-Caveat Lector-


There is a saying that both creme and scum rise to the top, and in that
regard, surely this essay is a fine example of the latter. I want to
personally thank you for posting this, because without the efforts of such
individuals as yourself, the near-satanic activities and thought processes
of Libertarian/anarchistic "intellectuals" would go totally un-noticed.
Alas, in order to irradicate cockroaches, one must first expose them to the

Again, thanks for your noble efforts!

Edward   ><>
At 08:54 AM 6/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
>    -----Original Message-----
> "" John Lee   -----Original Message-----
>Date:  Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:22 AM
>Subject: How Christianity Harms  the Race (http://www.amren.com/masterx.htm)
>    How Christianity Harms the Race
> by Michael W. Masters
>The Roman empire did not  die any differently, though, it's true, more
>slowly, whereas this time we can  expect a more sudden conflagration. . . .
>Christian charity will prove itself  powerless. The times will be cruel. --
>Jean Raspail, introduction to the 1985  edition of The Camp Of The Saints
>Christianity, which many believe to be the noblest moral system ever
>conceived, must now share blame for the dissolution of the West. A faith
>that  once served as an anchor for Western civilization has become a source
>for the  same self-flagellating guilt that typifies liberalism. Today,
>Christianity's  public expression differs only cosmetically from Marxism in
>its attitudes  towards economic redistribution, equality and racial
>integration.  How has Christianity sunk so low--and our people with it? The
>answer is that  it has subverted inbred traits of altruism that help family
>and tribe survive,  and has transmuted those traits into agents of
>passivity and surrender.  Christianity has universalized altruism, thus
>stripping us of our defense  against multiracialism. Today's Christianity
>drives us to betray our own  interests to whoever asks. At the same time, a
>preoccupation with eternal reward  in the world to come blinds some
>Christians to the consequences of their actions  today. Christianity's
> """" infiltrate  virtually every mainline Christian organization. By the
>1960s, organized  Christianity was working hand in hand with organized
>Judaism to dismantle the  South's self-protective wall of racial hierarchy.
>The universalist campaign  continues to this day, with ordination of women
>and soon, one fears,  homosexuals. "" In earlier times, this idea posed
>little danger to white survival because it  was preached by whites living
>in an almost all-white world. Today, on a crowded  planet filled with
>envious Third-World people, its consequences are lethal. The  mentality of
>sacrifice has resulted in an inability to assert the imperative of
>survival--an imperative that puts family, tribe and nation at the center of
> moral life. "" This  is not, of course, to lay blame solely on
>Christianity, but neither should  Christianity escape examination solely
>because it has long been the guardian of  the moral beliefs of Western
>peoples. What then, are the beliefs that  characterize today's
>self-destructive Christianity? They are altruism and  universalism. These
>two beliefs so dominate public Christian discourse that they  are
>contradicted from no more than a handful of pulpits--even in the American
>South, where ministers once invoked God in defense of segregation. Altruism
> """" (The tragedy of  the commons is the tendency to over-exploit any
>resource that is available for  all to share but that exacts little or no
>cost from any one user.) Prof. Hardin  first makes his point with respect
>to voluntary birth control, then generalizes  it:
>>People vary. Confronted with appeals to limited breeding, some
>>people will undoubtedly respond to the plea more than others. Those who
>>have      more children will produce a larger fraction of the next
>>generation than      those with more susceptible consciences . . . . The
>>argument here has been      stated in the context of the population
>>problem, but it applies equally well      to any instance in which
>>society appeals to an individual exploiting a      commons to restrain
>>himself for the general good--by means of his      conscience. To make
>>such an appeal is to set up a selective system that      works toward the
>>elimination of conscience from the race.
> Conscience is eliminated because it is not randomly distributed in a
>population but is to some degree inherited from parents. Even if
>willingness to  restrict breeding for the good of all is only slightly
>heritable, an appeal to  conscience will steadily remove it from the
>population. The fact that  self-sacrificing conscience, or in a broader
>sense, unfettered altruism, is  self-eliminating is a fundamental truth
>with which any lasting moral order must  contend. There must be a dual code
>of morality--one for one's own group and another  for everyone else. Harsh
>as this may sound both to Christians and  non-Christians, nature will
>inexorably eliminate the flawed genes of any group  that fails to make this
>distinction. In fact, we take the dual code for granted. We devote much of
>our lives to  rearing our own children but we ignore the children of
>strangers--an obvious  double standard. We save the lives of our comrades
>in battle but we kill the  enemy--another double standard. The universal
>altruism of the Golden Rule  undercuts both forms of group loyalty. After
>all, we might well wish that  strangers would devote themselves to our
>children. If we took the Golden Rule  seriously we might then devote
>ourselves to the children of others and neglect  our own. Likewise the
>Golden Rule might require us to betray our own side to the  enemy, inasmuch
>as that is what we might want done for us. Clearly, groups and  individuals
>that behaved this way would not pass on their perverted morality to  many
>descendants. Some will object that Prof. Hardin's prediction about the
>self-elimination of  conscience is demonstrable false, since it still
>exists. Nevertheless, what  matters is the time scale. Conscience-obsessed
>Western man is declining in  numbers, and his morality and behavior are
>declining with him. Universalism
> """" "
>  "" Matthew 25:31-32, in which  Christ speaks of his future reign, adds:
>>"" 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or      free,
>>male or female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be
>>Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the  promise.
>  Christianity Today
> It is on the basis of passages like this that Christianity has abandoned
>the  defense of our people and has become an accomplice of those who would
>displace  us. The National Council of Churches donated money to Marxist
>revolutionaries in  Africa--revolutionaries who sometimes murdered white
>missionaries. The Southern  Baptist Convention's leadership recently bowed
>before its one black member,  apologizing for slavery and racism.
>Typically, the black member showed little  gratitude for the gesture,
>complaining that not nearly enough had been done to  alleviate the
>lingering effects of slavery. """""""" """" the Bronze Continent, the new
>home of La  Raza"" Even a nominally Christian Aztlan  would effectively
>decapitate Christianity as Mr. Robertson understands it, since  altruistic
>universalist Christianity is largely a habit of Western people. "" With
>ministers preaching racial suicide, Christianity may now be more of a
>threat to our survival than liberalism. At least with liberalism, one
>recognizes  the enemy. But when Christian leaders take liberal positions,
>they leave the  flock defenseless. Ralph Reed and Billy Graham are our
>opponents, no less than  Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.The Wall Street
>>"Across the country, conservative congregations and denominations,
>>while sticking to other stringent principles of conservative religious
>>  thinking such as the proscription of homosexuality and abortion, are
>>  embracing a concept called `biblical racial reconciliation'--a belief
>>that      as part of their efforts to please God, they are required by
>>Scripture to      work for racial harmony.
> """""" gospel, invoking a universalism that differs little from the
>agenda of the radical left. A Chimera
> """" A  group that practices universal altruism--and whites are the only
>group that  does--cannot compete against groups that do not. Some
>Christians would say that none of this matters because believers will  one
>day ascend to their reward in Heaven. However, the vision of Heaven can
>subvert the imperative of survival. If, in their fervor to enter Heaven,
>Christians fail to have children or to build a nation in which their
>children  can maintain their way of life, the race will not continue. It is
>worth noting  that Heaven is an entirely personal reward, which can be
>pursued at the expense  of family, tribe or race. Selfishness thus joins
>universalism in modern  Christianity, completely inverting nature's design
>of loyalty to family and  tribe. "" Christian charity can hardly stop a
>demographic  displacement that it helped set in motion. "" Today's version
>is destroying us.  Christianity Pro and Con
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