-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  Box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
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The blueprint to destroy the Church through this means was drawn up over two
hundred years ago by Adam Weishaupt, who has been called 'The Human Devil."
Whether Weishaupt received it from Voltaire or Frederick the Great is not
known. Nesta Webster suggests some connection when she notes that "The
resemblances between Weishaupt's correspondence and that of Voltaire and of
Frederick the Great are certainly very striking."(87)
You recall that from 1750-1755 Voltaire was a guest at Frederick's court.(88)
Monsignor Dillon wrote of that visit:

[Voltaire] sketched out for them the whole mode of procedure against the
Church. His policy as revealed by the correspondence of Frederick II, and
others with him, was not to commence an immediate persecution, but first to
suppress the Jesuits and all Religious orders, and to secularize their goods;
then to deprive the Pope of temporal authority, and the Church of property
and state recognition. Primary and higher-class education of a lay and
Infidel [sicl character was to be established, the principle of divorce
affirmed and respect for ecclesiastics lessened and destroyed. Lastly, when
the whole body of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and Infidelity
[sic] strong enough, the final blow was to be dealt by the sword of open,
relentless persecution. A reign of terror was to spread over the whole earth,
and to continue while a Christian should be found obstinate enough to adhere
to Christianity. This, of course, was to be followed by a Universal
Brotherhood without marriage, family property God, or law....(89)

Weishaupt took up the cause of Voltaire, providing the vehicle by which the
plan would be carried to future generations. When Weishaupt penetrated
Freemasonry with illuminism, the Lodge took up the cause, citing Voltaire as
a patron. Miller explains in Occult Theocracy that after the 1789-1793
destruction of old France, and subsequent to the reign- of Napoleon, Grand
Orient Freemasonry's aim was the same as Voltaire's. From the minutes of the
Italian Masonic Lodge, Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules;
Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry, Miller quotes: "'Our
final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution, -- the complete
annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately of Christianity.... Under this
cloak [of Freemasonry, we may conspire at our convenience, and arrive, little
by little, at our ultimate aim."(90)
The Masonic Lodge ever since has been bent on the destruction of our
families, our churches, our nation, our world, and our God. Freemasonry's
ultimate aim is a one-world humanistic government without Christ and His
Church. Obviously, the Masonic Lodge is still carrying out Voltaire's plan.
Freemason Voltaire, born flfty-four years before Weishaupt, had laid the
groundwork for insurrection. Weishaupt advanced it. Perceiving an eminent
revolution in France, which had long been agitating French Masons, Weishaupt
saw and took his chance to impose the doctrines of the Illuminati on the
existing French Grand Lodge. This gave him a platform from which to operate.
Realizing the Grand Lodge had to be separated from English Masonic obedience
before it would initiate and fully support a revolution against the monarchy,
Weishaupt used the illuminated Grand Orient Masons to subvert the Grand
Author and 18th century English Freemason John Robison in Proofs of a
Conspiracy (1798) quotes a letter from Weishaupt to his Illuminatus brother
Cato, wherein he states his use of Masonry to another end: "'The great
strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any
place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another
occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the
public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes
little notice of it."'(92)
Having achieved this goal, Weishaupt's next step was twofold: 1)through
revolution win freedom for the subjects of what he regarded as despotic kings
and Church; and 2) after revolution inaugurate an ostensibly atheistic
government under the guise of democracy. Commander Guy Carr in The Conspiracy
writes that 'Weishaupt never intended that any except specially selected
Masons, from the Higher Degrees, should learn The Full Secret' of Lucifer.
Only those known to have defected completely from Almighty God were initiated
into the Higher Degrees of the Grand Orient Lodges and told that the
Illuminati were a secret organization with the order dedicated to the cause
of forming a One World Government.... Weishaupt stated this action would
ensure permanent peace and prosperity. Only initiates into the final degree
were permitted to know...."(93)
It should come as no surprise that the anti-religious Weishaupt opposed the
tolerance given Catholicism and the protection granted Protestantism in the
English Glorious Revolution. Robison quotes Weishaupt that the revolution he
was planning would be "'The means to regain Reason her rights -- to raise
liberty from its ashes -- to restore to man his original rights -- to produce
the previous revolution in the mind of man -- to obtain an eternal victory
over oppressors -- to work the redemption of mankind...."(94)
Each of these phrases in order reveals Weishaupt's intent. "Reason" would
take the place of Faith. "Liberty" means self-rule, apart from God's
dictates. Man's "original rights" according to Weishaupt had begun in the
"previous revolution" -- the Luciferian rebellion, followed by Adam's
rebellion at Eden. The "eternal victory over oppressors" means the overthrow
of kings and Church. And finally, man would not need the saving grace of
Jesus Christ. Weishaupt's illuminated system would allow "the redemption of
mankind," first politically and second spiritually, without any intervention
from God.
Unlike the English, whose Masonic revolution initially protected free
enterprise, as well as Crown and Church, Weishaupt's plan was to eliminate
thrones and religions altogether. Commerce, he concluded, would be controlled
by government. His system foreshadowed communism. This is revealed by what
Weishaupt's initiates had learned, as they reached the second of three
degrees, called Minerval, about the ultimate aims of the Illuminati: " 1)
Abolition of all ordered government; 2) Abolition of private property; 3)
Abolition of inheritance; 4) Abolition of patriotism; 5) Abolition of all
religion; 6) Abolition of the family [via abolition of marriage]; and 7)
Creation of a World Government."(95)
Current political regimes were hardly indifferent to the revolutionary goals
of Weishaupt and his Illuminati. In early 1785 the Illuminati was exposed by
the Bavarian government and suppressed. Mackey's Enyclopedia of Freemasonry
reports that 'The Edicts of the Elector of Bavaria were repeated in March and
August, 1785, and the Order began to decline, so that by the end of the
eighteenth century it had ceased to exist." Mackey of course denies any
profound or long-term co-option of Masonry by Illuminism. He continues,
"Adopting Freemasonry only as a means for its own more successful
propagation, and using it only as incidental to its own organization, it
exercised while in prosperity no favorable influence on the Masonic
Institution, nor any unfavorable effect on it by its dissolution."(96)
Mackey would have us believe that the covert penetration of Luciferian
globalism into the ranks of Freemasonry disappeared upon the exposure and
subsequent suppression of the Illuminati Such is not the case, however, for
the Illuminati infection remains, and its goal of globalism is ongoing in
Masonic lodges today. One example is provided by the August 16, 1928, issue
of the Patriot, a British periodical, which quotes the Orator of the 1922
French Grand Lodge convention: "'My brother Masons, my hope is that
Freemasonry, which has done so much for the emancipation of men, and to which
history owes the national revolutions, will also know how to make that
greatest revolution, which will be the International Revolution."(97)
This statement lauding the forthcoming "International Revolution" followed
the founding the League of Nations. The Orator's speech confirms in our
century not just the survival but the flourishing of the poison of
Weishaupt's globalism, with which the Illuminati injected Freemasonry 140
years earlier.

Templars and the French Revolution

Weishaupt desired that the revolution of 1789 produce pure democracy, much as
it was in Israel during the time of the Judges when each Israelite did "that
which was right in his own eyes" (Judges 17:6; 21:25). The consequence of
this kind of rule, however, leads to anarchy. Such was the case after the
French Revolution. History records it as the "Reign of Terror" perpetrated by
the Jacobin Clubs. As we shall learn, however, the Jacobins were all Templar
Masons. The name "Jacobin," as we know, recalls Jacques de Molay, the Grand
Master of the Knights Templar, who was avenged by the French Revolution.
If the Knights Templar, and not the Priory of Sion, was the Order that
perfected the French Revolution, then somehow, sometime between Weishaupt's
plan and the commencement of the French Revolution, control of the conspiracy
transferred from the Priory of Sion to the Knights Templar. This conclusion
was confirmed by Abbe Augustin Barruel in 1799, one year following the
publication of Robison's exposure of the Illuminati. During the 1773
suppression of the Jesuits, Barruel, a French patriot and a Jesuit, had
joined Freemasonry, rising to the rank of Master Mason (3rd degree). After
seeing the devastation caused by the French Revolution, knowing it to be
Masonic, he renounced Freemasonry and wrote his Memoirs Illustrating the
History of Jacobinism. In them he documented that the Jacobin Clubs were
Templar Masonic fronts.(98)
Abbe Barruel, a French clergyman, and John Robison, a professor in Scotland,
were two men unknown to each other. They were members of opposing Masonic
Orders and wrote in different countries and languages. They both covered the
same subject matter and came to the same conclusions -- that a conspiracy lay
behind the French Revolution. Robison claimed that the Illuminati controlled
the conspiracy, while Barruel maintained the Templars were in command.(99)

Weishaupt and Knigge

Robison wrote that Weishaupt's strategy was to "'unite, by way of one common
higher interest and by a lasting bond, men from all parts of the globe, from
all social classes and from all religions, despite the diversity of their
opinions and passions, to make them love this common interest and bond to the
point where, together or alone, they act as one individual."(100)
Nesta Webster has suggested that until Weishaupt came on the scene,
Freemasonry on the Continent was at "sea with regard to the whole subject of
Masonry and needed someone to give a point [purpose] to their deliberations."
(101) In other words, the philosophers in French Masonic Lodges knew how to
incite revolution in the minds of the populace but could not bring it to
political reality. In their search for a purpose for deliberation, three
universal Masonic Congresses were held.
They first met at Wilhelmsbad in 1782. Dr. Dillon writes that "deputies from
every country where Freemasonry existed were summoned to meet at Wilhelmsbad
in council. They came from every portion of the British Empire; from the
newly formed United States of America; from all the nations of Continental
Europe, every one of which, at that period, had lodges; from the territories
of the Grand Turk; and from the Indian and Colonial possessions of France,
Spain, Portugal, and Holland. The principal and most numerous representatives
were, however, from Germany and France."(102)
Although Weishaupt was not present at Wilhelmsbad, he sent his assistant,
Baron Adolph von Knigge. Knigge. a staunch member of the Knights Templar, was
a first-class organizer who had been travelling about Germany proclaiming
himself the reformer of Freemasonry. Webster reports that he "presented
himself at Wilhelmsbad, armed with full authority from Weishaupt, and
succeeded in enrolling a number of magistrates, savants, ecclesiastics, and
ministers of state as Illuminati and in allying himself with the deputies of
Saint-Martin and Willermoz."(103)
Weishaupt, not yet willing to introduce his plan on how to initiate political
revolution, waited patiently. Although the first conference met with failure,
Weishaupt met with success, for Knigge had increased the membership in the
Illuminati. With these initiates Weishaupt continued his subversion of
Freemasonry while Knigge remained his spokesman.
Two years later the French Grand Lodge Masons were still in the dark as to
their institutional mission. Turning to London for the answer, since Masonry
originated in England, they wrote a letter to General Rainsford, one of the
British Masons who had attended the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. Webster recounts
the letter, which in part reads,

Since you say that Masonry has never experienced any variation in its aim, do
you then know with certainty what this unique object is? Is it useful for the
happiness of mankind? Tell us if it is of an historical, political,
hermetical, or scientific nature? Moral, social, or religious? Are the
traditions oral or written?(104)

London knew, but remained silent. Weishaupt knew, but was not ready to tell.
Unknown to the Priory of Sion, Weishaupt was planning a coup. Nesta Webster
notes that he had a very definite object in view -- to gain personal control
of all Freemasonry.(105) Weishaupt would need Knigge for a while longer, but
the Baron soon became an obstacle.
The second Masonic congress convened on February 15, 1785, this time in
Paris. Webster reports that many of the Illuminati membership were there:
"...Bode (alias Amlius) and the Baron de Busche (alias Bayard) were present,
also...the 'magician' Cagliostro, the magnetiser Mesmer, the Cabalist
Duchanteau, and of course the leaders of the Philalethes, Savalette de
Langes, who was elected President, the Marquis de Chefdebien, and a number of
German members of the same Order."(106) This congress failed due to a rift
which had developed between Weishaupt and Knigge.
According to Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry nine years before Baron
Knigge met Weishaupt, he had been initiated in the Templar Lodge of Strict
Observance at Cassel on January 20, 1772, the same Lodge Sionist Cagliostro
joined. In 1780 Knigge was initiated an Illuminatus by Marquis de Costanzo,
one of Weishaupt's many disciples. Knigge began a correspondence with
Weishaupt under the code name Philo, eventually receiving orders to recruit
the best of the Strict Observance for the Illuminati.
Realizing Knigge's superior talent, Weishaupt asked him to join him in
Bavaria to assist in constructing the advanced degrees for the Illuminati
Rite, which had only at that time three degrees. Weishaupt intended for the
advanced degrees to penetrate Scottish Rite Masonry in France, turning the
French Templars into revolutionaries. Mackey informs us that "Knigge
accordingly repaired to Bavaria in 1781, and when he met Weishaupt, the
latter consented that Knigge should elaborate the whole system up to the
highest mysteries. This task Knigge accomplished, and entered into
correspondence with the Lodges, exerting all his talents, which were of no
mean order, for the advancement of the Rite. He brought to its aid the
invaluable labors of Bode, whom he prevailed upon to receive the
Mackey states that when Knigge discovered the Illuminati was not of ancient
origin he was at first disillusioned with Weishaupt. Yet, considering
Weishaupt a brilliant man, the Baron willingly took the challenge to advance
the Illuminati degrees. When reading the account on Knigge in Mackey's
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, one is left with the distinct impression that
the Baron had personal objectives -- that he was using Weishaupt for his own
advancement, or maybe the advancement of the Templars.
A confrontation between Knigge and Weishaupt did develop at the second
Masonic congress at Paris on February 15, 1785. It began when Weishaupt
decided to make his move against Knigge. According to Mackey's Encyclopedia
of Freemasonry, Weishaupt began to interfere with Knigge's work and "made
many alterations and additions, which he imperiously ordered the Provincial
Directors to insert in the ritual. Knigge, becoming disgusted with this
proceeding, withdrew from the Order and became a savage Anti-Mason."(108)
Consequently, the Congress failed and Weishaupt gained an enemy.
Based upon subsequent events, Knigge's "savage anti-Masonry" may have been
only a smoke screen. Two weeks after Knigge resigned from the Illuminati, the
Elector of Bavaria had in his possession incriminating information about the
Illuminati and set
out to suppress the Order. Mackey suggests that the Jesuits informed the
Elector, but that could not have been possible for two reasons: 1) the
Jesuits had been put out of commission twelve years earlier; and 2) they were
not privy to Illuminati documents, since Weishaupt had made certain of that.
The informant had to be someone high in the Illuminati command, someone close
to Weishaupt, someone who had access to all the Illuminati documents. It
could only have been Baron Adolph von Knigge, the man who had been thwarted
by Weishaupt.
On March 2, 1785, the Elector suppressed the Illuminati. Not until July 10,
1785, did the most damaging evidence reach the Elector. Supposedly, a
low-grade Illuminati initiate, a travelling evangelist named Jacob Lang (or
Lanze), had been sent as an emissary of the Illuminati-to Silesia. He
allegedly was struck and killed by lightning at Ratisbon. Edith Miller states
that Weishaupt was with him.(109) Nesta Webster says Lang had been sent by
Weishaupt and travelled alone.(110) Myron Fagan says the lightning strike was
an act of God. (111)
Evidence suggests that Lang was not killed by lightning at all, but murdered,
and his body positioned for discovery. For example, Lang was loaded down with
incriminating Illuminati papers, papers which no Illuminatus should have been
carrying. The circumstances seem strangely suspicious -- almost as if the
documents had been planted for discovery. Sewn in Lang's clothes were
instructions of the Order and an extensive list of the Illuminati membership.
Searches followed in the houses of the named individuals. More incriminating
evidence revealed their entire plan, heretofore mentioned, including
Weishaupt's coded communications. All was confiscated, the Illuminati banned,
and the documents published in their entirety.
Weishaupt, wily and thoroughly sagacious, had years before prepared for the
day of governmental suppression. He had written to his Illuminatus brother,
Cato, "'I have considered every thing, and so prepared it, that if the Order
should this day go to ruin, I shall in a year re-establish it more brilliant
than ever."(112) Weishaupt, however, would not head the reincarnation of
Baron von Knigge, the third man in command of the Illuminati, was aware of
Weishaupt's communication. Within two and a half years of the Bavarian
suppression the Illuminati did reappear, not under its original name, and not
under the guidance of Sionist Weishaupt, but under Templar Baron von Knigge.
Edith Miller writes that "In 1788, after the suppression of Illuminism in
Bavaria...Knigge attempted to revive it in the German Union," a book
publishing company founded by illuminated Freemason Karl Freiderich Bahrdt to
enlighten mankind.(113)
Weishaupt, the Jew, was used, then discarded by the Gentile Masonic
conspiracy, and finally exiled to Gotha, Germany. Baron Adolph von Knigge
went unscathed and was found to be the new leader of the Illuminati -- the
Illuminati under another name, of course. (114)

The Third Congress

In 1786 the third and final congress was scheduled in secret at Frankfurt,
where a Continental Grand Lodge had been established in 1783. By then Grand
Orient Illuminism had saturated the French Grand Lodge. In control were the
Templar Jacobins. Weishaupt had no part in this final congress. Yet, his
Machiavellian proposals suggested in Paris a year earlier were adopted, that
in sum embodied the dictum that "In politics the end justifies the means."
Msgr. Dillon reports that Illuminated Freemasonry received from the delegates
the approval that the ultimate end of Freemasonry and all secret plotting
would be: "1) pantheism for the higher degrees, atheism for the lower degrees
and the populace; 2) communism of goods, women, and general concerns; 3) the
destruction of the Church, and all forms of Christianity, and the removal of
all existing human governments to make way for a universal republic in which
the utopian ideas of complete liberty from existing social, moral, and
religious restraint, absolute equality, and social fraternity, should reign.
When these ends should be attained, but not till then, the secret work of the
atheistic Freemasons should cease."(115)
>From that time forward the direction of French Freemasonry has been
subversion, insurrection, and assassination to accomplish political ends.
Nesta Webster states that at the third congress "the deaths of Louis XVI and
Gustavus III of Sweden are said to have been decreed." (116) And Msgr. Dillon
reports that one of the representatives to this secret conclave was Count de
Virene, who was so overcome with horror at the depravity of the body, that he
abandoned Illuminism and became a fervent Catholic. This repentant Illuminist
wrote to a friend, "'I will not tell you the secrets which I bring, but I can
say that a conspiracy is laid so secret and so deep that it will be very
difficult for monarchy and religion not to succumb to it."(117)
The French Revolution went off as scheduled, precipitated by the first event
staged in 1785 which was the famous "Affair of the Necklace." This Masonic
ruse was an attempt to discredit both the Church and the Monarchy by
fraudulently exposing the licentiousness of a Catholic priest with Queen
Marie-Antoinette. (118) Years later Napoleon would say that in his opinion
this plot contributed more than any other to cause the explosion of 1789. In
Nesta Webster's opinion, "In its double attack on Church and Monarchy the
Affair of the Necklace fulfilled the purpose of both Frederick the Great and
of the Illuminati."(119)
Nesta Webster states that Cagliostro received both money and instruction from
a secret society to carry out the plot, after which, in November 1785, he
sailed to England. As his activities in London reveal, he reported his
success to the British Rosicrucians. Webster notes the use of the Rosicrucian
cipher attached to a mysterious notice, appearing in a London newspaper on
November 2, 1786:

 "According to a generally received opinion, Cagliostro was the author of a
mysterious proclamation which appeared at this moment in the Morning Herald
in the cypher of the Rose-Croix."(120)

No conspiracy author has been able to decipher this "mysterious proclamation"
made in Rose-Croix hieroglyphics. We know, however, that Cagliostro was a
member of a Rosicrucian Order. We know that he received funds from wealthy
Englishmen (possibly Rosicrucians) to finance the overthrow of the French
throne. And we know that he was the acting Grand Master of the Priory of
Sion.(121)Therefore, the "mysterious proclamation" was most likely directed
to the Hierarchy of the Priory of Sion, informing them that Cagliostro's
mission had been accomplished.
Cagliostro, not Weishaupt, was the real power behind the Illuminati. When
Weishaupt's desire for power became insatiable Cagliostro replaced him with
Baron Adolph von Knigge. Knigge then hid the activity of the Illuminati in
the German Union.

Chapter 10


When we by degrees bring the whole trade of bookselling into our hands (as
the good writers will bring all their performances into the market through
our means) we shall bring it about, that at last the writers who labour in
the cause of superstition [Christianity] and restraint [morality], will have
neither a publisher nor readers.(1)

The German Union, 1788

When the Illuminati was suppressed in 1785, Mackey says that there were over
2,000 Freemasons upon its rosters, "among whom were some of the most
distinguished men [with Lodges] to be found in France, Belgium, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy."(2) Following the suppression
the name of the Illuminati disappeared, giving Freemasonry in years to come
the face-saving opportunity to disassociate itself from the stigma it had
appropriated. At first the Craft denied Illuminism had any lasting effect on
the Lodge. Thus argues Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry:

... the Order began to decline, so that by the end of the eighteenth century
it had ceased to exist. Adopting Freemasonry only as a means for its own more
successful propagation, and using it only as incidental to its own
organization, it exercised while in prosperity no favorable influence on the
Masonic Institution, nor any unfavorable effect on it by its dissolution.(3)

Mackey was spreading Masonic disinformation, for other researchers have found
that the doctrine of the Illuminati has stayed with Freemasonry to this day.
One doubts that its influence, which was so profound and widespread, would
disappear without a trace. Edith Miller quotes Thomas Frost from his Secret
Societies of the European Resolution, on the depth of absorption of
Illuminism by Masonry: "'The whole of the Masonic lodges comprised in the
Grand Orient, 266 in number, were illuminated by
the end of March 1789 and there is no doubt that, with the ground so well
prepared...the system spread with rapidity."(4)
Mackey's denial was for Masonic consumption. Mackey was writing three decades
prior to World War I, when a rash of conspiracy books were causing a
sensation in Europe. Again, in the 1920s another deluge of revisionist
history flooded the old world, accusing the Illuminati of being the force
behind The Great War. Ten years later conspiracy researchers had gathered
enough evidence to expose the Bolshevik Revolution as being backed by the
illuminated Grand Orient. With so much exposure, the Beast began to weaken.
When World War II arrived, the Brotherhood was in shambles. According to
Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, by the end of World War II, Continental
Freemasonry had been obliterated by the Nazis.(5)
After World War II the Brotherhood decided to take another look at the
Illuminati. In 1946, 33rd degree Mason H.L. Haywood, with help from Research
Lodges around the world, completed a Supplement to Mackey's two-volume
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Volume III reversed Mackey's earlier denial of
Illuminist influence stating that

The Order of Illuminati was the greatest single misfortune ever to befall
European Freemasonry because it became at once the pattern and the point of
departure for a succession of secret, underground, political conspiracies
which...divided Masonry and brought disgrace upon its name.(6)

While Haywood admits Weishaupt changed the direction of the Continental
Brotherhood, he dates the division between English and French Freemasonry
from the entrance of the Illuminati. Yet we have already discovered that the
conflict between Scarlet and the Beast began long before Weishaupt's arrival.
The French Revolution, with its republican ideals, widened the rift with
English Masonry and the suppression of the Illuminati only buried the
intrigue deeper. The conspiracy of the Illuminati did, in fact, continue. The
name, however, as we have seen, changed.
Did Mackey not know this? Mackey called Professor Robison, the highly
respected English Mason who first exposed the Illuminati worldwide, a liar.
(7) Mackey also failed in his Encyclopedia to reference three significant
Illuminati symbols adopted by Freemasonry: 1) the rectangle -- representing
the Lodge; 2) the All-Seeing Eye -- representing the Great Architect of the
Universe: and 3) the point within a circle, another form of the eye. Every
initiate learns early in his Masonic training that mystical
symbolism is the primary agent by which Masonic truth is taught. These three
symbols were adopted by Freemasonry from the Illuminati after the French
Dr. Mackey was correct in one respect. The "Illuminati" by name did cease. So
did Weishaupt's personal involvement. Most conspiracy researchers, however,
believe Weishaupt advanced the intrigue until his death in 1830, a date
disputed by Mackey, who says Weishaupt died in 1811.9 Yet, Mackey's
contemporary, 33rd degree Mason Robert Ingham Clegg, in his seven volume
History of Freemasonry, agrees with the 1830 date.(10) It seems reasonable to
believe Mackey was involved in a cover-up.

Media Control

Long before Weishaupt was exiled from Bavaria, he communicated his plan to
Cato should suppression of the Illuminati occur:

...the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose,
and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed
[first]; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in
our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and
taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we
may turn the public mind which way we will.
A Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order
into any state where we are yet strangers.(11)
Baron Adolph von Knigge, and not Weishaupt, concealed the Illuminati in a
network of pre-existing reading societies throughout Germany and France.(12)
Illuminism, perpetuated by Knigge in the German Union (a book publishing
company founded by Freemasonry to enlighten mankind, see note 1), controlled
the reading societies, some of which were portable, and through which the
conspirators turned the minds of the populace toward revolution. In short,
2,000 distinguished Freemasons, once following orders from Sionist Weishaupt,
were ostensibly following the same program under the leadership of Templar
Knigge. Knigge, with a legion of Masons at his command, monopolized the
writing, reviewing, publication, and distribution of most literature in both
The German Union enjoyed only one year of success under Knigge's
administration before exposure. Goschen (no first name given), a bookseller
from Leipzig, unmasked the Union as Illuminati. This exposure occurred too
late, however, for there was no reversing the mind-set that promoted the
French Revolution. Professor Robison, in Proofs of a Conspiracy, gives no
further information about the bookseller Goschen except that he published
with "all speed" the information he found on the German Union, "on account of
the many mischiefs which this Society might do to the world, and to the
trade, if allowed to go on working in secret."(13)
Goschen's publication was sarcastically entitled More Notes than Text, on the
German Union of XXI, a new Secret Society for the Good of Mankind (Leipzig,
1789). He wrote the following foreboding statement before reprinting a
portion of the notes. (Be aware that the German Union is equating
superstition, restraint and fanaticism with Christianity and morality;
instruction and enlightenment with revolutionary reason and progress.)

And now, every eye can perceive the progressive moral influence which the
Union will acquire on the nation. Let us only conceive what superstition will
lose, and what instruction must gain by this; when,

1. In every Reading Society the books are selected by our Fraternity.

2. We have confidential persons 12,000 distinguished Masons] in every
quarter, who will make it their serious concern to spread such performances
as promote the enlightening of mankind, and to introduce them even into every

3. We have the loud voice of the public on our side, and since we are able,
either to scout into the shade all the fanatical writings which appear in the
reviews that are commonly read, or to warn the public against them; and, on
the other hand, to bring into notice and recommend those performances alone
which give light to the human mind.

4. We by degrees bring the whole trade of bookselling into our hands (as the
good writers will bring all their performances into the market through our
means) we shall bring it about, that at last the writers who labour in the
cause of superstition and restraint, will have neither a publisher nor

5. Lastly, by the spreading of our Fraternity, all good hearts and sensible
men will adhere to us, and by our means will be put in a condition that
enables them to work in silence upon all courts, families, and individuals in
every quarter, and acquire an influence in the appointment of court-officers,
stewards, secretaries, parish-priests, public teachers, and private

Weishaupt had once told Knigge, "'If a writer publishes any thing that
attracts notice, and is in itself just, but does not accord with our plan, we
must endeavour to win him over, or decay him."(15)
A century later the Conspirators were still in control of the press,
evidenced by a statement made in the Supreme Council of Cagliostro's
illuminated Rosicrucian Masonic Lodge of Mizraim in Paris, France. The
Pronouncement sounded as if Weishaupt himself had penned the words:

We shall have a sure triumph over our opponents since they will not have at
their disposition organs of the press in which they can give full and final
expression to their views.... We shall not even need to refute them except
very superficially.
...if there should be any found who are desirous of writing against us, they
will not find any person eager to print their productions.(16)

This control of the media has persisted into our times. Vicomte Leon de
Poncins gives an example of media control in the 20th century. His book The
Secret Powers Behind Revolution contains an address by,journalist John
Swinton to a 1920 press banquet in New York. A portion follows:

An independent Press does not exist in America except perhaps in small
country towns; journalists know it and I know it; not one of them dares to
express a sincere opinion: if they do so, they know beforehand that it will
never be printed. I am paid 150 dollars in order that I should not put my
ideas in the newspaper for which I write and that I should keep them to
myself. Others are paid similar salaries for a similar service. If I
succeeded in having my opinions published in a single issue of my newspaper,
I should lose my post in twenty-four hours.
The man who would be insane enough to give frank expression to his thoughts
would soon find himself in the streets on the look-out for another
occupation. It is the duty
of New York journalists to lie, to threaten, to bow down to the feet of
Mammon, and to sell their country...for their salary....
We are the tools and the vassals of the rich who keep in the background; we
are puppets; they pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talent, our
life, our abilities, all are the property of these men. We are intellectual

By the turn of the 20th century, Freemasonry had gained influence over, if
not control of, a major portion of the world press. Fifty years before
Swinton's speech, the Masonic Supreme Council of Mizraim confirmed: "Not a
single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this
is already attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few
agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world.
These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity
only to what we dictate to them."(18)
Many examples of Masonic media control are presented by Miller in Occult
Theocrasy. In one instance at the turn of the 20th century, Miller reports
that the hierarchy in English and French Masonry attempted to unite under a
sub-secret Lodge called the "Ordo Templi Orientis" (O.T.O.), which Miller
calls the Illuminati's "interlocking directorate." In the 1890s illuminated
Freemasonry had correspondent Theodore Reuss on the scene in Germany to
report on the political events which ultimately led up to World War I. Reuss
was both a 33rd degree Rosicrucian English Mason, as well as a 33rd degree
Templar Grand Orient Mason. Miller states that in 1902 Reuss cofounded (with
Karl Kellner) the O.T.O. and appointed 33rd degree English Freemason William
Wynn Westcott "as Regent of the Illuminati in England, thus establishing the
interlocking directorate" between English and French Masonry.(19)
In reality, Reuss was a double agent for British intelligence, contracting
with Central News, London; Daily Chronicle, London; Central Press, London;
and United Press, New York. He wrote for many non-English publications as
well. Reuss was held in high esteem by members of his profession and
government and military officials. The following quotes which praise Theodore
Reuss are from letters hand written, photocopied and reproduced in Miller's
The Central Press, January 16, 1892, wrote, "I must confess that you exercise
marvellous ingenuity in collecting a great variety of interesting facts which
few others seem to give."
The United Press, February 27, 1894, noted, "he has done in my opinion some
very excellent work for us. On several occasions he has beaten the world with
his news, and has sent us matter which the German dailies copied three weeks
later from our report. If we should lose him I doubt that he could be
On November 1, 1896, the Captain and Military attache in the Berlin embassy
of the United States, sent Reuss a letter of thanks. "I have learned several
things from you which escaped my notice in the field. Your remarks on the
Cavalry, the Bicycle Detachment and the Commissariat Department I have made
use of in my report."
How was Reuss able to beat all other news gatherers by three weeks? Miller
gives the answer by reproducing 28 pages of correspondence between Reuss and
another English Freemason, 33rd degree member John Yarker. Like Reuss, Yarker
was in British intelligence and was also a close associate of William Wynn
Westcott, a Mason whom Reuss appointed head of the English chapter of the
Illuminati. Yarker provided Reuss with advance information.
Masonic operatives disguised as newsmen were everywhere preparing 33rd degree
Supreme Council-influenced news stories, which in turn were edited and
distributed to other Masonic correspondents for publication in newspapers
around the world. In 1922 the Templar Grand Orient Lodge at Paris confirms
this tactic carried out by Masonic correspondents. De Poncins quotes the
Grand Orient's Supreme Council minutes: "'Written propaganda, coupled with
the personal influence of Brethren belonging to the Press, should be
increased by oral propaganda In the form of white [reactionary] meetings and
conferences...so that the [Supreme] Council may send them whatever
communication they think fit."(21)
Paul Fisher, in Behind the Lodge Door, quotes historian Mildred Headings on
Masonic influence of the media in those days: "'Masons influenced at least 47
periodicals throughout France, off and on, during the late l9th and early
20th Centuries."(22) During the Second Empire and reign of Napoleon III, the
Sionist Masonic Supreme Council of Mizraim at Paris reported in its
convention minute that

All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions --aristocratic,
republican, revolutionary, even anarchical --for so long, of course, as the
constitution exists.... Like the Indian idol Vishnu they will have a hundred
hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public
opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in
the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of
judgement and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they
are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating
our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief
that they are following the organ of their party they will in fact follow the
flag which we hang out for them.(23)

An interesting phrase at the beginning of this passage is in the statement
that Masonry would control the press "for so long, of course, as the
constitution exists."
History, of course, reveals the French as notoriously lacking confidence in
their governments. In its first revolution, French Masonry killed most of its
men capable of governing.
After World War I, when Europe's kings were cast down, Sionist Freemasonry
had once again lost control in France. In 1922, some 50 years into the Third
Republic, the Templar Grand Orient Lodge was encouraging its control of the
press once again. De Poncins quotes the Supreme Council minutes of that year:

"The Convent [convention] asks the Council to draw the attention of the
lodges to the experiment of the lodges in Lower Normandy, which have set up a
weekly paper entirely edited by Masons, and to call upon the lodges to follow
this example, following different local circumstances, and set up papers
throughout the whole of France produced entirely under our control."(24)

Meanwhile, the Grand Orient intended to propagandize the public by using the
existing press. De Poncins quotes from the 1922 Grand Orient Supreme Council

"Circular No.5 concerns propaganda through the Press, and asks lodges to
bring to our attention the names of papers likely to publish reports of the
Grand Orient, and information on their regularity, their clientele, the
quantity of their circulation, and their political sympathies...so that the
Council may send them whatever communication they think fit...and to enquire
among the republican Press upon whose support Freemasonry could rely if
necessary.... Our largest financial support must be reserved for the Press
which is republican in outlook."(25)

>From the Second Empire until after World War II, the on-going French Masonic
revolution has been a roller coaster, changing from Sionist administrations
to Templar, and back again. French citizens were carried through two Empires
and five Republics, totalling seven constitutions. With each change the
secret society in power would start anew, which meant initiating again the
long process of monopolizing the press.

The same propaganda tactics have been used by American Freemasonry. Paul
Fisher confirms in Behind the Lodge Door that "In the United States, in 1920,
the Scottish Rite established a news service for 'furnishing accurate and
gratuitous information to newspapers."(26)
That a Masonic news service manipulates public opinion in the direction
desired by Freemasonry is confirmed in the Scottish Rite's New Age magazine,
October, 1924, in the same article that documented Freemasonry's involvement
in compulsory education. We now quote from the article the same paragraph
used in the previous chapter -- this time to document Freemasonry's use of
the press to form public opinion:

'Through the activities of our state organizations, the New Age magazine, our
clip service and News Bureau, we are stimulating the public interest and
furnishing much valuable material to speakers and writers, and thereby can
reasonably claim much credit for the growing interest in favor of compulsory
education by the state."(27)

Fisher says that the July 1928 issue of the New Age claimed "'many members of
the National Press Club are Masons, not a few of them very prominent
Masons."' Fisher lists these "prominent Masons" in Behind The Lodge Door.(28)
This catalogue reads like a Who's Who of the publishing and broadcasting
Fisher reports that Masonic success in controlling the press was also
published in the January 1926 issue of NewAge: "'it is safe to claim that the
majority of daily publications seem very friendly in their attitude toward
the Craft."(29)
One publisher friendly to the Craft is New Ager and Protestant pastor Dr.
Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd degree Mason. Masonry is so proud of Peale that
his name is listed in Masonic brochures throughout America as one of the
prominent high Masons who disseminates Masonic thought in his periodical,
Guideposts In fact, Peale was on the cover of The Scottish Rite Journal
(formerly the New Aye magazine) in March, 1991. "Masonry," said Peale,
"became an early and essential part of my success."(30)


>From its inception, Christian Science has been influenced by Masons and the
art of Freemasonry. Its founder was Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), who, from a
young age was chronically sick. Her first of three husbands, George
Washington Glover, was a Freemason, as well as a member of the Oddfellows.
Early in their marriage (1843), Glover moved Mary to the Masonic headquarters
at Charleston. Six months later he died. In 1853 Mary married Daniel
Patterson, a medical practitioner, from whom she was later separated. In
October 1862 she applied for medical assistance from Phineas Parkhurst
Quimby, a healer who used the occult art of Animal Magnetism discovered by
Freemason Mesmer. When Quimby cured Mary of her chronic sickness, she spent
the next two years lecturing and trying to "Christianize" Quimby's theories.
When Mary Baker practiced Quimby's art of healing, she described the demonic
horrors that manifested themselves as "Malicious Animal Magnetism,"
familiarly referred to by her students as M.A M. It is claimed that Mary
Baker derived her system of healing from Quimby, although she denied it in
later years.
In 1866 Mary Baker founded Christian Science. Its belief can be summed up in
one sentence: God is spirit -- spirit is the opposite of matter -- therefore
God never created matter. This is the same gnostic belief of the Cathars,
which doctrine entered into the religious beliefs of both the Knights Templar
and the Rosicrucians.
In 1877 Mary Baker married Asa Gilbert Eddy, who left her a widow in 1882. In
1881 Mary Baker Eddy founded the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in Boston
and two years later, when the movement was well established, started
publishing the Christian Science Journal, now known as the Christian Science
In 1884 Mrs. Eddy returned to Charleston where she met a woman who had the
most influence in her life, Mrs. August Stetson, whose husband was an English
Freemason. Mrs. Stetson, who had travelled with her husband to - Bombay,
India, there learned eastern mysticism, and taught it to Eddy.
On June 13, 1888, the National Christian Science Association held its second
annual meeting at Central Music Hall, Chicago. Eddy was the main speaker.
>From then on Mrs. Eddy's religious future was assured.(36)
The real strength of Christian Science, however, is its "Reading Rooms,"
where the inquirer can read the movement's literature, which elucidates a
gnostic form of Christianity. A Christian Scientist is strongly encouraged to
"log" thousands of reading hours. We can recall here what Weishaupt said: "A
Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order
into any state where we are yet strangers."(37) Christian Science reading
rooms appear to be what Weishaupt had in mind.

Freemasonry and Other Media

Hollywood playwright, Myron C. Fagan, who spent most of his professional life
researching the Illuminati, was founder in the 1940s of the Cinema
Educational Guild, Inc. The Guild published The Point, a monthly exposure of
Illuminati influence in America. In 1967-68 Fagan produced "The Illuminati"
on two audio cassette tapes, in which he traces the conspirators' takeover of
the U.S. media after Freemasonry founded the Council on Foreign Relations,
which in turn, directly or indirectly founded and shaped the primary media of
20th century America. Fagan outlines their genesis:

The CFR set up special committees in every state in the Union to whom they
assigned the various local state operations.... The control of the press was
assigned to Rockefeller. [Through him], Henry Luce was financed to set up a
number of national magazines, among them Life, Fortune, and others.... The
Rockefellers also directly or indirectly financed the Cowles brothers, Look
magazine and a chain of newspapers. They also financed the man named Sam
Newhouse to buy and to build a chain of newspapers all over the country. And
Eugene Meyer, one of the founders of the CFR, bought the Washington Post,
Newsweek and other publications. At the same time, the CFR began to develop
and nurture a new breed of scurrilous columnists and editorial writers and

Myron Fagan also claims that the three major news networks are today
dominated by left-wing illuminated Freemasonry. William Sutton confirms the
same in The New Age Movement and The Illuminati 666. Moreover, Sutton
maintains that the logos for each of the three television networks are
Masonic symbols. For example, NBC displays the peacock with its tail feathers
full of All-Seeing Eyes. In Hinduism, says Sutton, "when the god Indra
transforms himself into an animal, he becomes a peacock. In India the peacock
was believed to have a thousand eyes in its feathers." He also notes that the
Greek goddess Hera "set the hundred-eyed Argus to guard her husband's
mistress, Io, after Zeus sent Hermes to charm and kill Argus. Hera used the
giant's eyes to ornament the peacock's tail. In Java, the peacock was
associated with the Devil.
In Mosul in northern Iraq, there is a sect of Yezidis who hold that the Devil
is not evil, and call him the Peacock Angel."(39)
NBC could not have chosen a better symbol to represent its anti-Christian
world-view than the All-Seeing Eye peacock. ABC is more subtle by symbolizing
itself in the sun-disk, which is just another form of the All-Seeing Eye. CBS
is more blatant. Its logo is the Masonic All-Seeing Eye, and it daily
features on its evening newscast a segment titled "Eye on America," using its
logo for the word "eye." Recently, CBS has included a subliminal triangle
rotating around the eye. The triangle and eye come on the screen at program
breaks just before commercials, with the following voice-over,
'This...[pause]...is CBS." The triangle rotates quickly, then shatters into a
rainbow of sunrays. It looks identical to the sun-rayed Illuminati capstone
and eye hovering over the unfinished pyramid, featured on the back of our $1

pps 263-265

In Conclusion

Four of the eight legs of the "octopus theory" are actually part of the
conspiracy of French Templarism. Two of the legs were also tentacles of
English Sionism -- the Jews and Freemasonry. The Jews, nevertheless,
participated in the French Revolution for the same reason they participated
in the English Glorious Revolution -to gain freedom, as any downtrodden race
would do. Concerning the Jesuits, although many joined Masonry, there is no
concrete evidence they are the hidden hand. The Illuminati, which was created
by the even more secret Priory of Sion, appeared to have been the hidden
hand. When the Illuminati was exposed and suppressed by the Templars, the
Knights took over the revolution.
Of the seven conspiracy theories discussed, Freemasonry is the shelter in
which all lodge -- not the Catholic Church, not Judaism. One conspiracy
theory has yet to be brought to light. Communism. Is it Templar or Sionist?
We will learn of its Masonic creation, Masonic development, and Masonic
protection in future chapters.

p 288
Aloha, He'Ping
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Peace Be, Amen.
Roads End

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