-Caveat Lector-


Whoever built the pyramids, a debate rages over who should uncover their
secrets. Could there be a conspiracy to hide the truth? Niklas Rasche digs
up the evidence.

In 1095 the first crusade was launched against the Holy Land, ostensibly
with the aim of vanquishing the heathens and `reclaiming' Jerusalem.
Something similar has been going on at Giza for almost 140 years now.
Nowadays we use satellite imaging, network television specials, exclusive
book deals and hidden video cameras in our latest attempts to wrest control
of the monuments both from the Egyptians themselves and from orthodox
thinking about them.

At the end of the second Christian millennium, Egypt has become the
alternative Holy Land the only problem being that it really isn't that
alternative at all. Just as Jerusalem is the focus of the three major
monotheistic religions, Egypt has become the Mecca of our post-modern
spiritual chaos. Every cult, conspiracy theory, mystical order and
alternative theory of origins sets down on the Giza Plateau at some point.
>From Drunvalo Melchizedek to Damanhur, from the Freemasons to proselytisers
for the reality of Atlantis Egypt is the alpha and the omega of non-orthodox
religion. Everybody seems to experience their own personal religious
`Plateau phase' the second they set foot in Giza.

The official closing of the Great Pyramid on April 1st for "essential
cleaning and renovation work" has prompted many to talk of hidden agendas
and conspiracies at the highest level of Egypt's Supreme Council of
Antiquities (SCA). Two points immediately come to mind. One why did the
authorities not plan their secret tunnelling just a tad better and wait
until the Pyramid was closed? (If just one person au fait with the layout of
the Great Pyramid notices what seems to be new excavations you can be sure
that everyone will soon hear about it see separate report and The Daily Mail
Sat. 18th April 1998 .) Two the Great Pyramid is not, contrary to popular
belief, now hermetically sealed. Throughout the period of renovation people
will be allowed in for "meditation". In fact, if you have a desperate need
to get inside the Great Pyramid in the next little while why not take up
Reiki? Simon Treselyan is giving Master attunements in the King's Chamber in

Egyptologists such as Bob Brier (author of The Murder of Tutankhamen) and
Bassam El Shamma (who presented his well-argued theory of a second Sphinx at
Giza ) have managed to do provocative, innovative work while maintaining
excellent relations with the Supreme Council of Antiquities. Bassam related
how he never has any problem seeing those in authority, who operate what he
called an "open door policy". Is it any wonder that so many of those from
the alternative camp have such problems when they insist on scaling the
Great Pyramid, taking secret video cameras into the King's Chamber and
generally acting like they own the place?

The fact remains, however, that the monuments of ancient Egypt have thrown
up enough `impossible' artefacts and anomalous data to give even the most
dedicated Fortean a perpetual headache. Bowls and vases (which could only
have been cast or machined) of diorite, basalt, quartz and granite, smelted
iron evidence of tobacco and coca plants in mummies amazingly precise
geodetic measurements advanced astronomical knowledge water weathering on
the Sphinx and, of course, the actual Pyramids themselves. Writers and
engineers have suggested, among other marvels, evidence of ultrasonic
drilling, lathes, electroplating, sonic levitation and electromagnetic

More pyramid schemes in Fortean Times issue 112

Image:Charles Walker Collection/E.Giillian (Image Manipulation)

-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 10:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?

> -Caveat Lector-
>Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
>Subject: Who is shutting up Bauval and Rasche?
>Date: Tue, Jun 22, 1999, 9:38 AM
>Who closed the mouth of the Transmute organiser?
>One of the major UFO-events of the year in England would have been the
>Transmute Conference, held in Salisbury, over the weekend of the Spring
>Equinox. The event was organised by Niklas Rasche, a frequent
>contributor to the English newsstand magazine Fortean Times. The list of
>speakers included John Mack, Michael Cremo, Richard Leigh and Michael
>Baigent and many other well-known international authors.
>Less than a week before the start of the conference, however, the
>conference was cancelled. Various reasons were given and those who had
>paid a ticket (worth in excess of 100 pounds/175 dollar), were promised
>they would be refunded. But then the organiser disappeared and has never
>again been heard of.
>The speakers were given the excuse for the cancellation that little or
>no tickets had been sold and that because of this, it was best to
>cancel. Other trusthworthy sources, however, claim many tickets were
>sold. Why did Rasche disappear?
>Several years ago, it seems Rasche was involved with psychic research
>and belonged to the intimate circle of the British author Andy Collins,
>the author of books Gods of Eden and From the Ashes of Angels. Before
>these books, however, he was involved with a group of psychics, of which
>Rasche was apparently one. In 1998, Collins joined the so-called
>"Majestic 12", a group of 12 authors formed around Robert Bauval, the
>author of the Orion Mystery and two other books in co-operation with
>British bestselling author Graham Hancock.
>Bauval's group planned to organise a Spring Equinox Conference, but this
>idea never materialised (neither did his Summer Solstice Conference).
>Might these sudden cancelations be more than a meaningful coincidence?
>Even more strange is Rasche's sudden and immediate disappearance. He
>left unpaid bills for advertisements run in many magazines, including
>his "own" Fortean Times. To date, it has been reported that he has not
>refunded tickets and has, in fact, not even informed them of when and
>how. Sources close to the Fortean Times headquarters actually informed
>us that the police have taken an interest in this sudden disappearance.
>If for some reason, Rasche felt threatened and cancelled the event
>because of unknown but possible negative repercusions, one wonders
>whether the large sums of money that had been paid by the sponsors and
>the conference attendants might be a method of finding his current
>undercover hiding place.
>Who might possibly have been threatening him? At the time of his alleged
>involvement with Andy Collins, the group was fighting an extremely
>wealthy and influential group of "negative magicians" who were out for
>world domination and control of the masses. Did these suddenly turn up
>and prevent two conferences from materializing? Whereas Bauval seems to
>have been warned off from the very beginning, Rasche seems to have
>succumbed to their threats at the very end.
>These two conferences are not the only ones who have met strange
>cancellations or changes of date. A May Conference to be held in Egypt,
>which again involved Bauval (though organised by an American group), was
>pushed back several months and now seems planned for the Fall. But will
>it materialize? Even the Conference by Egyptologists, organized by Zahi
>Hawass, director of the Gizeh plateau, has now been pushed back twice.
>It seems that this list of authors, intent on speaking about the
>mysteries of extraterrestrials and the mysteries of Egypt are, through
>an unknown agency, withheld a forum for their discussions. And the
>public might therefore not be informed about possibly vital discoveries,
>as heralded by the likes of Bauval in his Keeper of Genesis. These
>secrets involved a possible chamber under the Sphinx and a possible
>chamber inside the Great Pyramid. Such a discovery had been prophesized
>by the American psychic Edgar Cayce. He stated the discovery of a Hall
>of Records containing information about the building of the pyramids by
>people of Atlantis would occur in 1998. Did this discovery indeed occur
>and are certain authors like Bauval aware of such a discovery? But are
>they shut up and the conferences called or shifted to later dates to
>keep the public in the dark and the authors from accidentally revealing
>their information?
>Might this explain Bauval's sudden move at the end of 1998 to
>Egypt? This move surprised many and, in fact, seems to have separated
>him from his wife. He further rather enigmatically stated he wanted to
>"monitor" the situation in Egypt himself. Why?
>Perhaps Rasche has the answers to these questions, but for more than
>three months, no-one has heard of him. Will he ever resurface? And what
>is going on in Egypt? Does Bauval know? Why did he suddenly befriend
>Hawass and people in high industrial American circles, people such as
>one Joe Jahoda and Joe Schor, who seem to have connections to American
>intelligence. Are they perhaps part of the circle Rasche and Collins has
>been fighting several years ago? And are now succeeding in smothering
>all discussion? Schor apparently has taken legal steps against an
>American film producer who was about to make a TV documentary on a
>secret chamber under the Sphinx. Hawass, on film, actually admitted as
>much. But the project for some unknown and strange reason never was made
>and Schor apparently sued the film producer.
>What is being withheld from us? Was Rasche forced to go underground? And
>what about Bauval and Collins? Are the "Majestic 12" perhaps a list of
>those authors who have sold out to Schor? Would someone please tell us??
>Alicia Horne
>Aloha, He'Ping,
>Om, Shalom, Salaam.
>Em Hotep, Peace Be,
>Omnia Bona Bonis,
>All My Relations.
>Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
>Roads End
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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