-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike & Kathy Moxley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >> >Ah, you'll only confuse the fundy jeezoids, who'll ignore you anyway.
> >>
> >> BIGOTRY and ignorance at it's best.
> >
> >Vagueness at its worst, with a bit of the ol' ad hominem implied. I
> >should ask you just what you thought I was ignorant of and bigoted
> >towards, Mike and/or Kathy.  Am I displaying bigotry towards all
> >believers, or all Xians, or fundamentalists of any stripe, or Xians
> >of specific sects, or monotheists, or trinitarians, or Wiccans, or
> >the US Army, or GLBTs, or who?  Am I displaying ignorance of some of
> >the thousands of contradictory Xian doctrines, or of the nature of
> >monotheism, or of the inner workings of your consciousness, or what?
> >Be more specific, please.  And be civil.  That's the rule here.
> >From WordNet (r) 1.6 (wn)
> bigot n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing
> from his own.
> Syn: Prejudiced; intolerant; narrow-minded.
> Examples of BIGOTRY:
> Referring to Muslims as Ragheads.
> Referring to Blacks as Niggers.
> Referring to Christians as fundy jeezoids.
> You should look up the word CIVIL.  So you can follow the rules here.

First: I have addressed NO characterizations to you, Mike and/or Kathy,
so I haven't been uncivil to you.  Nor will I.

Second: I didn't refer to Xians as fundy jeezoids.  There are many Xians
who aren't fundy jeezoids - Quakers, among others.  But IMHO enthusiastic
fundamentalist Xians who adhere to modern heresies CAN be adequately tagged
as fundy jeezoids, for reasons I'll discuss below.

Third: One may be born into an ethnic group, such groups as Arabs, Blacks,
Jews, Irish, Romani, etc.  It is despicable to use ethnic epithets against
members of such groups.  In fact, the only ethnic 'humor' I find tolerable
is aimed at EXTINCT groups, such as Tasmanians or Carthaginians, who have
no extant members to be insulted.  [Q: How many Tasmanians does it take to
change a light bulb?  A: None, they're all dead.]  But fundy jeezoids are
made, not born.  Nobody forces one to adhere to modern heresies, so such
individuals are fair game for criticism of their beliefs.

Forth: Fundamentalism of any stripe, Xian or Muslim or Judaic or Sciento-
logical or whatever, is not merely a belief system, it's a conspiracy to
deprive others of their legal rights.  Fundy jeezoids are at the forefront
of criminal conspiracies to obliterate: freedom of reproductive choice;
freedom of worship & freedom FROM worship; freedom of expression; freedom
of self-medication; freedom of travel; et al.  I call members of fascist
conspiracies, Nazis.  I call members of repressive Xian conspiracies,
fundy jeezoids.  I call members of oppressive gov't conspiracies, pigs.

Fifth: Modern Xian fundamentalism, as well as Roman Catholicism, Protes-
tantism, and such offshoots are Mormonism and Millerite Millennialism
[including Adventists, Witnesses and XianSci's], are all heretical sects
in that they recognize Apocalypse/Revelations as canonical; abjure the
Gospel of Barnabas; ignore the words of Yeshua in favor of the writings
of Saul/Paul, the torturer and death-squad leader who persecuted the
Nazarenes and invented Xianity; and have otherwise strayed from this
core of the faith.  Those who claim to "follow Jesus" while adhering
to such heresies are indeed jeezoids, just as a lie is a factoid.

Sixth: You still didn't specify just what you think I'm ignorant of.
But that's just as well; we don't want to devolve into ad hominems here.

  Ric "God WAS my copilot but we crashed in the Andes so I ate Her" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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