-Caveat Lector-

        June 15, 1999

        Suspect in Loss of Nuclear Secrets
        Unlikely to Face Spying Charges


             WASHINGTON -- Three months ago, a research
             mathematician was dismissed from his job at the
        Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory for security
        violations. Today federal authorities say it is most
        unlikely that the mathematician, who is at the center of
        the uproar over the suspected theft of nuclear secrets by
        China, will ever face criminal charges of espionage.

        Moreover, the officials are unsure whether the scientist,
        Wen Ho Lee, will be accused of any wrongdoing, even
        though investigators found in March that he had
        downloaded thousands of secret codes used in the
        design of the most sophisticated American nuclear

        The uncertain status of the case has infuriated some
        government officials and lawmakers, primarily
        Republicans, who say Lee may be responsible for the
        most damaging espionage of the post-Cold-War era.
        That conclusion was reinforced last month, when a
        congressional panel found that China had used nuclear
        secrets stolen from American labs to develop advanced
        miniature warheads and a mobile ballistic missile.

        Lee's lawyer, Mark Holscher, said his client was an
        innocent scientist who had been publicly branded as a
        spy even though he had not even been charged with any

        "Mr. Lee has been unfairly injected into a politically
        charged debate over America-China relations and has
        been subject to improper leaks in violation of federal
        law," Holscher said.

        The extent and nature of evidence against Lee remains
        obscure. But a review of the still classified evidence --
        including details about Lee's work, his meetings with
        Chinese scientists and his overseas travel -- helps
        explain why after three years of investigation,
        law-enforcement officials acknowledge that they will
        probably never learn the truth.

        Overall, officials said, the evidence is a mosaic of fact
        and conclusions that suggests why counterintelligence
        cases are frustrating and often fail to result in
        prosecutions. These are some of the points:

        -- There are no witnesses who saw Lee engage in

        -- There is no evidence of a motive in the form of
        unexplained income or a change in his style of life.

        -- Nor are there indications that Lee, a naturalized
        American who was born on Taiwan, was ideologically
        allied with Beijing.

        -- Even the evidence that a theft occurred is

        Still, counterintelligence officials said, they strongly
        suspect that China stole the important information data
        in the mid-'80s. The loss was apparently not found at
        the time, when an investigation might have had the
        greatest chance of success. Authorities did not realize
        that the information had been stolen until 1995, when
        suspicions were aroused at the lab in northern New
        Mexico by an analysis of Chinese nuclear tests and
        when the Central Intelligence Agency obtained a
        document with esoteric computations that indicated that
        Beijing had acquired nuclear secrets.

        Lee emerged as a suspect because he was one of the
        few researchers in the area that is thought to have been
        compromised, computational fluid dynamics. Many
        people at the Energy Department were aware of the
        information. But officials said Lee was the sole
        scientist with full access who had also visited Chinese
        counterparts in Beijing.

        From there the evidentiary trail followed a meandering
        course. Investigators pieced together an account of
        Lee's contacts with Chinese over the years, producing
        an outline of circumstantial information. Some of it
        seemed to raise questions about Lee. Some of it seemed
        too speculative to shed significant light on his
        activities. And none of it was solid enough to form the
        basis for an indictment, government officials said.

        One crucial component is missing. There is no direct
        evidence that Lee ever passed or tried to pass on to
        China any classified national security information.

        Although the evidence is apparently insufficient to
        prosecute Lee, the FBI thought that the case against him
        was compelling enough to ask the Justice Department in
        1997 for permission to eavesdrop on Lee under the
        Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The law lets the
        government monitor subjects electronically, not to
        assemble evidence of a crime, but to gather intelligence
        in national security cases.

        The still classified FBI application cited questions
        about Lee dating from the early '80s, when he contacted
        a scientist who had been ousted from a weapons lab in
        California after an inquiry into the theft of secrets about
        the neutron bomb.

        The application, made up of drafts of documents
        exchanged between the FBI and the Justice Department,
        described how Chinese intelligence differed from
        espionage by the United States' traditional adversaries.
        The Chinese, the document said, usually seek
        information from overseas Chinese who are traveling in
        China through scientist-to-scientist contacts, a more
        elusive form of espionage, because it does not rely on
        identifiable intelligence officers.

        The FBI request said Lee had failed to disclose the
        identities of all the scientists whom he contacted in
        China on visits in 1986 and 1988. The Energy
        Department had approved the trips and authorized his
        meetings and discussions of nonclassified matters with
        Chinese officials. After the trips, Lee and his wife met
        American security officials and identified a number of
        Chinese scientists whom they had met.

        But counterintelligence officials apparently suspected
        that Lee might have held back some pertinent
        information about his activities during vacations taken
        after each trip. On the vacations, the officials said, Lee
        had undisclosed contacts with scientists, including one
        identified as Side Hu, a top official at an institute of
        engineering physics involved in nuclear weapons
        research. Other officials said the omissions might have
        been inadvertent, in light of the numerous contacts that
        Lee did report.

        In 1992, Hu led a delegation of Chinese officials on an
        official tour of Los Alamos that the Energy Department
        had authorized, documents show. On the visit, Hu spoke
        privately with Lee and embraced him in a
        congratulatory manner.

        Later, counterintelligence agents surreptitiously
        analyzed Lee's spending and found what they thought
        might be another puzzle piece. They found two charges
        on a credit card at a travel agency while Lee was in
        Hong Kong in 1994. One charge was for $100, the
        other for $700, enough to pay for what officials said
        might have been an airline ticket to China.

        Republican Senators like Fred Thompson of Tennessee
        and at least one Democrat, Robert Torricelli of New
        Jersey, have expressed outrage that the Justice
        Department blocked the FBI request for a warrant to
        eavesdrop on Lee, a step that they suggest would have
        accelerated the investigation at a critical time, before
        Lee realized that he was under suspicion.

        In mid-1997, the Office of Intelligence Policy Review
        at the Justice Department found that the evidence was
        so nebulous and dated that it refused the FBI request for
        electronic monitoring. After a bureau official had
        questioned the decision, Attorney General Janet Reno
        ordered a second review by the Justice Department,
        which also found that the bureau had failed to produce
        enough evidence to justify the request.

        A counterintelligence official who was skeptical of the
        application said, "It was very indirect and inferential,
        and the law requires more than mere suspicion,
        particularly for U.S. citizens."

        Reno has said bureau officials dropped the issue. For
        her part, she said recently, "I assumed that since I did
        not hear from the FBI that the matter had been resolved
        to their satisfaction."

        Instead, bureau officials said investigators decided to
        pursue other avenues. An agent who was posing as a
        Chinese intelligence officer approached Lee. The
        scientist rebuffed an invitation to spy for Beijing,
        government officials said, but he did not tell authorities
        about the contact until they had approached him to
        explain it.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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