-Caveat Lector-


Jewish World Review June 23, 1999/ 9 Tamuz 5759
The Times Unofficially Endorses Gore: Bush Confuses The Media

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LAST THURSDAY, in an astonishing editorial, The New York Times unofficially
endorsed Al Gore over Gov. George W. Bush for president in the 2000

The headline read "Al Gore as the Un-Clinton," and the writer reacted
favorably to the Vice President’s tepid candidacy announcement in Carthage,
TN, last Wednesday, pronouncing that Gore is "particularly expert on foreign
relations and the environment, areas where leading Republican candidate,
George W. Bush, is weak."

This, of course, is absurd. Where was Gore —who, according to the Times has
been a “key policy player” in Bill Clinton’s administration—when the
President was making a hash out of the war in Yugoslavia? Huddling with his
wife Tipper, figuring out a way to shed seven years of Clintonian baggage is
my bet. Where was Gore when the Chinese were pilfering U.S. military
secrets? Helping count the illegal foreign contributions to their ’96
campaign, while munching on Charlie Trie’s eggrolls. As for the environment,
it’s true that Gore wrote a book on the subject, but as Mark Hertsgaard
points out in a Los Angeles Times essay last Sunday, he’s been silent as
Clinton has reneged on one environmental pledge after another, such as
increasing the fuel efficiency of U.S. vehicles.

The Times editorial continues: “From this early vantage point it appears
that the main danger in this campaign could be the spectacle of two
candidates clinging so firmly to the center, appealing so consistently to
the soccer moms and the suburban vote, that their themes become
interchangeable in the public mind. If that happens, the election could very
likely turn on issues of personality, and it would be unfortunate if the
public reacted to its disappointment with Mr. Clinton by deciding this
election on the basis of personal charm. The majority of Americans who talk
to pollsters may say right now that they prefer Mr. Bush to Mr. Gore, but
they are also wise enough to admit by huge margins that they do not know
enough about either man.”

This is thinly veiled code that says the Times is scared silly that Bush
might actually win the election.

There are several points to make about this ludicrous endorsement.

First, does the paper really believe that Americans don’t “know enough”
about Al Gore after he’s been in office for seven years? I think they know
he claimed to invent the Internet; said there was “no controlling authority”
that prevented him from making campaign solicitations from his office; that
on the day Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives, Gore, at
that infamous White House pep rally, insisted that his boss will be
remembered as one of the greatest American presidents; and that despite his
current mantra of “family values,” honesty is apparently not one of them.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have railed against the tobacco industry in 1996,
exploiting his sister’s death of lung cancer in 1984, when he had bragged in
Southern states during the ’88 presidential primaries that he tilled tobacco
like any hard-working farmer.

Danny Hellman
The notion that Gore and Bush espouse “interchangeable” themes is laughable.
Bush is for cutting taxes and less government regulation; Gore is captive of
Big Labor; Bush is against frivolous litigation, Gore is beholden to the
legal industry; Bush is pro-life, Gore is pro-choice; Bush says that Clinton
should’ve been impeached, Gore stood by the President steadfastly, whereas
his resignation would’ve demonstrated enormous courage and integrity; Bush
favors vouchers for private schools, Gore proposes federal initiatives to
reduce class size for public schools; Bush applauded the welfare reform
Clinton signed, while Gore has promised to “un-do” it; and Bush is against a
raise in the minimum wage, Gore is for one.

Bush’s well-orchestrated rollout of his campaign, which baffled the
mainstream liberal media aching for a fatal gaffe, surprised even
conservative and moderate Republicans who were afraid that he’d be as stiff
as Gore on the hustings. To the contrary, he shook hands with voters even
after the cameras were gone, and used his father as an effective supporting
actor in Kennebunkport, where President Bush was humble, admitted past
mistakes and said it was his son’s turn now. Family loyalty: That’s a value
Americans haven’t seen much of since Clinton took office in 1993. The Bush
clan is different: By all accounts, Gov. Bush has been faithful to his wife,
reveres his parents and counts on his siblings for support. I don’t care
much for the Kennedys, but do admire their fealty to each other. Gore was
demonstrably close to his father, and has a loving immediate family, but his
tacit acceptance of Clinton’s abhorrent moral behavior is damning. It’s only
now that the Veep is “distancing” himself from Clinton.

One more surprise to the Beltway media: They simply don’t know how to cover
successful GOP candidates.

Another crucial element to Bush’s early success is, should he win the
nomination, he’ll be the youngest GOP presidential candidate since 1960 (and
Richard Nixon was born looking like he was 60 years old). He’s photogenic,
lively and exuberant; it’s no wonder that he’s defeating the buttoned-up
Gore among women voters right now. And Gore has reacted to Bush’s support
among minorities, ludicrously speaking in Spanish at his announcement in
Tennessee last week.

Even a liberal like the Chicago Tribune’s Clarence Page was impressed by
Bush’s initial performance. In a June 20 column, he wrote: “I was impressed
with how effortlessly the younger Bush appeared to be overcoming his father’
s biggest image deficit. The senior Bush suffered in the polls for his
failure to convey to voters the sense of caring that seems to come quite
naturally to the younger Bush. Dubya’s enthusiasm for winning people’s
support has paid off handsomely. His crossover appeal is high with women,
blacks, Latinos and others in the Democratic Party’s base, judging by the
turnout for his landslide re-election to the governorship last year, and,
more recently, by presidential preference polls.”

Yet for all the GOP’s giddiness at Bush’s prospects for retaking the White
House, smart strategists within the party know that Gore will be difficult
to defeat. He has a robust economy going for him (not that he had much to do
with it), has an array of dirty tricksters to sabotage his opponent’s
campaign and, foremost, he’s not Bill Clinton. Paul Gigot, in his “Potomac
Watch” column in The Wall Street Journal last Friday, made a key point in
saying that Bush’s handlers are too “cocky.”

I don’t entirely agree with the following statement, but I’m sure the Bush
camp has taken it to heart: “Mr. Bush is soaring in part because voters know
nothing about him, while Mr. Gore is down because most of what they know
about him is refracted through Mr. Clinton. If he can emerge as Clinton
without the character flaws and with a Vietnam record, the political
fundamentals make him the favorite.”

And Bush is likely to be bested by Gore in the presidential debates, just as
the Vice President made mincemeat out of Ross Perot and Jack Kemp (although
the media expectations for Gore will be so high that if Bush gives just B
performances, the debates will be called a draw). Right now, I believe the
electoral map favors Bush. Obviously, he’ll win Texas and Florida (where his
brother Jeb is governor); with Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge (a pro-choice
Vietnam vet) as his running mate, he’ll make inroads into the Rust Belt. And
if Bush takes California, not the longshot you’d think, given the hunger for
a change of administrations, the election is over.

Still, Bush can’t win on charm, compassionate conservatism and a handsome
mug alone. Soon he’ll have to come out with major policy statements, daring
ideas that will challenge the electorate, much as Jack Kennedy did in 1960.
He has the opportunity to speak about real change in the country—why not be
the first Republican to advocate making Cuba part of the United States once
Castro falls?—and not just GOP vs. Democrat politics as usual. Just as the
communications industry has expanded exponentially since even the ’96
elections, so too can the role of government in this country and the global
position of the United States in the 21st century. If Bush can articulate
bold challenges, he’ll win easily. Otherwise, it’ll be an election too close
to call.

The Longest Campaign

The gossip in Washington this past week was that Hillary Clinton might not
run for Senate in New York after all. Smells like George Stephanopoulos (via
Dick Morris, of all people) spin to me: She totted up discouraging stats
that suggest she’ll get creamed by Rudy Giuliani and will instead raise a
lot of money and save it for an Illinois race in 2004...or maybe to pay off
legal fees. If she had a conscience, which isn’t likely, Hillary would divvy
out some of those funds to all the White House aides who are now in debt
because of her husband’s consistent lying over the years.

But I’m not convinced: Her campaign manager, the mercurial Harold Ickes, is
far too visible these days if the First Lady was going to stay put in the
White House. Besides, she’s already told 1000 of her closest associates that
she’s “doing this [running for the Senate] for me.” And there was an
encouraging poll in the Daily News last Sunday that has her defeating Rudy
by eight points. Additionally, U.S. News & World Report says in its June 28
issue that Hillary will move to New York by the fall, whereabouts still

(Bill Clinton issued a denial of this report, but I don’t think he’s calling
the shots in that marriage. He told CNN, “It’s not true that she’s going to
move out of the White House... She is not going to stop being First Lady.”
Says who, Bill? Also, according to Deborah Orin’s June 21 Post report,
Clinton said he’s known “his wife was a closet Yankees fan.”)

An “operative” is quoted by the magazine as saying, “Everyone will
understand if she has to go back to Washington for a NATO summit or
something like that. But there’s no doubt that she’ll leave the White House
early.” Yes, it is important that Hillary is present at NATO meetings; with
husband Bill out on the golf course, and Al Gore taking Spanish lessons,
someone has to have a cuppa with Tony Blair.

So, the race is on, putting me in the queer position of agreeing with the
wealthy populist Michael Moore. We both say: Run, Hillary, run! although for
different reasons. I’m counting on her staying in New York, fighting a
futile campaign, instead of whipping up women voters for Gore in California,
New Jersey and even Massachusetts. With Gore losing to Gov. Bush in
preliminary polls (yes, they’re somewhat meaningless, but still a snapshot;
he’s behind by double digits in Michigan, which ought to make Tony Coelho
dirty his drawers), he’ll need a lot of help.

Moore, needless to say, is pro-Hillary, mostly because, as he explained in
the July issue of Playboy, she’s “one hot...feminist babe.” Yikes. The
interviewer asked Moore about Hillary, whether he’d work on her campaign,
and he gave an extended answer, most of which, unsurprisingly, was

“I will be doing more than just working for her. I’ll be holding her hand
the entire way. Give her a neck rub now and then on the campaign trail... I
met her at a White House dinner. I went through the reception line where the
Marine announces your name, and then you have five seconds to say hello.
There are 300 people behind you. I shake [Bill] Clinton’s hand and he says,
‘I’m such a fan of yours. I love Roger and Me.’ Hillary hears this and says,
‘I’m a bigger fan.’ Then she takes me by the hand and she keeps her hand on
mine... My face goes red. I’m having the only physical reaction that the
Roman Catholic Church allows me to have... I’m into my second minute with
her. The line is being held up. Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin is
standing behind me. I tell her she should run for the Senate. She spends
another minute talking to me. If she needs any help after she’s out of the
White House, I’m there for her 100 percent. Well, 99 percent.”

Funny how Moore is such a fan of the Clintons: Weren’t they the couple who
dismantled welfare and moved the Democratic Party to the center? Nothing
like a “hot feminist babe” to make a guy throw his politics down the toilet.
Go get ’em, Mike; you’ll make all the difference up there in Syracuse and
Buffalo with your limo and long-suffering entourage.

On the GOP side, Joe Conason gave Giuliani a black eye in his June 21 New
York Observer column. Noting that the Mayor is making “carpetbagger cries”
about Clinton—something he claimed he wouldn’t resort to many months
ago—Conason quotes from a 1964 college newspaper article that Giuliani wrote
about the Robert Kennedy-Kenneth Keating Senate race. The youthful Rudy, a
Kennedy supporter, wrote, in a piece called “Ars Politica”: “Let us hope
that cosmopolitan New Yorkers can rise above the ridiculous, time-worn
provincial attitude that has so disunited our nation.” Then Conason throws a
jab at the hypocritical Mayor: “[T]here is something eerily amusing about
Mr. Giuliani’s words returning to contradict him now. The next time he puts
on his overalls and starts wisecracking about Arkansas, he may just have to
explain why political carpetbagging offends him so much more today than it
did 35 years ago.”

Good point. And the same one that The New York Times’ Clyde Haberman devoted
most of an article to on June 11, although without the overt partisanship
that Conason shows to Mrs. Clinton. I e-mailed Conason, curious as to why he
didn’t attribute Haberman in his piece; he called back, said he hadn’t seen
the piece and, in fact, was relying on an April 5 Associated Press report by
Albany reporter Marc Humbert who apparently first dug up the Giuliani
archival nugget. So I’d say that both Haberman and Conason are guilty of

Unlike Humbert and Haberman, who are more constrained by phony tenets of
“objectivity,” particularly in the case of the Timesman, Conason clearly
declares his loyalty to the First Lady. In a sidebar to Dan Kennedy’s June
17 Boston Phoenix piece about the upcoming Senate race in New York, Conason
again brings up Rudy’s long-ago column, and then enthusiastically endorses
Hillary’s candidacy. This is no surprise, of course, since Conason has been
one of the Clintons’ most vociferous supporters in the past several
scandal-infused years.

In fact, two weeks ago, he was the lone journalist (well, with the dubious
exception of Kitty Kelley) who was invited to a White House dinner in honor
of Hungarian president Arpad Goncz. According to a June 9 Washington Post
article by Roxanne Roberts and Lonnae O’Neal Parker, Conason was among a
group of literary figures and celebrities who witnessed the First Lady in “a
gauzy, beaded slate-gray gown by Pamela Dennis” while Martha Stewart “opted
for pink silk capri pants and a short matching jacket.” Musical
entertainment was provided by Judy Collins and the assembled had a meal of
“salmon with portobello mushrooms, pecan-crusted lamb and bing cherry
strudel.” Conason was joined at the White House by, among others, Tony
Curtis, William Styron, Elie Wiesel, William Cohen, Paul Begala, Rep. Steny
Hoyer, Sen. Richard Lugar, John Podesta, Susan Sontag and David Rieff. Joe,
just like the Jeffersons, you’re movin’ on up!

Doin' what they do best:
Cohen and Maddy
Anyway, in his Phoenix piece (which must have been written several weeks
ago, considering his unkind mention of Rep. Nita Lowey: “Until Hillary
Clinton makes up her mind, the field is left to a lone, uninspiring suburban
congresswoman with a wealthy husband”), Conason compares Hillary to Eleanor
Roosevelt—that conceit is getting mighty tired—saying that she’s “preparing
to make history” with her Senate run. He writes: “Yet because of her popular
persona and her ties to traditional constituencies, she can serve as a
unifying force among Democrats. Indeed, she is in certain respects the real,
if not the titular, leader of the Democratic Party.” Lord, Joe, easy on the
bing cherry strudel! Hillary is the leader of the Democratic Party? Says
who, besides you? I’d imagine Al Gore would beg to differ, as would her
miserable husband.

Throw in Dick Gephardt, Bill Bradley, the insufferable Florida Rep. Robert
Wexler, Bob Kerrey and, heck, just for grins, Patrick Kennedy, and I’d say
there’s a battle for “titular” or “real” head of the Democratic Party.

But wait! Let’s call in the reinforcements. The ever-reliable Lars-Erik
Nelson says that Hillary’s a winner in New York because of one man—Ken
Starr. Nelson, hurting for material on June 16, writes in the Daily News:
“As she runs for the Senate, this dweeby Peeping Tom, who was unable to
indict [Hillary Clinton], threatens through his aides to issue a blistering
final report on her supposed misconduct. What more could Clinton ask for?
She faces a tough race against Mayor Giuliani, but if her luck holds, she
can hang Starr around Giuliani’s neck and sink him like a stone.”

Sure, Lars. Starr might be a “dweeb,” but he’s not stupid, and has collected
a ream of damaging material against the First Lady: all the familiars that
would’ve been forgotten had she not decided to run for Senate. Filegate,
Travelgate, missing Rose Law Firm records, etc., all potent evidence that
Giuliani, far more tenacious and media-savvy than Starr, can have a field
day with.

And Bob Herbert signaled the New York Times view with his June 20 column,
writing: “More and more New Yorkers are seeing Rudolph Giuliani for what he
really is, a power-hungry, petty and vindictive man whose policies are often
fundamentally anti-democratic.” Apparently oblivious that he could be
describing the Clintons, Herbert continues: “For years his excesses have
been obscured or excused because of the falling crime rates in the city. And
that has encouraged greater excesses. The city’s tolerance of those excesses
seems to be diminishing. Fair and reasonable people can keep their eyes
closed only so long.”

Aside from not mentioning what Giuliani’s “excesses” exactly are, I’d wager
that “fair and reasonable people” take a look back at the David Dinkins
regime and realize that even though the Mayor may be a skunk, he’s
contributed to making New York a safer place to live.

Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne, a typically squishy DC liberal, is furrowing
his brow at Hillary’s embrace of New York, writing a column on June 15 that
quoted several anonymous Democratic “consultants” who are skeptical about
her candidacy. One told Dionne: “Absent her running, the overwhelming
priority of the administration would have been electing Al Gore. Now you’ve
got a three-ring circus at the White House—Clinton’s working on his legacy,
Gore’s running for president, and Mrs. Clinton is running for the Senate. If
you think the most important thing Democrats can do is elect Al Gore, this
is a terrible idea.” Another consultant said: “Her defeat will be seen as a
defeat for feminism, for liberalism, not just a defeat for her personally...
[This] “would be like us beating Jesse Helms.”

id Shribman, the Boston Globe columnist who also writes about politics for
Fortune, despairs for Hillary as well. In the July 5 issue of that magazine,
Shribman said: “Why would one of the nation’s most accomplished women want
to be a Senator when many of the Senate’s best and brightest [Fortune doesn’
t edit for cliches] (Sam Nunn, Warren Rudman, David Boren) have given up in
frustration?” I don’t know where this “most accomplished” malarkey comes
from—unless you consider being used as a doormat by your husband, failing to
convince Americans that a quasi-socialist health-care system made sense or
dumping old friends when it’s politically expedient are virtues—but that’s
standard Beltway pundit mush for you.

And don’t forget the rap group Screwball: They’re in Hillary’s corner as
well, releasing a song called “Who Shot Rudy?” that includes the lyrics,
“Nobody cried—it was real, like, some Jews celebrating when the Pharaoh got
killed.” The writer of the tune, Kyron Jones, told the Associated Press: “I
don’t want anybody to go out and shoot him. I’m just voicing the thoughts of
my people.” Uh, okay, Kyron. Get back to me when your IQ rises above 25.

Even Liz Smith is getting into the act, quoting, in her June 21 syndicated
column, Camille Paglia: “Hillary loves eunuch geek men! Oh, my God, look at
them all! Sidney Blumenthal, Ira Magaziner, Harold Ickes. They are all these
weird Ichabod Crane men, all high-IQ men who have no natural virility... She
is the most arrogant, the most moralistic, the most sermonizing and annoying
person on Earth—and it (her possible bid for the Senate in New York) is just
a joke that the media have allowed to go on as long as it has.”

Finally, I’ll be glad when Hillary sets up her exploratory committee in
early July so that Creators Syndicate Inc. will be forced to terminate her
propaganda-laden column “Talking It Over.” Her June 2 ditty, which is no
doubt printed in many smalltown newspapers, was typical, reading, in part:
“We can no longer ignore the well-documented connection between violence in
the media and children’s behavior. America’s culture of violence is having a
profound effect on our children—and we must resolve to do what we can to
change it.”

But not before Hillary’s Hollywood buds (and Geraldo) contribute to her
Senate campaign. Until then, vigorous ID checks at multiplexes across the
country will go a long way to solving the problem.

JWR contributor "Mugger" -- aka Russ Smith -- is the editor-in-chief and
publisher of New York Press. Send your comments to him by clicking here.

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