-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Fri, 28 May 1999 14:48:31 -05:0
Subject:                [BRIGADE] PJB: End Clinton's War Now!
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Brigade - Pat's latest column - !!


by Patrick J. Buchanan

May 28, 1999

Outwitted and defied by a crafty and ruthless Balkan dictator, NATO
is now
smashing a tiny country to retrieve its lost credibility, and restore
a status
quo ante that existed before it began this war.

The great issue now dividing the warring parties -- Slobodan Milosevic wants
UN peace keepers in Kosovo; NATO insists that the "international security
force" contain its own troops as well.

Does having our way on this triviality justify an invasion by 100,000 American
ground troops?  Only wounded pride says yes.

Let us cut a deal and end this wretched war now.

The only winner thus far has been Milosevic, who has earned a niche in Serb
mythology for defying the "most successful alliance in history" and "the
world's last superpower," rather than surrender at gunpoint the sacred cradle
of the Serb nation.

The losers?  Serbia is smashed; the Kosovo Albanians we went to protect
have been murdered and raped, a million or more driven from their homes.
The southern Balkans have been destabilized.  U.S. relations with Russia
and China have been set back years.

But NATO has attained air superiority -- above 15,000 feet.

More serious has been the exposure of the alarming disrepair of the armed
forces Ronald Reagan bequeathed his nation.  Daily, we read of F-16s
cannibalized for parts, of U.S. bombers running low on laser-guided
munitions, of our 7th Fleet denuded of carriers, of Apaches taking weeks to
be deployed, of U.S. "smart" bombs hitting hospitals, trains, buses, jails,
refugees and a Chinese embassy that did not appear on the 1994 map U.S.
"intelligence" was using.

Yet, says John McCain, we must do whatever is necessary to win, lest we
be "perceived by our enemies as an uncertain foe, and by our friends as an
unreliable ally."

Wrong, John.  If a war is unwise, unjust, or unwinnable except at exorbitant
cost, a statesman's duty is to end it on the best terms attainable, as
Eisenhower did in Korea, DeGaulle did in Algeria, and Gorbachev did in
Afghanistan.  With the cause for which we went to war -- to protect the
Kosovars -- lost, it is as immoral to smash Serbia, to punish Milosevic, as it
would be to persecute the family and destroy the neighborhood of a felon
who refused to give up.

Our war is with Milosevic, Mr. Clinton says.  Yet, we refuse to target and kill
him because U.S. law prohibits it.  Instead we smash Serbia.  In our rage
and exasperation, we have begun to emulate the empire our Founding
Fathers overthrew.  Is it any wonder the Serb people who once so admired
us now so despise us?

How do we extricate ourselves?

The U.S. should make Belgrade an offer: Recognition of its sovereignty over
Kosovo, control of its holy places, and a bombing halt.  In return, the Serb
army will cease ethnic cleansing, withdraw most of its troops, and permit the
Kosovars to return.  Let Russians and soldiers of NATO nations that did not
bomb police the peace.  And let us keep all U.S. soldiers out of Kosovo, as
any sent into that cauldron of hatred could expect to be shot in the back for
what we have done.

The U.S. might then call, as Bismarck did, call for a Congress of Berlin to
repartition the Balkans.  For giving up part of Kosovo, Serbia could be
compensated with Serbian sectors of Bosnia.  As for the Kosovo Liberation
Army, even with U.S. air power fighting its war, it was routed.  We have no
interest or stake in a KLA victory.

Finally, as America financed a Marshall Plan for Europe, Europe should
finance a Jospin-Schroeder Plan for the Balkans.

This was never America's war, but a civil and ethnic war in a distant
peninsula where Americans have never fought before and no vital U.S.
interest was ever at risk.  That Mr. Clinton desperately wishes to avoid even
a single U.S. casualty so testifies.  He and the bellicose little magazines
may beat the drums for "humanitarian interventionism," but Americans are
not going to send their sons to die in Wilsonian crusades led by the children
of Woodstock.

Kosovo was the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the
wrong enemy.  America is not threatened by Serbia.  If any nation is a
potential threat to the United States, it is that mighty tyranny in Asia that
persecutes Christians, robs our nuclear secrets, threatens Taiwan with
missiles, and targets out cities with atomic weapons -- the nation Mr. Clinton
calls our "strategic partner."

America, with placid neighbors north and south, separated from a blood-
soaked Eurasia by two oceans, should heed anew the sage counsel of
greatest men: No permanent alliances, keep out of foreign wars, speak

softly, and carry a Big Stick.

-----------------  end  -----------------------

Help Pat and the Brigade in our Battle for the White House...
Go to: http://www.gopatgo2000.org/000-v-helppat.html
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  *** BUCHANAN 2000 ***

From:                   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Fri, 28 May 1999 12:36:25 -05:0
Subject:                [BRIGADE] PJB to Reno: Explain or GO
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Buchanan 2000
For Immediate Release: Friday, May 28, 1999


COLUMBUS, OHIO--Presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan today
called on
Atty. Gen. Janet Reno either to take responsibility for the Justice
Department's astonishing failure to wiretap suspected Chinese spy Wen
Lee or identify and dismiss the subordinates she blames for not fully
briefing her.

"By Ms. Reno's own admission, when the FBI sought to wiretap Lee in
the Justice Department refused, and even after the FBI revised the
application twice, it was still not approved," Mr. Buchanan said.
400 other wiretap warrants were rubber-stamped, but the request to
investigate what has since become the greatest security breach in
was inexplicably rejected.  Why?"

"Ms. Reno's assertion that she was not briefed is an inadequate
for her department's incompetence, and claiming that the FBI did not
a compelling case is unacceptable," Mr. Buchanan said. " The Attorney
General must either take responsibility for her feckless stewardship
remove those derelict in their duty."

"This latest round of the Clinton/Gore blame game is conclusive proof
the days of 'the buck stops here' will not return until this
Administration packs its bags."

For more information contact Bob Adams or John Aquino at (703) 734-

-------------  30  -----------

Help Pat and the Brigade in our Battle for the White House...
Go to: http://www.gopatgo2000.org/000-v-helppat.html
Spread the word -- forward this email across the USA!
Don't Miss Out - Join the BRIGADE Email List! - Visit:
Official WebSite for Patrick J. Buchanan for President
Web: http://www.gopatgo2000.org
  *** BUCHANAN 2000 ***
P.O. Box 2000, Dunn Loring, VA 22027
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: 1-703-734-2700
WebMaster - Linda Muller - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2000, Dunn Loring, VA 22027
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: 1-703-734-2700
WebMaster - Linda Muller - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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