-Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 627

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Message: 25
   Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 11:14:33 -0400
   From: sxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: some celestial news

Cosmic Coincidence Control Center (Lilly's C4) is phucking me in the arse

Eta carinae just doubled in brightness... from this morning's Gainesville Sun:

"One of the most famous stars in the sky, Eta Carinae, has suddenly doubled
in brightness... instruments focused on the star suggest its energy output
has doubled or tripled in the last year and a half... what puzzles
astronomers is that Eta Carinae was not supposed to do this. 'Occasionally
something happens in astronomy that is so bewildering that it makes
astronomers nervous... this is weird. We really don't understand,' said
Kris Davidson, a University of Minnesota astrophysicist.

Eta Carinae was a routine part of the sky in the Southern Hemisphere until
the 1840s, when it suddenly erupted with a massive outflow of energy, dust,
and gas. It became very, very bright and for 20 years it was one of the
brightest in the southern sky... and then it started becoming dimmer and
dimmer until it faded from view to the naked eye. Astronomers theorized,
and later telescopic images confirmed, that the light from Eta Carinae
faded because an immense cloud of dust from the eruption was obscuring the
view. They forecast that it would be visible as the dust cleared. That
happened about 20 years ago when Eta Carinae blinked into view, dimly at
first, after an 80-year absence.

Astronomers expected Eta Carinae to brighten gradually... but it surprised
the experts. Over a matter of months, the star began spewing out vast
amounts of energy in all bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Astronomers
had not expected such an energy burst for many decades. And its future may
hold more surprises to come. Sometime in the next 10,000 years, Eta Carinae
is expected to collapse suddenly and then explode. It could collapse, said
Davidson, 'and become an instant black hole'."

Any guesses which constellation Eta carinae is in? Well, you astronomy
buffs will know it's in Argo Navis... alpha carinae is Canopus.

Now, guess who eta carinae's associated with? Back to Allen, p.73:

"Jensen claims it was one of the temple stars associated with Ea, or
Eridhu, the Lord of the Waves, otherwise known as Oannes, the mysterious
human fish and greatest god of the kingdom. [Footnotes: 1. Eridhu, or
Eri-duga, the Holy City, Nunki, or Nunpe, one of the oldest cities in the
world. In its vicinity the Babylonians located their sacred Tree of Life.
2. Berossus described Oannes as the teacher of early man in all knowledge;
and in mythology he was even the creator of man and the father of Tammuz
and Ishtar. Some have regarded him as the prototype of Noah.]

The nebula surrounding this star has been called the Keyhole from its
characteristic features; but the most brilliant portion, as drawn by Sir
John Herschel, seems to have disappeared between 1837 and 1871. Near eta is
a vacant space of irregular shape that Abbott has called the Crooked
Billet; and there are two remarkable coarse clusters in its vicinity."

Oh yeah. One other point, to kick you all upside the head. Speaking of
death and resurrection spans of 70 years:

According to Allen, the star reached its lowest recorded magnitude of 7.6
on March 1886.

Anybody remember anything notable about the year 1956, 70 years later?

Wasn't a certain organization supposedly 'reborn' into the modern era in
that year?

I got chills as I was writing this. And that doesn't happen often.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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