-Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for June 18, 1999

     A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #592 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6/18/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
    And The Separation Of State and Church"

  In This Issue...
   * Other amendments threaten separation
   * Government aid to religion -- what's your opinion?
   * The Ten Commandments -- how congress voted
   * Robertson schmoozes on Hill
   * Picket the Promise Keepers!
   * Resources
   * About this list...


Thursday, June 18, 1999 may well be considered "Black Thursday" for
the First Amendment separation of church and state.  News coverage
focused on the passage in the House of Representatives of legislation
dubbed "The Ten Commandments Defense Act."  Introduced by Rep.  Robert
Aderholt (R-ALA.), this measure permits the states to order the
display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms and other
government venues.  Aderholt had already succeeded last year in having
congressional representatives and senators pass a non-binding
resolution which defended similar display of the Decalogue, a move
considered in support of Alabama county Judge Roy Moore.  Like
Aderholt, Moore has attracted national attention for his combative
policies of mixing government and religion, specifically his practice
of displaying a Commandments plaque in his courtroom and opening
judicial proceedings with an invocation.

Aderholt's measure was attached as an amendment to the Child Safety
and Protection Act; it cleared the House on a roll call vote 248-180.

But while attention was focusing on the Ten Commandments issue, other
dangerous legislative items were clearing the House.  In all, 44
amendments were offered to the Protection Act calling for government
mandated ratings of movies, videos and games to tougher penalties for
juvenile crime offenders.  One capitol hill observer suggested that
the bill had become "a catchall for everyone's agenda."

   Among the other noteworthy items being approved by the House of
Representatives yesterday:

* The Souder Amendment (H.AMDT.201, introduced 6/17/99, #29) would
"allow governmental entities that make grants to nongovernmental
entities to also make grants or enter into contracts with religious
organizations."  Versions were also proposed earlier in connection
with H.R.1501.  The measure "Expands the principle of
nondiscrimination against faith-based organizations that desire to
compete to provide services consistent with the goals of juvenile
justice programs," and "Prohibits the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) from producing literature, curriculum,
etc., which 'undermines or denigrates' the religious beliefs of any
juvenile or adult in programs authorized in this bill."

The amendment was introduced by Rep.  Mark Souder (R-Ind.  4th
District) who was first elected to Congress in the 1994 GOP takeover
on the hill.  Souder had held several previous positions working for
Rep.  Dan Coats (R-Ind.) and a Republican Staff Director for the House
Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families.  The amendment is
one of several legislative efforts, including the American Community
Renewal Act, which seeks to permit the granting of public funds to
"faith-based" programs, particularly those focusing on drug and
alcohol rehabilitation.

  The Souder amendment passed the House 346-83.

* Another amendment was offered by Congressman Jim DeMint (R-S.C., 4th
District).  This measure "disallows attorney fees in any action
claiming that a public school or its agent violates the constitutional
prohibition against the establishment of religion by permitting,
facilitating, or accommodating a student's religious expression."  The
measure makes it impossible to recover costs of litigation even when
schools violate the law in respect to "student-led" religious
proselytizing, and is clearly meant to have a chilling effect on First
Amendment court challenges.  Historically, attorneys and groups who
have taken on cases challenging coercive school prayer or similar
violations were able to cover filings costs and other damages.  The
DeMint amendment is specifically targeted at Establishment Clause
cases, and could discourage parents and separationists organizations
from challenging unconstitutional, illegal school practices.  There
would be less risk for schools which decide to flaunt guidelines on
religious proselytizing in schools, since they would not be required
to reimburse plaintiff's expenses.

The DeMint amendment cleared the House of representatives, 238-189.

* Separationists also need to monitor the so-called Fletcher
Amendment, introduced by Kentucky 6th District Republican Ernie
Fletcher.  This measure "authorizes block grant funding to establish
partnerships between State and local agencies for character education
programs that incorporate elements of good character including
honesty, citizenship, courage, justice, respect, personal
responsibility, and trustworthiness."  The amendment did not
specifically mention prayer or religious instruction, and passed by a
whopping 422-1.

"Character" programs and education schemes have become a magnet for
religious groups; in Florida, for instance, a "Character First!"
program has been authored by religious fundamentalists.  While there
are some secular programs, church-affiliated groups have often used
the "character" agenda to inject religious topics and ideas into the

(Thanks to Margie Wait, American Atheists Internet Representative, for
information used in this article -- Ed.)

                YOUR OPINION?

The U.S.  Supreme Court has announced that it will review a
controversial Louisiana case which challenges government aid to
parochial schools.  A decision is expected next year -- and it could
open the door for more taxpayer funding of religion.  What's your
opinion on this important First Amendment topic?

The new American Atheists Magazine on-line poll wants to know.  Pay us
a visit at http://www.americanatheist.org, get the background on this
subject, answer our polling questions and leave your opinion for
others to read.  But hurry ...  the voting ends next Wednesday, June



Yesterday, the House of Representatives approved a measure introduced
as the Ten Commandments Defense Act, which gives states the legal
power to display the Decalogue in public school classrooms and other
government venues.  The measure passed 248-180.  How did your
congressional representative vote on this important First Amendment
issue?  Find out by visiting our web site; point your browser to
http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/tenco.htm for a state-by-state


Leaders They Will Lose in 2000 "If The Christian Coalition Isn't
                                 In The Game"

While legislative culture warriors in the House were busy passing a
battery of legislative items yesterday, Christian Coalition founder
Pat Robertson was meeting with key Republican senators and promised
that his group intend to "gear up very strong" for the year 2000
elections.  According to news reports, Robertson huddled with Senate
Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.); Senate Majority Whip Don Nichles
(R-Okla.) and Sen.  Paul Coverdell (R-Ga.) in a private capitol hill
meeting, where he described next year's round of voting as "the most
crucial election in the 20th century."

Robertson specifically told his hosts that Vice President Al Gore --
who formally announced his candidacy for President on Wednesday -- "is
in the process of co-opting a number of Republican issues" He also
urged the GOP leadership to campaign for a "veto-proof" congressional
majority that could survive any presidential vetoes or other
challenges on issues such as late-term ("partial-birth") abortions.
Gore has already called for what he describes as a "New Partnership"
between government and organized religion, specifically in the
administration of wefare and community-based social service programs.

The televangelist also reportedly touched on the issue of the recent
IRS ruling which denied a tax exemption to his Christian Coalition.
CC spokesperson Mike Russell later revealed that Robertson asked his
Republican friends for a full Senate inquiry into the IRS and its
alleged "selective enforcement" concerning tax-exempt organizations.
Last week, it was revealed that after a ten-year dispute, the IRS
concluded that Robertson's group was simply a partisan political arm
and not an educational organization.  As a result, Robertson has now
formed two new organizations, including Christian Coalition
International which will formally endorse candidates and solicit
contributions.  The Christian Coalition of Texas is being renamed
"Christian Coalition of America," and already has a tax exemption; it
will supposedly limit itself to "voter education."

Although Robertson has had a slew of recent financial reversals as
well as the unfavorable IRS ruling, he is moving ahead with his
reorganization of Christian Coalition.  The group has formally kicked
off its "21 Victory Club," which seeks to raise a record $21 million
for use in the year 2000 races.  Robertson is also focusing on the
fact that much is at stake in the next election; a new president could
name as many as three justices to the U.S.  Supreme Court, for
instance, along with over 180 federal judges -- a fact sure to reflect
how the bench interprets the separation of church and state.

"The 21 Victory Club" also is pledging to place "ten highly motivated
and well-trained activists in each of the 175,000 precincts in America
to guarantee victory for the candidates who stand for righteousness,"
announces the Christian Coalition web site.  And despite the IRS
ruling, it adds, "Christian Coalition will expand its church liaison
network, recruiting and training church members to serve as a
Coalition representative in their local church body."  Robertson is
promising to distribute up to 50 million CC voters guides in the year
2000 races as part of what he describes as "a massive grassroots
get-out-the-vote drive."



American Atheists will hold a peaceful protest at the Promise Keepers
rally in Detroit, Michigan on Saturday, June 26, 1999.  The
demonstration will take place outside the Joe Louis Arena, from 10:00
a.m.  to 1:00 p.m.  Appropriate signs and banners will be provided in
keeping with the theme of this demonstration, and members and
supporters of American Atheists are cordially invited.

We'll meet on the ground level sidewalk across the street from the
main entrance ticket office, ground level.  This is a peaceful
demonstration, which emphasizes the American Atheist opposition to the
Promise Keepers agenda, and a defense of atheist civil rights and
First Amendment separation of church and state.

Parking is available at the Joe Louis Parking Garage, or the nearby
Cobo Hall parking facility.  Expect to pay an hourly rate.  After the
picket, we will gather at a nearby restaurant -- details at the

Visit the Michigan Atheists web site at
http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/affilmic.htm for more information,
or contact AA State Director Henry Morgan through [EMAIL PROTECTED],
or (734)-326-5794.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June
26th in Detroit!



* For information about American Atheists, send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please include your name and postal mailing

* For a free catalogue of American Atheist Press books, videos and
other products, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Kindly include
your postal mailing address.

* The American Atheist Magazine is now on the web!  Check out select
articles from the current or back issues, as well as special web-only
features.  Visit us at http://www.americanatheist.org

* If you are a current member of American Atheists, sign up for our
e-mail discussion group, aachat.  We have over 120 participants who
discuss topics such as Atheism, religion, First Amendment issues and
lots more!  Contact Margie Wait, the Moderator, through

                                               ABOUT THIS LIST...

AANEWS is a free service from American Atheists, a nationwide movement
founded by Madalyn Murray O'Hair for the advancement of Atheism, and
the total, absolute separation of government and religion.

You may forward, post or quote from this dispatch, provided that
appropriate credit is given to AANEWS and American Atheists.  Edited
by Conrad Goeringer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Internet Representative for
American Atheists is Margie Wait, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe,   send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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