-Caveat Lector-

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:06:01 -0700
>From: David Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Occult

>The president of Proctor & Gamble appeared on the Phil Donahue
>(show). He announced that due to the openness of our society, he
>was coming out of the closet about his association with the
>church of Satan.  He states that a large portion of the profits
>from Proctor & Gamble products goes to support this satanic
>church.  When asked by Donahue if stating this on televiews would
>hurt his business, he replied, "There are not enough Christians
>in the United States to make a difference."  Below is a list of
>Proctor & Gamble products:

>If you are not sure about a product, look for
>the symbol of a Ram's horn.  It will appear on each product
>beginning in April.  The ram's horn will form the 666 which is
>known as satan's number.  Christians should remember that if they
>purchase any of these products, they will be contributing to the
>support of the church of Satan. Inform other Christians about
>this.  Stop buying Proctor & Gamble products and let's show the
>president of P & G that there are enough Christians to make a
>difference.  Anyone interested in this topic should send $3.00
>to: Donahue Transcripts, Journal Graphics, 267 Broadway, New York
>New York, NY 10007


FAQ from official P&G web page:

      False Rumors

      The stories about an executive appearing on a talk show are totally
false. Producers for the
      programs mentioned in connection with the rumor have confirmed that
no one from P&G
      has ever appeared on their shows.

      About the Trial
      In 1995, with the push of a button, some of Amway's top distributors
used Amway's vast
      voice mail system to spread the rumor. Calls from our consumers
spiked dramatically after
      Amway spread the rumor and decreased significantly after we filed
suit. They go to the
      heart of who we are and what we do. We believe Amway and its top
people should finally
      be held accountable for the huge damage they have caused.

      Religious Leaders Offer Support
      Several nationally prominent religious leaders also have called for
an end to the false
      stories. These leaders include the Rev. Jerry Falwell; evangelist
Billy Graham; the Rev.
      Jimmy Draper, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention;
the Most Rev. Daniel
      E. Pilarczyk, Catholic Archbishop of Cincinnati; and the Rev. Donald
E. Wildmon, a
      Methodist minister and Executive Director of American Family
Association. These and
      other prominent religious leaders have asked people to stop the
rumors, calling the stories
      "vicious" and "ludicrous."

      Legal Victories
      We have filed 15 lawsuits in the past, six against Amway
distributors. They were all
      concluded in our favor. The trial in Houston began on May 3.
Additionally, there is an
      active case currently under appeal in Utah Federal Court.

      History of the Moon and Stars Trademark
      P&G's trademark originated around 1851, when many products did not
carry a visible
      brand name. Even people who could not read could see P&G's trademark
and know they
      would get consistent quality.

      The original trademark was refined into a star which multiplied into
thirteen stars for the 13
      original colonies and a man-in-the-moon, a popular decorative fancy
of the 1800's.

      P&G management recognized the importance of the man-in-the-moon
element when they
      eliminated it from the trademark in the 1860's. A merchant "down
river" rejected a
      shipment of Star Candles, an early P&G product, which carried the
modified trademark.
      He chided the Company by letter for sending imitations. The moon
promptly went back
      into service, and the trademark was officially registered with the
U.S. Patent Office in

      Letters of Support for Procter & Gamble

      April 5, 1995

      To Whom It May Concern

      It seems impossible that the rumor of an appearance by the President
of Procter &
      Gamble on DONAHUE is still circulating after more than a decade.
There is absolutely
      nothing to this rumor.

      The president of P&G has never appeared on DONAHUE, nor has any other

      Anyone who claims to have seen such a broadcast is either mistaken or
lying. It never

Phil Donahue


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