-Caveat Lector-

William Manchester wrote the "authorized" version of the Death of a
President; Jim Bishop wrote The Day Kennedy Was Shot, the difference
between sensitivity and the cold truth, I guess....but each book did
refer to heaven forbid, The Gideon KJV bible, placed in nearly very
country to count, spy to spy

The first thing I did that day, was read the index....I helped Bud
Fensterwald's Assassination Committee (he recently died, and he told me
once he had a million dollar life insurance policy, and if anything
happened to him, he would know why.....funny)

Anyway, that is when I caught something in The Death of the President
(would have been better The King Must Die)...in the index under Ku Klux
Klan, it said page ;69; i immediately went to page 69 but the reference
had been deleted.....

Now Jack Ruby in his prison cell repeated over and over "Shadrach,
Meschenk, and Abnego"....the three under fire at high noon that Friday,
as the Kiss of Death was carefully applied as planned .....the Ruby is
shot.....and a further reference in Heb....."for where there is a
testimony there must by necessity be the death of the testator" or, kill
the witnesses.

The Assassination Committee told researchers the only ones who had to
worry about anything were thosewho could be witnesses.....

Out with the old and on with the new....the Mayor of Dallas had a
brother who was CIA;  the music played on the Juke Boxes dropping clues
to those on the inside...the Song, The Streets of Laredo....a young
cowboy is gunned down in the streets all dressed in white, the drums
roll and beat, and he is taken to the valley....the song is an old Irish
Ballad, called the Bard of Armagh....and of course, the Irish knew who
the Fitzgerlds were....

And then Bobby and almost Teddy twice; and then Wallace...even Malcolm X
got it...all keyed to a curious bible code....a High Tribunal judging at
midnight, executing judgment....let us call them the Battering
Rams....the Johns...who could only speak of love, but intense hatred in
their hearts...we had Jupiter, Mercury, code names Saul and Barney,
giving he orders that day....CIA infiltrators were on the grounds...and
an Oswald, minus a scar behind his ear is alleged to have pulled the

And then little Sirhan...he faithfully read his bible, in fact per his
diary he would receive money as per instructions in the biible...RFK
must die, and another programmed killer went into action.

What is Christian Identity?   Well, if that is Christianity I must take
exception....no reach Christian from the New Tstament would rant and
rave so.....it was people like that that nailed Jesus to the Cross, and
pierced his side - the Spear of Longinus, that Hitler was to later hold

Put all these little Secret Societies together, and they dod not spell
Mother, but Mafia....and they come in many different colors....my
father, was the Clan of Dan - the 91st...the Evergreen......and a Knight
of Columbus who as he said was paid a dollar a day to shoot Nazis and he
was overpaid.

But what happened that day in Dallas....let us go to Yeltsin who must
have a lot of stuff on JFK....the Walker spies, remember them....Navy?
In the Ku Klux Klan and that stupid KGB got caught sending out telegrams
using KKK logo? My friend who was a Grand Dragon in the KKK, when they
finally got those guys, all the real Grand Dragons burnt their robes,
and went back to sleep....the sleeping dragons...the real Klan - an
invisible empire who does not communicate on the internet....

What does this all mean.....you now when I got my FBI file, or a part of
it thereof - my own words had been censored for national security
reasons, and my file a portion thereof, Larry Flynt has (and I did warn
him he was in danger becasue Mark Lane was using him as he did Rick
Strawcutter and Jones at Jonestown)

Why would my own letters be censored to me the writer?  They were sent
from Hoover to DeLoah to Toomey.....Hoover knew what the bible code was
and who was behind it, so what I think happened....Judgment at the
Watergate (Nehemiah)....Nixon got it in the neck, and the Watergate
Motel was named by the Vatican I understand....as for Roselli and
Giacomo....two old Knight Templar too care of them...they only kill each
other, you know....and then Hoffa got away in the witness protection
program, and this I have good reason to think to be true.

Ah the Johns, the Battering Rams John, the lower Echelon who likes to
lead young girls astray and rob their homes, drug their drinks....but
end up very, very frustrated a victim of their own lust....such is the
life of the agent provacatuer....

AYAK anyone..not me....but who will be next....The Comet is coming, and
the Nazis are here in disguise...and from without they are but the enemy

Yes, Give Me That Old Time Religion...but Christian ID, can go straight
to hell.

Years ago literature was brought to my office put out in the basement of
a funeral parlor, run by Congressman John Ashrook John Birch Society,
for the little more intelligent, but who still froth at the mouth when
you say Kennedy, for they had accused him of being CFR when he was
not.....for the rich, we have with us always....but the bats and the
moles, still dwell in the caves....

UN.....you got to be kidding....if you want the truth, its looks like
Yeltsin are prepared to provide at least a hint...Go Get them God....as
the Rosicrucians said  in June 1968...code word Polls...Aim for your
Target....hows that for a little MKUltra killer.....whose family is
alleged to be an old family back over 1,000 years....he surely must know
of the Avengers of Blood of the Royal Blood who seek and destroy by the
Royal Vendetta...

Maybe what they really need is a Master Plan based on Crime and
Punishment rather than the King James Murderers Bible, who seemngly has
been taken over by those playing God...but maybe now, as they say in
Romans 12....its pay back time.

Colleen Jones

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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