-Caveat Lector-

> The Balkanization of America
> June 16, 1999
> Whoever it was who first said, "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and
> people will believe it" sure had it right. For at least the last decade we
> have been constantly told, "America's strength is in its diversity." We
> have heard that lie for so long we have come to believe it. Believing it
> will be our undoing.
> America's strength is not in diversity, but in unity. We are not called The
> Diverse States of America, but the United States of America. The things
> that used to unite us have been uprooted, however. In the name of
> multiculturalism the glue that held us together is cracking. The result
> will be a fractured America. It has already begun.
> According to informed estimates, by the year 2025 there will be at least 12
> states with less than 60 percent Caucasian population while other states
> will have in excess of 85 percent. In cities like Las Vegas, Los Angeles
> and others the great divide is already taking shape. More than 25% of
> California's population is now foreign-born. Ten of its cities are so
> diverse that no ethnic group comprises a majority. The trend will continue.
> America has always been a nation of immigrants. That is not the problem.
> The problem is that now the value system that had united us has been
> stripped away. The American heritage is no more. We have lost our identity.
> And, a nation without an identity has lost its moorings. We are rudderless,
> without direction.
> When our country was young and full of promise, the famous French
> philosopher, Alexis de Tocqueville said, " I do not know whether all the
> Americans have sincere faith in their religion, for who can search the
> human heart? But I am certain that they hold it to be indispensable to the
> maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a
> class of citizens or to a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to
> every rank of society."
> There it is. There is the glue that made us The United States of America.
> Our Christian faith and heritage is the cement that united people of
> different ethnicity and culture. Past immigrants assimilated themselves
> into a common American culture. Our grandparents were free to worship God
> in their own way but they understood that faith in God and the Christian
> value system were at the heart of this country's existence. All that is
> lost to us today. There is no Christian culture in the mainstream of
> American society today. The departure of our common heritage is turning our
> nation into the western Balkans.
> The December 1994 issue of The Marine Corps Gazette carried a commentary by
> William Lind, Major John Schmitt, USMCR, and Col. Gary Wilson, USMCR. The
> article is titled, "Fourth Generation Warfare: Another Look."
> In their commentary they say:
> "In the United States of America, our traditional, Western, Judeo-Christian
> culture is collapsing. It is not collapsing because it failed. On the
> contrary, it has given us the freest and most prosperous society in human
> history. Rather, it is collapsing because we are abandoning it.
> "Starting in the mid-1960's, we have thrown away the values, morals, and
> standards that define traditional Western culture. In part, this has been
> driven by cultural radicals, people who hate our Judeo-Christian culture.
> Dominant in the elite, especially in the universities, the media, and the
> entertainment industry? the cultural radicals have successfully pushed an
> agenda of moral relativism, militant secularism, and sexual and social
> 'liberation.' This agenda has slowly codified into a new ideology, usually
> known as 'multiculturalism' or 'political correctness,' that is in essence
> Marxism translated from economic in social and cultural terms.
> "This new, cultural Marxism has had remarkable success in discrediting
> America's common culture and substituting for it cultural fragmentation
> based on ethnic groups, gender, sexual identity, and class. If this trend
> continues, Americans will increasingly find they have less in common with
> each other as Americans. National identity will weaken. Other, mutually
> hostile identities will strengthen until the nation comes apart: region vs.
> region, minority vs. minority, and gang vs. gang. When a nation comes apart
> at its cultural seams, eventually it turns on itself and fights."
> These men conclude their remarks by warning, "The next real war we fight is
> likely to be on American soil."
> I hope and pray that these men are wrong. Without a dramatic reversal of
> our current plunge into secularism and multiculturalism, however, I fear
> that they aren't.
> Wouldn't it be nice to hear some political leaders call our nation back to
> our common heritage? Instead, they brag about our prosperous economy as if
> that were the foundation of our survival. It isn't. It took a massacre to
> bring prayer back into a school. I shudder to think what it will take to
> bring God back into our society.
> Chuck's editorials are published weekdays on Gulf1.com and are sent via
> email to anyone who requests them. Newspapers also carry his editorials.
> Visit Chuck's web site at http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com for more
> information.

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