-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www-douzzer.ai.mit.edu:8080/conspiracy/conspiracy.html">The
World Government Conspiracy
Many embeds, links and more at site.
The Architecture of Modern Political Power

Compiled and edited, with introductory and interstitial essays and
commentary, by Daniel Pouzzner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>home page:
http://www-douzzer.ai.mit.edu:8080All material in this compilation is
private property protected by intellectual property laws. For all
non-17USC107 use, and when in doubt, contact me at the above address for
instructions.The views expressed on this web site do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, its
faculty, or its students.version: Monday, 31-May-1999 15:22:23 EDT

``The combination is here to stay. Individualism has gone, never to
return.''John Davison Rockefeller I, born 1839-July-18, died 1937-May-23

Reading the following is somewhat like a stiff drink for breakfast.
Perhaps you would like to first read my agenda brief, which describes
Innovism and compares it to laissez faire capitalism, socialism,
fascism, and anarchism.

This is the story of America's death by a thousand cuts. It is not the
story of America; it is not the whole story; it is simply an unlimited
hangout of a nefarious plot: a deciphering of the events of the
Twentieth Century, revealing a national security strategy of

Modern American civilization is substantially shaped and controlled by
the House of Rockefeller and a handful of others, the inheritors of the
empire of influence and ideology founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild
(1743-1812), John Davison Rockefeller I (1839-1937), Junius Pierpoint
Morgan (1837-1913), Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), John Cecil
Cecil RhodesRhodes (1853-1902), and a few of their contemporary cohorts.
This control apparatus is directed at the highest (global) level by
affiliates of the Bilderberg group, founded in 1954 and dominated by the
House of Rothschild and by their collaborating, subordinate, far more
visible rival, the House of Rockefeller.

Bilderberg is the most powerful of the surviving descendents of the
Round Table, a secret society founded in an 1877 will by the
spectacularly chauvinist Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was financially supported
by Lord Rothschild and by Alfred Beit of de Beers (a Rothschild agent),
and his vision was directly inspired by proto-Nazi John Ruskin, a
professor of fine arts at Oxford. Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley
(1910-1977) maintains (in his voluminous 1966 tome, Tragedy and Hope)
that the Round Table was formally organized as a semi-secret
multinational anglophile society starting in 1908, and that its unifying
principle was the oligarchical federation of the English-speaking world
- evidently, the political, economic, and cultural reconstitution of the
British Empire. This initial goal has evolved into the goal of
oligarchical world federation.

Despite the disproportionate influence of David Rockefeller and the
Rothschild agenda he subtly conveys at each meeting, Bilderberg is a
true committee, and the actions of its affiliates are driven by
consensus which all involved can influence and none involved can
dictate. Affiliates are not commanded. Their cooperation is secured
through dialogue, incentives, and hints. Affiliates are chosen partly on
the basis of their compatibility with this modus operandi. Affiliates of
Bilderberg, and of the other major committees, establish symbiotic,
often exclusionary relationships among the organizations they command or
influence; the dividends of affiliation are enormous.
Committee Cosmology

      An array of subsidiary committees, most famously the Trilateral
Commission (TLC), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Council of
the Americas (COA), and the Royal Institute for International Affairs (
RIIA), operate in a manner vaguely similar to Bilderberg, but with far
less secrecy, and often de-emphasizing frank dialogue in favor of more
formal policy addresses.
      To the untrained eye, the proceedings of a CFR colloquium (many
examples of which are available on their web site) will by and large
seem innocuous if not, indeed, crushingly dull. Embedded in these
proceedings, however, is the agenda of Bilderberg, just as the agenda of
the Rothschilds is embedded in the proceedings of Bilderberg.
      The CFR and RIIA themselves, as it happens, are the immediate
progeny of the Round Table, Bilderberg is the immediate progeny of the
CFR and RIIA, and the Trilateral Commission is the immediate progeny of
Bilderberg. COA is a Rockefeller project for coordination of
machinations in Central and South America, and though in one sense it is
the progeny of the CFR, it is really more an invention without specific
ancestry. Bohemian Grove can be viewed as a US version of Bilderberg
(though it was founded in 1872, almost a century earlier), with
tantamount secrecy and frankness, and substantially more fraternization.
      A constellation of foundations and action groups also research,
develop, and espouse various aspects of the Rothschild and constituent
Bilderberg and Rockefeller agendas, in order to develop and refine
strategy, and to coordinate indoctrination, enlistment, and
marginalization of sectors of the public, and in particular, of sectors
within government, academia, and industry. Notable among these is the
Center for International Studies (joint organization of the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology and the University of Zurich), prominent
within and close to which are the International Institute for Strategic
Studies (IISS, on Tavistock Street in London), the Center for Security
Studies and Conflict Research, and the International Relations and
Security Network (ISN). The Tavistock Institute (Tabernacle Street in
London) and the Club of Rome are also notable.
      Stateside, notable are the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS), the Institute for Policy Studies, the RAND Corporation,
the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, the Edmund A.
Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, the Brookings Institution
, the Heritage Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford
Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Macarthur Foundation, the Soros
Foundation, the Institute for Global Communications (IGC) and its
component Association for Progressive Communications, the John Birch
Society, the Gorbachev Foundation, the Scaife Foundation, Media Research
Center, Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia, and Fairness and
Accuracy in Reporting.
      Of course, most insiders in these organizations are as oblivious
to the true nature of their mission as are those they fund or target.
Organizations with agendas that coincide with some aspect of the
conspirators' are nurtured and guided in an often covert manner, are
often infiltrated, and are sometimes co-opted with the knowledge of an
organization's leadership. Certain organizations, such as the CSIS,
consist almost entirely of conspirators proper.
Unknown to the vast majority of Bilderberg, TLC, CFR, COA, and RIIA
affiliates of record, at least in its specifics, is a parallel apparatus
of covert action, closely intertwined with the intelligence community,
law enforcement community, certain elite secret societies, criminal and
labor syndicates, and the middle and lower ranks of various industries.
This apparatus protects and facilitates the activities of the
affiliates, with the subtly menacing promise of accountability. Many of
the visible council affiliates harbor vague, largely unarticulated
suspicions of the existence of this parallel apparatus, and some even
suspect its relationship with the first families of Bilderberg. A small
proportion of affiliates deliberately and explicitly collaborate with th
e parallel apparatus, which like the councils is dominated by the Houses
of Rockefeller and Rothschild. The Rockefellers generally attend to
command and control outside Europe. The parallel apparatus is largely
unknown to most members of the intelligence and law enforcement
communities proper, despite its thorough penetration thereof, and
despite the fact that a very high proportion of intelligence and law
enforcement activities are the covert bidding of the conspirators.
Certain dimensions of the Rothschild-Rockefeller agenda are pursued
directly via this apparatus of covert action - particularly, those that
are manifestly unsavory or criminal.

In some contrast to Bilderberg and the other councils, this parallel
apparatus constitutes an explicit, intricate, fluid, highly
compartmentalized set of sometimes interlacing command hierarchies.
Bilderberg proper is a command hierarchy only within actual corporate
hierarchies, and is of course neither significantly covert nor
compartmentalized. The total Rothschild-Rockefeller apparatus is
structured in such a way that those who, by design, are public leaders
and subject to public scrutiny - corporate leaders, for example - are
generally given no obvious reason to perceive the apparatus as coercive
or as a conspiracy. Those who are, by design, essentially hidden from
public view - including most of the intelligence and law enforcement
communities, and obviously, secret societies and criminal syndicates -
are directly exposed to the coercive and conspiratorial character of the
apparatus, but have no political capital with which to threaten it.
There are a few positions of both threatening political capital and s
trategic criticality occasionally necessitating candid coercion. Major
union leaderships and the presidency are prime examples. Uncooperative
occupiers of these positions are periodically murdered by operatives of
the apparatus.

The Houses of Rothschild and Rockefeller, whose central occupation is
international banking and finance, by themselves constitute the greatest
concentrations of political and economic power in the world. These
houses do not, of course, consist solely of hereditary namesakes. Henry
Kissinger is a key member of the House of Rockefeller, just as George
Soros is a key member of the House of Rothschild. Moreover, there is no
sharp boundary between the two houses. Nelson Aldrich was a darling of
the House of Rothschild, and became a member proper of the House of
Rockefeller. The present-day fortune of the House of Rothschild is of
unknown magnitude, perhaps the equivalent of many trillions of dollars,
and the present-day fortune of the House of Rockefeller has been
estimated at over a trillion dollars. J. D. Rockefeller I, the
consummate collectivist patriarch, has been reported by mainstream media
as the richest man to ever live, at an estimated $189 billion in 1998
dollars. The tale of the Rockefeller patriarchal dynasty is one of
malignant evil. The tale of the Rothschild patriarchal dynasty is quite
similar. The tale of their collaboration has no parallel in the annals
of evil. This compilation is a documentary of Rothschild and Rockefeller

America is no longer a functioning constitutional representative
democracy, and its failure is due not to a natural decay of its
citizens, but to the manipulations of these few pernicious elite. They
are transforming America, and the world, into a giant steel trap that
springs when, where, and how they desire. Moreover, American society in
particular has been transformed into a small collection of massive
cults, through a complex campaign of marginalization.


Power structure research and analysis, and conspiracy research and
analysis, are evidently one and the same enterprise. History has vital
prosopographic elements, many hidden, and the organization of these
elites indeed constitutes a conspiracy. The vagaries of individual
elites have broad effects that echo through history. History also has
vital structuralist/functionalist elements, many misunderstood or
ignored, and the phenomena that frustrate and eventually defeat the
machinations of elites such as these are inevitable consequences of the
unpredictable and diffuse wellspring of humanity. The geneses of many of
the cultural veins addressed in my treatment are predominantly the
consequence of the natural cultural evolution of this unpredictable and
diffuse wellspring, but as soon as a vein becomes politically
significant, the elites start meddling with it.

The instant conspiracy is not quite of the traditional variety. Like
many conspiracies, its members do not all know each other, have
sometimes conflicting conceptions of what is to be done, and have
sometimes conflicting agendas. From here, the distinctions mount. It is
a largely ``open'' conspiracy, in that much of its membership,
structure, methods, and operations, are matters of public record,
however scattered and obscure. Its manner of coordination is atypical.
Two nuclei - the elite core of the Wall Street clique (orbiting the
House of Rockefeller) and the elite core of the European financial
clique (orbiting the House of Rothschild) - coordinate this global
conspiracy by waging psychological warfare on the rest of the
conspirators, telling each no more than is necessary for him to fulfill
his designated role, often with explicit recognition neither of his
role, nor of the unarticulated rules that govern him. Thus, the
overwhelming bulk of the conspirators do not know, but only suspect,
that they are part of and in service to ``a power somewhere so
organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so
pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they
speak in condemnation of it'' (quoting Woodrow Wilson).
About the Editor

      I am an independent system architect and system analyst. In the
first half of the 90's, as an undergrad at MIT, I was occupied with
distributed computing software architecture including applied
cryptography, artificial intelligence including machine understanding of
human language, and cognitive science including functional neuroanatomy
(neuroarchitecture) and abnormal psychology.
      In the latter half of the 90's, I have continued my work on
distributed computing system architecture and cognitive science. I have
also trained myself in law, sociology, economics, political science, and
military science, and have been applying the methodology of the system
architect and analyst to the morally imperative task of reforming
      I was born in 1972 in Connecticut, and my schooling before MIT was
predominantly government-operated. Since 1995 I have been an ovo-lacto
vegetarian. I am a deist in the 18th century sense, and am an erisian
(by which I mean, an adherent of the premise that chaos is part and
parcel of life, health, and prosperity). I am the founder of Innovism.
About the Compilation

      This compilation is intended for consumption by agile
intellectuals, though I am certain it has been and will continue to be
of immediate utility for those who do not consider themselves to rate
such a description. I have largely avoided using specialized
terminology, and where I have considered it appropriate to use it, I
have made an effort to provide explanations or references. The sheer
complexity of the topics and presentations is the principal obstacle
that the non-intellectual will encounter in attempting to make use of
this work. However, with sufficient patience and attentional investment,
any intelligent person can reach a thorough understanding of these
topics as I have presented them.
      Though most of my hypotheses are proven directly with contemporary
sources that command popular respect, some of the composite hypotheses
are proven using a systems methodology. Obviously, the broadest
hypotheses require integration of those constituent hypotheses proven
directly. At any rate, all of my assertions are accompanied by specific
and compelling evidence within the body of the compilation, and most of
them - particularly, those that conflict with the popular mindset - are
supported many times over.
      I have spent thousands of hours composing this vast opus -
researching, writing, and editing. It contains a great deal of
information, in the form of essays, press articles, reference material,
and a small selection of books. Much of this is information that
influential people and organizations - principally, the subjects of the
compilation - do not want you to have access to. Though they have not
yet found a way to prevent you from receiving this information, they
will surely keep trying. In light of this, I strongly recommend that
readers with a serious interest make local copies of as much of the
compilation as possible. The current total size is approximately 100MB.
      The schemes, trends, and phenomena documented herein are also
immediately relevant to Britain, the European Union, and Australia, and
these intimately interrelated regions are directly and often extensively
covered throughout. When the treatment is US-centric, it is only a
matter of preferential detail and depth, and is not the obtuse,
arrogant, lamentably routine dismissal by Americans of the economic and
cultural significance and relevance of the states in the
above-enumerated regions.
      Regions outside Western Europe, North America, and Australia, are
necessarily treated with less depth, and typically only when they are
implicated in machinations that affect these primary regions. Russia and
China in particular receive attention. My treatment should group Japan
with North America and Western Europe and give it substantial coverage,
since its cultural and economic circumstance is characteristic of this
group, but Japan is as yet almost completely ignored.
      When there's fire in a crowded theater, it is well to shout
``fire,'' especially if no one else seems to notice the fire. Here I
stand, shouting ``FIRE!'' This is not a drill. As William S. Burroughs
said (in a short spoken word piece tracked on a Ministry CD single),
``There is nowhere else to go. The theater is global.'' There is no
flight, there is only fight.
      I invite comments, corrections, and correspondence with those who
share my interests. Contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Here is my PGP 2.2
      Conspirators who are using this treatise as a reference manual are
callous twerps.
The elite conspirators' vision is to transform world political and legal
reality so that the historic role of the nation-state is played by
largely sovereign transnational corporate trusts, to which nation-states
are subordinate. Their envisioned seat of world government is not a
United Nations but a United Trusts, a transnational oligarchy ruling
from behind closed doors. This is the role for which Bilderberg fancies
itself suited. In order to empower a global banking, regulatory, and
managerial infrastructure, they cultivate economic interdependence at
scales from the household to the multinational region, to a degree that
cannot be justified by appeal to efficiency or profit advantages.
Central to the vision is the economic and eugenical regimentation of wor
ld society. The plan, in summary, is paternalistic, feudalistic,
oligarchical, techno-industrial world government. Most Bilderberg
affiliates of record pursue this agenda unwittingly, and were it laid
out for them clearly and concisely, they would find it congenial in most
of its aspects. The most dreadful aspects of the vision - eugenical
regimentation and feudalism - are not explicit or conscious Bilderberg
programs, but instead are consciously pursued only by the nuclei of the
conspiracy - the houses of Rothschild and Rockefeller.

The conspirators' vision is substantially implemented, in each of its
facets, today. They now seek only to make their control more precise and
complete, its exercise less unwieldy and risk-laden, and its instruments
and infrastructure more permanent and unchallengeable.

The conspiracy protects its interests by cultivating public indifference
and incredulity, or outright endorsement of an operational facet
(manufacturing consent through the media-democracy engine), as regularly
as by conventional secrecy, skullduggery, and foul play. Feeling
insulted, and often sensing impending humiliation and mental bankruptcy,
the indoctrinated public rejects the revelations of wise dissenters.


Cultural trends are initiated, and behaviors fostered, through three
principal mechanisms: (1) by the mass media, which displays exemplary
behavior, and creates the expectation that emulators will be socially
and economically rewarded and deviants penalized, (2) by the education
system, which explicitly and implicitly inculcates beliefs, thought
patterns, and behaviors, and (3) by the visible social and economic
hierarchies of society, through which behaviors are propagated through
transitivity of authority. The manner in which the mass media and the
education system instill behaviors is discussed extensively below. The
manner in which social and economic hierarchies do so is fairly
straightforward. The visible councils of elites are subjected to the
behavior of nuclear (core) elites such as David Rockefeller, who either
deliberately cultivate or involuntarily exhibit the behavior. The
behaviors of nuclear elites such as Rockefeller are often directed by
nuclear intellectuals such as Henry Kissinger; thus often it is the
intellectual who is at the apex of the pyramid. Those in subordinate
positions emulate those in higher positions, completely aside from any
explicit directives. In particular, systems of reward and punishment are
emulated. Banking hierarchies are highly formalized, and propagate
behavioral directives by extending loans to the compliant and
withholding them from the deviant. Moreover, the Federal Reserve (the
central banking apparatus of the United States) has the authority to
remove any banking officer that it determines to be non-compliant.

When a superior determines to encourage, discourage, demand, or forbid
among his subordinates a mode of action, thought, or awareness, those
modes will be encouraged or discouraged among everyone below him in the
hierarchy. If that superior is a nuclear elite, then these modes will be
encouraged or discouraged throughout most of society. In this case, only
those not within the conventional hierarchy of civilized society escape
the brunt of the behavioral tyranny. Hierarchicalization is a memetic
 amplifier for people in higher echelons, and an attenuator for those in
lower echelons. The memetic gain factor is not intrinsically correlated
with the actual memetic aptitude of each individual; whatever
characteristics favor ascension to higher echelons are the
characteristics common to those positioned for high memetic gain
factors. The characteristics are arbitrarily dictated by those who are
already in the upper echelons of the hierarchy, and once those who
exhibit them have ascended, the characteristics are themselves
efficiently spread through society.

The neo-orthodoxy and concatenated censorship-by-category of ``Political
Correctness,'' briefly a subject of conscious contemplation and public
commentary, has been so thoroughly consolidated that its dictates are
now silently, automatically, and ubiquitously enforced. Free thought and
speech are increasingly perilous indulgences. The intellectual
totalitarianism of Political Correctness, having burrowed below the
surface, is no longer challengeable. Multiculturalism (by which I mean,
the premise that a behavior within a particular culture is morally
virtuous by dint of being recognized and treated as such within that
culture - cultural and moral relativism, Hegelian anthropology) has
become a religion - or more specifically, a sort of cultural doomsday
cult - unto itself. But there are more insidious and profound
instruments of mental censorship, preeminent among which is the cult of

People in the professions, in industry, and in academia, are expected to
direct their attention to a specialty, to refrain from concern or
involvement with matters outside their specialty, and to view with
disdain and suspicion those who do not similarly refrain. People who
conform to these rules cannot but be cogs in a machine they do not
understand. Generally, they cannot but haplessly serve evil. And
particularly, they cannot possibly discern the identities and methods of
the conspirators. Thus, the whole of society is finely
compartmentalized. Underscoring this compartmentalization is the
epidemic of specialized vocabularies. Each field invents its own
selection of buzz words, specialized definitions, and often whole
morphological and syntactic methodologies. The professional and academic
world is thus divided into tribes that largely lack mutual
intelligibility. Four striking examples are medicine, law, computer
technology, and the military.

Evidently, specialized language is appropriate in each of these cases,
and there are inherent difficulties in interdisciplinary communication.
It also must be conceded that the technique of specialization itself is
effective at enabling certain types of innovation and productivity -
though multiple specialization should be the norm, rather than the
exception. But returning to the four examples cited above: the
prodigious use and abuse of Latin in medicine and law, and the
prodigious invention of semi-English terms and acronyms with unobvious
meanings in computer technology and the military, often go far beyond
the level of specialization warranted by practical considerations. In
many instances, in these and other fields, it seems the very intent is
to obfuscate. Moreover, the very rigidity of these specialized languages
tends to constrict thinking.

With freedom thus crushed between the quiet hammers and hidden anvils of
political correctness and the cult of specialization (among other
systematic constraints), the pacifier of an ersatz liberty becomes
necessary. This, precisely, is the role of sexual liberalism (among
other such pacifiers) - to toss the slave a bone. John Ralston Saul
(RIIA affiliate) notes in Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of
Reason in the West, ``These acts of personal freedom are irrelevant to
the exercise of power. So in lieu of taking a real part in the evolution
of society, the individual struggles to appear as if no one has power
over his personal evolution. Thus victories won for these individual
liberties may actually be an acceptance of defeat by the individual.''
Saul calls the system of specialization and encyclopedic formulism ``the
rational approach,'' but this is a non-starter. Clearly, in refraining
from concern for matters outside his specialty, a person abandons

The true rational approach necessarily involves grand integration, and
necessarily deprecates any form of degenerate censorship - the
abandoning of a train of thought for reasons other than the
determination of logical invalidity or of practical inconsequentiality.
The counterpart to degenerate censorship is degenerate distortion (as
faith, mystical ideation, etc.), in which a train of thought is
continued beyond, and logically predicated upon, a premise that is known
to be logically invalid. A vital secondary form of degenerate censorship
occurs here, in which people refrain from recognizing logical
invalidities - this is the central mental phenomenon of faith. Mental
errors can yield results identical to degenerate censorship or
distortion, but their commission as such is morally ambivalent, whereas
fostering or deliberately practicing degenerate censorship or distortion
is evil.

The conspirators cloak themselves in cultural camouflage, employing
tactics for which they almost seamlessly maintain plausible deniability.
Generally, an errant public attributes the results of their meddlesome
actions to happenstance, or to motives viewed as essentially innocuous
or virtuous. The design is irrefutably evident only in the pattern of
results, or by actually showing proof of meddling. The public has been
systematically conditioned to ignore such patterns, and to condemn those
who draw attention to them (derisively calling them ``conspiracy
theorists''). Thus, controlling access to and dissemination of
information that constitutes proof of meddling suffices in large part to
protect the conspiracy from exposure. The compartmentalization of the
conspirators' covert apparatus assures that those exposures which do
transpire cause only limited damage.

Society is arranged so that the behaviors desired by the elite are more
convenient or more profitable than the alternatives. The media and
education apparatuses are used to manipulate popular perception in a
manner that discourages undesired behavior and encourages desired
behavior, and laws and corporate policies are subtly - or sometimes,
blatantly - formed to alter the relative profitabilities of behaviors.
Media campaigns leverage particularly off the tendency of people to be
concerned with others' unreasoned opinions; this tendency is, of course,
encouraged. Over time, a majority of the population comes to abandon the
undesired behaviors and exhibit the desired behaviors, without having
been forced to. Once the cooperation of a majority of the population has
been secured, a campaign is often waged to enact a prohibition of the
undesired behavior, often incrementally through increasingly onerous
impediments. These measures will have no effect on a majority of the
population, since most have already abandoned the behavior. They are
thus not inclined to actively oppose a campaign for prohibition. Once
the prohibition campaign is underway, the media and education campaign
is subtly changed, from one primarily intended to manipulate people into
abandoning the undesired behavior, to one primarily intended to
manipulate people to view those who engage in the undesired behavior as
a threat. This secures the support for prohibition among a majority of
the population. The minority that resists the campaign for prohibition
is ostracized and vilified, and in some cases actively harassed and
persecuted by the state, allied private corporations, and the community,
annihilating its last vestiges of political capital.

Frequently, no explicit prohibition is necessary. Through the
concatenation of ostensibly non-prohibitive impediments, the undesired
behavior can be made practically impossible. This technique is
particularly effective in suppressing complex commercial and political
activities. Compared to explicit prohibition, it has the advantage that
supporters of the effective prohibition can technically - though
disingenuously - claim that the undesired behavior is ``perfectly

Many of the conspirators' strategies are so complex and subtle that few
are capable of understanding them even as a purely intellectual
exercise. Moreover, some of their strategies strike the layman as
plainly outlandish, with their actual effectiveness evident only to
serious economists and sociologists.

Using the mass media, civilization is placed within a cultural feedback
loop filtered as directed by the elite. Over the course of decades,
culture drifts in the directions they intend. At any given instant of
the progression, there is a substantial supply of program generators
(script writers, directors, producers, talent, song writers, etc.) who,
due to their immersion in the previous generation of elite-filtered
programming, readily produce programming consistent with the elite
vision of next generation culture. It is to their products that the
masses are exposed. The course of cultural evolution appears to be
largely organic, but is in fact nothing of the sort.

Culture is engineered to lull and shock the population into a continuous
intellectual and moral stupor, through scripted campaigns of collective
mental trauma piped through the mass media, and by the studious excision
from the mass media of ideas, individuals, and production styles, that
might jolt the viewer or listener intellectually or morally awake and
into independent, politically significant action. Cohesion among the
nation's citizens borne of common experience centers on the largely
dysfunctional and destructive product piped through centrally controlled
mass media conduits.

Through a torrential, pervasive, orchestrated campaign of mental
assaults, a propensity to embrace novel religion is manufactured among a
population made desperate and hopeless. A religion has been designed and
is being refined and promulgated by minions of the same conspirators who
orchestrate the campaign of assaults. It is called Maitreyanism, very
loosely based upon Buddhist principles and mythology, and it is
extraordinarily evil even for a religion. Moral relativism is a crucial
enabler for subsequent religious indoctrination, since its adherents
discard the moral and cognitive absolutes which are an individual's
preeminent mechanism of defense against the madness of religion.

Because only people of autonomous aptitude and reasoned principle are
equipped to resist psychomanipulation, blackmail, reputation
assassination, bribery, and enticement to vice, they and their
principles are particularly under incessant multifaceted siege.
 Moreover, society incessantly pressures and incentivizes its members to
involve themselves in corruption - to participate in economic processes
that wreak havoc on the environment and on disfranchised sectors of the
citizenry, to lie, to abuse the legal system, to betray friends and
neighbors, all with a view to fostering guilt and the camaraderie of the
corrupt, and annihilating self-respect and the possibility of adherence
to personal principle. The income tax system, combined with the
breathtaking campaign of evil the US government pursues, means that
anyone who earns a living is either a party to evil and corruption
(unwittingly, grudgingly, or willingly), or a tax evader exposed to the
real possibility of deprivation of property or incarceration and its c
oncomitant gruesome risks and degradation. The effect of all of this is
to deprive people of their humanity and endow them with the morality of
animals - which is to say, deprive them of morality in toto.

The public's perception of the world is manipulated not through the
fabrication of news, but through selective omission, the staging of
events, psychomanipulative fiction, and consuming distractions
(spectator sports et al.). Moreover, in terms of production values, the
signals propagated by the mass media are so whipped and blended and
contoured that they are utterly unreal - this describes the rigid
formats that uniformly dominate commercial and corporate radio
broadcasting, the linguistic and conceptual style of establishment print
media, all the movies showing in a typical cinema, the on-the-record
presentations of major politicians and bureaucrats, and of course, very
nearly every second of television broadcast or cablecast.

The conspirators employ the full palette of their political control
apparatus, in a grand public works project to transform the popular
mind. The final consequence of this campaign is that ordinary people
dedicate the bulk of their mental energy to the apprehension of the
desires of the conspirators, and the bulk of their action to the
fulfillment of those desires. In this frightening, eager yet stealthy
obedience, people abdicate their individuality and become automatons
devoid of reasoned discrimination and consistency. They vote for the
candidates they think the conspirators want them to vote for. They spend
and invest their money the way they think the conspirators want them to.
Subconsciously, this ``intelligent obedience'' is declarative reality.
This secret is hiding inside the mind of every mainstream conformist

To protect their capacity to operate under the radar of popular
awareness, the elites promote and encourage the impression of a linkage
between themselves and an encyclopedia of conspiratorial absurdities. In
this way, many of the people who might otherwise provide a reasoned
account of the identities and methods of the elite are bamboozled, and
wind up sounding like, or in fact being, lunatics.

In particular, stories of elite involvement with extraterrestrial
visitors and paranormal phenomena thwart the efforts of many to
distinguish the real from the fictitious. Chris Carter's ``X Files'' and
``Millenium'' are inheritors of a prodigious legacy of programs that
encourage this confusion. More than simply acting as intellectual
equivalents of radar chaffe and heat flares, these programs deflect
blame to an unaccountable and incomprehensible ``other.'' Since this
type of paranoid conspiratorial pseudscience horror programming is
naturally appealing to some writers and producers, the conspirators need
only covertly grease the path to assure some of this programming is
budgeted and distributed for maximum effect. In the particular case of
Chris Carter's shows, the involvement is more direct: whether or not
Carter and his writers understand the connection, his shows dramatize
conspiracy myths promulgated by heretofore fringe organizations that are
funded by Laurance Rockefeller (David's brother, the only other survivor
of the ``Fortunate Five'' Rockefeller brothers).


The expenditures of a typical member of the public fall into four
categories: (1) taxation, by which wealth is assigned to the state
within various extortive regimes (this includes Social Security), (2)
material subsistence and means of earning, including food, utilities,
housing/mortgage/rent, automotive, insurance (often extortive), etc.,
(3) frivolous luxuries and indulgences, including resort vacations,
dining in expensive restaurants, extravagant entertainment and
recreation equipment and facilities, etc., and (4) donations, often to
one of the conspirators' strategic foundations or organizations, often
to charities that diffuse wealth among the poor (i.e., in a manner which
is irrelevant to the exercise of power), and almost invariably to one,
the other, or both. When a member of the public invests wealth in
government bonds, he delegates control over that wealth to the state.
When he invests in the stock market, he delegates control to
corporations. When he invests in managed funds, he delegates control to
 financiers. When he deposits money in checking and savings accounts, he
delegates control to bankers. In a wide variety of settings, he
delegates control to lawyers.

The inconsistencies that characterize the fiscal mindset of the ordinary
American are many and grave. Americans widely distrust and resent taxes,
the state, corporations, financiers, bankers, lawyers, and the mass
media, yet they engage in behavior that perpetuates and amplifies their
extent and power. They tolerate or support the bell-ringers who collect
money ostensibly slated for distribution to, and perpetuation of
dependency among, those who have not earned it and will not likely make
of it anything good, believing (without thinking) that the bell-ringer
wields a towering moral authority. But the same person who drops a
dollar into the charity can would not likely consider dropping a dollar
into the can of a towering but starving intellectual dissident, even
though he recognizes the effectiveness of the dissident, agrees with his
views and objectives (particularly, diminution of taxes and of the
corruption and oppressive power of the state, corporations, financiers,
bankers, lawyers, and the mass media), and thus has a personal interest
in materially assisting him. Often, he reflexively condemns those who
want to be paid for doing serious dissident political work, calling them
``sell-outs'' and other such invectives. The good at heart, apparently,
are expected to be bluntly superhuman. He asks, rhetorically, what he
will receive in exchange for his payment, knowing full well - at least
if he gives it a moment's thought - that he will receive the material
and emotional advantages bestowed by the activities of the dissident,
which are almost surely worth far more to him than is the money that
could constitute a contribution. On the other hand, he knows he will
receive nothing whatever in exchange for his payment to the Salvation
Army or other such charities, but he does not consider that this impairs
the virtuosity or rationality of the donation - likely because he has
not given it any serious thought.

All those who oppose the conspirator agenda and want to see changes, and
who control wealth in excess of that necessary for the maintenance of a
comfortable and sufficient lifestyle, but who fail to assign wealth to
those most able to bring about those changes, are unwitting
co-conspirators. By their actions, they help to assure that those who
dedicate themselves to bringing about those changes become destitute.
Thus, they help to assure that these dissidents are broken and
themselves made to serve the conspirators, choosing biological survival
as slaves or conspirator minions, over death by starvation, hypothermia,
or trauma. These are the stakes, this is the system. If those who are
financially able to, do not assign wealth to those dissidents who have
the potential to precipitate positive change, then most of those
dissidents will eventually become evil, often as criminals or servants
of the conspirators, accelerating the spiral toward the demise of
civilization. Brilliant dissidents who are left in abject poverty cannot
but recognize the ambivalence and insincerity of the public, even of its
most supportive members, and therefore grow disgusted and cynical. Being
finally forced to choose among death, corruption (attaining monetary and
material prosperity through criminality, or by working with the
conspirators and using their tactics), and slavery (as a burger flipper,
a ditch digger, a grocery bagger, or even a software engineer), most
become conspirators themselves, often maintaining for themselves the
delusion that they have not succumbed.


The conspirators are often called ``shadows.'' This term is appropriate,
not because the conspirators are anonymous or secreted away in hidden
lairs (they are not), but because they exercise their control so subtly
that they are as hard to hold accountable, and their handiwork as hard
to recognize, as shadows. It is well to observe that the Central
Intelligence Agency and other intelligence community components are
engines of conspiracy. Espionage, insurgency, and covert action in
general, are treasonous conspiracies from the perspective of the target
nation (whose laws are broken), and counterintelligence is little more
than the art of concealing and camouflaging these conspiracies. The
regimented systemic compartmentalization endemic to the intelligence
community is perfectly suited to conspiratorial strategem. That the
intelligence community with its Rothschild and Rockefeller ancestry
(partly by way of the Nazi intelligence apparatus) is central to the
world government conspiracy is emphatically unsurprising.

The conspiracy orchestrates changes in laws to suit its intentions as
regularly as it breaks laws outright. It is fluid, changing its
boundaries to include or exclude people and ideas as dictated by the
elite conspirators, most of whose names are not secret, just largely

Fundamentally, the conspirators are driven by fear, power lust, malice,
and Thanatos, seeking nothing but the consolidation and perpetuation of
the power structure they command, in terminal pursuit of total order. In
the process, they seek, among other nefarious goals, to transmogrify the
constitutional government of the United States into a fascistic
oligarchy, by inexorable increments. The Rothschilds themselves pursue
world hegemony partly as a game for their titillation and amusement.

It is my hope that by laying bare the agenda, strategy, tactics, and
operational particulars of these power brokers, the reader will
recognize and gain immunity to their propaganda, and be emboldened to
fight them, to conceive and implement novel counterstrikes, to undermine
their power base, to hurl them from their thrones, to make the world
hostile for the power brokers and a sanctum for freedom lovers and
innovators. It is also my hope that those readers who oppose evil will
come to recognize and condemn the habitual accomodation of evil that is
the mainstay of the popular mindset.

The only thing necessary to ensure the prompt defeat of the
conspirators' inevitably self-destructive plan is to reject the vices
they promote, and to promote and adhere to the principles they disdain:
honesty, rationality, and independence. They rely utterly on the
cooperation of others, and without it, their empires are annihilated.
Whether you are in government, industry, banking and finance, law,
education, academia and consulting firms, or the media, and even if you
know yourself to be at this moment a conspirator, you are in a position
to make a difference for the better, by doing the right thing at the
right time. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers have planned a gradual,
incremental tightening of the noose. Their efforts will be thwarted
peaceably, before they reach maturity, if they carefully abandon them of
their own accord, or if others in positions to do so insistently and
carefully loosen the noose through personal, often covert, campaigns of
virtue. If the conspirators persist, their eventual and total overthrow
is an absolute surety, but is not likely to be peaceable.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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