-Caveat Lector-

All Americans- including school kids, retirees, and especially
American Workers have been disenfranchised by campaign fund
hungry legislators, GATT, NAFTA, WTO and on and on.

Their  union leaders are dues paying members of the CFR, Tri-
Lateralists and Bilderbergers (who utilize their privately owned
"Federal Reserve System" to strip the US of it's assets)

American workers are placed in the impossible position of
directly competing with cheap foreign labor who pay zero
US taxes.

The tax base in this country is visibly lop sided. While we support
half the world economy with our imports, foreign aid, wars, and
congressional junkets and bloated government at all levels:

A National Retail Sales Tax would help equalize conditions:

Many estimate a tripling of the tax base because foreigners live
and sell in the U.S. on a free loading basis.

If we had a NRST  foreign product importers, foreign
winter residents, tourists, students, truckers, diplomats
would at least pay an equal share!

American farmers and manufacturers would be on a more even
tax basis with foreign competitors. At least, they would have a
chance! With a flat tax, it's just more of the same.

A NRST would have zero taxpayer paper work, no records!
No one would even care how much you made. No one would
know or care how you wanted your estate handled. There would
be no IRS files for the further development of a US police state..

CATS studies indicate increased productivity, savings, creation
of jobs and almost zero paperwork.
April 15th would be just another day! http://www.cats.org/

Consider the number and cost of all of the tax accountants,
lawyers, bookkeepers, collectors, and IRS employees that
would be able to find gainful and productive work!

Take a look at this Economic Policy Institute page...."February
19, 1999 Trade deficits, job losses increase through 1998

The merchandise trade deficit rose 25%
in 1998, its highest level on record, according to the U.S.
Commerce Department report released today. The aggregate
U.S. trade deficit in goods hit $248 billion in 1998, an increase
of $50 billion over 1997. The Pacific Rim and the newly  indust -
rializing countries (NICs) hit hardest by the Asian crisis were res -
ponsible for about half of the increase, and Japan and China were
responsible for another third.

The broader goods and services deficit also increased in 1998
by 53%, reaching $169 billion and breaking another all-time
record. The International Monetary Fund has recently estimated
that the U.S. current account deficit, the broadest measure of
the U.S. trade balance, will increase by an additional $57 billion,
or 25%, in 1999. Rising trade deficits have already taken a toll
on the manufacturing sector, which will continue to suffer in 1999
as the trade gap widens.

The manufacturing sector has lost 272,000 jobs since March
1998. The hardest-hit industries include textiles and apparel
(90,000 jobs lost), electronic equipment and components
(88,000), industrial machinery, including machine tools and
construction equipment (54,000), and iron and steel blast
furnaces (8,000 jobs lost since June alone). Five thousand
aerospace jobs were lost in January 1999, reflecting a 20%
surge in airplane parts imports in 1998.

U.S. trade deficits with the NAFTA countries increased 6.6%
in 1998, for various reasons. The decline in the Canadian dollar,
combined with sharply lower rates of economic growth in that
country, caused the balance with Canada to worsen. Higher U.S.
imports of Canadian grain and pork contributed to the deficit.

Growth rates in Mexico slowed sharply in the second half of
1998 due to a steep rise in interest rates following the Russian
financial crisis in August. This slowdown clearly reduced the
rate of growth in imports from the U.S. Unlike the Canadian
dollar, the Mexican peso is overvalued and  could collapse
soon. If the peso falls sharply in 1999, the U.S. trade deficit
with Mexico will rapidly widen, as it did in 1995.

U.S. job losses due to NAFTA continued to increase in 1998.
 The U.S. Department of Labor has certified that 216,156
workers have lost their jobs because of either shifts in prod -
uction to Mexico or Canada or because of increased imports
from those countries. These workers, who are eligible for
special NAFTA Transitional Adjustment Assist -
ance, worked in 1,847 firms in 48 states.

The U.S. surplus with the rest of South and Central America is
likely to disappear in 1999. Latin America (excluding Mexico)
was the only major region in the world where the U.S. had a
trade surplus in 1998. The crisis in Brazil — the United States’
 most important trading partner in the region — will reduce U.S.
exports this year. Considering that 9% of  U.S. exports went to
South and Central America in 1998, this trend, if it spreads
through the region, could have a significant effect.

The U.S. deficits with China and Japan increased 14%
in 1998. U.S. imports from China increased rapidly due to
recent increases in Chinese export subsidies, which offset the
impacts of devaluations elsewhere in Asia on their competitive -
ness. The deepening recession in Japan resulted
in a sharp decline in U.S. exports to that country. U.S. imports
of  Japanese steel surged from 2.3 million to 5.7 million tons, or
 by 146%. Japan, Russia, and Brazil have been accused of dump
 - ing steel in the U.S. at below-market values.
by Robert E. Scott"

National Debt...     www.brillig.com/debt_clock/     U.S.
NATIONAL DEBT CLOCK The Outstanding Public Debt
as of 06/14/99 is: $5,607,483,201,913.92 The estimated popul -
ation of the United States is 272,411,446 so each citizen's share
of this debt is $20,584.61 Despite the current budget surplus,
the debt has increased an average of  $171 million per day
since June 30, 1998!

Concerned? Then tell your legislators and every American!
Work with an activist group....

The Concord Coalition - A nonpartisan, grass roots movement
to eliminate the deficit and bring entitlements down to a level
that's fair to all generations. http://www.concordcoalition.org/

Activism Links Page - A huge list of web sites for people who want to
make a difference. This list was compiled by Adam Rifkin.

The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Fed:

The institute for public accuracy:

A NRST would eliminate the corrupt Congressional manipula -
tion of the tax code for campaign contributions in favor of big
money: Bilderbergers, CFR, Tri-Laterals, and their anti-American
Globalism and New World order! CONGRESS WAS SUP -
them down the river!!

Someone's perspective of  a common use of  IRS records:
Remarks about a speech by Dr.Alan Keyes entitled
"The case for Repealing the 16th amendment"... The signs are
growing that strong sentiment exists in America to abolish the
income tax. Despite the attempts of some to distract and defuse
this sentiment..........( Published on the front page of the National
Conservative Weekly April 17th, 1998.)
Remarks: " The income tax "system" is just too juicy to give up.
Do you have any idea what it would cost them to hire enough
people to compile the dossiers that we"automatically" hand over
each year? What more ingenious system of population control
could one devise than to arrange a system where the subjects
file a report that lists just about anything you do, can you imagine?
-it tells where you stash
your cash and other valuables -it tells all about your kids and
thier progression until they start filing thier own reports -it tells
 about your doctors and dentist-it reveals you housing situation
 and preferences -it tells who else is getting some of your
income (state, IRS, babysitters, what & who) -it keeps an eye
on your religion or other community connection by monitoring
your contributions- and God alone knows what else....

I say there is little more anyone who specifically desires
to control you needs to know. I can tell you that when they seized
"my" bank account, they didn't have to search for the right bank--
they just looked in my file.

This thread could go on and on. For instance, just being in the
system means you must tread lightly for fear someone will audit
 you. Imagine how powerful a tool you would have if you pos -
sessed a full dossier on an irksome neighbor. The terricrats have
 that tool and we dutifully keep it up to date.

In the event you don't understand my attitude, I spent a
good part of WW2 jumping out of C47's because I thought this
country was worth it. Now I am disgusted with what I see in
store here for our grandchildren. I am not at all sure it is


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