-Caveat Lector-

They are using chemicals and non pathogenic viruses now, and some non lethal flu
bugs. The content will soon change to some of the following:


My research indicates that there are a number of new disease viruses that are
being developed, or are already developed, by several countries as lethal
pathogens for biowarfare. These include Ebola virus, Marburg, Rift Valley,
Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Congo-Crimean virus, smallpox, Lassa fever,
enterovirus-17, Venezuelan encephalitis, Sabia, Eastern equine encephalomyelitis,
and others. In general, these viruses are very fragile and are quickly killed by
sunlight.  The ideal  killer weapons virus should be sufficiently hardy after a
laydown in the air to survive long enough to reach and kill a human host. The
naturally occurring Ebola virus would be ideal for this except that it is fragile
and is spread only via body fluids. Rift Valley fever kills by causing severe
bloody diarrhea, disseminated intravascular clotting,  and then the kidneys and
liver fail. It works well in aerosols, and is also spread by mosquitoes.

American inspectors of Russian Biological laboratories have recently  collected
conclusive data to show that Russia has developed a recombinant strain of Ebola
that is both relatively hardy and transmissible from one human to another by
airborne droplet infection.  It can be sprayed into the air by tanker aircraft and
even crop dusting  airplanes, settling over a 50 mile wide area by using special
nozzles that provide a mist of very fine  [1-5 micron] droplet size which remains
suspended in the air over  long periods, and may disseminate widely.

Genetic engineering research has been conducted with the nuclear polyhedrosis
virus which is an insect virus that dwells in moth larvae. It secrets a protein
crystal around itself that provides  considerably increased viability, and
protects the virus  from the effects of sunlight, facilitating laboratory
handling. This could markedly enhance weapons capability. It is likely that the
Russians have been able to insert genes into this insect virus  from smallpox
virus, and also possibly  from Ebola  and other viruses to engineer a new
recombinant organism [Chimera] that is highly infective in laboratory animals and
the human species. The Russians evidently have shared this organism with other
countries such as China, Syria, Iran, Iraq,  and possibly even the United States.
If so, this man-made virus could be a far more lethal strategic weapon even than
nuclear bombs, and under overcast skies and with light winds could be successfully
disseminated widely via  long range missiles which would be capable of destroying
an entire army. The implications for extreme disaster are obvious.


The scientific community that is doing biologic research today are convinced that
Russia has also developed a strain of Black Plague bacteria [Yersinia pestis] that
is quite hardy and highly resistant to at least 16 antibiotics. It can effectively
be laid down over a wide area and could wipe out most of the population of a city
the size of  New York with one application. There is no known treatment, and
inhalation of just a few organisms would  be about 99 % lethal. This renders
bioengineered plague a far more effective strategic weapon than anthrax or nuclear
weaponry.  Plague is now probably the ideal bioweapon for use in an ICBM warhead.
Anthrax is now considered to be of  limited value as a weapon, because of its
vulnerability to air and sunlight and the larger innoculum required to kill an
infected host. Anthrax is not a useful organism for strategic purposes, but it
may remain useful as a  tactical weapon for limited area insertions.

Byron T. Weeks, MD


"Stopforth, Jamie" wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
>   It seems that them doing this in broad daylight is a result of them
> becoming more bolder...  Like they are of the attitude that they don't care
> if we see them or not.  Maybe because the plan is so close to complete?
> Another thing, does anyone have any idea at all what the chemtrail is
> made-up of, and what it causes?  Or is that still up in the air at the
> moment (no pun intended)?
> Jamie
>  -Caveat Lector-
>   Whoa! I just saw the plane doing it right now! This is a trip!  It was
> filling in the blanks  where the clouds were it stopped the chemtrail then
> after the cloud it would start again.  This is nuts!
> Jamie
>  -Caveat Lector-
>   Well, I started keeping an eye open this past weekend and whatduyuhknow?
> They're everywhere, right now even I can see them.  I took out my video
> camera and shot some footage yesterday...  I've seen them where they start
> and stop in the sky at precisely the same locations and I've watched as they
> "hover" in the same place yet expand like smoke at an extremely slow rate.
> These things are everywhere.  I did however see the plane but it was too far
> off to notice the type of aircraft.  Just an FYI you fellow Conspiracy
> Listers out there.
> Jamie
> Good Chemtrail site...
> http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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