-Caveat Lector-

     "The German chancellor was ready to sacrifice ``his top man and closest
adviser for the success of the [Balkan reconstruction] project, which is so
important for Europe.
     "Hombach has been the point man in negotiations with German industry and
U.S. lawyers on a settlement of claims by Nazi-era slave laborers."

Germany Proposes Aide for Balkans

.c The Associated Press

BONN, Germany (AP) - Germany on Thursday proposed a top government official
as coordinator of the Balkan stability pact, adopted this month to strengthen
democracy and boost the economies of southeast Europe.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, by nominating his controversial chief of
staff Bodo Hombach for the post, also signaled a surprise shake-up in his
Cabinet at a politically sensitive time.

The chancellor said he would dispatch Hombach, an economics expert and former
industrial manager, if leaders of the other 14 European Union member nations

Hombach managed Schroeder's election campaign last year and is known as a
shrewd political strategist, though he has little experience with the

The 31-nation stability pact, which includes eight southeast European
countries, the United States, Russia and the EU, is the centerpiece of
Western efforts to pacify the Balkans after the war in Kosovo. The idea
originated with Germany.

Leaders of participating countries are to meet in the Bosnian capital of
Sarajevo next month to give impetus to the pact.

``We want to be engaged also with personnel to bring what we're pursuing
there forward, namely economic development in the Balkans, and with that to
really secure peace,'' Schroeder said.

Yugoslavia, which the West wants to exclude from reconstruction aid as long
as President Slobodan Milosevic is in power, has been left out for now.

Hombach, 46, has been the point man in negotiations with German industry and
U.S. lawyers on a settlement of claims by Nazi-era slave laborers. He
welcomed his proposed new role.

``This is a dream job,'' Hombach said. ``It's tailor-made for me.''

Schroeder said Hombach is exceptionally qualified. The chancellor was ready
to sacrifice ``his top man and closest adviser at the Cabinet table for the
success of this project that is so important for Europe,'' government
spokesman Uwe-Karsten Heye said.

EU foreign ministers could sign off on the nomination at a meeting in Brazil
next week, Heye said.

The governments of southeastern Europe pledge in the stability pact to carry
out Western-style reforms and live peacefully with their neighbors. The pact
also promotes economic cooperation and sets up permanent panels for settling
border conflicts and minority rights disputes.

Foreign ministers signed the document two weeks ago in Cologne.

Hombach said he would resign as chief of staff if his nomination is accepted.

With that, Schroeder stands to lose a key ally in efforts to promote
free-market policies against resistance in his own Social Democratic Party.
But he also would be losing a disputed figure.

German media and Schroeder's junior coalition partner, the Greens, have often
blamed Hombach for confusion over the government's policy agenda that has
sharply eroded voter support.

Political foes also have raised questions about the financing of his private
home while he was a public official in North Rhine-Westphalia state in the
1980s. Hombach has denied wrongdoing.

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