-Caveat Lector-

 Mad Madeleine and WWIII


By Samuel L. Blumenfeld
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Time magazine is the CFR's mouthpiece when it comes to getting its readers
to see the world through NATO-colored glasses. By reading Time's back
issues, you begin to see a pattern of persuasion as its experts give us
their New World Order slant on things. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes not,
as when Strobe Talbott wrote in July 1992 that "perhaps national sovereignty
was not such a great idea after all" and that "the case for world
government" was clinched. It should be noted that Strobe is a Rhodes Scholar
and was Clinton's roommate at Oxford. He is now shuttling between
Washington, Brussels and Moscow to see if he can get the Russians to put
pressure on Milosevic to surrender to NATO unconditionally.
When Madeleine Albright, our Secretary of State, was asked recently on a
radio interview whether the Russians were helping us "negotiate" with
Milosevic, she replied that there were no negotiations going on. If
Milosevic wanted the bombing to stop, he simply had to accept and implement
all of NATO's demands unconditionally. We haven't heard such uncompromising
talk since World War II, when the Allies demanded unconditional surrender on
the part of the Germans and Japanese.

That is why on May 17, Time headlined its puff cover story on the Madame
Secretary as "Madeleine's War." Time explained, "In a literal sense of
course, that's not true these days. Now that it's become an armed conflict,
she plays a supporting role to the President, National Security Adviser
Sandy Berger, Defense Secretary Bill Cohen and the military brass." Those
are the intellectual cretins who believe it is moral to bomb the Serbs into
the Stone Age simply to prove that NATO must be obeyed, or else.

Stupid leaders can lead us into untold destruction without even trying.
Consider our own morally outstanding leaders: the president, a politically
corrupt pathological liar and adulterer; Sandy Berger, with the brain and
aplomb of a used-car salesman; our moronic war secretary, William Cohen, who
mouths drivel every time he speaks. And we all know the famous statement by
Madame Halfbright: "What's the point of having this superb military that
you're always talking about if we can't use it?" It doesn't occur to her
that the purpose of our military is to defend our country, not to wage
aggressive wars against others who have not harmed us. Hers is the talk of
an ignoramus who hasn't learned a single lesson in American history. Yet
Time is trying to persuade us that she is a wise and compassionate human
being who provides the moral backbone for this war.

Compassionate? Madeleine and her family once lived in Belgrade when her
father was Czech ambassador to Yugoslavia. So she knows the city and the
Serbs. Who knows what kind of hatred she's been harboring in her guts all
these years and is now getting great pleasure watching the Serbs suffer. Now
that NATO has destroyed Belgrade's electrical system, incubators can't work,
hospitals must perform their services under candlelight if they don't have
their own generators. Children are traumatized by the continued bombing, and
1,200 civilians have been killed.

But forgetting the suffering of the Serbs and the Kosovars whose plight
simply gets worse as the bombing increases, Madeleine's war is inexorably
setting the stage for World War III. When NATO shows the world that it is
now the 900-pound gorilla on the block, very few nations will be tempted to
resist NATO's demands. This has always been the goal of the New World Order
folks. The ruling world authority has to be ruthless enough, powerful
enough, and determined enough to make its rule supreme. You can't achieve
that kind of authority by being weak or compromising. The very fact that
NATO has become this kind of monster is an indication that the New World
Order has arrived.

As Arthur Schlesinger Jr. explained in Foreign Affairs in July/August 1995,
"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in
blood as well as in words and money." Whose blood will it be? The blood of
today's American high school students. And whose money will it be? The money
of the American taxpayer, which the Congress is already spending to pay for
the bombing of Yugoslavia. The fiscal budget for the year 2000 is already at
$1.74 trillion!

Actually, Yugoslavia and Milosevic are small potatoes when it comes to
establishing world hegemony for the CFR crowd. That's why NATO must win this
one hands down. They can't afford to lose to Milosevic. Otherwise, what
chance will NATO have where the stakes are bigger?

At the moment, their bigger sights are on Israel and Russia. China will be a
much more difficult nut to crack. But a world conflagration may make it
possible for the New World Order to impose its will on Russia while the
latter is as weak as it will ever be. An article on the Russian problem in
Time (July 6, 1992) asked, "Is Russia now part of the West, or still
something clearly, if inexplicably different? ... The basis for doubts about
Russia's long-term commitment to "Westerness" lies not in Yeltsin or his
democratic supporters but in the ambivalence about the West that still seems
endemic to many Russians."

Incidentally, we read the guest list for the upcoming Bilderberger meeting
in Portugal and were surprised by the number of Israelis who were invited.
Obviously, pressure will be put on Israel to accept NATO terms. What will
they be? Recognition of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its
capital? Surrender of the Golan Heights to Syria?

The war against Yugoslavia has already jeopardized the long-delayed
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START II, with Russia, which aims to
slash both countries' long-range nuclear weapons. NATO's strategic
partnerships with the countries surrounding Russia is seen as an unfriendly
move by an aggressive military alliance. Also, the bombing of the Chinese
embassy in Belgrade is seen in Beijing as deliberate. The Chinese simply
cannot believe that we would be using outdated maps to plan surgical strikes
on a city like Belgrade. We're too smart to be that incompetent. Or are we?


Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of eight books on education, including
"Homeschooling: A Parents Guide to Teaching Children." His books are
available on Amazon.com.
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.


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