-Caveat Lector-

This dude, and his family, are BAD NEWS.

--begin forward--

Thursday 1 July 1999

Stars fall for Bush as Clinton angers Hollywood bosses

By John Hiscock in Los Angeles

THE Republican presidential candidate George W Bush invaded a
traditional Democratic stronghold when he met 100 Hollywood
leaders on the first day of his campaign swing through

The group, which included actor Warren Beatty, the industry
spokesman, Jack Valenti, the Paramount chairman, Sherry Lansing
and the producer Jerry Bruckenheimer, has become disenchanted
with President Clinton, who recently took the film industry to
task for its depictions of violence. After the private meeting at
the home of Terry Semel, the Warner Bros chief, Republicans were
optimistic that Mr Bush might have made substantial inroads into
the Democrats' wealthy Hollywood power base.

The loss of Beatty, particularly, would be a blow to the
Democrats, for whom he has been a long-time supporter. The
Oscar-winning actor and director gave up his career for several
years in the 1980s to immerse himself in politics. He was Gary
Hart's closest adviser when Mr Hart sought the Democratic
nomination in 1984 and it was Beatty who persuaded Mr Hart to
re-enter the race in 1988.

Beatty recently admitted he was somewhat disillusioned and no
longer closely allied himself with the Democratic Party. He made
his feelings plain in his most recent film, Bulworth, a political
satire in which he played a politician who becomes unhinged
during his election campaign and begins speaking the truth about
race and power in America, much to the horror of party leaders.

Although Mr Bush gingerly raised the subject of violence, he told
the filmmakers: "My job is not to hold somebody up for scorn. My
job is to appeal to people from all parts of society, to call on
all of us to do our part to usher in a new era of personal
responsibility. If I win, I'll see you at the White House. If I
lose, I'll see you at your movie theatres."

Nobody at the meeting would comment officially, but one said that
many of those present had been favourably impressed by the Texas
governor. Republican leaders believe his popularity will help him
over hurdles such as his opposition to abortion rights and to gun
control. In the latest national opinion poll Mr Bush is leading
Vice-President Al Gore by 52 percentage points to 37.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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