-Caveat Lector-


<A HREF="http://www.guntruths.com/Resource/australia.htm">Australia: Gun
Control Increases Violent Crime</A>

Proof Positive: Gun Control
Increases Violent Crime

The Latest Data from Australia

One year ago gunowners in Australia were forced to surrender 640,381 personal
firearms, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns.   The program
cost the government over $500 million.  The results are in...a dramatic
increase in criminal activity.

At the end of 1997, after the first 12 months of being in effect, the data
show the following:

    -homicides are up 3.2%
    -assaults are up 8.6%
    -armed-robberies are up 44%
    -unarmed robberies are up 21%
    -unlawful entries are up 3.9%
    -motor vehicle thefts are up 6.1%

-In the state of Victoria:
    -the overall murder rate increased by 18 percent
    -homicides committed with firearms are up 300% (over the previous 25
years, there was a steady decrease in homicides involving firearms.  This was
dramatically reversed 12 months ago with the imposition of the draconian gun
control scheme)
    -There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the

[Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics]

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