Executive, James A. Higgins, this case will be heard the third week of
June. The discussion and subsequent jury trial of the laboratory origin of
the HIV enzyme is supported by sufficient and credible evidence. Some of
this evidence has already been shared with your medical editor,  John
Mangels. Your newspaper can not now deny the existence of a hidden federal
program called the "Special Virus". Mr. Mangels has Progress Report #10 (of
the "Special Virus") in his current possession. I have 8, 9 & 11. As a
point of inquiry, Judy Grossberg, librarian for the National Cancer
Institute says the NCI's archives only houses three of the fifteen reports!
It is my understanding that Mr. Mangels intends to seek "independent
professional review" of the Progress Report in his possession, and Dr.
Robert C. Gallo's 1971 paper entitled, "Reverse Transcriptase of Type C
Virus Particles of Human Origin". Dr. Gallo's paper is listed at page 335
of Progress Report #8 of the "Special Virus" program. Additionally, he is
listed as a "Project Officer" for the "Special Virus" program at pages 104
- 106. Pages 273 - 289  confirm the "Special Virus" began inoculating and
releasing monkeys back into the wilds of Central Africa in 1962. There is
evidence to suggest the government's monkey inoculation and release
programs go back at least as early as 1957. Fort Detrick concedes and
confirms a top secret "offensive" biological weapons program, approved by
Congress, began there in 1957, the project was called, "Special Operations
-X" ("SOX"). The American people and the people of the world are entitled
to an independent review of our 40 years of development of offensive
biological weapons. There is growing credible evidence that each and every
non-consenting victim of this population control holocaust is innocent and
deserving of apology and reparation. For the record, it is the Journal of
the American Medical Association (JAMA) that confirms a higher rate of
infection in Manhattan than in Africa in 1984. It is statistically
impossible for another location, particularly one that is non-contiguous
and sexually distinct, to have a higher rate of infection than the location
nearest the alleged ancestral epicenter. Additionally, service members are
now coming forth and verifying the "peculiar warnings" they received only
when they visited Africans ports in the late '70's and early '80's.

Finally, Dr. Michael Lederman of Case Western Reserve University is
considered the area's top expert with respect to HIV/AIDS and immunology.
DR. Lederman frequently decries 'there is no evidence of a laboratory
origin of the HIV enzyme'. Dr. Lederman now refuses to review the available
progress reports of the "Special Virus" program. If the progress reports
did not represent the contracts and experiments that put the HIV enzyme
together, they would be easily and readily dismissed and disposed of.
Instead, you have leading AIDS experts , such as Dr. Lederman, covering
their mouths, ears and eyes. The record reveals that Dr. Peter Duesberg was
a consultant and prominent player in the early days of the development of
the "Special Virus".

I now have possession of over 2000 signatures calling for a Congressional
inquiry into this matter.


Boyd E. Graves
1008 Elbon Rd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44121-1429

enclosures: iatrogenic origin of AIDS experts (noninclusive)
letter to Senator DeWine
letter to Michael Lederman, M.D.

cc: William Jefferson Clinton, President
The United States of America
c/o SUSAN SMITH, Director
Agency Liaison Office, The White House

Senator Mike DeWine

Senator George Voinovich

Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones

James Higgins, Circuit Executive
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

Lesley Brooks Wells, Judge
United States District Court

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