TO:  ACLU Action Network
FR:  Bob Kearney, ACLU Field Director ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
DT: June 18, 1999

1. Flag amendment to get final House vote next week.

Next week, after the much anticipation, the House of Representatives is
scheduled to vote on HJ Res. 33, a proposed constitutional amendment that
would give Congress the power to prohibit the physical desecration of the
U.S. flag.  If adopted by the House and Senate and ratified by 38 states,
the amendment would mark the first time in history that Congress actually
amended the Constitution to take away Americans' free speech rights!

Those who favor the proposed amendment say they do so in honor of the flag.
But in proposing to unravel the First Amendment, they desecrate what the
flag represents, and what millions of Americans have died to defend.  We
are joined in opposing the amendment by many conservatives and liberals,
Republicans and Democrats, and scores of veterans around the country!


Even if you've sent a letter to Congress before, now is the time to send
another one! You can also send a  free electronic postcard to your friends,
family, neighbors and colleagues urging them to help stop the amendment!

Our action alert and letter are located on our website at:

In addition, feel free to call your members offices next week and urge them
to oppose HJ Res. 33.  Call the Capitol Hill switchboard (202-225-3121) and
ask for your member's office.

2. Law Enforcement Abuse Authority to Seize Property

Imagine that federal law enforcement officials had the right to seize your
property -- your home, your car, your business -- even if you have not been
convicted of a crime. Unfortunately, this is the law of the land under a
system known as "asset forfeiture."

Currently asset forfeiture is used by federal law enforcement officials as
a dream way to fill their coffers by seizing assets allegedly used in a
crime. But asset forfeiture has become a nightmare for many Americans who
have been accused of a crime but have not been proven guilty.

To help remedy this problem, Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) has introduced HR 1658,
the "Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 1999."


This bill is also scheduled to go to the floor of the House of
Representatives next week.  To read more about this problem, and to send a
FREE FAX to congress in support of this bill, check out our action alert on
the ACLU website, located at:

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