-Caveat Lector-

Norse Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>My God, man, why would you want to entrust such an important service to
incompetent non-professionals?<<

I totally agree!

Consider this.  The oversite committe that 'Hillary' wanted for her original
'mega health care plan' she bumbled  -(remember the one we saw the prez
holding the card,  stating that before he left office that everyone would
have one of these?  Yeah right!)-
Well, back to Hillary's oversite committee ...
The committee was going to be composed of non-medically related people who
would determine and 'oversee' the regulations, policy and health care needs
for all.

Would I entrust such a committee with my life?  I don't think so!!!

Plus,  as it was explained to me by my doctor,  the 'good samaritan' act
would go out the window.  'Is there a doctor in the house?'  No longer would
this option be available.  In other words,  if you were in a tragic
accident,  and a legitimate doctor happened to be passing your way at the
time,  by law,  he would not be allowed to stop and assist you, even if he
could save your life.  If he did,  he would risk explusion from the Medical
Profession, by the Medical Board,  of course,  controlled by this wonderful
non-medical oversite committee.  Now,  what doctor is going to spend 8 to 12
years and the $buck$ in med school, only to have his or her honors ripped
from them for assisting someone outside of their "assigned by the committee"
realm?  Not many,  I am venturing to guess.

Furthermore,  if you were to be in an accident on one side of town,  and
your card said you could only go to a certain hospital for treatment,
because that is where your 'assigned' doctor practiced,  you would have to
be transported all the way across town before any treatment could be
prescribed;  and even then,  it would be a wait,  because no treatment would
be given until your assigned doctor was notified of your injuries and
arrival at the hospital.

This is just an appetizer on the subject.
Sounds real appealing,  doesn't it?  [NOT!]

No thanks,  to socialized health care!  I would rather pay exorbitant
insurance prices for the FREEDOM and LIBERTY  to choose my own personal
physician,  not have a medically UN-educated committee deciding what
treatment I am allowed or not allowed,  and I want the choice to choose what
hospital I'm taken to in emergency as well as non-emergency situations.

National Health care?  Not for me!


-----Original Message-----
From: Norse Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Say "NO" To Socialized Health Care Today!

> -Caveat Lector-
>William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
>>"I think we need a national health program.."
>My God, man, why would you want to entrust such an important service to
>incompetent non-professionals?
>>"My son has type one diabetes. Do you know how many insurance companies
>are interested in covering him? NONE."
>Current interference from the State has contibuted to this sad state of
>affairs for your son and others. Asking for more of the same is like
>giving alcohol to an alcoholic.
>>"I do believe that a nation as sophisticated and enlightened as ours
>can do a better job in providing affordable care for ordinary citizens."
>A nation is merely a large number of individuals...this logic asks for
>some individuals to contribute to the care of others with the State as a
>middle-man...a prescription for serfdom. Let's, instead, advocate
>freeing health care professionals from the pernicious and parasitical
>overseers of the Plutocracy.
>Respectfully Yours,
>Robert Paul.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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