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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870

By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

A reputed CIA proprietary has Internet monopoly. They call themselves Network
Solutions, Inc., of Herndon, Virginia. They have the worldwide monopoly for
domain registration. Their apparent stranglehold on websites is called
InterNIC Registration Services.

Here is how it works.  Supposing you want the domain name "".
Most domain names are all in lower cases with the words run together without
spaces. That is how the computer reads it. In the beginning, ".com" was for
commercial enterprises, ".org" was for not-for-profit groups, and ".edu" for
educational institutions. Now, however, there is a blur and non-commercial
persons or entities can register their domain as ".com". When you apply for
service, either through an Internet Service Provider, ISP, or a hybrid group
that is an on-line go-between to an Internet Service Provider, such as AOL,
or a separate web host server---there is an application. At the same time, if
you want to pick an easy to remember and use name for your website, the ISP,
etc., will check with Network Solutions to see if someone else already has
that domain registered.  The ISP, etc., typically, get 50 to 100 dollars for
forwarding the domain registration form to Network Solutions.  Thereafter,
you get a bill from Network Solutions, demanding prompt payment IN ADVANCE
for two years service of your domain registration. They "park" your domain
with the web host server, ISP, etc.

What happens if YOU want to transfer the "parking" of your domain to another
ISP, etc.? Supposing your original choice for a web host server, ISP, etc.,
turned out to be a firm that merges with a larger service. AND, THEY have a
problem with THEIR computer. You may have trouble logging on. They may not
even inform you of what is happening. You get disgusted and you decide to
sign up with another ISP, web host server, etc. At that point, Network
Solutions already has your money in advance, currently 70 dollars for two
years service. Unless Network Solutions "parks" your domain with a properly
functioning ISP, etc., others using Internet CANNOT log on to your website,
such as supposing if it were "" or something like that. If you
are known dissident, a known critic of the government, or the FBI, CIA, etc.,
or simply do not have "clout", or heavy influence with InterNIC, you may get
delayed months and months in using your website,, the domain registration of

If you e-mail them at: [EMAIL PROTECTED], all you get back is an
announcement that it is an automatic reply by computer and that they "DO NOT
CONFIRM INQUIRY BEING PROCESSED".  That is their arrogant answer you get from
Network Solutions, Inc.  That is their way, as a reputed CIA-created,
worldwide monopoly, to tell you to "go to hell", we have your money in
advance.  You are left to wonder: Are YOU on the FBI/CIA's "loudmouth" list?
Do they remember YOU as a peacenik? Are you known to write stories openly
condemning America's Gestapo, the U.S. Secret Political Police, the IRS, INS,
FBI, CIA, etc.? OR, you simply have no influence with Network Solutions. You
are nowhere unless and until THEY park your domain with a properly
functioning web host server, ISP, etc. And even after they so finally park
you, you may---as some claim --- be the victim of apparent sabotage.  Your
website goes down, and nobody can or will help you, or explain.

You are lost in cyberspace and nobody of authority is ready to remedy this
situation. Not anti-trust laws, not postal fraud inspectors, nobody will help
you against the CIA's reputed brainchild. Taking money in advance on the
representations that such payment will get you two years of service, such as
payment by credit card by wire, or remittance sent by U.S. Mail, for services
to be provided, and then services ARE NOT PROVIDED---hey, that is a federal
criminal offense. But Network Solutions, Inc., was reportedly set up as a
worldwide monopoly, as a CIA proprietary.  That is, it is disguised as to
their link to the bloody spy agency.  Some believe InterNIC is a good, cheap
way, for the CIA and others in the secret political police, to keep track of
data, censored stories, dissidents, etc. How do I know?  I have first hand
knowledge. My domain registration, paid for in advance, has been blockaded in
being used by Network Solutions,  for months and months:
You may be interested in their addresses, etc. When THEY decide to drag you
on and on, delaying your actual use of your domain registration--well, these
addresses and phone numbers get you nowhere:

Network Solutions, Inc., David M. Graves, Director, Business Affairs; Charles
A. Gomes, Vice President, Customer Programs, P.O. Box 525, Herndon, Virginia
20172  Phone:(703) 742-4777.
or Network Solutions, Inc., P.O. Box 17305, Baltimore MD 21297-0525

Anybody really know how to tell Network Solutions to "go to hell"?

By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

It was one of those moments that go down in history, but often not fully
written about until months, if not years later. After all this happening in
Chicago was shortly after the adjournment of the super-secret society, the
Bilderberg Group, meeting up to June 6, 1999, meeting this time in Portugal.
Made up of worldwide ruling elites, their meetings are often followed by wars
and depressions, bank and other market commotions, all orchestrated by them.

Those that know about all these goings on would not have found the subsequent
secret meeting in Chicago so strange. It was Wednesday, June 23, 1999.
Federal Reserve Chief, Alan Greenspan, had come to Chicago to warn bond
traders and those trading in Dow Jones futures that the Fed, as it is called,
finds it necessary to soon raise interest rates by as much as 3/4 of a per
cent. The Fed is supposed to keep their raising or lowering of rates secret
until actually publicly announced. Greenspan, flanked by the Secret Service,
was laying down the Law to the market chiefs, principally Irish Catholics,
the governing elite on the Chicago Board of Trade. In so many words, they
lambasted him for not going to the WASP bosses on Wall Street to warn them
that markets are overheated. Instead, he came to the bond bosses on La Salle

The bank reports were due soon. It would show an emergency when many of the
well-dressed basically know-nothings, would think all is well. The average
better off people were high on the stock market. On paper, they felt well
off. They were not saving anything in banks, which were paying almost nothing
on passbook savings accounts. The yuppies, boomers, senior citizens who
should know better, had their assets, if not their asses, in the stock market.

"We'll plant stories that it is inflation-fighting" to justify the rate
increases the Fed Chief proclaimed in so many words. Those in the know,
however, knew there is no real inflation and that he meant that America's
secret PRIVATE Central Bank, falsely disguised as the "Government", was there
to give orders. U.S. money was hemorrhaging, leaving the country. Called
REDSPAN by his critics, comparing him to Russian dictators, or czars, he had
come with his clandestine manifesto. The banks have become hollowed out.
Nothing there to support the supposed "deposits". Not even an actual penny on
the dollar. Through gambling called "derivatives", many banks had leveraged
themselves, their assets, their supposed profits, into zero-zero land.

"We'll raise the rates three-quarters of a point, all at once, if necessary"
he was reported to have told the uncowed bond superintendents. He implied
that the Fed may find it necessary to close down bond and maybe even stock
trading for a week, like over a holiday.

The assembled listeners then responded so forcefully to Redspan, the Secret
Service nervously fingered the Uzi's under their jackets. Things, according
to some, were getting "physical". Some muttered so loudly, Redspan may have
heard them. "Supposed to be a free market here. You are not supposed to be
giving orders!", their words targeting him like sarcastic missiles. He
reminded them, "We saved the 'Merc' in '87", referring to the night of the
October 19, 1987 Crash, when their sister entity, the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange, populated mostly by the sons and daughters of aristocrats, not
common people, who supposedly were Jewish --- saved from doom by Fed

They deeply resented that Redspan would come to Chicago and give Hitler-like
orders to Catholic and Jewish noblemen instead of the Protestants on the Big
Board in New York. The nerve of him, they thought, coming to members and
representatives of the aristocracy of two minorities and barking out
commands. Threatening them with shutting down trading for a while if they did
not comply.

He warned them they are under orders to somehow smooth out the bond and Dow
Jones futures trading in the wake of the expected rate increase. Among
themselves, they confided, "He meant a quarter of a point, but threatens
three-quarters, so later it would look like he relented." Those who knew what
Redspan really intended could make fortunes. They had forbidden advance

Redspan was determined to save the empty banks from being exposed as a front
with no back. Running surreal TV advertisements, commenting on Wall Street,
was First Union Bank of North Carolina, spreading out all over the U.S. They
were suspected of being reportedly a front for Lippo Group,, who own Bill
Clinton, Lippo being the reputed ethnic Chinese dope money laundry, created
by the American CIA, and operating through among other places, Indonesia and
U.S. First Union was calling itself the "Mountain" Their TV ads teased, "You
can come to the Mountain or the Mountain will come to you." First Union was
getting to be the biggest in the U.S., but how? Pretty clever of a reputed
dope laundry, huh?

Banks headquartered in America had become just vast no-substance money
laundries for illicit, tax-evading funds, from narcotics, gun smuggling, also
the proceeds from the selling of human body parts harvested from condemning
to death political prisoners in Red China[they are not shot, but to protect
the body parts, are beheaded.]

And Redspan had come with his hammer to break the heads, if necessary, of the
chief bond speculators if they did not obey his emergency edicts. To show he
meant business, Redspan, or the bond bosses, or both, overnight leaked to a
news service that the Fed intended to raise rates as much as 3/4 of one
percent. Redspan was going to protect the New World Order by trying to cool
off the stock market and putting a choke-hold on bonds. To keep Clinton,
perceived as a stooge, from interfering --- did someone say Clinton was going
to "fire" Redspan? How?

The Federal Reserve is not the U.S. Government. Well, to prevent
interference, the Fed through the mass media puppets of theirs, might finally
cause to be leaked out the secret medical records of Bill Clinton showing he
is a psychiatric basket case. [The Chicago Tribune and the Baltimore Sun
reportedly have those records but were warned by their legal eagles to stay
shut. Clinton is also reportedly HIV positive. The women he messed over might
have to come forward. And the newspapers having the secret medical records
might be involved in Tort Claims. For many years, the head of the Tribune
Company was also head of the Federal Reserve District Bank in Chicago.]

Some forgot about the Monica Lewinsky mess by the press bombardment of the
Serbia conflict which might all be forgotten by an emergency scam requiring
calling in the old paper money, requiring you to have the new money with the
metal-like strip to detect you are carrying it around. And in the middle of
all that, some kind of an orchestrated emergency in the stock and bond
markets. Stay tuned.

For a heavy packet of our printed stories: Send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a
stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS size envelope with three stamps on it, to:

Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts
Sherman H. Skolnick, chairman
9800 So. Oglesby Ave.
Chicago IL 60617-4870.
Office: 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773)375-5741

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