-Caveat Lector-

Sorry forgot to attach the article.
>From trufax.org

Time Wars:
An ongoing commentary reflecting time travel, the current trunk timeline and
parallel timelines with regard to planetary events, and the parties
concerned, based on our own synchronistic receipt of information that has a
possibility of shedding light on our current reality scheme.

Time wars. For many, the very idea on its face smacks of fantasy and science
fiction, yet various discussions about the subject permeate both cyberspace
and literature. Certainly the structure of time, space, technology and
reality are all mutable, and the evidence appears to indicate that these
things have indeed been going on, and that several factions have had ongoing
access to this technology or ability. Other than the material indicated by
the link above and the discussions involving Montauk and the Philadelphia
experiment, the other main paradigm discussing these issues on an ongoing
basis is the paradigm of the Zenetae from Andromeda as related by Alex
Collier. There are also others with which you might be familiar.

Update: [January 5, 1999]

We are getting some indications here that the U.S. activities in Iraq
relative to the recent incursion might be a response to previous U.S.
Government Montauk-type time travel work in which an event existed wherein
Iraq dropped a nuclear device using a missle on to Jeruselem, and as the
Soviet Union arms Iraq and the U.S. must come to the aid of Israel, a large
conflict would begin. The 1998-1999 action against Iraq has now prevented the
nuclear bombing of Israel by Iraq. However:
The events involving a foreign perpetrated anthrax incursion on both
Washington D.C and Manhattan in New York have not yet been diverted.
It strikes me that the new television series "Seven Days", which features
government time travel into the past to tweak or prevent certain events, has
appeared at an interesting time in history.

Update: [October 3, 1998]

The use of temporal travel has been utilized by several factions, both alien
to earth in terms of location and dimension and factions involved with earth
The use of temporal travel by these factions created a minimum of two major
parallel reality structures with respect to the main timeline flow on earth,
one involving the extension of the paradigm of the Nazi's, and the other one
involving Orion induced bacteriological warfare on the earth. The first
skermishes between the Draconian and Orion factions, and the Andromedan
Council factions have been occuring since 1996 into the present.
The creation of these alternate timelines has produced event horizons in the
main timeline which involve tyranny extending into the 28th century, although
the investigations by Robert Monroe show that tyranny does not exist in the
30th century, meaning that something affected the main timeline flow.
The paradigm of Bashar and the Essassani, who are a mixture of human/grey
hybrids, involves the coming back through time from 700 years in the future
to state their case.
The paradigm of several factions of Grey entities has dabbled in the main
timeline for thousands of years.
Dimensions parallel to the current timeline are actively interfacing with the
main timeline.
The Zenetae came back from 375 years in the future, wherein tyranny exists,
in an attempt to alter the timeline to eliminate the tyranny which is tearing
apart the universe.
Members of the human society on earth in the 28th century, where all humans
contain microchips and are docile, are here attempting to tweak events.
The Zenetae, as a faction representative of an overall effort by hundreds of
worlds, have apparently managed to halt all temporal travel, previously in
some areas, but as of October 1 in all areas and between all parallel
dimensions to the current timeline, having the effect of speeding up the
current timeflow even more as the parallel timelines have been effectively
accelerated. The overall effect is accelerating the main timeline even more,
hastening the implosion of the parallel timelines into the main timeline.
Recent reports indicate that the 28th century timeline, the New World Order,
is beginning to flutter, making those that have come here from that time
extremely nervous.
The open flight of many of the triangular craft, piloted by members of the
Draconian/Orion faction and its human counterparts has increased between June
1997 and October 1997, as they make efforts to grapple with control.
The current situation with the Andromedans is such that they are now
examining the potential effect of further actions on their part, as to the
effect on their own civilization, and are pondering the potential of
interacting openly on the level and dimension of the main timeline. (Oct 3).
Further information will be forthcoming on this.
The timeloops created by the Phildelphia experiment have been shut down (Oct
In deference to media and television on the concept of "time cops", they
apparently do exist, are watching, and are concerned. Possibly more data on
that forthcoming

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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