-Caveat Lector-


3.A Chronology of Wilson's battle with Congress for the League of
Nations 1919-1921 (at the bottom of the page, one find the specific
link to the following 'reservations')

> 1.... in case of notice of withdrawal from the league of nations, as
> provided in said article [Article 1], the United States shall be the
> sole judge as to whether all its international obligations . . . have
> been fulfilled, and notice of withdrawal . . . may be given by a
> concurrent resolution of the Congress of the United States
> 2. The United States assumes no obligation to preserve the territorial
> integrity or political independence of any other country . . . under
> the provisions of article 10, or to employ the military or naval
> forces of the United States under any article of the treaty for any
> purpose, unless in any particular case the Congress, which . . . has
> the sole power to declare war . . . shall . . . so provide
> 3. No mandate shall be accepted by the United States under article 22
> . . . except by action of the Congress of the United States
> 4. The United States reserves to itself exclusively the right to
> decide what questions are within its domestic jurisdiction...
> 5. The United States will not submit to arbitration or to inquiry by
> the assembly or by the council of the league of nations . . . any
> questions which in the judgment of the United States depend upon or
> relate to . . . the Monroe doctrine; said doctrine is to be
> interpreted by the United States alone and is... holly outside the
> jurisdiction of said league of nations...
> 6. The United States withholds its assent to articles 156, 157, and
> 158 [Shantung clauses]...
> 7. The Congress of the United States will provide by law for the
> appointment of the representatives of the United States in the
> assembly and the council of the league of nations, and may in its
> discretion provide for the participation of the United States in any
> commission.... no person shall represent the United States under
> either said league of nations or the treaty of peace . . . except with
> the approval of the Senate of the United States...
> 9. The United States shall not be obligated to contribute to any
> expenses of the league of nations . . . unless and until an
> appropriation of funds . . . shall have been made by the Congress of
> the United States
> 10. If the United States shall at any time adopt any plan for the
> limitation of armaments proposed by the council of the league . . . it
> reserves the right to increase such armaments without the consent of
> the council whenever the United States is threatened with invasion or
> engaged in war...
> 14. The United States assumes no obligation to be bound by any
> election, decision, report, or finding of the council or assembly in
> which any member of the league and its self-governing dominions,
> colonies, or parts of empire, in the aggregate have cast more than one
> vote

And then,

> TAFT RESERVATION: The United States declines to assume any legal or
> binding obligations to preserve the territorial integrity or political
> independence of any other country under the provisions of Article X or
> to employ the military or naval forces of the United States under any
> article of the treaty for any purpose; but Congress which under the
> Constitution has sole power in the premises, will consider and decide
> what moral obligation if any under the circumstances of any particular
> case, when it arises, should move the United States in the interest of
> world peace and parties, to take action therein and will provide
> accordingly

> World War I
> A. Who started World War I?
> 1. Serbia
> •on June 28, 1914, the 19-year old student Gavrilo Princip, an agent
> of the Serbian Black Hand secret society, assassinated Archduke Franz
> Ferdinand, heir to the throne of AH. •Serbia had emerged victorious
> from the Balkan Wars 1912-13 over Turkey and Bulgaria, but AH had
> annexed Bosnia, Herzogovina, Albania and opposed the "pan-slavism"
> that Serbia represented.
> 2. Austria-Hungary
> •on July 28, the AH Dual Monarchy declared war on Serbia.
> •empire of Franz Joseph (ruled 1848-1916) was the best example of the
> "persistence of the ancien regime" (Arno Mayer). Alan Palmer in
> Twilight of the Habsburgs (1995) argues that the emperor was not so
> bad, sought peace and stability, that Vienna with a population of 2m.
> was a cultural center of Europe. He weakened the empire starting in
> 1908 by granting universal suffrage and opening the political system
> to ethnic minorities.
> 3. Russia
> •on July 29, Nicholas II was pressured by his military to mobilize
> prematurely to defend Serbia. Ger. decd war Aug. 1 •Emperor Nicholas
> II was struggling to keep power from the revolutionaries who had
> established the Duma parliament in 1905. •Gen. Samsonov invades East
> Prussia Aug. 13 but is defeated by Hindenburg and Ludendorff at
> Tannenberg Aug. 26-30
> 4. Germany
> •on Aug. 1, Germany reluctantly followed its alliance with AH by
> declaring war on Russia •Kaiser Wilhelm II (ruled 1888-1918) had
> ousted Bismarck and sought to keep government in his control, opposing
> the rising Social Democratic Party, favoring instead the Prussian
> aristocracy, von Moltke's General Staff, Tirpitz's navy •Schlieffen
> Plan begins Aug.10 with huge wheel-like movemnet through Belgium by
> 1.5 million men in 7 armies, capture Liege Aug. 15, Brussels Aug. 20.
> 5. France
> •on Aug. 1, France followed its alliance with Russia and mobilized -
> Ger decd war on France Aug. 3. •Foreign Minister Delcasse had sought
> an Anglo-French front against Germany but fell from power 1905 as over
> the German-Morocco crisis and the Dreyfus affair. Church-state
> separation took place 1905 and Clemenceau led a radical majority in
> the 1906 elections to create a new French nationalism. Poincare was
> elected President in 1913 and saw the end of the Third Republic as war
> began 1914. •French offensive in Lorraine is fails in the Battle of
> the Frontiers Aug. 14-25, and Joffre retreats to the Marne, but Ger.
> right is weakened to strengthen Lorraine
> 6. Britain
> •on Aug. 4, Brit. followed its Triple Entente with France and Russia
> (formed 1907 by Edward Grey) and declared war on Germany, and after
> Ger. decd war on Belgium. •George V (ruled 1910-36) struggled to work
> with the Liberal majority of David Lloyd George but faced growing
> turmoil of labor strikes, opposition to Irish home rule. •Gen John
> French defeated at Battle of Mons Aug. 23 and joins French in retreat
> to the Marne. Gen. Joffre is able to stop Ger. Sep. 5-12 in the
> "miracle of the Marne"
> 7. Japan
> •on Aug. 23, Japan declared war on Ger. and occupied Shantung
> B. Why U.S. entry?
> 1. Americans unneutral in "thought & deed" (Aug. 19 speech)
> •hyphenates = relief committees, 1914 Czech lobby of Edward Benes,
> Thomas Masaryk •pro-British = propaganda, blockade, no Declaration of
> London, loans •"merchants of death" = Remington, DuPont, Hog Island
> •Dacia case - Grey opp'd McAdoo plan to buy German ships
> 2. U-boat
> •Sep. 5, 1914 - Brit cruiser Pathfinder first to be sunk by Ger.
> submarine - the U-boat fleet grows from 21 in 1914 to 127 in 1917, but
> only 1/3 at sea at any one time. •Feb. 4, 1915 - Ger. proclaims "war
> Zone" around Brit. - also begin Zeppelin attacks on London by air.
> •Feb. 10 - Wilson protest - declares Ger would be held to "strict
> accountability" but ambiguous on passenger ships. Protest also made to
> Brit - no use of U.S. flag allowed. •Mar. 28 - Brit steamship Falaba
> sunk - 104 dead include 1 American, Leon Thrasher •May 7 - Lusitania
> sunk sith one torpedo from Ger. Capt. Walter Schwieger's U-20; 1198
> dead, including 128 Americans. •Lusitania notes - 1st on May 13 -
> demand right to travel, disavowal, reparations - Ger. reply strong -
> carried munitions - was "just self-defense" - however, on June 6 Ger.
> order to U-boats to spare passengers; 2nd on June 9 - strong -
> demanded "specific pledge" - WJB resigns; 3rd on July 21 - ultimatum -
> any more sinkings would be "deliberately unfriendly" •Arabic Aug. 19 -
> 2 Amer killed - Bernsdorff pays indemnity and makes pledge (for 9 mos)
> 3. domestic frustration
> •Mexican revolution worsens in 1915 - Pershing expedition begins March
> 1916 •intervention in Haiti July 1915 & Santo Domingo 1916 •spy expose
> Aug 15, 1915 - Franz von Rintelen arrested in Atlanta - over von Papen
> and Boy Ed - plotted with Huerta - Brit "Purchasing Comm" in NY - Wm
> Wiseman of Kuhn-Loeb - gave info to Col. House - Eman. Voska &
> Bohemian Alliance - worked for Brit SIS - McAdoo tapped tel of Ger &
> AH ministers - Brit Rm 40 made decrypts - Ralph Van Deman "father of
> Am. mil intelligence" - 1916 report - reestab MID •Peace Movement -
> Am. Peace Society 1907 - Cosmopolitian Club at Univ of Wisconsin -
> Nicholas Murray Butler pres of Columbia - J.B. Moore's 8 vol Digest of
> International Law - Carnegie Endow for Internat. Peace - Edwin Ginn
> World Peace Foundation - Henry Ford Peace ship to conference of
> Neutrals in Ep Dec. 1915 with Rosa Schwimmer- Jeanette Rankin 1st
> woman elected to House - Montana (1880-1973) •Preparedness campaign -
> both WW and HC Lodge claimed it was their idea - due to Lusitania,
> growing domestic pressures, esp Repub Party - WW speech Nov. 4, 1915 -
> expand Navy, Army - new volunteer reserve "Continental Army" - opp'd
> by 50 Dem in Congress, esp S & W, led by House Majority Leader Claude
> Kitchin - WW national speaking tour Jan and Feb 1916, but Congress
> deadlocked •Feb. 8, 1916 - Ger to sink all armed merchant ships
> (Sussex Mr 24 mistake) •March 7 - McLemore-Gore defeated - would have
> prohibited all passBriters on belligerent ships •March 9 - Columbus
> raid •March 23 - House approves compromise bill - National Guard to be
> under feds (reversed 140 yrs of state militia) and volunteer summer
> training camps created (Plattsburg) •paid by Revenue Act of 1916 -
> taxes on the rich and on munition makers, new fed estate tax
> 4. mediation
> •House-Grey memo Feb. 22, 1916 - 2nd House trip to Ep. - Wilson to
> summon peace conference if requested by Brit, Fr - if Ger refused,
> U.S. to war - but Grey refused to set date for conference, Wilson
> added "probably" - rejected Mr. 8 •McLemore-Gore is defeated that
> would have prohibited all passengers on belligerent ships - a Wilosn
> victory •Sussex incident Mr. 24 - Wilson wanted to be decisive, to
> assure Brit, Fr that he was determined to get peace - need to allow
> Ger alternative to war - ff cruiser rules •Wilson opp'd to both Ger
> and Allies - both still seeking military victory in 1916 - Battle of
> Jutland May 31-June is a tactical victory of Ger. Admiral Reinhard
> Scheer whose 99 ships sank 117,025 tons of Brit Adm. John Jellicoe's
> 149 ships that sank only 61,180 tons. But the battle was a Brit.
> strategic victory keeping the Ger. navy bottled up, tightening the
> blockade, causing 750,000 Germans to starve to death, and leaving the
> U-boat as Germany's only alternative. •May 27 speech - Wilson
> advocates U.S. join postwar League - goal of collective security w/
> guarantees •1916 - Wilson wins Dem Party nomination because "he kept
> us out of war"- gets strong League plank in party platform, but is
> attacked as pro-British - Chas "Evasive" Hughes nominated by Repub
> Party seeking Ger-Amer votes, but Hughes said he would be tougher on
> Mexico, Ger •Nov. election - close - Hughes (46%, 254, won east) vs
> Wilson (49%, 277, won south and west) - no mandate for peace or war
> but Wilson continued diplomacy to end the war. •Dec. 18 note to Ger
> offering peace, but was refused - Wilson rejected by both Allies, Ger
> •late 1916 - new young Emperor Karl of AH supported by Wilson - but
> press campaign of Alice Masaryk, d. of Thos, released 1916 from AH
> prison •Jan 22, 1917, speech "Peace Without Victory" meant for Ger,
> but was rejected
> 5. unrestricted sub warfare Feb. 1, 1917
> •decline of Bethman-Hollweg, rise of military - violated Sussex pledge
> •Feb. 3 - U.S. breaks diplomatic relations - endorsed by Senate Feb. 7
> - Wilson policy of patience replaced by decisive action •Feb. 25 -
> Brit Laconia liner sunk - 3 Am. killed •Feb. 26 - WW asks Congress to
> arm merchant ships - passed by House but not Senate - Wilson goes
> ahead March 12 by executive order
> 6. Zimmermann telegram Mar. 1
> •pub'd by State Dept, based on decryption by Brit of Ger. Foreign Secy
> note to Eckhardt in Mexico of Jan 16 •Mar. 12 - sinking of unarmed
> U.S. ship Algonquin, then March 16 City of Memphis, Illinois,
> Vigilancia
> 7. Democracy
> •April 2 - Wilson delivers war message to Congress
> •April 4 - passed by Senate 82-6
> •April 6 - passed by House 373-50 and signed by Wilson
> •The Great War - Episode 6 - "Collapse" - "the U.S. was going to war
> to establish a new world order, to establish the principles of
> democracy."
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Resources:
> •U-boat War in WWI from Uboat.net •U-Boat war 1914-1918 •The Great War
> PBS series •World War I: Trenches on the Web
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- revised 2/10/99 | next outline for 1917-1919 | Versailles Treaty |
> Class Page

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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