-Caveat Lector-


The Following information is almost all condensed or quoted from a
publication, The Rise of Global Green Religion, by Mr. Henry Lamb,
Executive Vice President of Environmental Conservation Organization, P.
O. Box 191, Hollow Rock, Tennessee 38342. Any comments by the
editor will be identified

The National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), a formal
agreement among the nation's four largest religious organizations:

     U.S. Catholic Conference
     National Council of the Churches of Christ
     Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
     Evangelical Environmental Network

has been in the process of mailing "education and action kits" to 67,300
religious congregations, reaching 100 million church-goers across

Paul Gorman, Executive Director of the Partnership, says: "...how people
of faith engage the environmental crisis will have much to do with the
future well-being of the planet, and in all likelihood, with the future
of religious life as well."

Gorman's comment may prove to be the understatement of the century. The
objectives of the NRPE are nothing less than the transformation of
social order into a global society organized around the notion that the
earth itself is the giver of life, and that all the worldís religions
evolving into a state of enlightenment that recognizes Gaia as the true
source of life and spirituality, and is the only relevant object of

To fully appreciate the scope and significance of the NRPE, we need to
examine its origin, its development and the philosophy behind it and
some of the program organizers such as James Parks Morton, James
Lovelock, Robert Muller, Al Gore, Timothy Wirth, and many others.

The Temple of Understanding, housed at the Cathedral of St. John the
Divine, was founded in 1960 by Juliet Hollister and a prestigious group
of "Founding Friends" including: H.H. the XIV Dalai Lama, Jawaharlal
Nehru, H.H. Pope John XXIII, Eleanor Roosevelt, Anwar el-Sadat, Dr.
Albert Schweitzer, U. N. Secretary- General U Thant, and others. The
Temple developed a series of "Spiritual Summit Conferences" that met in
Calcutta (1968), Geneva (1970), Harvard and Princeton Universities
(1974) and at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City
(1984). It
also convened a conference on Mount Sinai in October 1984 to "thrash out
an inter-religious consensus," for which Dr. Robert Muller,
Assistant UN Secretary-General, and author of New Genesis, was asked to
draft a "Declaration of the Unity of World Religions."

Much work has been done by the Temple to create committees around the
globe to advance this unification of all religions. One of these is the
"North American Interfaith Network" which held international conferences
in Wichita in 1987 and in Seattle in 1990.

The UN Global Committee of Parliamentarians on Population and
Development was created in 1982 with funding support from the UN
Population fund, and a special trust fund established by the UN
Development Program "to provide information on global survival issues to

parliamentarians, spiritual leaders and the media, and to fund network
meetings at the national, regional and global levels." It is significant

that 12 individuals listed as Directors or Advisors of the Temple of
Understanding are also members of the Global Forum Council, including
the Very Reverend James Parks Morton, former Dean of the Cathedral of
St. John the Divine, President of the Temple of Understanding, and
co-chair of the Global Forum Council.

The featured speaker at the 1988 Forum in Oxford England was James
Lovelock, author of The Ages of Gaia. He told the audience: "On Earth,
she (Gaia) is the source of life everlasting and is alive now; she gave
birth to humankind and we are a part of her."

Lovelockís Gaia hypothesis first appeared in 1979 and evolved into Gaia:
A New Look at Life on Earth, published by Oxford Press in 1982.
The Gaia hypothesis contends that the earth itself is a living organism,
the source of all life, and which has the capacity to regulate, or
herself under "natural" conditions, but humans have developed technology
that overwhelms Gaia's capacity to "heal" herself, she is
therefore doomed to destruction unless we stop our technological

Lovelock told the Forum that global warming, caused by human activity
may be likened to a fever in a human. [ed. note: unproved, real
research has yet to prove global warming is a fact. There are
indications it may be a cyclical occurrence.] He said: "She may be
unable to relax
because we have been busy removing her skin and using it as farm land,
especially the trees and forests of the humid tropics...we are also
adding a vast blanket of greenhouse gases to the already feverish
patient." [ed. note: Here you see that humans upon the earth are being
likened to a parasite upon a plant or an animal. Compare this to God's
command to Adam to go forth and subdue the earth. God is clear in
stating that the earth is made for man's use. We are, however,
instructed to be good stewards, but that is quite different from earth

Vice President Gore has been a guest several times at the Cathedral of
St. John the Divine, and has even served as guest speaker on at least
occasion. In that sermon he called on the congregants to recognize that
"God is not separate from the earth."

The Gaia hypothesis is an ancient idea presented in scientific-sounding
language that makes it politically correct for the new age. The idea
predates the Christian era and even Greek mythology, from which the name
Gaia was taken. The idea is rooted in ancient cultures and until
Lovelock was generally known as "paganism."

There are three principles of paganism:

     animism -- the belief that everything is imbued with a soul.
     polytheism -- the belief that many gods exist and each presides
over various aspects of nature and life.
     pantheism -- the belief that all things, animate and inanimate, are
manifestations of god, that god is all; the universe is totally god.

Some form of paganism was practiced by almost every known culture before
the emergence of the Hebrews circa 2000 BC. But even after the
advent of Christianity paganism did not die. In the jungles of Africa
and the Americas it continued untarnished by European influence. In
Europe it went underground, emerging periodically in the form of secret
societies and eclectic writings.

One of the more influential of those societies was the Theosophical
Society, created in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Colonel Henry
Steele Olcott. Blatvatsky's two books, The Secret Doctrine and Iris
Unveiled, articulate the pagan world view. A glimpse of Blavatsky's view
revealed in Iris Unveiled: "interference by man in this civilization can
disrupt the life forces of nature and the occult. Only in countries
where there is no civilization can the power of nature be found -- the
world's soul."

After Blavatsky's death, Annie Besant and Alice Bailey assumed
leadership of the society. Besant headed the more radical European
and Bailey led the movement in America until she established the Lucifer
Publishing Company in the early 1900s. One of the earliest books
published by Lucifer was The Consciousness of the Atom by Alice Bailey.
In the book's forward she says: "The purpose... was to bring to [the
public] a realization of the universality of the evolutionary process
and its actuality; and to deal somewhat with the nature of the expanded
states of consciousness and the enlarged life towards which all mankind
is traveling."

The name "Lucifer Publishing Company" was not well received in the early
1900s, so the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company, but
Bailey continued her prolific writing.

It is essential to understand Bailey's world view to fully appreciate
her influence on the individuals who organized and are advancing the
NRPE and the agenda moving toward global governance. Here are some
excerpts from her writings:

     "...to engineer a climax wherein the correct world lesson may be
learnt; whereby the world may be purified by the elimination of the
     undesirable elements which hinder the new era and the upspringing
of a more spiritual civilization..." (Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology,
     pp 373-374.)
     "Another fear which induces mankind to regard death as a calamity,
is one which theological religion has inculcated, particularly the
     Protestant fundamentalists and the Roman Catholic Church, the fear
of hell, the imposition of penalties, usually out of all proportion to
     the efforts of a lifetime, and the terrors imposed by an angry God.
To these, man is told he will have to submit, and from them there is no
     escape, except through the vicarious atonement. There is, as you
well know, no angry God, no hell, and no vicarious atonement...and
     the only hell is the earth itself, where we learn to work out our
own salvation..." (Alice Bailey, Esoteric Healing, p393.)

Robert Muller is a devotee of Alice Bailey. The preface of the Robert
Muller School World Core Curriculum Manuel, November 1986, says:
"The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based
will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A.
Bailey, by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul (published by Lucis
Publishing Company) (Djwhal Khul is said by Bailey to be an 'ascended
master' who speaks through her while she is in a trance.)"

The school is fully certified by the United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a "participating
institution in
the UNESCO Associated Schools Project in Education for International
Cooperation and Peace."

Mullerís words take on a new relevance in light of his devotion to Alice
Bailey. In a speech at the University of Denver on March 30, 1995, he
told his audience:

     "...now we have a spiritual dimension entering the United Nations.
I have seen how spirituality can help the poor. We are becoming a
     new species on this planet. The United Nations is the biological
metaorganism of the human species. We have now the birth of a global
     nervous system. We are beginning to have a global heart, be it only
our love for nature, to preserve this earth -- this planet of ours --
     and we will also see the birth of a global soul. Whoever will
understand that we are a part of the universe and of evolution -- that
we are
     cells of a total humanity. We should replace the word politics with
planetics. We need the planetary management, planetary caretakers.
     We need global sciences. We need a global sociology, a global

Vice President Al Gore is seen by the contemporary pagan community to be
one of their own. In Green Egg, the newsletter of the Church of All
Worlds, whose mission is "to evolve a network of information, mythology
and experience that provides a context and stimulus for reawakening
Gaea (Gaia), and reuniting Her children through tribal community
dedicated to responsible stewardship." Otter Zell applauds the
election victory. He says: "We are Neo-pagans -- implying an eclectic
reconstruction of ancient Nature religions, and combining archetypes of
many cultures with other mystic and spiritual disciplines -- and our
beliefs and values are no different from those you describe as your own.
you observed in your book, Earth in the Balance, the 'best documented
tenet seems to have been a reverence for the sacredness of the Earth --
and a belief in the need for harmony among all living things.' Your book
is heralded by our People as a manifesto of all we hold dear.... Know
that there are half a million NeoPagans out here who support you, and
who voted for you, and who will rally to the aid of your policies for
salvation of the Earth and the reunification of the Great Family."

[ed. note: It should be obvious by this point that the kind of new world
religion these men envision will hold no place for traditional
Christianity, Judaism or Islam. Yet many, many churches have embraced
the education and action kits that were sent out -- each kit was
specifically tailored to seduce the denomination to which it was being
sent. The total emphasis was on "good stewardship" and on our
obligation to clean up the mess we have made. We are being urged to
support UN efforts to "save the planet," and by so doing we will be
weaving the rope with which they will hang us.]

Another thread of this subversive plot being woven is Mikhail Gorbachev
and his Green Peace movement. On October 23, 1996, Gorbachev said
on the popular Charlie Rose PBS television program:

     "We are part of the Cosmos...Cosmos is my God. Nature is my God...I
believe the 21st century will be the century of the environment,
     the century when all of us will have to find an answer to how to
harmonize relations between man and the rest of Nature...We are part of

Both Gorbachev's and Muller's world views are an outgrowth of James
Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis and Thomas Berry's theological
interpretations. Thomas Berry is also a member of the Board of Directors
of the Temple of Understanding. The Florida Catholic describes
Berry as "perhaps the leading figure in the movement to preserve the
environment." Berry believes that the world is being called to a new
"post-denominational," even a post-Christian belief system that sees the
earth as a living being -- with mankind as her consciousness.

It is difficult to grasp Berry's theology, or more properly described --
cosmolatry. He believes the world is experiencing a new enlightenment of
greater magnitude than Copernicus' discovery that the earth actually
revolved around the sun. He believes the traditional Christian view of
external God who created the universe is as wrong as the pre-Copernican
view of the sun revolving around the earth. He is convinced the earth
itself is the life-giver, and that humans have no special place in the
universal community of life which is, collectively, the manifestation of

Berry has said:

     "It has taken the entire course of some fourteen billion years for
the universe, the earth, and all its living creatures to attain this
mode of
     presence to itself through our empirical modes of knowing. One of
the finest moments in our new sensitivity to our natural world is our
     discovery of the earth as a living organism...awareness that the
entire planet is a single organic reality that needs to be addressed in
     spirit and person qualities as well as in its physical aspects."
[God's note: For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and
     and served the creature (created) rather than the Creator..Rom.
     "This re-enchantment with the earth as a living reality is the
condition for our rescue of the earth from the impending destruction
that we
     are imposing upon it. To carry this out effectively, we must now,
in a sense, reinvent the human as species within the community of life
     species. Our sense of reality and of value must shift from an
anthropocentric to a biocentric norm of reference." [ed. note: In other
     we must start thinking of man as only another part of the living
earth, no more or no less than a rock or a cockroach. When we do this it

     becomes relatively easy to exterminate masses of humans in order to
preserve the organism, sort of like cutting the cancer out of the

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