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>Subject: [RuMills] New Information Added to Mind Control Article,
>        "Operation Open Eyes"
>>From Rayelan Allan (Russbacher)
>When I was gathering all the pieces that  I needed for  the article,
>"Operation Open Eyes"
>Five Easy Steps to Create
>A Manchurian Candidate,
>I couldn't find two which I considered to be very important. I have since
>found them and have rewritten the original article. It will soon be posted on
>my web page, but at the moment it is on Jeff Rense's SIGHTINGS web page
>Both pieces are very important in understanding how we are being herded into
>the New World Order corral, i.e., concentration camps and a police state.
>In the original article I described how the CIA uses a "Modified version" of
>the Hegelian Dialectic to create conditions which will bring about the ends
>they desire. Unfortunately, I could not find the information I needed to
>describe this technique further.
>Last week I finally located the three 60 minutes tapes which included this
>In August of 1993, I (Rayelan Allan {Russbacher}) was speaking at the Global
>Science Congress in Denver.
><A HREF="http://www.globalsciences.com/">Global Sciences Welcome</A>
>My husband, Gunther was in prison in Missouri. There had been several
>attempts on his life. He had been poisoned, beaten and attacked by other
>prisoners. I didn't know from hour to hour if he was  alive or dead.
>I was also having major  problems staying alive. At the end of 1992, there
>were four attempts, in rapid sucession made on my life. Gunther arranged with
>his Godfather, Kurt Waldheim, to protect me until the Bush people were out of
>power. I fled to Austria, in a state of fear wondering if  the airplane would
>blow up. I was guaraded by Austrian Security Police and 4  Marines from the
>Embassy in Vienna. As soon as the Clinton Administration came into power,
>Gunther was successful in getting the "hit orders" that had been placed o me,
>Shortly before the Global Science conference, there and been two attempts to
>kidnap  me. Because Gunther was a SEAL team commander, I had Navy SEALS
>around me at all times. If it had not been for these men, I would not be here
>to write the articles you read in the Rumor Mill. One day, when I have fully
>recovered from my 8 years as Gunther's wife, I will publish the story of what
>we went through. The whole story has never been told anywhere before.
>After my lecture at the conference, I was approached by two men I knew over
>the telephone. Both men were political prisoners, just like Gunther. I did
>not know they had been released. Like Gunther and me, they did not know from
>hour to hour if they would still be alive. I have not heard from one of them
>since that seminar. I don't know if he is back in prison or if he is even
>The two men were Navy Captain Trenton Parker, and private investigator Stew
>Stew had just uncovered the secret funding behind the Denver Airport. He
>stumbled onto it accidently as he tried to win custody of his child. It
>turned out that his father-in-law was a very powerful man in the shadowy
>world where the CIA and the Mafia connect. His father-in-law was the man who
>was behind the Denver Airport.
>Trenton Parker was a Navy SEAL, a financial planner for the CIA and a covert
>operative. He and Gunther walked similar paths and these paths had crossed
>many times.
>Gunther, under his alias Emory J. Peden, the "banker" for the CIA, was the
>man who arraigned the funding for the Denver Airport. I believe this is
>described in Rodney Stich's "Defraduing America" third Edition
><A HREF="http://www.defraudingamerica.com/">FBI, CIA and other government
>agents document widespread government corruption.
></A> (Rodney has just finished another book. It is at the printers right now.
>I believe it is called "Drugging America". As usual, Rodney received his
>information from CIA, DEA and FBI agents and  operatives.
><A HREF="http://www.druggingamerica.com/">Government insiders and former drug
>traffickers reveal government's involvement in drugs.
></A>  This is the link to his new webpage.
>When Stew and Trenton approached me, they asked if they could give a lecture.
>I think both of them wanted their information on record because neither of
>them knew how much longer they would be alive. Times were rough for all of us
>in those days. Paul Wilcher had just been murdered. Another lawyer who was
>helping us had just been jailed and disbarred, Gunther's boss, Admiral
>Johann, the head of Faction 2,  had been poisoned and I didn't know if he was
>dead or alive.
>When we gave the lecture, we didn't know if the FBI would burst in and arrest
>us or kill all of us as they had done to the people at Waco. As we spoke,
>each of us kept looking at the door, wondering if the next person through was
>coming with a gun. The people who attended the lecture felt the same fear and
>apprehension and many expressed their fears to us. Some people, who wanted to
>attend the lecture, stayed away because they couldn't handle the stress and
>fear. The only reason I mention this is because many people have no idea what
>really went on under the reign of George Bush. The dead body list that is
>around Bill Clinton is larger than the one around George Bush, but there is
>also a Bush dead body list.
>The three of us gave a three hour workshop. In the workshop, Trenton
>explained the Hegelian concept in the way the CIA uses it. The CIA  calls it
>"crisis creation", "crisis solution" and "crisis control". In the case of gun
>control, the "crisis solution" will be the imposition of a police state.
>This  "CIA modified" Hegelian Dialectic  is currently being used to take away
>our guns. It is explained in the Introduction to Operation Open Eyes in the
>same section where I explained "Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis."
><A HREF="http://www.sightings.com/politics2/manchurian.htm">SIGHTINGS</A>
>This is the link to Operation Open Eyes on the Sightings web page. I just
>checked the page, and the new article hasn't been posted yet. So I will
>insert the new information in this E-mail:
>>From the Introduction to Operation Open Eyes:
>Once you read this, you will understand how and why mass
>murders such as Columbine, take place. In the case of the mass
>murders using guns, these mind controlled assassins are being used
>to sow terrorism in order to force Congress to pass tougher, more
>draconian gun laws which do not stop terrorism, but take away
>freedoms Americans take for granted.
>In the case of the children being murdered by children. This is a "CIA
>modified" "Hegelian Dialectic"  technique. In other words, if you
>want society to become something different than it is, you must set
>up the conditions which will bring about the desired results. The
>German philosopher, Frederich Hegel called it: Thesis, Antithesis,
>Synthesis. The CIA calls it: Crisis Creation, Crisis Solution, Crisis
>Control. (Navy Captain Trenton Parker describes how the CIA uses
>this technique in foreign countries to influence politics. See end of
>article for information.)
>In the case of  Columbine and other similar shootings the scenario is
>as follows:
>                                THESIS:
>                            An armed America
>                              ANTITHESIS:
>       Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with
>                                  guns
>                               SYNTHESIS:
>               Draconian antigun laws which disarm America
>The CIA's version of Hegel's Dialectic omits the Thesis, their
>version  starts with the antithesis:
>                  Crisis Creation replaces Antithesis:
>       Horrific violence and mass murders committed by people with
>       guns, who were either programmed or in the employee of the
>                    CIA or other government agencies
>                   Crisis Solution replaces Synthesis:
>       Draconian gun laws which take the guns away from everyone,
>                     including law abiding citizens.
>                  Crisis Control Becomes the New Thesis
>       In the case of gun violence, the new thesis will resemble a
>         police state, where only the government will have guns
>To further illustrate the point. America is a nation full of guns and
>guaranteed the right to  own and bear arms, by the Constitution of the
>United States.
>America cannot be taken over by the New World Order and their
>socialist/communist agenda, if Americans are armed, (this is the
>Thesis, an armed citizenry), therefore conditions must be created that
>will cause the American public to demand that their Constitutional
>right to bear arms be rescinded.
>These created  conditions are called "The Antithesis" by Hegel; it is
>called Crisis Creation by the CIA. In the case of an armed citizenry,
>the antithesis, or anti-thesis, is random, senseless and horrific
>murders using guns as the weapon.
>When these two conditions, i.e.; an armed citizenry and horrific gun
>violence, exist simultaneously, public hysteria can be whipped up
>making the public demand that their Congressional representatives
>outlaw all guns. This is called "The Synthesis" by Hegel; or Crisis
>Solution by the CIA..
>The "synthesis" then becomes the new "Thesis" for a new triad in
>Hegel's Dialectic. In the CIA's version of Hegel's Dialectic, the
>synthesis i.e.; the Crisis Solution brings about the new Thesis which
>is called: Crisis Control.
>When Hitler wanted to wipe Jewish DNA from all of Europe, he
>created similar "antithesis" conditions which allowed the passage of
>similar anti gun laws. If all Jews in Germany had been armed, how
>easy would it have been for Hitler to send them to concentration
>camps?  An armed citizenry can protect itself from its government.
>Hitler's plan to eliminate all guns from German citizens was so
>successful that Connecticut Senator Thomas J. Dodd, father of
>today's Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, used Hitler's model to
>frame the Gun Control Act of 1968. (More information at end of
>(the part on Senator Dodd was the second piece of information I could not
>find at the time I was wrting Operation Open Eyes. Here is the small article
>where I found this information:
>The February, 1999 Edition of The Liberty Pole
>                           ran the following:
>Nazi Nexus
>The gun control Act of 1968 was mainly framed by Senator Thomas
>J. Dodd of Connecticut. This is significant, for having managed
>America's prosecutors at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals,
>Dodd was intimately familiar with Der Fuhrer's methods of people
>Adolph Hitler  had made effective use of Weimar Republic gun
>owner registration lists. Senate records from mid-July 1968 reveal
>that Dodd asked the Library of Congress to translate his own fifty-
>year-old personal copy of the Third Reich's gun control law passed
>18 March 1938.
>Section 25(1): "It is forbidden to manufacture.... and to import:
>Firearms which fold down, break down, are collapsible, or are
>speedily dismantled beyond the common limits of hunting and
>sporting activities."
>One obvious purpose of GCA '68 then, was to wench the right to
>arms from its constitutional moorings and philosophical root.
>Repeated evidence of success is revealed every time the president of
>the United States declares unchallenged, "You do not need an Uzi to go deer
>hunting and you do not need an AK-47 to go skeet shooting."  ... as though
>our illustrious Framers had in mind target shooting or hunting when
>articulating that most sacred palladium of individual liberty, the SEcond
>Germany's pre-war citizen disarmament laws also help answer the
>question of how many Jews with guns walked into Nazi ovens."
>The Second Amendment is in our Constitution to protect the people from their
>government. Hitler disarmed the people first. Stalin killed 20 million
>citizens of Mother Russia. The communists in China killed over 80 million of
>their own people. If these citizens had been armed with the same weaponry
>that their government used on them, would 100 million people have been
>The Liberty Pole is the publication of The Lawyer's Second
>Amendment Society, Inc.
>http://www.thelsas.org <A HREF="http://www.thelsas.org/">The Lawyer's Second
>Amendment Society
>http://www.guntruths.com <A HREF="http://www.guntruths.com/">GunTruths: The
>truth about guns
>18034 Ventura Blvd. No. 329
>Encino, CA 91316
>                         A Three Hour Workshop
>           Given by Two Recently Released Political Prisoners
>                         And Rayelan Russbacher
>Navy Captain Trenton Parker; Investigator, Stew Webb and Rayelan
>Russbacher,  wife of incarcerated political prisoner, Navy Captain
>Gunther Russbacher, gave a once-in-a-lifetime workshop in August
>of 1993 at the Global Science Congress in Denver, Colorado.
>Trenton and Stew had just been released from incarceration. They did
>not know if further charges were going to filed, or if "hit orders" had
>been put out on them. The two men, and a contingent of Navy
>SEALS, who were there to protect all three, showed up at the
>conference where Rayelan Russbacher was speaking about the
>incarceration of her husband.
>A workshop was organized so Trenton and Stew could put out their
>information before they were killed or arrested. The 3 tapes were lost
>for years. Rayelan recently discovered the originals and the set is
>available once again. Information that has never been released
>anywhere before is on these tapes.
>Three tapes: $20.00    Plus $1.50 postage and handling
>Available from:
>The Human Rights Foundation
>or order online from <A
>HREF="http://www.conghansen.com/halord.htm">halord</A>  the order page from
><A HREF="http://www.conghansen.com/">Congressman Hansens Main Page</A>  This
>tape series has just been added and is not yet on the order page. If you want
>a set, Call Hal the "halord"
>===========The Uncensored National Rumor=============
>Telfax: 831.462.3949
>RMNews and Pigeon Point Publishing
>P.O. Box 1784
>Aptos, CA 95001-1784
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