-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www-douzzer.ai.mit.edu:8080/conspiracy/conspiracy.html">The
World Government Conspiracy
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``Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a
dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the
revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of
persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object
of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?''
-George Orwell, 1984, the words of Winston Smith's torturer, Inner Party
man O'Brien
Crushing America in Brief

The first salvo was the Bank of the United States, a very early
Rothschild operation, which got pooh-pooh'd into oblivion by Andrew
Jackson in 1836. Then came the Civil War and the expansion of
Presidential and central (Washington) power. This was orchestrated by
Abraham Lincoln, who was only doing what had been made necessary by
others. The war was in large part a Rothschild operation, both strategic
and vindictive in character.

Then came the income tax amendment (1909-1913) and the Federal Reserve
Act (1913). Both of these were Rothschild-Rockefeller orchestrations.
Republican whip Nelson Aldrich, a senator from Rhode Island, was the
point man for both, and the nominal architect of the Federal Reserve
Act. At one point in the proceedings, Aldrich announced to the Committee
on Finance that he would be gone for a few days, and when he returned he
would have in hand final wording for the income tax amendment. He
delivered on his promise. Aldrich was an associate of Rothschild
tentacles J P Morgan and Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb (Max, Paul's
brother, was president of the Reichsbank at the time). He is the
maternal grandfather of David Rockefeller.

Congressman Cordell Hull, D-TN (later, Secretary of State under FDR)
said during the income tax proceedings: ``No person at all familiar with
the present trend of national legislation will seriously insist that
these same Republican leaders are over-anxious to see the country adopt
an income tax. [...] What powerful influence, what new light and
deepseated motive suddenly moves these political veterans to `about
face' and pretend to warmly embrace this doctrine which they have
heretofore uniformly denounced?''

It is the income tax amendment, combined with its enabling legislation,
which empowers the foundations operated by the Rockefellers,
Rothschilds, Carnegies, Fords, et al. The original exemption reads,
specifically, ``Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall
apply [...] to any corporation or association organized and operated
exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific or educational
purposes.'' Obviously, this created a carte blanche for the quiet wars
of the conspirators.

Congressman Sereno E. Payne, R-NY, summed up the reality eloquently:
``As to the general policy of an income tax, I am utterly opposed to it.
I believe with Gladstone that it tends to make a nation of liars. I
believe it is the most easily concealed of any tax that can be laid, the
most difficult of enforcement, and the hardest to collect; that it is,
in a word, a tax upon the income of honest men and an exemption, to a
greater or lesser extent, of the income of rascals; and so I am opposed
to any income tax in time of peace. [...] I hope that if the
Constitution is amended in this way the time will not come when the
American people will ever want to enact an income tax except in time of

The alcohol prohibition campaign (1917-1919) was another key early
component, and was largely underwritten by John D. Rockefeller II. (It
was repealed in 1933 when FDR came to the White House). The economic
collapse of 1929 was also key, and was orchestrated by the
Rothschild-Rockefeller apparatus through strategic monetary policy
manipulations - enabled both through the instrument of the great private
investment banks they control, and through the instrument of the Federal
Reserve system they had emplaced and control.

In 1933, after being elected through the support of the
Rothschild-Rockefeller apparatus, Franklin Delano Roosevelt - under
their direction - used executive orders and a cooperating,
overwhelmingly Democrat-populated Congress to abrogate the gold
standard, effectively confiscate all monetary gold in the hands of
citizens, and implement communism as the National Industrial Recovery
Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Tennessee Valley Authority,
the FDIC, the FSLIC, the Social Security Act, and the Wagner Act (which
legitimized and empowered syndicate-like unions). The centerpiece
National Industrial Recovery Act was tossed out by the Supreme Court two
years later, since it was so unconstitutional that plausible deniability
was infeasible. Also in 1933, the US entered diplomatic relations with
Stalin's Soviet Union. Then came the rise of Hitler, sponsored by the
Rothschild-Rockefeller apparatus, handing FDR the opportunity to declare
far more intrusive command economic policies, again by executive order.
Toward the end of the war, income tax withholding was introduced. With
these measures in place, the United States had by the early 1940s become
a Marxist nation, with centrally controlled prices, production, and
employment, and explicit implementation of nearly every point on Marx's
plank, and many more besides.

But America was still unbroken in spirit. The plan wasn't working very
well. When WWII ended, the United States was standing alone and
exultant, and much of the Marxism FDR had put in place was abandoned.
What was left was the income tax, Social Security and Medicare, the FDIC
and FSLIC, the Federal Reserve, the Wagner Act, the Federal
Communications Commission, the public school system, and some subsidy
systems. Well, they - the conspirators - worked with what they had.
Income tax rose and rose, the S&L debacle in the 1980s kicked the FSLIC
and the taxpayer between the eyes, the Federal Reserve orchestrated
years and years of inflation, the major unions have become
indistinguishable from organized crime and are wielded as weapons, the
FCC presided and presides over the concentration of control of the
media, and the public school system has become a very effective machine
for destroying the minds of youth and conditioning them to demand
handouts, display obedience, and reject reason, patience, industry, and

Of course, there have also been some other operations of major
importance over that period. The Soviet Union (a Rothschild-Rockefeller
regime from the start) engaged the US in an artificial (insofar as it
was Hegelian) political and military contest that would last for
decades, taking a terrible toll on the US. This artificial contest
served as an excuse for rising income taxation, and made for pervasive
witchhunt and siege mentalities. It was psychologically and socially
oppressive and divisive in the extreme.

The Korean War and the Viet Nam War were both part of this artificial
conflict with the USSR. These artificial wars (orchestrated by the
Rothschild-Rockefeller apparatus), with their conscriptions, geographic
and intuitive remoteness, and in the latter case, campaigns of internal
strategic sabotage, atrocities, debauchery, and traumatic stress, acted
to cut the national morale and self-image into ribbons and erode
military readiness incalculably. In the case of Viet Nam, conscription
was essentially an assembly line for basket cases, as ill-prepared raw
recruits were flown in to the maelstrom of the South East Asian theater
for one year stints, at the end of which they were replaced by another
batch of similarly ill-prepared raw recruits.

The Drug War (a Rothschild-Rockefeller operation from the start) is
another artificial war which has had an effect at least as grave as that
of the Viet Nam War. The Viet Nam War is in fact directly related to the
Drug War, since the Rockefellers' opium operations at that time were in
the Golden Triangle. Today, the Taliban's Afghanistan has been added to
the lineup of Rockefeller heroin heavy hitters. The Drug War is a war on
 America by the Rothschild-Rockefeller apparatus. The orthodoxy - that
the Drug War is a war on the Rothschild-Rockefeller apparatus (called
``drug traffickers'' and the like, identified and pursued only as high
as local processing, distribution, and paramilitary operatives) by
America - is absurd, since America's government is controlled by the
apparatus, and the War has made more drugs more available and more
ubiquitous (police sweeps just move street-level pushers from
neighborhood to neighborhood assuring total coverage, and
criminalization tends to socially isolate addicts, perpetuating their

The assassinations of the 1960s (JFK, MLK, RFK), the Nixon impeachment
in the early 1970s, and of course, the present debacle-by-design in the
White House, have all been instrumental in shredding national morale.
These traumas were all, or almost all, Rothschild-Rockefeller
operations. At times, the surface propaganda has been hysterical.
President Ford assembled an ``investigative'' panel headed by Nelson
Rockefeller, ostensibly to revisit the hogwash of the Warren Commission.
This had all the authenticity of Kenneth Starr's confirmation of the
hogwash in the previous Vince Foster reports. JFK, in particular, had
almost surely announced his intention to expose the conspirators, just
ten days before he was assassinated. (``The high office of President has
been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before
I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight.'') JFK was
already on shaky ground because of an EO earlier in the year authorizing
issue of silver-backed US government paper legal tender (this EO still
stands), and had already drafted an order to proceed with an initial
issue (no such order has since been given). Regarding Nixon: Henry
Kissinger was deep throat, and he is now and has always been a
Rockefeller operative. Quod erat demonstrandum.

Many of the above episodes, of course, are just the types of scripted
campaigns of collective mental trauma discussed in the exposition above.

The next major assault is an artificial (Hegelian) conflict with China.
David Rockefeller fawns over their anti-individualist fascist
pseudocapitalism. China has been systematically equipped over the last
15-20 years with state of the art US military, police, and computing
technology and expertise. The goal is not to create a viable future for
China - hardly! The goal is to menace the US, and the likely result for
China is destruction and revolution. If the conspirators don't
understand now, they will eventually come to understand that China is
not a nation they can tame and harness to their own arbitrary ends. This
bodes poorly for China's prospects.

Because of its increasingly thorough demoralization and social
fragmentation, and because of the timebombs of Social Security,
Medicare, and various other subsidies and entitlement obligations, the
US will nonetheless lose in the contest with China - lose to the
conspirators, not to China. Its present constitution will be discarded
or subordinated. The above series of campaigns, combined with almost
innumerable smaller campaigns of demoralization and division, have
turned the US into a hollow shell with no common identity or will to
survive as a nation. Seemingly, realization of a key goal of the
conspirators - the annihilation of the constitutional government of the
United States - is nearly at hand. Once the national bankruptcy is
officially admitted, vast tracts of resource-rich land set aside within
the US will be claimed by the US' overseas creditors - chiefly, by the
House of Rothschild - and, for a brief time, perhaps actually exploited.
The House of Rockefeller will continue in its role as ring leader of the
domestic social control apparatus, and firearm confiscations will likely
be attempted (these attempts will, of course, largely fail).

On the flip side, this - the culmination of the conspirators' plan - is
also their last gasp. As soon as the results of their plan cross the
threshhold from the plausibly deniable to the unmistakeable, active
opposition will become the domain of most of society's strongest
members, rather than the vocation of a handful of courageous and
visionary fringe dissidents. And when the above scheme unfolds, no one
should feel that repayment of the nation's debts is a matter of honor.
The debts were incurred through fraud, are owed to the defrauders, and
are hence null and void.

With the whole world rendered a feudalistic morass, the motive power of
free men in free nations will no longer be available for transfusion
into the morass, and the whole will collapse in a fit of violent
realization. The power of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers will be
wholly relegated to the dust heap of history, and thenceforth their kind
will not be let to ascend for centuries, or perhaps ever again.
A Theory

A solitary innovator can have within his head all that is necessary to
transform the world so dramatically, that all the wealth and power that
came before is rendered simply obsolescent. The machinations of the
Rockefellers, Carnegies, Morgans, and Rothschilds of the world, are
direct responses to this reality, a reality obviously inconvenient for
them. The schism between these two types of men - the innovators and the
power brokers - is the greatest division in the human race. The
innovator, the prime mover of humanity, is an individual of great
virtue. The power brokers, second handers, are morbid men of great

The great innovators, intrinsically few in number as a consequence of
genetic and sociological circumstance, alone drive the course of the
human experience on the scale of centuries. Days and years are the
domain of the second hander, but in an honest analysis of the fabric of
lifestyle, the constituents that run deepest are the ones put there by
the innovators, people of practically boundless means, quiet solitary
toilers. The innovators are the great givers, the fountains of life. The
second handers intend to squash the whole of humanity, in order to reach
and crush those few great innovators who threaten their hegemony,
innovators who are often nameless and faceless until they already
present a credible threat to the power brokers. Those who are
The Innovations We're Missing

      Picture this.
      All the electricity that powers your house is generated on your
roof and in your basement. On your roof, you have some vacuum solar
panels for heating your house and hot water. You also have some panels
filled with water and genetically engineered photosynthesizing microbes
that turn water and atmospheric carbon dioxide into methanol. This
methanol is skimmed off to power silent-running thermionic generators in
your basement, and a furnace to heat the house and hot water when
there's not enough sunlight. At any given time, you store many months'
worth of methanol, so that you can make it through cold dark winters.
Some of the methanol is also apportioned for your car, your snowblower,
snowmobile, lawn mower, wherever fuel is needed. If you're living in an
 urban area, you probably have to buy the methanol since you don't have
a monopoly on the roof. This methanol is produced either in a microbe
farm, or in a hemp farm where hemp is processed into a variety of fuels
and chemicals for use in industry, agriculture, and food. Hemp seeds
also directly supply the fuel to power jet engines in aircraft.
      The air conditioning in your house and car uses thermionics, runs
dead silent except the sound of the breeze from the vent, and is almost
perfectly efficient. It also lasts for decades and never needs any sort
of recharge. Your car uses thermionics to generate electricity from the
methanol, and stores energy in vacuum magnetic bearing eddy-compensated
flywheels. Each of the four wheels has its own motor-generator with
traction control, and when you use your brakes, the motor-generators
transfer the power to the flywheel so that the energy can be used later
for acceleration or hill-climbing. Non-vehicular applications that
require large bursts of electrical power (welding, power tools,
high-power amplifiers, etc.) use the same flywheel battery technology.
      Your pocket computer's CPU is a volumetric hardware-microthreaded
fault-tolerant ULSI device, with thousands of processors in the space of
a cubic inch. It uses a maximum of 3 watts of power; when it is not
working hard, most of it is idled and it uses only a couple hundred
milliwatts. Memory is distributed throughout the volume, to the tune of
many gigabytes of RAM, and companion photocrystal volume memory
cartridges (no moving parts) store a terabyte each. On many computation-
intensive tasks (rendering, searching, etc.) it is faster than a Cray
T3E supercomputer. Its display looks like a pair of eyeglasses, but is a
variable translucency zoned high resolution panoramic stereoscopic
imager that uses solid state rasterized lasers to create a perfectly
sharp distortion-free image regardless of your uncorrected vision.
Sensors embedded in the viewer detect your direction of gaze and brain
activation patterns, so that you only have to direct your gaze and think
your commands to control the computer. You can write memos moving
nothing but your eyes, and do it faster than any typist can, and if you
are very practiced, faster than anyone could speak it. In fact, you can
make music, drawings and cartoons, a whole spectrum of such creative en
deavors, with a similar degree of immediacy and fidelity. The
``eyeglasses'' directly stimulate your cochlea electromagnetically,
creating perfect audition regardless of your level of natural hearing
degradation. The vision and sound are completely undetectable by others.
      Your electronic communications pass transparently through a fine
mesh of point-to-point pay-per-packet frequency hopping spread spectrum
microwave links positioned on private rooftops and short towers across
the country, each with a bandwidth of between 100mbits/s and 2gbits/s.
If you aren't running your own node in the microwave mesh, you can jack
into this network by subscribing to wireless LAN's, each of which covers
an area with a radius of about a quarter mile, and can handle between
10mbits/s and 100mbits/s at a time. LAN's can coexist, and the entire
system is almost completely impervious to accidental or deliberate
interference. In fact, it can survive the electromagnetic pulse from a
high altitude nuclear explosion, as can your computer, your car, and the
electrical systems in your house and workplace. The microwave mesh is
owned by thousands of distinct individuals and companies, and there is
an almost infinite number of usable routes to get information from one
place to another. No one is in a position to control the network as a
whole. Link providers compete with each other to provide the highest
level of service and the lowest price. For applications that require it,
binding bandwidth guarantees can be purchased.
      Using the mesh, your town library gives you access to every
publication in the Library of Congress, including every movie and record
album, and you only pay for the packets to get it there. You can also
buy any publication for download to your own computer. When you place a
phone call, it passes over a LAN and the mesh, and you can choose
various levels of quality, from minimum usable audio, to high-fidelity
audiovisual. You can choose any level of security, up to iron-clad
privacy and guaranteed authenticity with trace-foiling. You can make
your own ``telephone'' filter out calls and email from anonymous
callers, telemarketers, and lists of bothersome individuals and
      Satellites are routinely launched for about $20,000, using a
combination of specialized electromagnetic artillery and rocket
assistance. The entire nation, and neighboring portions of Canada and
Mexico, are protected by a missile defense which is capable of knocking
out an incoming intercontinental ballistic missile or reentry vehicle
every second for up to 10 minutes, and a lesser pace while recharging.
Populated areas are thoroughly protected against cruise missile and
other atmospheric attacks. And the border regions of the country are
surveilled with such resolution that large birds and beaching seals are
detected and identified as such, as are small submarines. All ports of
entry are equipped with machines that directly detect explosives,
radioactive material, chemical and biochemical toxins, and biological
weapons, regardless of their manner of camouflage.
      This is not today's reality, but it could have been - if it
weren't for the anti-innovationalism of the power elite. And the
astonishing truth? Many of the inventions I described already exist.
Check out Borealis, U.S. Flywheel Systems, the Gerald Bull story, SAIC's
TNA and PFNA technologies, Hugh Downs' commentary on hemp, Tera Computer
Company, and Thinking Machines Corporation in its previous incarnation
as Danny Hillis' hardware project, for just a sampling.
      Here is an inventory of historic American inventions. currently in
positions of power pursue tyrannical world government, because they want
to snuff out any process anywhere which has the potential to erode or
destroy their position. Even local socio-political evolution, left to
its own devices, presents such a potential, so it too is snuffed out to
the greatest possible degree.

At the very nucleus of the conflict between the innovators and the power
brokers is a battle over women. The innovators envision a society in
which mates are mutually chosen by free will, based on merit, where
merit is a measure of the degree to which an individual enables
satisfaction, innovation, and the freedom of others. The power brokers
envision a society in which the powerful choose mates who are
substantially deprived of free will, and who base what decisions they
are let to make on the power of a prospective mate, where power is a
measure of the deprivation of free will the power broker exercises as
control over others. The great innovators and most effective power
brokers have always been, are, and will always be, mostly men. Thus the
battle between the innovators and the power brokers is a battle between
a system in which women are free (the innovators' society) and one in
which they are slaves (the power brokers' society).
Theory Restated

The principal motivation for the power brokers' systematic crushing of
uncooperative innovators can be stated another way. From the perspective
of the rest of the world, these innovators introduce chaos into society.
I do not mean for this to be understood as a metaphorical, approximate
concept, but rather as a precise and mathematically meaningful concept.
A characteristic of chaotic systems is that aspects of the system that
are small at one time can determine very large aspects of the system at
a later time. This is the butterfly phenomenon: turbulence from the
fluttering of a butterfly in Brazil can (though is of course
fantastically unlikely to) weeks later cause a hurricane to befall the
eastern seaboard. Innovation is similar: a fleeting thought held in the
head of a single individual can years later expand into a political and
social revolution. Though butterflies in Brazil are beyond the reach of
meteorologists, it is feasible to identify those rare individuals who
are more likely to have such thoughts. Thus, they are constantly in
danger. They threaten whatever world order the elites have constructed.

Frighteningly, men at the center of the oligarchy of elites have openly
aligned themselves with regimes in which individualists and innovators
were exterminated by the millions.

In his book Between Two Ages (1970), Zbigniew Brzezinski (then a
professor at Columbia, and shortly thereafter, David Rockefeller
protegé, founding director of the Trilateral Commission and National
Security Advisor to his disciple, President Jimmy Carter, also a
founding Trilateralist) said ``Marxism disseminated on the popular level
in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man's ability
to conceptualize his relationship to his world,'' ``Marxism represents a
further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal
vision,'' and ``The Soviet Union could have emerged as the
standard-bearer of this century's most influential system of thought and
as the social model for resolving the key dilemmas facing modern man.''
But from its outset, the Soviet Union with Lenin at its helm had
``changed Marxism from the doctrine of a highly organised and literate
working class into one of state imposition of socialism by force, based
on a despotic party and a police state,'' and the ``worst result of
Lenin's bid for power has been the suppression of human freedom. He
wrote in 1906: 'Great questions in the life of Nations are settled only
by force.' Or, as Mao put it, 'all power comes from the barrel of a
gun.''' (quoting Dr Eric Andrews and Cliff Cranfield). Stalin's purges,
of course, included an extermination of individualists.

David Rockefeller (founder and honorary chairman of the Trilateral
Commission, the ``unelected if indisputable chairman of the American
establishment'' (quoting Bill Moyers)) said of Maoist China, ``The
social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the
most important and successful in human history.'' Mao's Cultural
Revolution also included an extermination of individualists. As noted by
Jack Newell, ``The original literature of The Trilateral Commission also
states, exactly as Brzezinski's book had proposed, that the more
advanced Communist States could become partners in the alliance leading
to world government. In short, David Rockefeller implemented
Brzezinski's proposal.''

John D. Rockefeller's direct support of and complicity with the Nazi
democide, which shortly after his death metamorphosed into the attempted
genocide of the disproportionately brilliant and innovative Jewish
people (over 20% of Nobel Laureates between 1902 and 1995 were Jews), is
an outstanding concrete example of elite alignment with mass
extermination. New World Order arch-mage Henry Kissinger (consultant to
Psychological Strategy Board architect Gordon Gray, political consultant
to the House of Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller protegé, National
Security Advisor and Secretary of State in the Nixon Administration, and
Secretary of State in the Ford Administration), in his role as hyperco
llectivist sociopolitical architect and as a chief inheritor of the
Rockefeller Nazi ideological mantle, has pursued tantamount and
unprecedented evils.

Barbara Marx Hubbard, theosophist, author, and ``futurist,'' has been
exposing the dominant elite (in presentations at conferences, and in her
books) to her ideology, which includes a mystical mandate to exterminate
the one quarter (this is the proportion she arbitrarily describes) of
humanity that is intractibly individualistic. It is madness to deny the
ever-imminent danger to individualists. A ``Final Solution'' is always
being planned.


Fear of chaos is not unique to the power brokers. It is much more common
than that. It is, in short, an important example of fear of the unknown
- in practical terms, it is fear of the unknowable. This fear is a
classic characteristic of small minds and of those of meager confidence.
It is often observed that investors tend to hate uncertainty: today,
roughly half of the value of US stock markets is held by individual
investors, and 45 percent of American households own stock directly or
indirectly. Chaos of the type introduced by innovators produces very
serious uncertainty for these investors, and they hate it. Thus, because
of fear and short-term interest, the bulk of mainstream first-worlders,
being small-minded, tacitly supports the neutralization, or even
 extermination, of uncooperative innovators. In fact, the ordinary feel
offended and disgraced by these innovators, and for that the innovators
are resented like no other group. The small-minded must become
larger-minded if they are to realize that they, too, are slated for
enslavement and capricious extermination - except that they have, as a
rule, already resigned themselves to obedient slavery in exchange for
survival. The power brokers are the total enemies of the innovators and
the masses alike, but the masses cower and bow, signalling their

The cultural prejudice against chaos is evident in contemporary language
itself. Diseases of the mind are routinely referred to as ``disorders,''
whether or not they present themselves as, or are caused by, an
imbalanced abundance of randomness. Dissociative Identity Disorder
(DID), historically known as Multiple Personality DIsorder (MPD), is not
a disorder at all, but is in fact an additional level of ordered mental
arrangement. Obviously, calling all dysfunctions ``disorders''
stigmatizes chaos undeservedly. An unusually regular and orderly
electrocardiogram (EKG) is an indication of nascent illness; certain
elements of chaos in heart rhythms are indications of good health.
Another term that propels the prejudice is ``unstable,'' often used as a
synonym for ``insane.'' This use of that term must be condemned with
equal haste. As Ilya Prigogine (Nobel laureate and Clubber of Rome)
observes, "over time, non-equilibrium processes generate complex
structures that cannot be achieved in an equilibrium situation." (
Uncertainty: the key to the science of the future?).

Consider the most orderly and stable arrangement of space: completely
devoid of matter or energy. The next most orderly is a purely
repetitive, homogenous, isotropic arrangement of matter. Data sets
representative of such spaces compress, even with naïve algorithms such
as Lempel-Ziv variants, to a negligeable residue of information. As
explained in my paper on consciousness, randomness is crucial to
creativity, and creativity is itself chaotic. In short, the pursuit of
order is intrinsically morbid. The pursuit of organization, which
properly comprises a chaotic system that counter-balances distributed
random inputs with an ordered scaffolding, is obviously just good

Above, the effect of chaos on ordinary citizens is treated - the
recruitment of fear, the actuality of risk and change. The power brokers
work to eradicate chaos both because of their own fear of it, and
because they seek to eradicate the innovation it leads to (and the chaos
which leads from innovation), insofar as that innovation and chaos
directly threatens their hegemony. But there is a third motive, a
corollary to this latter motive.

The ``Harvard Economic Research Project,'' begun in 1948 initially with
Rockefeller Foundation money, was a continuation of World War II combat
service support operations research. It and the school of system
dynamics founded in 1956 by Jay Forrester at MIT's Sloan School led to
models that allowed for the prediction and manipulation of economic and
social system behavior. Chaos, and particularly the unbridled individual
innovation it leads to, thwart the effectiveness of these models.
Prediction becomes impossible, and attempts at manipulation are
overwhelmed by the intrinsically more robust influence of true

The Harvard model held that economies are like mechanical or electrical
systems. The unbridled innovator, therefore, amounts to an electron (or
lever) with a mind of its own, that can get other electrons to follow
it, brazenly flouting the supposed rules of the system. The MIT model is
more generalized, treating economic and social components as generic
mathematical abstractions, but there is no fundamental difference
between the two schools, mathematically. (Please note that there is
nothing inherently wrong with systematics - it is simply a science and
methodology.) These models are sources of power for those in positions
that allow them to manipulate key economic indicators, but only if the
economy is predictable and fulfills the premises of the models.

Chaos in general, and innovators in particular, are thus targeted by
these elite, in order to preserve the effectiveness of their models and
levers (currency and interest rate manipulation, labor strikes, etc.) it
provides them. Note that confusion among ordinary individuals - a lack
of understanding of the way the world works, particularly its legal,
political, economic, and cultural systems - is a sort of personal chaos
which is actually encouraged by the elites. This confusion actually
increases the statistical predictability of populations. The masses are
stuck in mind-blowing traffic jams whose behavior (by dint of driver
incompetence, or on the most bottlenecked stretches, simply as a
consequence of numbers and bad roadway design) can be approximately mod
elled with simple differential equations, while the elite helicopter to
and fro in uncluttered skies.

The conspirators wage a ``quiet war'' on the people of the world, but
any nation or region that gains substantial immunity to the ``silent
weapons'' and credibly imperils the plans of the conspirators faces the
starker realities of economic warfare, destabilizing covert
insurgencies, overt military subjugation, or even thermonuclear
annihilation. The conspirators can also be expected to pursue a literal
scorched earth policy if they sense their grip has slipped irreversibly.
They control the nuclear and bioweapon arsenals. They target the
warheads. They have the launch codes. Only by reciprocating the ``quiet
war'' and eroding the conspiracy internally can the non-options of
global slavery and global annihilation be averted.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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