-Caveat Lector-

 While the following article displays ignorance concerning the
 cost and health benefits of chemical-free agriculture (etc.),
 it also exposes the dangerously one-sided propaganda of Al Gore
 and similar naked political opportunists.
    Are these "nice" politicians controlled by wealthy sponsors
 who are experimenting with HAARP electronic weather warfare ?
 Is the source of these "owned" politician's fear (of the recent
 global weather instability) an appropriately guilty conscience ?


 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 From:         "Taylor, John (JH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date:         Mon, 31 May 1999
 Subject:      [CTRL] Global Warming -- Boon for Mankind

 Global Warming -- Boon for Mankind?

 by Dennis T. Avery
 American Outlook Magazine, Spring 1998

 Global warming may be coming, but if it does, it won't be
 as extreme as previously thought.  And it might actually
 be a boon for the environment.

     "Climate extremes would trigger meteorological
     chaos-raging hurricanes such as we have never seen,
     capable of killing millions of people; uncommonly long,
     record-breaking heat waves; and profound drought that
     could drive Africa and the entire Indian subcontinent
     over the edge into mass starvation."

               --U.S. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell,
                 World on Fire, 1991

     "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the
     populace alarmed -- and hence clamorous to be led to
     safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of
     hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

               --H.L. Mencken, newspaper columnist,
                 Baltimore Sun, 1925

 We've all read the global warming scare stories lately.
 Be prepared for more of the same as the Kyoto Treaty sits
 stalled in the Senate and Al Gore ties his presidential run
 to environmental issues.

 Fortunately, there is no reason for alarm.  Senator
 Mitchell's scary scenario was implausible when he presented
 it -- at a time when the crude computer climate models of
 the day were predicting three times as much warming as they
 currently do -- and is clearly untenable today.

 Climate researchers still do not agree on whether the earth
 will become warmer during the coming century.  Even more
 importantly, none of them expect the planet to get very much
 warmer in the foreseeable future.  They say that the earth
 is likely to warm by no more than 2 degrees Centigrade
 (3.5 degrees Fahrenheit) during the next century.

 All the climate circulation models have cut their original
 warming forecasts at least in half in recent years, after
 satellite studies indicated that additional cloud cover
 would moderate any warming trend.  Highly accurate satellite
 data for the last nineteen years show a slight cooling of
 the atmosphere.  Most of the one-half-degree Centigrade of
 warming that has occurred in the last one-hundred years took
 place before 1940 -- before humanity put very much CO2 into
 the air.  Thus there is strong evidence that the two are

 Research has only recently produced a computerized climate
 model able accurately to mimic the weather the world has
 actually had.  This more-accurate model projects only a
 2 degree Centigrade increase in temperatures.

 Medieval Global Warming

 That may sound like a lot, but it isn't.  The world has
 experienced that much warming, and fairly recently in
 history.  And we loved it!

 Between 900 AD and 1300 AD, the earth warmed by some 4 to
 7 degrees Fahrenheit -- almost exactly what the models now
 predict for the twenty-first century.  History books call it
 the Little Climate Optimum.  Written and oral history tells
 us that the warming created one of the most favorable
 periods in human history.  Crops were plentiful, death rates
 diminished, and trade and industry expanded -- while art and
 architecture flourished.

 The world's population experienced far less hunger.  Food
 production surged because winters were milder and growing
 seasons longer.  Key growing regions had fewer floods and
 droughts.  Human death rates declined, partly because of
 the decrease in hunger and partly because people spent less
 of their time huddled in damp, smoke-filled hovels that
 encouraged the growth and spread of tuberculosis and other
 infectious diseases.

 Prosperity, fostered by the abundant crops and lower death
 rates, stimulated a huge outpouring of human creativity --
 in engineering, trade, architecture, religion, art, and
 practical invention.

 Soon after the year 1400, however, the good weather ended.
 The world dropped into the Little Ice Age, with harsher
 cold, fiercer storms, severe droughts, more crop failures,
 and more famines.  According to climate historian H.H. Lamb,
 during this period, "for much of the [European] continent,
 the poor were reduced to eating dogs, cats, and even
 children."  The cold persisted until the 18th century.

 The Little Climate Optimum was a boon for mankind and the
 environment alike.  The Vikings discovered and settled
 Greenland around 950 AD.  Greenland was then so warm that
 thousands of colonists supported themselves by pasturing
 cattle on what is now frozen tundra.  During this great
 global warming, Europe built the looming castles and soaring
 cathedrals that even today stun tourists with their size,
 beauty, and engineering excellence.  These colossal
 buildings required the investment of millions of man-hours
 -- which could be spared from farming because of the higher
 crop yields.

 Europe's population expanded from approximately forty
 million to sixty million during the Little Climate Optimum,
 the increase due almost entirely to lower death rates.
 Trade flourished, in part because there were fewer storms
 at sea and fewer muddy roads on land.  (There was more
 rainfall, but it evaporated more quickly.)

 England was warm enough to support a wine industry.  The
 Mediterranean Basin was wetter than today.  Farming moved
 further north in Scandinavia, Russia, Manchuria, northern
 Japan, and North America.  Farmers in Iceland grew oats
 and barley.

 At the same time, technology flourished.  The water mill,
 the windmill, coal, the spinning wheel, and soap entered
 daily life.  Sailors developed the lateen sail, the rudder,
 and the compass.  New iron-casting techniques led to better
 tools and weapons.

 Real earnings in China reached their highest point in
 3,000 years, thanks largely to the more-plentiful crops.
 There were half as many floods and one-fourth as many
 big droughts as in the Little Ice Age that followed.
 The increase in wealth produced a great flowering of art,
 literature, and invention, the products of which we still
 enjoy and appreciate.

 The Indian subcontinent prospered as well, producing
 colossal temples, beautiful sculptures, and elaborate art.
 The Khmer people built the huge temple complex at Angkor
 Wat.  The Burmese built 13,000 temples at their capital,

 We know less about what went on in North America.  We do
 know that the Great Plains, the upper Mississippi Valley,
 and the Southwest apparently received more rainfall than
 they do now.  The Anasazi civilization of the Southwest
 grew abundant irrigated crops -- and then vanished when the
 Little Optimum ended and the rainfall declined.  The Toltecs
 and Aztecs built marvelous civilizations in Mexican
 highlands that were plentifully watered.

 Thus, we can cast aside the forecasts that global warming
 will bring more drought and expanding deserts.  Global
 warming brings more clouds and more rainfall, especially
 near the equator.  That is what apparently happened during
 the Little Optimum.  For instance, North Africa received
 more rain than today, and the Sahara -- and presumably many
 other desert regions -- shrank in response to the increase
 in rainfall.

 There were some negatives, of course.  The steppes of Asia
 and parts of California apparently suffered dry periods.
 Also, it is important to remember that today's climate
 models are not precise enough to tell us anything about
 local rainfall in the future.  The British global
 circulation model recently predicted that the Sahara Desert
 and Ireland would get exactly the same rainfall in the
 twenty-first century.  That certainly seems unlikely.

 Agricultural Bonanza

 The medieval experience with global warming should reassure
 us greatly, and the latest scientific evidence supports such
 optimism.  It is clear, for example, that a planet earth
 with longer growing seasons, more rainfall, and higher
 carbon dioxide (CO2) levels would be a "plant heaven."
 Modest warming would help crops, not hinder them.  There is
 virtually no place on earth too hot or humid to grow rice,
 cassava, sweet potatoes, or plantains, for example, and corn
 can be grown in a wider variety of climates than any other

 The prospective global warming will not be uniform.  It is
 expected to moderate nighttime and winter low temperatures
 more than it raises daytime and summertime highs.  Thus, it
 will produce relatively little added stress on crop plants
 or trees -- and on people.

 The expected increase in CO2 will be an additional blessing.
 Carbon dioxide acts like fertilizer for plants.  Dutch
 greenhouses, for example, routinely triple their CO2 levels
 deliberately -- and the crops respond with 20 to 40 percent
 yield increases.  Extra CO2 also helps plants use their
 water more efficiently.  The "pores" (stomata) on plant
 leaves partially close, and less water vapor escapes from
 inside the plants.  More than a thousand experiments with
 475 crop plant varieties in 29 separate countries show that
 doubling the world's carbon dioxide would raise crop yields
 an average of 52 percent.

 The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does seem to
 be rising.  In fact, we are nearly halfway to the expected
 CO2 peak of 550 parts per million.  The current levels of
 CO2 in the earth's atmosphere are very low, however,
 compared to past periods.  In fact, most of the earth's
 species of plants and animals evolved in much-higher
 levels of carbon dioxide than we have today -- up to
 twenty times the recent pre-industrial level of 280 ppm.

 Lush Forests and Prairies

 The increase in CO2 will make forests all over the world
 healthier and more robust -- and allow them to support
 more wildlife.  Canadian forestry researchers estimate
 that in a new warming their forest growth would increase
 by 20 percent.  In fact, the world's crops, forests, and
 soils may well be nature's "missing carbon sink."  (Not all
 human-produced carbon dioxide shows up in the atmosphere or
 is absorbed by the surface layers of the ocean, which
 suggests that it is being used by plants.)

 Of course, it would put less stress on our wild species if
 the world always stayed at the same temperature, but the
 planet has never done that.  Our "species models" mostly
 evolved in the Cambrian Period (six-hundred-million years
 ago), and they have already survived several Ice Ages and
 hot spells.

 Scientists examining the impact of global warming on
 wildlife species in the two most at-risk environments
 (tropical forests and the Arctic) say that they would
 expect a modest global warming to produce little or no
 species loss.

 In Global Warming and Biodiversity, for example, Dr. Gary S.
 Hartshorn notes that the tropical forests already undergo
 enormous variability in rainfall.  He writes, "It is
 unlikely that higher temperature per se will be directly
 deleterious to tropical forest [wildlife] communities."
 Hartshorn also notes that although scientists previously
 estimated the number of wildlife species in the world at
 three to ten million, they had to change their estimate once
 they started counting tropical species.  Now they estimate
 roughly thirty million species, with the overwhelming
 majority occupying the tropical rain forests.  Thus, the
 negligible effect of global warming on tropical forests
 bodes very well for the world's biodiversity.

 In the same book, Dr. Vera Alexander notes that Arctic
 marine systems would be seriously threatened if the sea ice
 melted.  The Arctic, however, has already survived major
 temperature changes, including the Little Climate Optimum,
 without shrinking appreciably.  Even with average worldwide
 temperatures six to nine degrees Centigrade warmer than
 today's, Alexander notes, the sea ice would re-form in the

 Assessing an Arctic tundra ecosystem, Dwight Billings and
 Kim Moreau Peterson predict that such a warming would have
 no major species impact.  They expect more snow-free days
 in the summer, more photosynthesis, and somewhat more peat
 decomposition, but these factors would mainly benefit the
 primary food chain.  Thus the available evidence suggests
 that global warming will have little effect on Arctic

 Of course, we must also note that any wildlife species
 too fragile to survive this kind of mild warming probably
 disappeared from the planet several hundred years ago
 during the Little Climate Optimum.

 Decrease in Disasters

 Most of the trillion-dollar estimates of global warming
 "costs" headlined in the 1980s were based on forecasts that
 cities such as New York City and Bangladesh would be drowned
 under rising seas.  In 1980, for example, some activists
 claimed that global warming would raise sea levels by
 twenty-five feet.  In 1985, a National Research Council
 panel estimated a three-foot rise in the sea level.  Those
 are frightening scenarios, but completely untrue.

 The Medieval Climate Optimum did not produce devastating
 floods. Nor will a new global warming.  It may seem
 paradoxical, but a modest warming in the polar regions will
 actually mean more arctic ice, not less.  The polar ice caps
 depend on snowfall, and polar air is normally very cold and
 dry.  If polar temperatures warm a few degrees, there will
 be more moisture in the air -- and more snowfall, and more
 polar ice.

 The world's ocean levels have been rising at approximately
 the same rate -- 7 inches per century -- for at least a
 thousand years.  No one knows why.  Data from the warming of
 1900 to 1940 show a drop in sea levels and then a sea-level
 rise during the subsequent cooler period.  In 1992, Science
 magazine published a paper based on ice core studies
 suggesting that the projected warming would reduce the
 sea level by one foot.

 Global warming scaremongers have also claimed that a warmer
 world would suffer more extreme weather events.  This too is
 unlikely.  History records that the Little Optimum brought
 fewer floods and droughts.  There is good reason to believe
 that this pattern would repeat in a new Little Optimum.
 Dr. Fred Singer, professor emeritus of Environmental
 Sciences at the University of Virginia, says, "One would
 expect severe weather to be less frequent because of
 reduced equator-to-pole temperature gradients."

 In other words, the smaller the temperature difference
 between the North Pole and the equator, the milder the
 weather.  Most of the warming, if it occurs, will be toward
 the poles, with very little increase near the equator.
 Thus, there would be less of the temperature difference
 that drives big storms.

 Forging onward intrepidly, some alarmists have claimed that
 a warmer world would suffer huge increases in deaths from
 horrible plagues of malaria, yellow fever, and other
 warm-climate diseases.  One study predicted fifty- to
 eighty-million more cases of malaria alone per year.
 (There are now approximately five-hundred million new cases
 of malaria each year, and up to 2.7 million deaths.)

 Fortunately, these claims are unlikely to come true, because
 they ignore some important, fundamental realities.  As
 mentioned, global warming would be very slight near the
 equator and thus would only slightly expand the range of the
 malarial mosquitoes.  Hence there is little reason to expect
 tropical plagues to increase naturally.

 Moreover, these diseases are nowhere near as relentless as
 the scare scenarios assume.  In the U.S., for example,
 malaria and yellow fever once ranged from New Orleans to
 Chicago.  We conquered those diseases, however, and not by
 changing the climate.  We did it by suppressing mosquitoes,
 creating vaccines, and putting screens on doors, windows,
 and porches.  Other countries can do the same.

 Third World countries have had high disease rates because
 they were poor, not because warm climates cannot be made

 As it happens, far from creating a plague of pestilences,
 the Little Climate Optimum engendered a worldwide population
 surge and set the stage for several historic invasions such
 as the Viking incursions into Normandy and England and the
 movement of German peoples into Eastern Europe.  This time,
 however, global warming is quite unlikely to produce a
 population surge.  The modern world's population is
 currently restabilizing thanks to affluence, urbanization,
 and contraceptive technology.  Births per woman in the Third
 World have fallen from 6.5 in 1960 to 3.1 today.  The First
 World is already below the replacement level (2.1 births)
 and likely to stabilize at the modern equilibrium of about
 1.7 births per woman.  (See the article by Max Singer
 elsewhere in this issue.)

 Warming or no, we can expect a peak population of
 approximately 8.5 billion people around 2035.  That peak
 will be followed by a slow, gradual decline through the
 rest of the 21st century.

 Why Be Wary?

 The original global warming scare-stories were authored
 by eco-activists who have subsequently admitted that they
 were looking for ways to persuade people to live leaner
 lifestyles.  To frighten us into lowering our living
 standards, they have announced a whole series of terrifying
 claims, most of which have already been proven wrong:

     The Population Explosion...  Activists frequently warned
     us that the human population would reach fifteen
     billion, or fifty billion, or whatever astronomic level
     would collapse the ecosystem.  We now know that
     affluence and contraceptives will give the world a
     peak population of 8.5 billion around the year 2035,
     followed by a slow decline in the late twenty-first

     Acid Rain...  Activists warned us that acid rain from
     industrial pollution would destroy the forests in the
     First World.  A billion dollars worth of research has
     shown that acid rain is a very minor problem due mainly
     to natural factors.

     Cancer from Pesticides...  We are still looking for the
     first case of human cancer from pesticide residues, and
     the National Research Council says that we will probably
     never find one.  Moreover, as the National Research
     Council reports, "A sound recommendation for cancer
     prevention is to increase fruit and vegetable intake."
     Thus pesticides are actually helping cut cancer rates
     by producing more plentiful, affordable, and attractive
     fruits and vegetables.

 There is no reason to believe that the authors of the global
 warming scares have any special knowledge about the future
 climate.  In fact, their leading scientist, Dr. Stephen
 Schneider, was predicting global cooling just a few years
 ago, and he candidly states that he is willing to
 misrepresent the facts if it will stir up the public over
 the "correct" causes.  New climate models make it clear
 that he is wrong.

 "But what if we're right?" the activists respond.  History
 says that they are not.  And the problem is, the "solutions"
 these activists recommend, however well intended, would
 leave much of the world without an energy system -- and that
 would be deadly for both people and animals.  If we were to
 triple the cost of coal, double the cost of oil, ban nuclear
 power, and tear out hydroelectric dams -- which would be the
 result of the activists' approach -- humanity would
 essentially be left without energy.

 Solar and wind power are extremely expensive and
 undependable.  Burning large amounts of renewable wood would
 destroy huge tracts of forest -- and the animals that live
 there.  And in a world of expensive energy, people would not
 be able to afford the window screens, latrines, clean water,
 and refrigeration that prevent millions of deaths per year.
 Diarrhea, due mainly to spoiled food and untreated water,
 is the number one child-killer on the planet.  Refrigeration
 has helped cut stomach cancer rates by three-fourths in the
 First World.

 The widespread poverty caused by expensive energy would
 reverse the current worldwide trend toward greater
 affluence, decreasing birth rates, and better health.  The
 low-energy option would destroy millions of square miles of
 wildlife habitat.  High energy taxes would all but destroy
 modern agriculture, with its tractors and nitrogen
 fertilizer (produced mainly with natural gas).  Shifting
 back to draft animals would mean clearing millions of
 additional acres of forest to feed the beasts of burden.

 Giving up nitrogen fertilizer would mean clearing five to
 six million square miles of forest to grow clover and other
 nitrogen-fixing "green manure" crops.  The losses of
 wilderness would nearly equal the combined land area of
 the United States and Brazil.

 History and the emerging science of climatology tell us that
 we need not fear a return of the Little Climate Optimum.
 If there is any global warming in the twenty-first century,
 it will produce the kind of milder, more-pleasant weather
 that marked the medieval Little Optimum -- with the added
 benefit of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and
 therefore a more luxuriant natural environment.

 The modest global warming now predicted should bring back
 one of the most pleasant and productive environments
 humans -- and wildlife -- have ever enjoyed.  We have
 nothing to fear but the fear-mongers themselves.

 Further Reading:

 American Council on Science and Health, Global Climate
 Change and Human Health, New York, 1997.

 Moore, Thomas Gale, Testimony before the House Science
 Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Nov. 16, 1995.

 Haskins, Charles H., The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century,
 HUP 1927, ISBN 0-674-76075-1.

 Hubert H. Lamb, Climate, History, and the Modern World,
 Methuen, New York, 1982.

 Michaels, Patrick (Virginia State Climatologist), Sound and
 Fury: The Science and Politics of Global Warming, Cato
 Institute, 1992.

 Kerr, Richard A., "Greenhouse Forecasting Still Cloudy,"
 Science, May 16, 1997, pp. 1040-1043.

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