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A short time ago I uncovered some amazing and perplexing information
that will effect this entire nation.

by Bobby G. Christian

According to Federal and State Department of Transportation officials I
talked with,  and the public documents that I obtained from them,
Highways I35, I94, I29 have been designated by the United Nations World
Trade Organization as  "Main International Nafta/Gatt Trade Corridor
Highways" connecting a spider web of  "international" trade corridor
highways the will blanket the entire United States.

The main "international trade corridor highways" will cross Mexico, the
U.S.,  and Canada.  Though built on sovereign U.S. soil these
"international corridor highways" will be constructively under the
control of the U.N. through the W.T.O.

Federal legislation to implement this designation, that turns many U.S.
highways into "international" highways,  was "hidden" in various bills
that have been passed by our Congress and signed into law by Bill
Clinton.  The "T.E.A. 21 Act",  and the "National Highway System Act of
1995" are among these bills.

U.S. Senator John Ashcroft was recently on television in Missouri saying
that he will work to see that Kansas City Missouri will become "the
international trade center and International trade port of the United
States". (Missourians have recently found that Ashcroft isn't the great
american that the people thought they were putting into office.)

The "right-of-way" for the "main international corridor highways" will
be as much as 4 miles wide to accommodate what will ultimately be 12
lane highways with a railroad system that will parallel the highways.

"DOT lawyers will "acquire" the land for these right-of-ways.  ( good
bye to a lot of good farmland and small towns.  What ever happened to
our national sovereignty and our constitutional rights including private
property rights?)

Construction on the larger main corridor has already started in Southern
Studies show Projected traffic estimates are as high as 280,000 foreign
load trucks a day will use these corridors. (increased drug traffic,
smoke, dust, illegal aliens, more disease, foreign bandits, Whee I can't
wait can you?)  Many foreign trucks are using the existing highways in
the trade corridor right now.

Many of the foreign trucks carry uninspected "sealed cargo containers"
off of foreign ships, including Communist Chinese ships.  The rail roads
in Kansas City Missouri have stacks and stacks of sealed Red Chinese
cargo containers setting along the tracks waiting to be placed on
trucks.  I have seen these with my own eyes.

The people that Bill Clinton calls "our trade partners", the Red
Chinese, are ,even now, using these corridors extensively.  Never mind
that, according to the CIA, the Red Chinese trade company, COSCO, is a
branch of the communist Chinese Military and that every person working
for COSCO is a communist espionage agent capable of sabotage, espionage,
and murder.  Never mind that the Red Chinese, with the help of Bill
Clinton, has "acquired" almost all of our military secrets and are at
present building the largest military force that the world has ever seen
, and is preparing that force for offensive action.  Never mind that the
Chinese Communists are the most blood thirsty, savage, murderers of
innocent people in the modern world.Our government gives them free
access to carry "uninspected, sealed cargo containers" up and down our
highways . God only knows what these sealed containers contain.
Suitcase atomic bombs? Biological or chemical weapons?  No one knows for
sure what the sealed containers have in them.  They are sealed in Red
China and unsealed in the Cosco warehouses.

One high level DOT worker that I talked with said.  "Ron Slater, one of
those crooked Arkansas politicians that Bill Clinton took with him to
Washington, was appointed by Bill as The Secretary of Transportation and
it is his group that is forcing the states to expedite the creation of
these  international trade corridor highways" (Now we know another
reason why the communist chinese gave Bill Clinton so much money as
"campaign contributions".)

The main highways of the international trade corridor start at the
Mexican border and go North across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri,
Iowa, and Minnesota, the heartland states, and end in upper Canada.  In
other words, this "INTERNATIONAL" corridor, under constructive control
of the U.N. bureaucrats, bisects (cuts in half) the United States.  What
a gift to any military enemy, say the Red Chinese, to have the center of
the U.S., from the Southern border to the Northern border,  under
constructive control of crooked, communist, U.N. bureaucrats.  Perhaps
the Red Chinese, who are now fully in control of the Panama Canal on
both ends, have also recognized this gift placed in their laps. Talk
about high treason?  All the people responsible for this should be put
on trial and if found guilty- hung for high treason against the people
and the Constitution of the United States.

How could the politicians that we the people trusted, and elected to
represent us in our government, have allowed this treasonous nonsense to
even come to a congressional vote, let alone pass in both houses of
Congress?  What other treason has our so called representatives allowed
to pass in the name of their false god called "free trade".

By the way, all navigable rivers, all the railroads, and all the main
airports "in the heartland states" will also be made "part of the main
International Trade Corridor."  Also, "International Trade Processing
Centers" will be built along I35, I29, I94, the navigable rivers and at
the main airports.  Of course these will all be under constructive
control of the United Nations via the W.T.O.

 All of this will be funded, of course, on the backs of the U.S.
taxpayers.  Many of the nation's highways will become "toll highways".
In other words, we will have to pay a toll to travel on our own
highways.  State highway funds, Federal highway funds, and private
"foreign investment "  (Red Chinbese?)will also be used.

Keep in mind that this main "International Corridor" cuts the US in
half,  south to north.  These 12 lane highways could be used by any
military enemy to cut the US in half militarily in a matter of hours.
The center of the US, its highways, its rivers, its railroads, all under
"International" designation.  TREASON!!! (and they want we the people to
give up our guns? No way in hell!!! )

Who do these traitors think they are?  No US voter, that I know of, has
ever got to vote for, or elect, any U.N. official, nor vote on any
action ever taken by the U.N.  As far as I am concerned, the U.N. is a
foreign entity.  To place any of our sovereign soil ,or our sovereign
people , under the control of the U.N. is unconstitutional and thereby
illegal and constitutes treason on the part of those involved in doing
so.  We must remember those that are responsible for it.  Their day on
the gallows will come.

Watch for reports on TV of Mayors, Governors, and other assorted
politicians talking of "International trade Centers", "trade
corridors",  "Nafta/Gatt trade corridors" and listen carefully to their
treason and remember.


I have been a guest on the Chris Gurner show on short wave frequency
5.085 MHz (he is on every night 11:00-2:00) and wrote an article  for
"Media Bypass Magazine" (May 1999 issue) on the International corridor
Subject. For More information  on the International Corridors, go the
following web sites:

www.amerikanexpose.com          (go to this one first)




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