-Caveat Lector-

The New Australian

Defending Clinton: Murdoch's Australian sinks even lower
By Gerard Jackson
No. 105,   1-7 February 1999

To say that the thought of reading Cameron Forbes' US reports fills me with
foreboding would not be an understatement. I believe the public basically
wants one thing from the media — honesty. Well, they are not getting it from
Rupert Murdoch's Australian. Last week I wrote* that Forbes' lied when he
stated that DNA tests showed there was "near certainty" that Thomas
Jefferson fathered Woodson Hemings, and that Forbes had done this to make
Clinton look better. It is not surprising, therefore, that the man who
cunningly libelled a Founding Father is perfectly willing to trash the
reputation of a Republican Congressman by insinuating that he is a racist
(The Australian 13/1/99).

Forbes began in his usual honest and objective manner by claiming that Larry
Flynt's description of Congressman Bob Barr as "Attila the Hun" was "fair".
Because a Republican Congressman holds strong conservative convictions an
Australian journalist compares him to a fifth century barbarian who was
particularly noted for his cruelty and wanton destruction, and then tries to
pass it off as fair comment. Of course, Forbes could laugh it off as mere
hyperbole, just simple political point scoring. This will not do. He means
what he says. This is what the Left really think of conservatives and that
is why it treats them with contempt.

He continued the assault on Barr's character by telling us that Barr spent
eight years as a CIA agent, that he opposes homosexual marriages, is a
member of National Rifle Association and that he helped put a stop to
lengthy appeals by convicts on death row. Now to Forbes' left-wing
mentality, these revelations are expected to prejudice readers against Barr
whose real offence is to be one of Clinton's sternest critics. Getting into
his stride, Forbes then accused Barr of having "been cozy with a US racist
group." This is a brazen lie and it is time it was put to rest. Bob Barr was
invited to address the Council of Conservative Citizens. As is the normal
procedure, his staff checked out the organisation and gave it the all clear.
However, it was only after Barr addressed it that it was found to be a front
for a white supremacist group. When he found out, Barr immediately denounced
the organisation and pointed out that if he had known its real views he
would never have addressed it. And this is why the US meda has not pushed
it. Yet Forbes maliciously writes as if Barr was a member of the Ku Klux

The same self-righteous Forbes igored the fact that during his first run for
Congress Democratic House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt spoke before
Metro South Citizens Council, a prominent St. Louis white-rights
organization, to ask for its endorsement. After he was elected he attended
two of the group's social functions. The Metro South Citizens Council was
also the precursor of the Council of Conservative Citizens, the same
organisation that Forbes attacked Barr for addressing. It is facts like
these that make us truly realise magnitude of Forbes hypocrisy and political
bigotry. No wonder the man sickens me.

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd is another who has spoken in defence of Clinton
and against impeachment. Byrd is held in high regard by America's Leftist
media and has even been called, among other things, the Senate's conscience.
But this is the same Byrd who joined the Ku Klux Klan and who strongly
opposed civil rights legislation in the sixties, all of which escaped Forbes
attention — but then so much does. And speaking of racism, why not a word
about Jesse Jackson? The same Jesse Jackson who called New York "Hymie
Town"; the very same Jesse who only four years ago shared a platform with
the viciously anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan. Instead, Forbes gives readers
false stories about Republican racism. And Murdoch's Australian calls this

Forbes made sarcastic comments about the case of Jane Doe # 5 (26/12/98),
followed by a claim that she swore in an affidavit that Clinton had not made
any unwelcome advances. Well, that was another strike against the dreaded
Clinton-haters, or was it? Now Jane Doe # 5, real name Juanita Broaddrick,
signed her affidavit on the 2 January 1998, but on the 8 April 1998, she
told the Office of Independent Counsel investigators that her affidavit was
false and that her original story of being sexually attacked by Clinton is
true. Even though these facts are well-known in the American media, having
been aired by NBC last March, Forbes still wrote eight months later as if
the affidavit had not been repudiated! (Perhaps he would like to explain how
he missed the story).

Moreover, the Broaddrick story is not going away. About ten days ago she was
given an 8-hour in-depth interview by NBC NEWS reporter Lisa Myers.
Broaddrick was assured by Myers that the interview would immediately air on
Dateline. It didn't. Last Tuesday Myers called Broaddrick and told her: "The
good news is, you're credible. The bad news is, you're very, very credible,"
Myers also warned her that NBC's top brass were in a state of panic. It
seems, backed up by White House pressure, members of the Friends of Bill
Club, of which the left-wing Tom Brokaw is one, had the interview canned, at
least for now. Another story that slipped by Forbes' investigative skills.

Let us look at a few other things that Forbes neglected to report. He wrote
an approving article (23/1/99) on Senator Bumpers' address to the
impeachment trial in which he argued that Clinton's offences do not
constitute high crimes and misdemeanors. Really? High crimes and
misdemeanors includes negligence and improprieties while in office as well
as common law offences and has done from the seventeenth century. So Senator
Bumpers' assertion that Clinton's offences do not rise to the constitutional
level of "high crimes and misdemeanors" is pure baloney. We have no greater
authority for this than the Clinton's themselves. "No question that an
admission of making false statements to government officials and interfering
with the FBI is an impeachable offense," Bill Clinton, 8 August 1974. How
about this one: " . . . [a] factor that I think constitutes an impeachable
offense would be willful, reckless behavior in office . . ." 1974.

In her 1974 report Hillary Clinton quoted Alexander Hamilton in her
statement that impeachment relates to "misconduct of public men, or in other
words, from the abuse or violation of public trust" that is "of a nature . .
. political." Isn't odd that all of this has escaped Forbes attention? This
is the same man who again falsely claimed that Starr and his team "have
spent $US40 million for Zilch", even though he must know that Starr has
successfully secured more than 15 prosecutions and that this is an excellent
conviction rate for a special counsellor. But what can we expect from a man
who accuses the Republicans of partisanship while ignoring the appalling
behaviour of the likes of Democrat Senator Tom Daschle.

In defending Clinton he has maligned Thomas Jefferson, made false
accusations against Congressman Bob Barr, impugned Starr's integrity and
misled readers about the Juanita Broaddrick case. Any wonder Forbes' style
of partisan reporting leaves a foul taste in my mouth. As I have said
before, Forbes left-wing prejudices literally define most Australian
journalists, especially on The Australian. (Frank Devine and Greg Sheridan
are two notable examples who have defied the 'party line' on Clinton). Focus
(an opinion section of Murdoch's Australian) gave a page to the defence of
Clinton. This is a lot of space for a broadsheet. The section even had an
article by the particularly vicious Christopher Hitchens who maliciously
called Bob Barr and Trent Lott "racist Republican creeps" while ignoring
Byrd and Gephardt's past associations. But what else can we expect when the
Focus editor is also a left-winger who seems to think conservatives and free
marketeers are vermin.

*Why did Murdoch's Australian trash Thomas Jefferson?

Note: That most Australian political, social and even economic commentary is
heavily influenced by left-wing ideology is something that has considerably
damaged the reputation of the media. By its very nature left-wing ideology
corrupts and politicises everything it comes in contact with, reducing even
tragic events to ideological vignettes meant to highlight the injustices of
capitalist society or justify progressive policies. This leads to figures
like Nixon and Reagan, for example, being alternatively ridiculed and
savaged while the likes of Clinton are excused every excess and act of
corruption, even when the stink of corruption is overpowering.

The New Australian




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