-Caveat Lector-

HAHA! Yes, the POPE IS JEWISH!! SEE STARS **** BELOW to referrence point.)
EPHAT (sp?) Sort of an unspoken sign to his hanlders to say, I am one with

Vatican II is heresy and the church that has sprung from it is bearing evil

Watch what they do, not what they say.

 -Caveat Lector-

Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums

Summary and Comments

(feel free to mail this page)

1999-06-29 06:44:51
Good News from Nuclear Industry's PR Departments

This report is PR-based. It says that everything will be just fine next
week when the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issues its y2k report,
excepyt for 10% of the plants, which have not been identified.

*************Will the NRC shut them down? Is the Pope

They knew that the plants are compliant, and will therefore pass the
trests next September when the plants can go off-line for testing without
raising rates, i.e., without cutting into company profits. This is
compliance based on faith.

It's true: these plants need power to shut down safely. So, they have
bought diesel generators.

But they need five months of power to shut down safely: to cool the

Spent fuel storage

When removed from a reactor, a fuel bundle will be emitting both
radiation, primarily from the fission fragments, and heat. Spent fuel is
unloaded into a storage facility immediately adjacent to the reactor to
allow the radiation levels and the quantity of heat being released to

These facilities are large pools of water; the water acts as both a shield
against the radiation and an absorber of the heat released. Spent fuel is
generally held in such pools for a minimum of about five months.

No problem. They'll just buy it from the grid. It's all planned for. Stop

This is a Reuters story on YAHOO! (June 27).

* * * * * * * * * * *

The nuclear power industry, aiming to allay public fears of power
outages and radiation leaks, has stepped up efforts to make sure plants
are not vulnerable to the year 2000 computer bug.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will release next week
a report on exactly how ready each of the nation's 103 nuclear power
reactors are for the millennium date change. Nuclear reactors account
for about 20 percent of all U.S. power generation. . . .

''All of our plant shutdown systems are analog,'' said Robert Haverkamp,
manager of the Y2K project at Southern California Edison Co.'s
(AMEX:SCEq - news) San Onofre nuclear power plant in San Clemente,

Nevertheless, Edison has, over the past 18 months, meticulously tracked
down and remedied all plant systems determined to be vulnerable to the
date change, he said.

`''will be reporting full readiness to the NRC on June 30,'' Haverkamp

But operations-related systems at about 10 of the 103 reactors are not
expected to get a clean bill of health until later this year, Beedle said.

The trade group did not identify which plants are not yet up to snuff, but
emphasized that all are set to undergo maintenance work after power
demand has peaked for the summer. . . .

Like most nuclear reactors, the two operating units at San Onofre are
connected to the regional electricity grid, which brings in the necessary
power for cooling the plant and preventing any threat of meltdown.

As part of everyday operations, critical systems at nuclear plants are
designed with ''fail safe'' conditions, which automatically shut the plant
down if they are not met.

''Even if our worst fears come true and the grid goes down at midnight
on December 31 and we have a station blackout, the reactor shuts down
safely and we can restart after the clock changes,'' Beedle said.

The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), which oversees
delivery of electricity in the United States and Canada, said in March the
industry had completed more than 75 percent of the required testing and
remediation of its systems and nearly all were expected to be up to speed
by June 30.

Fewer than 3 percent of all components failed Y2K testing, with most
errors occurring in systems, such as schedule logs, that would not cause
the lights to go out, NERC said.

As a back up, the NRC requires every nuclear reactor to have on site at
least two diesel-powered generators to provide emergency power in case
of a failure in the grid connection.

If, for some random reason, those units were also to fail, nuclear
operators have established backup contingencies. Edison, for example,
has determined two transmission paths, one from San Diego and one
from Hoover Dam in Arizona, that could quickly supply the plant with
emergency power.

Officials said special attention has been paid to making sure that
bureaucratic conditions for plant operations will be met at the time of the
date change. . . .


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    constructive things to do about Y2K
    the Year 2000 global computer crash

"prepare yourself and three of your friends for what
threatens to be the scourge of our achievements ...
the millennium bug" -- Nelson Mandela

www.globalactionplan.org -- sustainability plan under
consideration by city of Portland, Oregon for helping
communities survive and thrive

www.utne.com/y2k -- Utne Reader's Y2K Citizen's Action Guide

www.co-intelligence.org -- Awakening: the upside of Y2K

www.sunship.com -- Y2K Wake Up (excellent wall poster of
problems and transformative potentials)

www.cassandraproject.org -- individual & community preparedness,
public health concerns, links to Y2K citizen action groups

store food, water, cash (but only for a week of disruptions)

www.tmn.com/y2k -- scenarios, psychology (very progressive & visionary)

                Naval War College contemplates Y2K scenarios
www.fema.gov/nwz99/99001.htm -- feds want everyone to prepare
www.ciao.gov -- Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
                (feds have a sense of humor -- CIAO "goodbye")
www.ncs.gov -- U.S. National Communications System
learn about power grid & military emergency communications
  Army is concerned about possible several week power failure

www.fas.org/2000/y2k/analysis.htm -- Federation of American Scientists
The Year 2000 Problem and the Danger of Accidental Nuclear War
The Bug in the Bomb:  The Impact of the Year 2000 Problem on Nuclear

www.kiyoinc.com/current.html -- Cory Hamasaki's Y2K weather reports
(technical expertise, sarcastic, not for the faint-hearted)

Y2K and environmentalism www.y2ktimebomb.com/Tip/Lord/lord9836.htm

www.yardeni.com -- strategic analysis from Wall Street
See "Year 2000 Energy Crisis" (oil company problems)
www.csis.org/html/y2kw6.html (middle east oil & Y2K)

www.carlaemery.com/Y2K.htm -- cities need to store extra food

The Y2K Survival Guide and Cookbook

www.euy2k.com -- learn about electric utility problems
(the duration of power failures is probably the single most
important factor in the severity of Y2K, apart from terrorist
attacks, martial law and accidental nuclear war)

utilities, banks, and more

www.nirs.org -- nuclear information and resource service
petitions to nuclear regulatory commission -- very important!!!

www.dieoff.org -- "brain food" about the end of the petroleum age

www.igc.org/icc370/y2k.htm -- "Y2KO" environmental impacts,
practical suggestions for mitigating "01-01-00" and
envisioning a sustainable society during the recovery
on the other side of the century roll-over

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"There can't be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full."
-- Henry Kissinger

"Managing the outrage is more important than managing the hazard."
-- Tom Buckmaster, chairman, Hill & Knowlton (PR firm),
explaining the most important rule of public relations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"What's going to happen when whole countries drop off the
radar screen with no infrastructure remaining?"
-- Senator Robert Bennett (R-Utah), Chair of the
Senate Y2k Committee, addressing the first
White House Y2K Council Summit, December 3, 1998

"The Titanic sank in an ocean that was 99% free of icebergs."
-- Y2K embedded systems expert Mark Frautschi www.tmn.com/y2k

"If civilization is in danger today, if it is fated to decline
and perish, it will do so with the enthusiastic assistance of
creduluous people. They seem to me more dangerous than the
most brazen leaders, because everything is done with their cooperation."
-- A. Anatoli Kuznetsov, "Babi Yar" (Russian novel about World War II)

"the same infrastructure that brings food to the cities and keeps the
lights on also manages the radiological and chemical detritus of the
20th century. That stuff has to be kept out of the biota for a geologic
period of time. Or else. That's why I really don't think there are any
hills to run to. No island anywhere, no remote valley in the Canadian
is far enough away from the mess that would result from not holding our
society together.

".... Maybe Y2K really is checkmate to the unfathonably irreverent way
been living. All I know is that if we behave as though this absurd problem
us whipped, then it does. And I honesty don't see in that state of affairs
anything very different from the basic human condition that confronts us
everyday, anyway. On the other hand, if we act out of compassion and hope
the very least we will get to experience love, life's only real wealth,
between now and whatever happens."
-- Larry Shook, co-author, Awakening: the upside of Y2K

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