Monsanto's aspartame is degraded to methyl alcohol at temperatures about
86 degrees.
The alcohol then deteriorates to formaldehyde and formic acid. These
chemicals are toxic to the optic nerve and the nervous system in
general, especially to the insulating myelin sheath of nerve fibers. The
incidence of multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating disease, has now
reached epidemic proportions since aspartame has been on the market.

Byron Weeks, MD

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Beast of the Month - May 1999
Monsanto, Korporate Chemical Giant

"I yam an anti-Christ..."
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

Sometimes, evil is obvious and in your face: take, for example, the NATO
bombings of Kosovo, or the school massacre at Littleton, Colorado.  At other
times, however, evil is secretive and hidden, and when that happens, it often
hides in the most unlikely place: out in the open.  This is the most popular
place to hide for huge multi-national korporations such as Monsanto, The
Konformist Beast of the Month, the U.S.-based chemical behemoth whose
products are loved and consumed regularly by Americans, despite the fact that
even a marginal inspection of their history would reveal a shocking pattern
of deceit and contempt for its customers.

For those of you who are unaware, Monsanto is best known for introducing the
sugar substitute aspartame, which they sell under the brand names of
NutraSweet and Equal.  Contrary to what the name "NutraSweet" implies,
however, aspartame is not nutritious, and is quite unhealthy, having earned
the nickname "NutraPoison" from critics.  As reported in Alex Constantine's
now-classic underground conspiracy expose "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA"
(in the aptly-titled chapter devoted to Monsanto and NutraSweet "The Swirl
and the Swastika"), as well as the work of noted Monsanto critic Betty
Martini of Mission Possible, aspartame has been documented to cause
headaches, numbness, fatigue, blurred vision and blindness, heart
palpitations, brain lesions and tumors, memory loss, dizziness, muscle
spasms, irritability, anxiety attacks, vertigo, seizures, rashes,
tachycardia, tinnitus, joint pain, nausea, mood alterations and depression,
hearing loss, slurred speech, loss of taste, and insomnia, as well as erode
intelligence and short-term memory.  It also helps trigger multiple
sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein Barr, Parkinson's,
Alzheimer's, diabetes, mental retardation, lymphoma, and birth defects.  No
real surprise here: originally, aspartame was categorized as a biochemical
warfare weapon by the Pentagon in a list submitted to Congress. In 1969, Dr.
Harry Waisman studied the effects of aspartame on primates, and seven infant
monkeys were fed the chemical in milk. One died after 300 days, 5 others had
Grand Mal seizures. These findings were deleted from the report to the FDA.
MIT researchers surveyed 80 people who suffered brain seizures after eating
or drinking products with Aspartame, and the Community Nutrition Institute
states: "These 80 cases meets the FDA's own definition of an imminent hazard
to the public health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a
product from the market."

Despite this, NutraSweet was in over 9,000 foods by 1997 and on nearly every
restaurant table.  The irony is that the two things aspartame is most often
marketed for, diabetes and weight loss, it has been shown to not be
beneficial for.  According to  Dr. H. J. Roberts, after summarizing 58
diabetic aspartame reactors, "I now advise ALL patients with diabetes and
hypoglycemia to avoid Aspartame products."  Further, aspartame triggers a
craving for carbohydrates, hardly the reaction wanted for those trying to
lose pounds.  The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints over
aspartame, approximately 80% of all complaints about food additives since
being introduced to the market.  If the FDA was an honest organization,
NutraSweet would not have ever been approved: fortunately for Monsanto, that
isn't the case. Former FDA Commissioner Arthur Hayes overruled his own board
of inquiry to approve aspartame (claiming, falsely, that criticism was
"anecdotal") then went to work for a public relations firm retained by G.D.
Searle (the company which introduced the product that was acquired by
Monsanto in 1985.)  Federal attorney Sam Skinner was assigned to prosecute
Searle for fraudulent tests in their application, but switched sides and went
to work for Searle's lawyers instead.

Thanks to the compromised nature of the FDA, Monsanto has received a yearly
multi-billion dollar license to kill through aspartame, one that it defends
relentlessly.  They have waged a campaign against stevia, the natural
zero-calorie herbal sweetener that is up to 300 times sweeter than sugar,
using the FDA - supposedly its "watchdog" - as an attack dog instead.
Claiming that stevia has not been proven to be safe as a sweetener (something
that aspartame has been certifiably shown not to be), the FDA, under intense
pressure and backing by Monsanto, banned it in 1991, then later lifted the
ban after receiving numerous complaints from outraged consumers.  Still,
stevia is only available as a food supplement, and manufacturers can't add it
to foods or drinks.  In the enforcement of this ban, the FDA has threatened
to burn cookbooks using stevia as a sweetener, a threat they wisely didn't
follow through on when it was disclosed by a stevia distributor affected by
this abuse of power.  Currently, Monsanto is in the process of approving
Neotame, the next generation NutraPoison: expect more of the same.

Of course, aspartame is just one product of destruction in the arsenal of
Monsanto.  Among the others: BGH (the dangerous growth hormone given to cows
to increase milk production);  Simplesse (an artificial butter fat);  the
artificial grass Astroturf;  garden herbicides Roundup and Dimension;
agricultural chemicals Lasso, Harness Plus, Far Go, Machete, Bronco, Bullet,
Freedom, Landmaster BW, Ram Rod, Accord, Lariat, and Rodeo;  all garden
products made by Ortho and GreenSweep;  and genetically modified plants,
including corn, potatoes and soybeans.

It is especially due to the genetically modified crops (labeled "genetically
engineered" to benignly describe the modification by korporate news organs)
that they has been targeted by The Great Boycott, an organization boycotting
the eight of the top producers of toxic herbicides and genetically modified
food.  These two commercial operations are highly related, as most of the
"Frankenstein Foods" are specifically being genetically modified to withstand
more toxic spray, which then enters the human food chain.  Along with
Monsanto, the companies targeted by The Great Boycott (founded by the highly
esteemed investigative journalist Jon Rappoport, and whose current chairman
is some guy named Robert Sterling) are Dow, Dupont, Ciba-Geigy, Bayer,
Imperial Chemical Industries, Rhone Poulenc and Hoechst.  In recent months,
the issue of genetically modified food has become a larger controversy
worldwide.  In the UK, there has been a serious debate on this issue, as
(ironically enough) aristocrat Prince Charles has strongly attacked the
dangers of GM foods, while supposed "liberal" Prime Minister Tony Blair
(bowing to the money that backs him) has defended the practice.  In India,
the opposition has been even stronger, as activists have torched fields
suspected of harboring GM plants in protest.

Still, none of this tells just how big of a covert menace Monsanto is to the
world.  Here's a clue: the top 3 most censored stories of 1998 (according to
Project Censored) all are linked heavily to the chemical giant.

The number three story is tied most directly: Monsanto's attempt to introduce
what is known as "The Terminator Seed," or genetically modified seeds that
will produce only infertile seeds at the end of the farming cycle.  The
purpose of this is to force farmers (many already living in impoverished
conditions) to purchase new seeds from Monsanto each year.  What is worse,
considering how seeds travel courtesy of winds, those who don't even buy such
seeds will likely be effected, and see their crops dwindle thanks to this
"scientific advancement" that benefits nobody but large seed companies such
as Monsanto.  In any case, the Terminator seed is a serious threat to
worldwide food production if approved, especially in the most impoverished
countries where farmers can afford yearly seed purchases the least.

The number two story, meanwhile, is how leaders in cancer treatment and
information are the same chemical companies that also produce the
carcinogenic products that cause it.  One such product is Monsanto's Bovine
Growth Hormone (BGH) in milk.  A study of U.S. women published May 9, 1998 in
the LANCET links insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) with breast cancer, a
7-fold increased risk of breast cancer among pre-menopausal women younger
than age 51 with the highest levels of IGF-1 in their blood.  Despite this
evidence, widespread usage of BGH continues, with much support from the USDA
and little criticism from the korporate media.  Perhaps the case of Steve
Wilson and Jane Akre explains the silence: the award-winning reporters were
hired by a Fox affiliate in Tampa to produce a series on BGH in Florida milk.
 Among the report's stunning facts: BGH wasn't properly tested before the FDA
allowed it on the market, evidence dairy herds grew sick soon after
treatment, lack of testing for excessive antibiotics, and Canadian government
officials claiming Monsanto tried to bribe them for approval in Canada.
After more than a year's work on the series, Fox executives (most notably the
former GOP operative Roger Ailes) canceled it the last moment, receiving
letters from Monsanto lawyers saying Monsanto would suffer "enormous damage"
and warning of "dire consequences" for Fox if the series aired.  Fox lawyers
tried to water down the series, and when Wilson and Akre refused, Fox
threatened them with dismissal if they didn't broadcast false and misleading
material, promising to replace them with reporters who would, actions which
violated the station's license from the Federal Communications Commission.
(There is a pending lawsuit over Fox's treatment of Wilson and Akre.)

The number one story, meanwhile, may be the most damaging of the bunch: the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), which threaten national
sovereignty by giving corporations near equal rights to nations.  The MAI
would have devastating effects on all nations' legal, environmental and
cultural sovereignty.  It will force countries to relax or nullify human,
environmental and labor protection to attract investment and trade, and
necessary measures such as food subsidies, control of land speculation,
agrarian reform and health and environmental standards could be challenged as
"illegal" under the MAI.  This same illegality is extended to community
control of forests, local bans on use of pesticides, clean air standards,
limits on mineral, gas and oil extraction, and bans on toxic dumping.
According to human rights activist Sheila Goldner (the woman who alerted
Project Censored of this story in the first place), one of the biggest
beneficiaries of the MAI would be Monsanto itself, who would use its newly
gained sovereign power to force countries to buy its Frankenfoods.

For now, both MAI and the Terminator Seed appear to be on the backburner, but
like Arnold as the original Terminator, Monsanto has a nasty habit of coming
back again and again.  In a sane world, BGH wouldn't be in milk and
NutraPoison wouldn't be in practically everything else.  This should leave an
uneasy lack of confidence about what may happen.  So, whether Monsanto is
poisoning people with a dangerous sugar substitute, plotting to destroy world
food production for personal profit, contaminating the USA's milk supply with
a carcinogen, or even become a sovereign power through international law
agreements, Monsanto has proven itself to be one of the few truly threatening
korporate leviathans as we approach the new millennium.

In any case, we salute Monsanto as Beast of the Month. Congratulations, and
keep up the great work, dudes!!!


Welcome to the Great Boycott
Come join us and give the multinational corporations a message.

Project Censored

Betty Martini, Founder
Mission Possible International
770 242-2599

Leading Edge Research Journal

Pesticide Action Network North America

IN THESE TIMES, "Building the Global Economy," January 11, 1998, by Joel
DEMOCRATIC LEFT, "MAI Ties," Spring 1998, by Bill Dixon
TRIBUNE DES DRIOTS HUMAINS, "Human Rights or Corporate Rights?" April 1998,
Volume 5, No.s 1-2, "Giving The World Away" by Elaine Weinreb, Vol 27, No 11
'ECONEWS' December 1997

Cancer," Dec. 4, 1997, by Peter Montague
THE GREEN GUIDE, "Profiting Off Breast Cancer" Oct. 1998, by Allison Sloan
and Tracy Baxter.

MOJO WIRE Title: "A Seedy Business," Date: April 7, 1998, by
Leora Broydo
THIRD WORLD RESURGENCE #92, "New Patent Aims to Prevent Farmers From Saving
Seed," by Chakravarthi Raghavan
EARTH ISLAND JOURNAL Title: "Terminator Seeds Threaten an End to Farming,"
Fall 1998, by Hope Shand and Pat Mooney
THE ECOLOGIST, "Monsanto: A Checkered History" and "Revolving Doors: Monsanto
and the Regulators," Sept./Oct. 1998, Vol. 28, No. 5, by Brian Tokar
The Pesticide Action Network ( newsletter Global
Pesticide Campaigner Vol 8, No 2."'Terminator Technology' Prevents Farmers
from Saving Seeds," June 1998.

"The Swirl and the Swastika"
>From "Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A."
Alex Constantine, Feral House

Robert Cohen

"Free Press My Ass"
Robert Sterling
Steamshovel Press Online

"The Poisoning of America: Nutrasweet"
The Free American Newsmagazine
April 1999

"The Nefarious FDA Strikes Again"
Julian Whitaker, MD
Health & Healing Newsletter

Relevant Websites About Genetic Engineering:

The Konformist
Robert Sterling
Post Office Box 24825
Los Angeles, California 90024-0825
(310) 737-1081

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