-Caveat Lector-

   The antichrist is going to be Jewish and he's not going to be super evil
at first, for the first 3.5 years people will think he actually is the
messiah.  Later they'll know the truth, but it may be to too late.  The guy
doing this report didn't do his homework.


>>>From the Scotsman, a paper in Scotland
666 - the Mark of the Beast or just another wrong number?


THE Russian politician Yevgeny Primakov is the latest in the long and
ignoble line. He is a successor to Nero, Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger,
Ronald Reagan and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl - he is the
Antichrist in waiting.

Throughout Christian history, no prophecy of Christ's return in majesty is
complete without the presence of a Satanic figure, an Antichrist, waiting to
be vanquished. For centuries scholars have examined the allegorical book of
St John the Divine, written 1,900 years ago following an apocalyptic
revelation which came to St John when he was living on the island of Patmos.

He was shown the war to end all wars at Armageddon. He saw the awesome
serpent of evil, the Beast, the Devil himself; he was warned against the
dreaded mark of the Beast and was told about the abominable forces of

With the new millennium approaching, even more attention than usual is being
paid to the Book of Revelation and other apocalyptic scriptures. Among
others, the US tele-evangelist Pat Robertson has publicly identified as
consistent with biblical prophecy a sinister cabal of individuals doing
Lucifer's work in the world.

The Beast plays such a central role in the final denouement that it is
thought by many Christians that once they have established the identity of
the Beast they will know that the end is truly nigh.

There are several clues. Clearly the beast has to be a personification of
evil. The early Christians, the victims of torture and persecution,
identified ultimate evil with their chief persecutor, the emperor Nero.
Earlier this century, Adolf Hitler fitted the bill, as did the dictator
Joseph Stalin.

The Book of Revelation also talks of the number 666 being highly
significant. This is the mark of the Beast which the damned are to have
written on their hands or foreheads. It was the number 666 which for a while
identified Ronald Reagan as the Beast because he had three names, Ronald
(six letters) Wilson (six letters) Reagan (six letters) - a damning
coincidence if one believes that numbers can carry hidden messages.

But why should Primakov now be fingered as a likely candidate? First there
is a widely held belief that the Antichrist is alive today, even if he has
not yet been widely recognised. According to the evangelist, David Hathaway,
the man who years ago was rescued from arrest behind the Iron Curtain by the
then prime minister Harold Wilson, the Antichrist will also first be
revealed as a herald of peace and world government.

In the current issue of his magazine, Prophetic Vision, Hathaway says that
Russia is forming military alliances with those nations listed in the Bible
to attack Israel. "World peace and world government will come through an
attack on Israel when the Antichrist will be revealed." In the next
paragraph Hathaway begins writing about the man he claims is the "most
dangerous man in Russia today", Yevgeny Primakov.

Primakov could be the next Russian president, he says. He speaks Arabic
fluently, had a Jewish father and is anti-US and NATO. All very ominous, it
is implied.

On the other hand, the Antichrist might not be an individual but an
organisation. One theory suggests that the Beast is in reality the European
Union. So, it is said, the Brussels bureaucrats will not only introduce a
single currency across Europe but use modern IT technology and bar codes to
abolish cash as well. All transactions will be carried out by electronically
scanning a micro-chip implanted under the skin on either the hand or
forehead of every citizen, in much the same way as identification chips for
dogs can be implanted. The information encoded in this chip will include the
fearsome number 666 - the mark of the Beast. Several fundamentalist groups
say this will lead inevitably to a cashless society and world government.
Their proof? Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation says: "No man might buy or
sell save that he had the mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his
name" on the right hand or the forehead.

The Book of Revelation also implies that the establishment of world
government must precede the return of Christ in glory and power, when the
Beast is to be taken prisoner and thrown alive into the Lake of Fire with
the false prophet.

For members of the religious Right in the US, the establishment of world
government is imminent and they accuse their own federal government of being
part of a huge conspiracy. They say a sinister body called the New World
Order is at work.

In his book, New World Order, Pat Robertson suggested that some of the US's
leading politicians might have inadvertently become spokesmen for "a tightly
knit cabal whose goal is nothing less than a new order for the human race
under the domination of Lucifer". The Antichrist perhaps?

This cabal which Robertson traces back over 200 years has, he says,
infiltrated the freemasons and the world banking system. Including the Bank
of Scotland? He doesn't say.

Until now none of the suspected Antichrists has lived up to expectation. But
the search to find the real Beast becomes that much more serious when it
involves those with the money and influence to play the game for real. Pat
Robertson takes the subject very seriously indeed. And the time he has in
which to save the world is running out fast.

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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