-Caveat Lector-

May I suggest you save the download for your files, then send this to
everyone you know.
John Lee

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 5:17 PM
Subject: SNET: [piml] Timeline of Treason

> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> This is the 1st 8 of 35 pages of this article to give you an idea what
> it's about,
> You can read or download the complete file at:
> http://members.spree.com/education/2302410/
> "...until the 19th century, the knowledge of BABYLONIA and Assyria was
> based on
> the Old Testament and a few Greek writers. Not until after the discovery
> MONUMENTS AND WRITTEN DOCUMENTS in the two countries, and especially
> after the
> decipherment of the cuneiform script and the languages written in this
> script, did the
> history and civilization of Babylonia and Assyria become known." -
> The great city of BABYLON [Sumerian for 'god's gate] was the capital of
> an empire
> that was often in conflict with the Jewish people. It was built on the
> Euphrates River in
> Mesopotamia, about 50 miles south of modern-day BAGHDAD - in IRAQ. In
> biblical times,
> this rich metropolis was surrounded by walls so thick that horse-drawn
> chariots could
> ride along the top. The grandest of its more than 50 temples honored the
> Babylonian
> creator-god MARDUK. Somewhere between 700 to 600 B.C., NEBUCHADNEZZAR II
> conquered Judah, and in 596 B.C. he brought thousands of Jews to
> Babylon. That was
> the beginning of the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY mentioned in the BOOK OF
> LAMENTATIONS. Shortly thereafter, Nebuchadnezzar ordered the building of
> the Marduk
> temple tower [The TOWER OF BABEL]. The Jewish people remained in
> captivity until
> Babylon was conquered by the Persians in 539 B.C. Now, this is where it
> begins to get
> really interesting. The history and FUTURE of the Tower of Babel and the
> Babylonian
> Empire are discussed very specifically in the Bible:
> "And the whole earth was of ONE language, and of one speech. And it
> came to
> pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the
> land of Shinar
> [BABYLONIA]; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to
> [come], let us
> make brick, and burn [bake] them throughly. And they had brick for
> stone, and slime
> [asphalt] had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, LET US BUILD US A
> TOWER, WHOSE TOP MAY REACH UNTO HEAVEN; and let us make us a name, lest
> we
> be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." GEN. 11:1-4
> A few years ago, a handful of "internationalists" ordered a tower to be
> built in
> NEW YORK CITY - probably as close as you can get to a MODERN-DAY
> would be a monument [and the seat of power] to "multiculturalism" and a
> "one-world
> religion," not to mention the death of God and Christianity! Keep this
> building - and the
> idea behind it - in mind, as we continue our tale of MAN'S PRIDE AND
> "And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the
> children of men
> builded. And the Lord said, 'Behold, the people is one, and they have
> all one language;
> and this they may begin to do; and now NOTHING WILL BE RESTRAINED FROM
> WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO. Go to, let us go down, and there
> THEIR LANGUAGE, that they may not understand one another's speech. So
> the Lord
> scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of the earth: and they
> left off [gave up]
> to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called 'Babel; because
> the Lord did there
> confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord
> scatter them abroad
> upon the face of all the earth." - GEN 11:5-9 [Lucifer tried thisand God
> threw him out of
> Heaven and condemned him to eternal Hellfire. Adam and Eve disobeyed God
> and ate of
> the Tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil. For this attempt to be like God,
> He banned them
> forever from the Garden. God is our Creator, and He will never permit
> man to supplant
> Him!]
>   Today, SADDAM HUSSEIN is attempting to rebuild the CITY OF BABYLON and
> the
> TOWER OF BABEL, claiming he is the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar.
> Meanwhile,
> the internationalists - who proudly declare themselves to be ILLUMINISTS
> [worshippers
> of Lucifer, i.e., Satan] and HUMANISTS [worshippers of Self] - are
> creating a WORLD
> OLIGARCHY, wherein they will rule all the people of the earth as their
> lords and masters -
> and as one with their god: LUCIFER. By the way, our present god is
> money. Don't you
> find it interesting that one of the names for money is "LUCRE?" Now,
> before we continue
> with our timeline and see what these idiots have done to accomplish
> their mission, let's
> go back to the Bible and see what Isaiah 13 prophecied for Babylon:
> "And BABYLON, the beauty of kingdoms, the glory of the Chaldeans'
> pride, Will
> be as WHEN GOD OVERTHREW SODOM AND GOMORRAH. It will never be inhabited
> or
> lived in from generation to generation; Nor will the Arab pitch his tent
> there, Nor will
> shepherds make their flocks lie down there." - vs. 19, 20. In other
> words, Babylon was
> condemned to be a place of total DESOLATION - forever! Except for
> "desert creatures,"
> "owls," 'ostriches," "shaggy goats," "hyenas," "jackals," "hedgehogs,"
> and "swamps of
> water." Did this happen? Grolier Family Bible Books tells us that "In
> the centuries after
> the Persian conquest, numerous rebellions and invasions reduced most of
> Babylon to
> rubble, and the once-proud city has essentially been DESERTED for more
> than 2,000
> years." But what about Saddam? Isn't he rebuilding it? Yes, but he
> cannot give a
> guarantee that he will finish it before JESUS CHRIST comes back for the
> final judgement.
> And before that happens, Iraq will be right in the middle of ARMAGEDDON.
> What do you
> think are the chances of Babylon and the new Tower of Babel surviving?
> About the same
> as a snowball's in Hell, maybe?
> U. S. SENATOR JESSE HELMS (R-NC) warned America of 'establishment
> insiders,'
> who are 'bringing this one-world design - with a CONVERGENCE OF THE
> AMERICAN SYSTEMS as its centerpiece - into being.' 'The influence of
> establishment
> insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time,'
> the Senator
> charged. 'It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately
> subvert our
> constitutional order.' In this 1987 Senate speech, Senator Helms also
> identified the
> ORGANIZATIONS through which these insiders operate:
> 'A careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals
> that ALL of
> these interests are working IN CONCERT WITH THE MASTERS OF THE KREMLIN
> in order
> to create what some refer to as a 'New World Order.' Private
> organizations such as the
> GROUP serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this
> so-called new world
> order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles."
> [1]
> "Shortly after the Civil War; a young immigrant, who called himself
> SCHIFF, arrived in New York...[on] a mission for the HOUSE OF
> ROTHSCHILD...[to] (1)buy
> into a banking house which was to be the springboard to acquire CONTROL
> MONEY SYSTEM of the United States..." in addition, he was to...(2) FIND
> MEN, who for a price, would be willing to serve as STOOGES for the great
> conspiracy and
> promote them into high places in our federal government, our Congress,
> and the U.S.
> Supreme Court, and all federal agencies. (3) CREATE MINORITY GROUP
> throughout the nations; particularly between the WHITES and BLACKS [and]
> (4) Create a
> movement to DESTROY RELIGION in the United States; but CHRISTIANITY
> [was] to be
> the CHIEF target... [Keep these four goals in mind as you read the
> following]:
> "...Schiff turned that [last] job over to Rockefeller for another
> specific reason. The
> destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by THOSE WHO ARE
> ENTRUSTED TO PRESERVE IT. By the pastors - the men of the cloth. As a
> starter; JOHN
> D. ROCKEFELLER picked up a young, so-called, Christian minister by the
> name of DR.
> HARRY F. WARD...and thereupon in 1907 he financed him to set up the
> FOUNDATION OF SOCIAL SERVICE, and Ward's job was to teach bright young
> men to
> become, so-called, ministers of Christ and to place them as pastors of
> churches. While
> teaching them to become ministers, the Reverend Ward also taught them
> how to subtlely
> and craftily preach to their congregations that THE ENTIRE STORY OF
> MYTH to cast doubts on the divinity of Christ...in short, to cast doubts
> on Christianity as
> a whole...much of it to be done by crafty insinuation that was to be
> applied, in particular,
> to the youth in the SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Remember LENIN's statement: 'give me
> just ONE
> GENERATION OF YOUTH and I'll transform the whole world.' [This is at
> least the THIRD
> generation since that statement - and he was right; the WHOLE WORLD HAS
> TRANSFORMED! How do you LIKE it?] Then, in 1908 the Methodist Foundation
> of Social
> Service - which incidentally was AMERICA'S FIRST COMMUNIST FRONT
> - changed its name to the FEDERAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES." [2]
> 1913
> "The 16TH AMENDMENT income tax trap was intended to confiscate and rob
> the
> earnings of the 'common herd': YOU AND ME. It was not intended to even
> touch the huge
> incomes of the ILLUMINATI gang: the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the
> Lehmans, and all
> the other conspirators. So together, with that 16th Amendment, they
> created what they
> called the 'TAX-FREE FOUNDATIONS' that would enable the conspirators
> to...avoid
> payment of virtually all income taxes. The excuse for it was that the
> earnings of those tax-
> free foundations would be devoted to 'humanitarian philanthropy.' So we
> now have the
> several ROCKEFELLER foundations, the CARNEGIE and DOWMAN FUND, the FORD
> foundation, the MELLON foundation, and hundreds of similar tax-free
> foundations.
> "...these foundations...finance all the CIVIL RIGHTS groups (and
> movements) that are creating all the chaos and rioting all over the
> country...And what are
> the hundreds of billions of dollars they confiscate every year from the
> earnings of the
> common herd, you and me, used for? Well; for one thing, there is the
> gimmick which gave billions to communist TITO plus gifts of hundreds of
> many of which were turned over to CASTRO, plus the costs of TRAINING
> PILOTS so that they can better shoot down OUR planes. Billions to red
> Poland...Billions
> to other ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES. That's what that treasonous
> railroaded 16th
> Amendment has done to our nation and to the American people, to you and
> to me, to
> your children and THEIR children..." [3]
> 1914
> "...on [SCHIFF's] orders, COLONEL HOUSE and BERNARD BARUCH organized
> and set up what they called the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS - the new
> name
> under which the ILLUMINATI would continue to function in the United
> States. The
> hierarchy - officers, and directors of the CFR - is composed principally
> of descendants of
> the original Illuminati, many of whom who had abandoned their old family
> name and
> acquired new Americanized names. For one example; we have DILLON, who
> was
> Secretary of Treasury of the United States, whose original name was
> LAPOSKY. Another
> example is PAULEY, [Any kin to Jane? Hmmm...] head of the CBS TV
> channel, whose true
> name is PALINSKY. The membership of the CFR is approximately 1,000 in
> number [closer
> to 3,000 today] and contains the heads of virtually every industrial
> empire in
> America...And of course, all the international bankers. Also, the heads
> of the tax-free
> foundations are officers and/or active CFR members...all the men who
> provided the
> money and the influence to elect the CFR-CHOSEN PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED
> of
> our various SECRETARIES OF STATE, of the TREASURY, of every important
> federal
> agency are members of the CFR and they are very OBEDIENT members
> indeed...Future
> historians will wonder how the American people could have been so naive
> and stupid as
> to have permitted such audacious brazen acts of treason as the FEDERAL
> and the 16TH AMENDMENT. Well, they were not naive and they were not
> stupid.
> "...they TRUSTED the men they elected to safeguard our country and our
> people,
> and they just didn't have even an inkling about either betrayal, until
> after each one had
> MEDIA that has kept and is [STILL] keeping our people naive and stupid
> and unaware of
> the TREASON being committed...The masterminds of the great conspiracy
> put in motion
> their next and what hoped would be their final steps to achieve their
> one-world
> government. The first of those steps was to be WORLD WAR I. Why War?
> Simple. The
> only excuse for a one-world government was that it will supposedly
> ensure peace. THE
> destruction, exhaustion, to the winner as well as to the loser. It
> brings economic ruin to
> both. Most important; it destroys the flower of the young manhood of
> both. To the
> saddened and heartbroken oldsters (the mothers and fathers) who are left
> with nothing
> but memories of their beloved sons, PEACE becomes worth ANY PRICE and
> that is the
> emotion upon which the conspirators depend for the success of their
> SATANIC plot.
> Throughout the 19th century, from 1814 to 1914, the world, as a whole,
> was at peace...All
> the great nations were PROSPEROUS and the people were staunchly
> nationalistic and
> fiercely proud of their SOVEREIGNTIES...the peoples in all nations are
> the real power
> and...ONLY...WAR could make the peoples yearn and clamor for peace
> ensuring a one-
> world government. But it would have to be a frightful and horribly
> devastating war...a
> WORLD war...The cry for peace must be made UNIVERSAL..." [4]
> AUTUMN 1914
> "In its 1928 SURVEY OF AMERICAN RELATIONS, the CFR reported, 'In the
> first
> months of the World War, a new movement sprang up 'spontaneously' - the
> ENFORCE PEACE.' [5] Actually, it didn't...The League was the creation of
> MARBURG, a wealthy internationalist from Maryland, and was funded
> primarily by
> ANDREW CARNEGIE, at the time reputed to be the richest man in the
> world...Concerning
> Wilson's involvement with [the League] the 1928 volume reported:
> 'As early as the autumn of 1914 Wilson said, when looking ahead to the
> end of the
> war: 'all nations must be absorbed into some great association of
> nations...' When Wilson
> was persuaded to speak at the League to Enforce Peace banquet in
> Washington on May
> 27, 1916, he endorsed the program of that organization only indirectly,
> making no
> mention of force; but he advocated the general idea of a league with
> such ardor that he
> was henceforth regarded as its champion.' [6]
> "COLONEL EDWARD MANDELL HOUSE [President Woodrow Wilson's closest and
> most influential advisor]...wrote the first draft of the LEAGUE OF
> and, in September 1917 convinced president Wilson to commission a group
> of
> 'intellectuals' to devise terms for peace and draft a program for a
> world government. The
> group, later known as 'THE INQUIRY,' included '...NORMAN THOMAS, a
> Marxian Socialist.
> And the secretary was a gentleman named WALTER LIPPMANN...And then there
> were a
> couple of brothers, enterprising chaps - ALLEN WELSH DULLES [later
> Director of the CIA]
> and JOHN FOSTER DULLES [later Secretary of State]' President Wilson drew
> heavily
> upon the work of The Inquiry in formulating his famous FOURTEEN POINTS
> program
> which was presented to Congress on January 18, 1918, as a peace strategy
> to save the
> world." [7]
> MAY 1919
> "...the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS was launched at a May [30th] 1919
> meeting held at the Majestic Hotel in Paris. Joining American members of
> the Inquiry
> were like-minded internationalists from Britain belonging to the elite,
> semi-secret ROUND
> TABLE group begun by that diamond and gold mogul of fabled wealth, CECIL
> [8] According to Rhodes' biographer...'The government of the world was
> Rhodes' simple
> desire' [9]...'The founding president of the CFR,' wrote author James
> Perloff, 'was JOHN
> W. DAVIS, who was J. P. MORGAN's personal attorney and a millionaire in
> his own right.
> Founding vice-president was PAUL CRAVATH, whose law firm also
> represented the
> Morgan interests. Morgan partner RUSSELL LEFFINGWELL would later become
> the
> Council's first chairman. A variety of other Morgan partners, attorneys
> and agents
> crowded the CFR's early membership rolls." [10]
> JULY 1921
>   "The AIIA...merged with the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR), a
> languishing discussion group which had been formed in New York City
> during the war.
> The merger was formally incorporated in New York City on July 29,
> 1921...Since that time,
> the CFR has greatly influenced American foreign and domestic policies to
> fit the designs
> for world government envisioned by its founders, and has CONDITIONED the
> American
> people to ACCEPT THE CHANGES as both wise and necessary..." [11]
> "...Schiff and his gang had financed the Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin,
> takeover of Russia
> and fashioned its COMMUNIST REGIME into becoming their CHIEF INSTRUMENT
> to keep
> the world in turmoil and to finally terrorize all of us into seeking
> peace in a U.N. one-world
> government. But...the Moscow gang could not become such an instrument
> until and
> unless the WHOLE WORLD would accept the communist regime as the
> legitimate DE
> JURE GOVERNMENT of Russia. Only one thing could accomplish that and that
> was the
> RECOGNITION BY THE UNITED STATES. The conspirators figured that the
> whole world
> would follow our lead and that was their bag to induce Harding,
> Coolidge, and Hoover, to
> grant that recognition. But ALL THREE REFUSED...the Stalin regime was in
> dire straits.
> Despite all purges and secret police controls, the Russian people were
> growing more and
> more resistive...in November 1932 the conspirators achieved their
> greatest coup: they
> landed FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT in the White House, crafty, unscrupulous, and
> utterly
> WITHOUT CONSCIENCE...Without even asking consent of Congress, he
> unlawfully
> proclaimed recognition for the Stalin regime...And exactly as the
> conspirators figured, the
> whole world did follow our lead...Roosevelt and his traitorous State
> Department kept
> building up the communist menace...We know all about his secret meetings
> with Stalin at
> YALTA and how he, with Eisenhower's help, delivered the Balkans and
> Berlin to Moscow
> and last but by no means least, we know that...20th century Benedict
> Arnold not only
> dragged us into...the one-world government, but actually schemed all the
> arrangements
> to PLANT IT WITHIN OUR COUNTRY. In short, the day that Roosevelt entered
> the White
> House, the CFR conspirators regained full control of our foreign
> relations machinery and
> firmly established the UNITED NATIONS as the HOUSING for the ILLUMINATI
> ONE-
> "...after [the] Wilson debacle, they began to formulate plans to
> achieve control of
> BOTH of our NATIONAL PARTIES...control of just the man in the White
> House would not
> be enough, they would have to provide that man with TRAINED STOOGES...to
> head the
> USIA, etc...every member of the various cabinets would have to be a
> chosen tool of the
> CFR, such as RUSK and MC NAMARA, as well as all the UNDER SECRETARIES
> and
> ASSISTANT SECRETARIES. That would give the conspirators ABSOLUTE CONTROL
> of
> all our policies, both domestic and most important, foreign. That course
> of action would
> require a RESERVE POOL of trained stooges, instantaneously ready for
> administrative
> changes and for all other exigencies. All such stooges would of
> necessity...have to be
> MEN WITHOUT HONOR...SCRUPLE...CONSCIENCE. These men would have to be
> VULNERABLE to blackmail...the conspirators knew that...ANOTHER WORLD WAR
> VITAL...a horrifying world war...All the European nations were at peace.
> None had any
> quarrels with their neighboring nations...But the conspirators had to
> have a war. They
> had to find or CREATE SOME KIND OF AN INCIDENT to launch it. They found
> it in a little
> inconspicuous and repulsive little man who called himself ADOLF
> HITLER...He advocated
> the restoration of the old German military to be used to CONQUER THE
> WORLD...But the new authorities in Germany didn't want any more wars and
> they
> promptly threw the obnoxious Austrian house painter into a prison cell.
> "Aha! Here was the man, decided the conspirators, who, if properly
> directed and
> financed, could be the key to another world war. So while he was in
> prison; they had
> RUDOLPH HESS and GOERING write a book which they titled: 'MEIN KAMPF'
> (My
> Struggle) and attributed the authorship to Hitler - exactly as Lipdenoff
> wrote 'MISSION TO
> MOSCOW' and attributed the authorship to JOSEPH DAVIES, then our
> ambassador to
> Russia and a stooge of the CFR...The conspirators then arranged for a
> wide circulation of
> the book among the German people in order to arouse a fanatical
> following for him. On
> his release from prison (also arranged by the conspirators), they began
> to groom and
> finance him to travel to other parts of Germany to deliver his rabble
> rousing speeches.
> Soon he gathered a growing following among other veterans of the war
> that soon spread
> to the masses who began to see in him a SAVIOUR for their beloved
> Germany. Then came
> his leadership of what he called his brown-shirt army and the march on
> Berlin. That
> required a great deal of financing, but the ROTHSCHILDS, the WARBURGS,
> and others of
> the conspirators provided all the money he needed." [12]
> JULY 1935
> "On July 19th, 1935, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, WILLIAM C.
> (CFR) sent the following dispatch to SECRETARY OF STATE CORDELL HULL:
> 'It is...the heartiest hope of the SOVIET GOVERNMENT that the United
> States will
> become involved in WAR WITH JAPAN...To think of the Soviet Union as a
> possible ally of
> the United States in case of war with Japan is to allow the wish to be
> father to the
> thought. The Soviet Union would certainly attempt to avoid becoming an
> ally until Japan
> had been thoroughly defeated and would then merely use the opportunity
> to acquire
> Manchuria and Sovietize China.' [13]
> JANUARY 1936
> "The Democratic Party nominee for President in 1928, ALFRED E.
> SMITH...watched the transformation of our government in silence until
> January 25, 1936,
> when in Washington, D.C. he said:
> '...This is not easy. It hurts me. But...during my whole public life, I
> put
> PATRIOTISM above partisanship. And when I see DANGER...it is difficult
> for me to refrain
> from speaking out...What are these dangers I see? The first is the
> arraignment of CLASS
> AGAINST CLASS. It has been freely predicted that if we were ever to have
> civil strife again
> in this country it would come from the appeal to PASSION and PREJUDICES
> that comes
> from demagogues that would incite one class of our people against
> another. In my time I
> have met some good and bad industrialists; I have met some good and bad
> financiers,
> but I have also met some good and bad laborers, and this I know, that
> PROSPERITY is dependent on CAPITAL and LABOR alike.' After announcing
> that he had
> only one choice, his WITHDRAWAL from the NEW DEAL, Smith concluded: 'Now
> in
> conclusion, let me give this solemn warning. There can only be ONE
> Capital,
> WASHINGTON OR MOSCOW! There can be only ONE atmosphere of government,
> the
> clear, pure fresh air of FREE AMERICA, or the foul breath of COMMUNISTIC
> There can be only ONE FLAG, the STARS AND STRIPES, or the RED FLAG of
> the Godless
> Union of the Soviet'." [14] [Of course, we know that today they are
> still trying for ONE
> flag, but it's not Red or Striped. It's the BLUE AND WHITE FLAG OF THE
> 1938
> "Twenty-five years after FDR appointed Justice Black to the Supreme
> Court in
> 1938, the leftist trio in black robes, DOUGLAS, FRANKFURTER and BLACK
> still held
> sway. They contributed to the destruction of the RIGHTS of the separate
> permitted FEDERAL INTERVENTION into every phase of business and private
> life; and led
> the movement to destroy the SECURITY LAWS of the nation. JUSTICE BLACK,
> in his first
> 25 years on the bench, participated in 102 cases in which subversion and
> Communists
> were involved. He compiled the astounding record of reaching a decision
> TO THE COMMUNISTS in ALL 102 cases! JUSTICE DOUGLAS participated in 100
> such
> cases and favored the Communist position 97 TIMES. FRANKFURTER, third
> man in the
> trio, went along with Douglas and Black until his final three years on
> the bench when he
> SWITCHED and rather consistently opposed the Communist position." [15]
> On September 2, 1939, former communist WHITTAKER CHAMBERS provided
> Assistant
> Secretary of State ADOLPH BERLE with the names and communist connections
> of TWO
> DOZEN SPIES in the government, including ALGER HISS. Berle took the
> information to
> President Roosevelt, but FDR LAUGHED IT OFF..." [16]
> "Gradually Hitler became the IDOL of the German people and they then
> overthrew
> the Von Hindenburg government and Hitler became the new fuhrer.
> But...none of the
> other Nations felt it was a reason for another war against Germany and
> the German
> people were not yet incited into enough of a frenzy to commit any acts
> against any
> neighboring nation...The conspirators realized they would have to CREATE
> such a frenzy,
> a frenzy that would cause the German people to throw caution to the
> winds and at the
> same time horrify the whole world...The conspirators suddenly remembered
> how the
> SCHIFF-ROTHSCHILD gang had engineered the POGROMS in Russia which
> slaughtered
> many, many thousands of Jews and created a WORLD-WIDE HATRED for Russia
> and they
> decided to use that same unconscionable trick to inflame the new
> Hitler-led German
> people into a murderous hatred of the Jews...Such a hatred would have to
> be
> manufactured so HITLER was to create it. This idea more than appealed to
> Hitler. He saw
> in it the grisly gimmick to make him the GOD-MAN of the German
> people...In the eyes [of
> the International Bankers], the slaughter of the several hundred
> thousand innocent Jews
> by Hitler didn't bother them at all. They considered it a NECESSARY
> SACRIFICE to further
> their Illuminati one-world plot just as the slaughter of the many
> millions in the wars that
> followed was a similar necessary sacrifice. And here is another grisly
> detail about those
> concentration camps. Many of the Hitler soldier executioners in those
> camps had
> previously been sent to RUSSIA to acquire their ARTS OF TORTURE AND
> BRUTALIZATION so as to emphasize the horrors of the atrocities.
> "All this created a new world-wide hatred for the German people but it
> still did not
> provide a cause for a war. There upon Hitler was incited to demand the
> SUDETENLAND...That demand led to further Hitlerian demands for
> territories in Poland
> and in the French Czar territories and those demands were
> rejected...[Hitler] entered into
> a PACT with STALIN to attack and DIVIDE POLAND BETWEEN THEM. While
> Stalin
> marched into one part of Poland (for which he was never blamed [the
> Illuminati
> masterminds saw to that]), Hitler launched a blitzkrieg on Poland from
> his side. The
> conspirators finally had their new world war and what a horrible war it
> was. WORLD WAR
> II was launched by the German invasion of Poland on September 1,
> 1939...'Within a week
> [of the war's start], HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG, Editor of 'FOREIGN
> AFFAIRS,' and
> WALTER H. MALLORY, Executive Director of the Council [on Foreign
> Relations], paid a
> visit to the DEPARTMENT OF STATE...The Council representatives suggested
> that...the
> Council might undertake work in certain fields, without, of course, any
> formal assignment
> of responsibility on the one side or restrictions of independent action
> on the other...The
> Department officers welcomed the Council's suggestion and encouraged the
> Council to
> formulate a more detailed plan...The ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION was then
> approached
> for a grant of funds to put the plan into operation." [17]
> "When assurances had been received that the necessary funds would be
> available, the personnel of the [CFR] groups were selected and on
> December 8, 1939 an
> organization meeting was held in Washington..." [18]
> --
> Michael & the Outlawlady
> The Joshua Files
> http://members.spree.com/education/2302410/
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