Please send as far and wide as possible. Thanks, Robert Sterling Editor, The Konformist From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] written by Anthony J. Hilder: THE SECOND ANNUAL PEOPLE'S RALLY AT AREA 51 TO EXPOSE THE LUCIFERIAN NEW WORLD ORDER On the 6th hour of the 6th day of the 6th month (666), the 2nd Annual People's Rally will be held at the periphery of what has been described as America's most "TOP SECRET" underground bacteriological, biological and chemical warfare test site. This covert military facility operates independently from the purview of Congress. The rally, which will be held on Sunday (June 6, 1999) will be preceded by a PRESS CONFERENCE on Saturday, June 5, at high noon at the Little A-le-Inn in Rachel, Nevada. This news conference (public is urged to attend) will feature Ted Gunderson, former Chief Agent-in-Charge of the FBI in Dallas, Memphis and Los Angeles, and Anthony J. Hilder, producer of the ILLUMINATI/CFR expose. Hilder and Gunderson will reveal what they envision as being a series of staged events occuring over the next six months, which will lead the nation towards the installation of martial law, the cancellation of the Constitution and a move towards the acceptance of a One World Government upon the ashes of all national sovereignty. What has this got to do with DREAMLAND (the secret facility) and future wars agains the people of the United States and all sovereign nations of the world? Come and see. This is an invitation for the public to attend and the press to cover this historic event, which is intended to give answers and direction to avert an impending international crisis. There will be a seminar a the Little A-le-Inn from 3 p.m to 5 p.m. and from 7p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, June 5, featuring four different speakers which will expand the information on the national crisis which many in attendance feel will be coordinated with a stock and currency crash coupled with a Y2K catastrophe. If you're looking for another UFOOLOGY event, this is not it. The anti-gravitational flying discs which are being tested at the Groom Lake site are not flown by aliens, but rather pilots who live at the covert operations facility. John Lear, once holder of seventeen different world flight speed and distance aviation records, has been invited to participate. You will be notified within days if Mr. Lear (son of the founder of the Lear jet) will disclose his latest revelations. The Rally on Sunday, June 6 is a lawful public assembly in accordance with the First Amendment. It will take place on public land. All in attendance are CAUTIONED NOT TO CROSS BEYOND THE SIGNS POSTED WHICH INDICATE THE BORDER OF THE BASE. Everyone coming up from Las Vegas or down from Salt Lake are URGED to fill up their tanks with gasoline in either Ash Springs or Alamo BEFORE proceeding up to the Tikaboo Vally and/or the Little A-le-Inn as there are NO gas stations for fifty miles. Three major topics will be addressed at the Seminar. (There will be a $4.00 charge). 1. FRANKENSTEIN FACTORIES ....There is evidence which would lead us to believe that genetic engineering, cloning and cross-species gene splicing are being conducted. 2. BACTERIOLOGICAL, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE WEAPONRY 3. ANTI-GRAVITATIONAL FLYING DISCS that may be used to stage a mock invasion to create panic and usher in a Global Government under ILLUMINAZI control. For more information, please contact: Joe and Pat Travis at the Little A-le-Inn HCR 61 Box 45 Rachel, NV 89001 (702) 729-2515 Press Contact: Anthony J. Hilder at (310) 288-6656 SCHEDULE: Saturday, June 5, 1999 12 noon: Press Conference (public is urged to attend) Seminars from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and also from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sundary, June 6, 1999 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. the main Rally at the Restricted Boundary Line on Groom Lake road Breakfast in Rachel 10 a.m. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Final seminars and conclusion. For those in Las Vegas, listen to the LOU EPTON SHOW on Friday, May 21, from 10 p.m. to midnight. Topic: The People's Rally at AREA 51 KXNT AM Radio 840 on your dial. (you can catch this station even in Los Angeles area) If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire, please visit and sign up. Or, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!" (Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.) Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eGroups Spotlight: "Military Spouse Unlimited" - Participate in this support group for military spouses of on-duty servicemen and women. home: - Simplifying group communications