-Caveat Lector-

by Scott Corrales

Military men have been known to abide by the traditional belief that
"all possible weapons have already been invented"-- a view held by the
Roman Emperor Vespasian as far back as 69 A.D., when one of his
engineers tried to present him with a new military device. Napoleon's
refusal to enlist the aid of Robert Fulton--inventor of the
steamship--when planning an invasion of Britain probably affected
posterity more than any other 19th century decision. In an age of
constant innovation and change, strategists have learned to become more
flexible and embrace all the possibilities, ranging
from nuclear weapons to beam weapons, psychic warfare and every
general's dream: control of the weather over enemy territory. As we come

closer by days and weeks to the 21st century, the nightmare of
meteorological warfare looms on the horizon.
No Rain on the Plains of Spain It happened in the least likely setting:
the region surrounding the Spanish province of Soria. On September 4,
1995, Felix Lopez, a resident of the town of Almazul, looked up to the
sky--filled with dark gray rain clouds--and was surprised to see a small

passenger plane taking a daring dive into one of the dark cloud banks.
According to the witness, the small aircraft buzzed around the clouds
for a couple of hours, causing them to break up and vanish. Later that
same afternoon, when rain-bearing clouds gathered again, Lopez heard the

sound of the plane's engines. The return of the "rain pirates" prompted
L˘pez to phone the local government, but no action was taken.

For over a decade, farmers and growers in this semi-arid area have
expressed a belief that small private aircraft have been engaged in
concerted "cloudbusting" activities over Soria in an effort to turn
Spain into a desert. The provincial government expressed its concern to
author Javier Sierra that vigilante groups of angry farmers may try to
shoot down innocent air traffic (reminiscent of the rancher frenzy
during the "black helicopter" frenzy in the U.S. during the 1970's). "A
third of the province is under alarm," commented one spokesman.

More disturbing is the fact that civilian air authorities have been
unable to find the flight routes or the identity of these "rain
pirates". Military radar facilities were enlisted to track the flyers as

they engaged in their activities without much success, either.

Conspiracy theorists were quick to point out that the troubles began
the year of Spain's accession to the European Community in 1985. The
"ghost planes" or rain pirates made their appearance shortly after and
the country announced that it would have to curtail its grain production

so as not to compete with other European grain growers. The crisis grew
to such proportions that an organization known as the Moncayo Small
Aircraft Association (AVIMON, in Spanish) was formed to publicly
denounce the rain pirates. "Whenever a storm was on the way," stated
organization leader Ernesto Garcˇa during an interview with Javier
Sierra, "we'd always see low-flying aircraft and the storm would
dissipate immediately afterward. We began to feel that something was
going on, but of course, to say that an airplane was stealing rain from
you by means of some chemical agent was a sure invitation to laughter."

The problem was not circumscribed to northern Spain: drought-stricken
Andalucˇa was reportedly visited by the rain pirates and their
untraceable aircraft. The authorities, however, firmly refused to
believe in the existence of any "cloudbusting" substances and careful
checks of local airports and military bases did not reveal the existence

of any unusual aircraft or flight plans. However, one C ndido Navarro
allegedly photographed the small aircraft and the strange contrails left

in their wake which supposedly contained the cloudbusting reagent.
Meteorologist Carlos Gonz lez-Cutre went as far as inquiring if military

authorities had drawn up contingency plans against possible farmer
aggression in the event that one of their own planes was forced to land
in the region, given the high level of tension involved.
The Real Wonder Weapons
Turning the planet's very own natural processes against an adversary
in an armed conflict has always been seriously considered by strategists

from different countries, and has been explored in works of fiction: as
far back as the mid-18th century, Samuel Johnson could have the mad
astronomer in Rasselas (1759) state: "the sun has listened to my
dictates, and passed, from tropick to tropick, by my direction; the
clouds, at my call have poured their waters..."

By 1965, the mantle of artificial rain-maker had fallen on the
shoulders of Dr. Richard Blasband, who conducted a series of thirty
eight rain-making operations with a success ratio of 18 induced
downpours when the chances of rain were only ten per cent, according to
the local weather bureau.

A report by the Central Intelligence Agency, cited in a 1977 Saturday
Review editorial, hinted that world governments were already able to
manipulate the weather for miliary purposes. The report probably had in
mind the highly successful efforts at tampering with the weather over
North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in order to make the Ho Chi Minh trail

The USSR had also turned an eye toward using the environment as a
weapon, but looked down rather than up: In 1993, a high-ranking KGB
officer, Oleg Kalugin, told a London newspaper that the former Soviet
Union had been actively engaged in geophysical weapon research even as
the superpowers held talks to reduce the size of their nuclear
deterrents. According to Kalugin, the research focused on the creation
of artificial earthquakes and tidal waves designed to devastate the U.S.

Pacific coast. This ultimate "war crime" would be accomplished by
placing nuclear explosives at choice subterranean locations in the hope
that the localized explosion would have a ripple effect capable of
causing natural devastation thousands of miles away.These controlled
explosions would give the aggressor complete and perfect deniability,
since the carnage would be ascribed to tectonic processes.

To many, Kalugin's story was mere post-Cold War boasting. But the
fact remains that nuclear tests have often resulted in abnormal seismic
activity elsewhere in the world. Indeed, Soviet nuclear tests as their
Semipalatinsk (in the former Kazakh S.S.R.) facility would often result
in earthquakes as far away as Iran. Seismologists dismiss all of this
fanciful talk, declaring that even the largest detonation could not have

any measurable impact on colossal continental plates.

The United States and the former Soviet Union specifically entered
into a treaty forbidding research into geophysical warfare in the late
1970's, perhaps because the likelihood of one side or another's success
in this field was not very likely. However, serious consideration was
given to the deployment of atmospheric weapons, perhaps spurred by
successful efforts at derailing hurricanes from their paths. On August
21, 1969, people throughout the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (divided
between Haiti and the Dominican Republic) were able to see an enormous
white cloud which expanded to a prodigious size, forming concentric
rings before finally dissipating. Panicked witnesses believed that the
"end of the world" was a hand or that the cloud was a portent of hidden
significance, but it turned out to be an operation known as Project
Stormfury, whose aim was that of pelting hurricanes with silver iodide,
lead and dry ice in order to minimize their potency. Such chemical
seeding of hurricanes caused their "eyes" to become amorphous and sent
them on trajectories toward countries that had never experienced
hurricanes before (Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras) with devastating
effects. This accidental discovery showed that while hurricanes could
not be created, it was possible to manipulate them or even tamper with
the conditions behind their creation by affecting global marine currents

such as El Nino.
The White Paper from Hell
Could Project Stormfury's accidental discoveries have evolved into a
workable atmospheric weapon? This possibility is borne out by a number
of highly unusual situations taking place over the continental United
States today.

The Environmental News Service is investigating numerous reports of
"massive grid-work patterns in the sky" seemingly created by an armada
of aircraft engaged in the spraying of a substance that causes illness
in the populations below. One of the Service's reports features an
interview with a missile engineer formerly employed by the Raytheon
company who has been following these events. According to the engineer,
the aircraft employed in these events are USAF jets spraying a
substances similar to the silver iodide used in "cloud seeding"
operations (echoes of Spain's rain pirates and Project Stormfury's
hurricane-busters). ENS's informant is adamant that the contrail
phenomenon forms part of a military application aimed at developing a
meteorological war-fighting capability that would bring unfriendly
nations to their knees.

This provocative statement is substantiated by a Pentagon-sponsored
webpage. A white paper entitled "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning
the weather in 2025", suggests  that cloud seeding technology enables
the production and enhancement of storm conditions. This speculative
document, authored by a group of military think-tankers dubbed the "Air
Force 2025 Support Staff", offers a variety of military possibilities
that would terrify anyone but Darth Vader: weather modification tools to

create "small-to-medium scale weather phenomena" aimed at improving
one's own troops tactical position and "degrade those of the adversary";

Storm triggering/enhancement using airborne cloud seeding; fog
generation/dissipation using directed energy techniques, and of course,
a variety of beam weapons. The paper's abstract succinctly states:

"In 2025, US aerospace forces can "own the weather" by capitalizing
on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies
to war-fighting applications.  Such a capability offers the warfighter
tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible...In the
US, weather modification will likely become a part of national security
policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government

will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at  various
levels.  These levels could include: unilateral actions, participation
in a security framework such as NATO, membership in an international
organization such as the UN, or participation in a coalition. Assuming
that in 2025 our national security strategy includes weather
modification, its use in our national military strategy will naturally
Happy Contrails to You In early 1998, callers to the Ted Gunderson
Intelligence Report on WWCI, a short-wave station out of the southern
U.S., complained about the presence of unusual contrails left behind by
passing aircraft. One of the callers, a former airline pilot, believed
that toxic experimental chemicals were being mixed in with commercial
jet fuel and unknowingly spread by passenger flights. Other callers
indicated that their fruit trees would be covered in a slightly viscous
substance after these strange aircraft had fumigated the area, usually
at night when their activity cannot be so readily perceived.

According to Charles Napier, a concerned citizen who keeps tabs on
this highly unusual aerial phenomenon on his website
<azwest.net/user/slim., people would be better off staying indoors to
avoid the manifold health ailments that follow the sightings of said jet

contrails. One of Napier's neighbors in Phoenix, AZ took ill following
the appearance of the contrails in the southwestern sky was

On January 27, 1999, Peter Gersten of Citizens for UFO Secrecy posted
information to his mailing list that goes to show that the United States

is no stranger to the aerial acrobatics of these unknown aircraft. The
CAUS report cited a report made by a person identifying himself only as
"PJ". According to his/her testimony (no date or time given), people
have noticed the appearance of "jet contrails" whose appearance seems to

result in the illness of those in areas immediately below. "In the
east," notes PJ, "I saw what looked like a silver speck just hovering,
and not moving.  I then saw a jet contrail coming toward it, and it
wasn't on a usual flight pattern for the passenger jets, it was coming
in a southeasterly direction straight for the silver spot.  Then the
silver thing went straight up in the air, leaving a contrail of sorts
but it evaporated quickly and spread like a white
cloud...". CAUS's informant goes on to add that: "The contrail
evaporated very fast into a larger white cloud like smoke, not like the
usual ones, but this was much larger.  Then several from the area have
been sick with ear infections, vertigo and breathing problems.  My
granddaughter was  sick a day, also, running a fever.  I don't know if
this is one of those things so many are reporting but this is what I

Governments throughout history--probably going as far back as Egypt
under the pharaohs--have kept secrets. The Roman intelligence operatives

were known as agentes in rebus and were the precursors to the secret
police corps of the European countries over the past few centuries. Can
governments around the world--the US, the CIS, and the European
Union--keep secrets? Absolutely. But weather modification is a secret
whose consequences are there for all to see and suffer. From now on, we
should perhaps pay more attention to overly warm winters, cool summers,
destructive hurricanes and killer earthquakes.

Thanks once again to Scott Corrales for his contribution to this weeks
Conspiracy Journal.
If you have an interesting story, or want to share some information with

our readers, then feel free to send your info to Conspiracy Journal c/o:

See you all again next week.

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